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William R. George. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September
18, 1891.
A Communication.
Y., Sept. 14, 1891.
To the Editor of the Democrat:
In behalf of more than two hundred bright,
careless, frisky, and somewhat tough little urchins and their sisters of the same
order, who were encamped at Freeville, N. Y.,
during the month of August, and who formed that element of our commonwealth not
affected in the least by bank failures or the rise and fall in the stock market;
also in behalf of myself and the attendants who had charge of these future
presidents, governors and millionaires, I wish to extend thanks to the various churches
of Ithaca, Cortland, Dryden, Groton and West Groton; to the citizens of Etna
and West Dryden, and to the Happy Ten of Moravia, who were assigned various dates
to furnish provisions, which mission they performed so satisfactorily by sending
more even than was requested; to those persons who gave so much of their time
in collecting, packing and carting the provisions to the railway stations; to
the superintendents of the E., C. & N. and L. V. railroads for free
transportation; to the newspapers for good articles on the work; to the parties
who gave free use of their houses, lands and homes for the lodgings of the
children; to the various farmers who brought fruit of all kinds in such abundance;
to the physicians who gave their professional service free of charge; to those
who loaned necessary furniture; to those who filled the children's hearts with delight
by giving them carriage rides; to the people of Groton, Dryden, Ithaca and others
who sent boxes of clothing which was so much needed; to those friends from
Cortland, Dryden and Ithaca who placed money in my hands to use as I thought
best for the children; to the host of persons who visited the camp and thereby
expressed a kindly interest in the work, and for the many kind, encouraging
words that were spoken; and to any one and every one that helped the cause in
any manner whatsoever, by prayer, word or deed.
Now, I will guarantee that not one of these
persons or organizations above mentioned, feel one whit poorer by doing this
work for humanity; but on the other hand feel better for so doing and when they
read this letter will say within themselves: "Whatever I did wasn't much,
and I am sure the children are very welcome to it." But it was a great
deal. These children were in the majority from the very poorest class in the
metropolis and were as a rule a class one would not wish to take in their houses;
especially the lot that came for the first two weeks of August. A large proportion
of which if left alone would grow up and form the pauper and criminal element.
Through the generosity of the above named persons and organizations many of
them had their first series of square meals. I do not write from what I hear,
but from what I know and have seen. The children have learned new
ways of living and having been impressed with the fact that people felt an
interest in them, are naturally elevated thereby and determined to be worthy of
the confidence reposed in them.
These are some of the chief queries that have
been brought to my notice, "Will these results prove lasting?" From
observations of the past we are confident that such will be the case.
"Are you going to bring the kids next
year?" We hope to, and feel justified in saying we expect to; because of
the many invitations we have received. Of course if the sentiment were against
it we would not wish to do so.
"Are you going to buy land so that the
children can come each year?" Not until we have the money to do it with. A
great many people and one newspaper have suggested that it would be nice for the
people of Cortland and Ithaca to buy some land at Freeville and establish a
permanent camp for poor children. Land could be bought and buildings erected
sufficient for the purpose for about $1200. This whole matter we propose to
leave with the people.
The following questions has [sic] been asked:
"How much did you get out of the job this summer?" I had thought to
say nothing about this delicate matter; but when the reports reached me that I
was receiving one, two, three and four dollars a head, and that we were all
getting rich out of it, which statement was industriously circulated by sundry
well-meaning people, no doubt, who desired to do something for the cause and
thought this their part to do, I concluded in justice to the contributors and
recipients, I ought to answer.
I can say most emphatically we have all been
paid, not in dollars and cents (for in that currency we did not receive a
dime), but in the deep and earnest interest the majority of the people have
taken in promoting the welfare of those little ones, and in the consciousness
of doing this part of the Lord's work. The New York Tribune Fund
furnished transportation alone, moneys were raised by a concert (given in New
York) and subscription sufficient to purchase a tent, bedding, dishes, etc.
also to defray a few necessary expenses while in camp.
