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Brewster House. |
Cortland Standard and Weekly Journal, Friday,
August 5, 1892.
Home for Aged Women.
Much to
be commended is the custom, now gaining ground, of disposing of either accumulated
or inherited wealth during the natural life of the proprietor. Much unnecessary
litigation is thereby prevented and when it is used for philanthropic purposes
its work commences sooner. The best interest to which money can be put is
bearing fruit for God. It was the recognition of this principle that originated
the Home for Aged Women,
situated in Homer.
Elizabeth A. Brewster for the first
quarter of a century of her life
a resident of that town, a long-time resident of Rochester, returned to Homer
in 1886 from a sojourn in California whither she had gone some years previous
for the benefit of her son. She purchased
the estate known as the Lewis property, fronting on Main-st. and running back
to the river. Houses numbers 41 and 43 South Main-st. were then standing upon
it. Its area is about an acre. Back from the street is a pretty cottage built
by her in 1887 for the accommodation of herself and sisters. The rooms are very
nicely arranged, large south and east windows invite the sun, which she
utilizes in winter for the cultivation of plants of which she has a great
variety. Her rare cacti are her especial pride.
years show their traces upon her physical system, but the great heart still
plans and labors for the good of others. Such hearts are ever young. In spite,
however, of the weight of years which she bears, she spends much time amid the
fruits and flowers with which she has covered the best part of her grounds, and
whose products are more for others than herself.
location is central, being opposite the village green, where are the churches
and high-school building. Street-cars from Homer to Cortland make
transportation from one place to the other very conveniently for those who
occupy or wish to visit the Home.
In October, 1891, Mrs. Brewster deeded
to an association incorporated about that time this property, reserving for her
own use the brown cottage so long as she shall need it. The association known
by the name given at the head of this article has for its president Mrs. C. O.
Newton; vice-president, Mrs. J. J. Murray; secretary, Miss Sara G. Collins;
treasurer, Mrs. Augustus H. Bennett.
buildings on Main-st. were occupied by tenants. They were allowed to remain for
a time. April, 1892, house No. 41 was vacated. It was then thoroughly renovated
and refitted internally and prepared for occupancy. On April 27 the Home was
informally opened with Mrs. E.
M. Gates as matron.
On April 30 the first boarder, a lady
from Cortland, arrived. It will be noticed that we say boarder. This is
necessary now, as there are not sufficient
funds on hand to enable the managers to promise
to see anybody through life, the only
charge now made being $2.50 per week.
The trustees hope that people of the
county, who are abundantly able, will hasten
to endow this association that they may be able to care for those who have small means and no one to care
for them . Will not the churches
of the county especially look to their duty in the matter, as well as in other
philanthropic moves?
If this
enterprise receives the assistance from people outside the county, it will be
after an effort has been made by the residents of the county, an effort too
crowned by success, in the securing of a fund whose size shall be a guarantee
of permanency. Let the people then realize the duties and privileges which are theirs
in this direction and contribute liberally toward the establishment of this
undenominational home, made such by especial provision of the founder.
Liberal donations of house-furnishing goods
have fitted this house as a home indeed, contributions of provisions have also
been frequent. More furnishings and bedding will soon be needed, as more rooms
must soon be opened. The work is yet in its infancy, but its opportunity is
large. Will not the people of the county help to its development?
Rev. Geo.
F. Clover, recently returned to Homer from St. Luke’s hospital, N. Y., kindly
offered to visit the Home on Wednesday of each week and conduct a short
religious service. His coming is warmly welcomed by the occupants. The hearts of those who are waiting for
the boatman to carry them over the
river are always gladdened by kindly remembrances from those who are in the midst of life’s battle and the Christian
minister often receives his best
inspiration while ministering to their spiritual needs.
Why is This?
following communication from one of our leading citizens explains itself:
To the Editors of the STANDARD:
bought a stone crusher last spring, and it does good work. In the light of this
why are our village trustees filling in Greenbush-st. with dirt and cobbles to
be carted off again next spring in mud?
Cortland City Band.
Several times each week the new Cortland
City band is meeting for rehearsals. Cortland has had bands and bands. Some
have been excellent ones and some have been only medium. Some have quickly been
split up and disorganized and others have remained together for a considerable
Certainly no band has ever started out with
brighter prospects than this new one which has just been organized. It contains
many of the finest instrumentalists in Cortland and Homer. It has a leader in
Mr. Bates who has acquired a deservedly widespread reputation as a band master.
There are twenty-two pieces in the band, a number of them being the finer instruments
which are rarely found in the ordinary brass band and which produce the sweet
tones and fine melody so much admired. Though wind is an important element in
band music, yet no band can be supported by wind alone.