"What part of New York do the children
come from?" The next time you visit "Gotham" let me urge
you also to visit "Little Italy." You need not look on your
"guide book" for the location of this "sunny land" (?) for
it will not be there; but ask a New Yorker of doubtful standing, or, in fact,
any New Yorker at all, and you will be directed at once to the locality, where
I venture to say that in front of some of those crowded tenements where the
street is swarming with the roughest looking specimens of humanity you will find
(if you have been a frequent visitor of the fresh air camp) the face of some
boy or girl that has a familiar look and on close scrutiny you will find to be Teddy,
Vito, Larry, Maggie, Mary or some of the rest of the number who made Freeville
their home for a short period this summer. They will undoubtedly be glad to see
you. If I myself should have the opportunity I would be pleased to take you in
their homes.
Again thanking the people of Cortland and Tompkins
counties for their generosity to the "Fresh Airs," I remain,
East 94th St., New York City.
Junior Republic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Junior_Republic
A man is frequently known by the company he
keeps out of.
Agricultural fair, September 30th and October
The annual parade of the Homer fire department
has been postponed to September 24th.
A pair of spectacle swindlers are operating in
this vicinity.
The shallow-pated youth may be happy yet. A
Georgia tobacconist has invented a smokeless cigarette.
Bear in mind that the Homer Avenue church will
hold a harvest festival on the evening of the 27th inst.
Any person desiring the Chautauqua books for
the present year may leave their order with Mrs. R. H. Graves, 35 Madison street,
on or before Sept. 25th.
Remember the date of the first entertainment
in the Y. M. C. A. lecture course at the opera house, Foster's New York Stars, with
the Mecklems, November 6th.
New plank walks are being built on Suggett and
Hamlin streets, and on the latter the roadway is being put in fine condition for
driving, all of which has long been needed.
Since Monday last you can shoot reed birds,
squirrels or ducks, but you must let pheasants and deer alone until October 1, and
rabbits and quail until Nov. 1st.—Norwich Sun.
Daylight is being diffused on many streets
about town for the first time this year, through the trimming out of the woods
adjoining the sidewalks, and the result is better drives.
Wickwire Bros. are negotiating for a plot of
land on the east side of their present works. If the land is secured they will
erect a large addition to their present extensive wire works.
Oneonta has a new evening daily. The News
is under the management of Mr. George H.
Smith, and is a very creditable, newsy journal, judging from the first number
issued Monday evening. Success to the management and capital.
Several ministers of the Central New York
Conference, who are veterans of the late war, have formed a veterans' union and
will hold an anniversary meeting at Cortland,
Tuesday evening, Sept. 29th, preceding the session of the conference, which
opens the day following.
The regular meeting of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union will be held at the rooms over C. W. Collins' store, on Saturday,
September 19th, at 2:30 P. M. Consecration
service from 2:30 to 3 P. M. All ladies are cordially invited to be present, as
this will be a very interesting meeting.
The game of base ball between the Cincinnati
Reds [all female team—CC editor] and Emeralds, at the driving park last
Saturday afternoon, was witnessed by a vast assemblage of people. The female
ball tossers were defeated by a score of 14 to 13. Although the game was a
burlesque, everybody appeared to be satisfied with the sport.
An exchange says: A polished knitting needle
dipped into a vessel of milk and immediately withdrawn in an upright position, will
tell you whether your milkman is honest or not. If the milk is pure, a drop of
fluid will hang to the needle, but the addition of even a small portion of water
will prevent adhesion of the drop.
G. F. Beaudry is still keeping up with the
times at his department store on Main street. Last week he placed in position a
combination cigar and moistening case, nine feet long, forty inches high, and
twenty-nine inches wide. It will pay you to call in and view the same, not
forgetting that your every reasonable want can be supplied at this house.
We are requested to notify the members of
the Masonic fraternity that the District Convention for the 19th district will
be held in the rooms of Syracuse Lodge, No. 501, on Thursday and Friday,
September 24th and 25th, in charge of M. W. George H. Raymond. On Thursday the
E. A. degree will be exemplified, and on Friday morning the F. C., and in the
afternoon the M. M. degree.
"Books and Reading" will be Rev. H.
W. Carr's topic at the Universalist church, next Sunday evening.
The Misses Cordo gave a party at their home,
9 Monroe Heights, last Tuesday evening. Darby's orchestra furnished excellent music
and the occasion was one of social pleasure.
The funeral of Mrs. T. Mason Loring was held
from the family home at Loring station, yesterday afternoon at 3 P. M. Deceased
was an active member of the Baptist church in this village, and well known
throughout the county.
Actions have been brought by the District
Attorney of Onondaga county against Franklin
Rice and Frank Corl of Homer. The first is charged with polluting the water of
Factory creek with dust from his saw mill to the detriment of trout. Corl is
accused of spearing trout. It is said the actions are brought by the Fish and
Game Protective Association.
The survey of the E., C. & N. railroad extension,
north from Camden, via Brownville to Watertown, is reported as completed, and
ground is to be broken about October 1st. This will give an increase of 65
miles to the present line. A branch is contemplated from Belleville to
Henderson Harbor, on lake Ontario. The prospect is favorable for a terminal
point on the St. Lawrence in the near future.
Cortland people will be interested at the coming
races at Rochester on the 23d and 24th insts. Hon. L. J. Fitzgerald has shipped
"Elbert" for the 30 class and "Wilkie Wonder" for the 40
class, which is down for the latter day. B. B. Terry also shipped "W. A.
Swigert" for the four-year-old race on the 23d, and "Racine" for
the 36 class on the preceding day. The expectation is to come home with a part of
the purse.
An exchange hits the nail on the head when
it says: "It seems almost impossible to convince some people that a
newspaper will pay no attention to anonymous communications, however much they
want news. The paper is of course glad to know who is visiting you, but if you
are so ashamed of your visitor as to be unwilling to give your name, a
newspaper cannot be expected to shoulder it. Neither can the newspaper become
responsible for telling of corn fifteen feet high simply because the person who
really tells the story is afraid his veracity will be questioned if he is
known. The man who is not willing to attach his name to an item can have about
as little faith in it as the editor does. Nor do the initials scrawled at the bottom
help the matter."
Never, we believe, in the history of the Association
has there been a more attractive entertainment course prepared than we offer
for the coming season.
First, we will have Foster's New York Stars,
November 6th. Note what the Harrisburg Morning Call says of them:
"A superb musical event in this city was the concert at the Opera House
last evening, under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. The music
lovers of this city seldom have the pleasure of witnessing such an excellent display
of talent as that of Foster's New York Stars. The audience was exceedingly large."
In connection with this fine entertainment there will be another equally
attractive, viz: The Mecklems. See what the secular press say:
Register: "The popularity of Mr.
Mecklem as a harpist has long been established, and his daughter as a saxophonist
has probably no equal."
City Argus: "Miss Bessie
Mecklem, the saxophone soloist, is without doubt a master of the instrument,
and is deserving of the highest praise."
The next attraction in the course will be Olof Krarer, the only Esquimaux woman in the United States, who will give her new
popular lecture on "Iceland," December 28th.
January 20th, Rev. Thomas Dixon, Jr., of New
York will appear for his popular lecture entitled "Backbone." Mr.
Dixon comes of preaching stock, his father being a preacher in North Carolina;
a brother a preacher in Baltimore; and another brother of the same calling in
Brooklyn. Mr. Dixon completed his education at the Johns Hopkins University.
After returning to his home in North Carolina, he began the study of law, and
was soon elected to the State Legislature, where he made a reputation for
eloquence. Receiving a call to the ministry, he at once dropped his idea of the
law profession, and began a very successful career as preacher of the gospel in
his native State. His fame soon reached Boston, to which city he was called as
pastor; but a very urgent call from New York, his present field, allowed him to
remain but one year in the former city. His congregations in New York soon outgrew
the church accommodations, when the Y. M. C. A. hall, the largest in the city,
was rented for Sunday service; but these accommodations soon became too small,
so that now a "city temple" is to be erected where there will be room
for the crowds who throng to hear him twice each Sunday. The secret of Mr.
Dixon's success is in his earnestness, his fearlessness and his eloquence.
February 29th, Mr. Leland T. Powers, the
impersonator of character, will again appear in Cortland. Mr. Powers needs no introduction.
Those who heard him last winter pronounce him great.
The closing entertainment of the course will
be on the evening of March 25th, by the Bernhard Listman Concert Company of
Boston. This company are among the most noted and popular concert companies in
the United States.
The cottage prayer meeting, this week, will
be held on Friday evening at M. L. Loope's, 32 Fitz-ave., and is to be
conducted by S. L. Wilcox. All are invited.
Rev. G. A. Brigham of this place is expected
to address the young men at the Association rooms next Sunday afternoon at 4
o'clock. All men are cordially invited to attend this meeting.
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