Money is needed for instruments, for new music
which the hearers constantly demand, for uniforms, for room rent and for other
incidental expenses. Inasmuch as the public in general are to be benefitted by
such an organization, it seems only proper that the public should help bear
some of the expense. A
number of the citizens have appreciated this fact, and have expressed a desire
to help the band boys. They believe that there are others who would also like
to assist and they propose that a subscription paper should be sent around to
give every one a chance to contribute much or little as they feel able. It seems
likely that this may be done a little later. If it should be brought about, the
thought cannot be commended too highly to all those who feel an honest pride in
Nothing better represents a place outside of
its own limits than a first-class band, and it seems likely that this
organization bearing the name of Cortland will be one of the finest bands in
the state. Let every one give the boys a lift when the time comes.
Hitchcock Band Will Continue.
An arrangement has been effected by which
the Hitchcock band purchases the interest of retiring members and will continue
as a regular organization. Friday night last Messrs. Fred Osborne and Fred J.
Pike each as a representative from a different faction met as a committee and
appraised the whole band outfit at the most conservative prices. After an
exciting indebtedness was subtracted the balance was divided into shares equal
to the number of members. Everything was done with the greatest fairness. Each
member was also allowed the privilege of buying the instrument used by him at
the appraised figure. The band will continue under the able leadership of Mr.
Fred Osborne. An orchestra led by Mr. William Daniels
will be a kind of joint organization embracing many members of the band.
Club Runs.
L. C. Miller of the Wheel club has posted the following list of club runs:
Aug. 10—Truxton.
Aug. 17—Little York.
Aug. 24—McLean.
Aug. 31—East Homer.
The start will be made from the club
headquarters on Railroad-st. at 6:30 sharp and all active members are expected to
be present in uniform if possible. The dates are subject to change, but due
notice will be given in case of it. It is probable that the twenty-five-cent
fine regulation will bring a larger attendance than has been seen this season.
Record Did Not Go.
Aug. 2.—The scorch to Little York and return
last night resulted in a very close race, but the record of 53:10 was not
touched by a minute. There were only two starters, Will Jacquett and E. S.
Dalton. Jacquett cut out the pace and led nearly all the way, although Dalton
passed him, going through Homer, both on the trip up and on the return. At
about 8 o’clock, when the time came for the finish, there was a crowd of three
or four hundred gathered at the Cortland House crossing [finish line]. It was
almost dark when the cry went up, “Here they come.” Two or three friends of the
riders came on ahead as pace makers, and cleared the way through the crowd.
Jacquett was leading by about ten yards and past [sic] the cross-walk a winner. The times
taken were various, but the best accredited is put at 54:15.
Aug. 2.—A regular meeting of the board of
trustees was held last evening, all of the members being present. The following
bills were audited and ordered paid:
Commissioners’ Payroll, $381.70
O’Neil, to repairs on sandbank house, $5.60
Williams, labor, $9.75
Fred Ryan,
work on stone-crusher $68.25
force, salary, $49.00
E. D.
Parker, to taking prisoner to Syracuse, $2.40
Hatch, clerk salary, $25.00
F. M. Samson,
janitor salary, $25.00
L. R.
Lewis, plumbing, $3.20
G. O.
Gilbert, services to board of health, .75
Homer & Electric Co., $468.93
The bond of David G, Johnson in the sum of
$80,000 as collector of Cortland village, with Messrs. Fitz Boynton, W. B.
Stoppard, D. F. Wallace, H. F. Benton and James R. Schermerhorn as sureties,
was approved and placed on file.
On motion City Engineer Place was ordered to
give a sidewalk grade from Monroe Heights to Graham-ave.
A complaint was laid before the board
concerning the accumulation of surface water at Barber-ave. and Homer-ave. On
motion this was referred to Trustees Smith and Hodgson.
East Side
Reading Room Entertainment.
Aug. 2.—An entertainment was held last
evening in the quarters of the East Side reading room, which was an unqualified
success. All five rooms were well filled and the audience was a most appreciative
one and repeatedly encored the performers. Quite a neat sum was netted by the
sale of lemonade and refreshments. The following is the programme:
Solo, Miss Nellie Mulligan.
Solo, Mr. Harry Butler.
Belle, Miss Jennie Weyant.
selected, Mr. M. J. Stanton.
Uncle Phil, Grace Fitzgerald.
That We Two were Maying, Misses M. J. and C. E. Nash
Bessie O’Connell.
Mouse, Miss Lillian Deusenberry.
Children’s Home, Mrs. F. E. Plumb.
Clarionet solo,
Mr. Livingston, accompanied by Miss Lelia Roberts.
the Stars Begin to Peep, Miss Mamie Sheridan.
Builders Meet.
Aug. 2.—The monthly meeting of the New York
State Carriage Builders’ association was held in the Messenger House this
morning. A large amount of routine business was disposed of. Among those
present were: G. H. Babcock, Watertown; Frank Youngs, Watertown; P. S.
Jennings, New York; Chas. C. Castle, New York; F. Bacon, Waterloo; W. C. Bradley,
Syracuse; Geo. A. Brockway, Homer; M. Woodford, Binghamton; Geo. C. Hubbard,
Cortland M’f ’g. Co., L’t’d; The H. M. Whitney company; Hugh Duffey, Cortland Wagon
company, and W. D. Tisdale, the secretary of the association.
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