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The Hopkins Building, Cortland, N. Y. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September
18, 1891.
An Ornament to the Village.
Hopkins building on South Main street is expected to be "closed in,"
as the carpenters say, as early as the coming week. Of course the interior is
not yet completed, but the handsome exterior has caused many inquiries as to
the intended occupancy of the several floors. A magnificent concrete bottom
cellar, 7 1/2 feet high with white-washed walls and columns extends under the
whole structure. As remarked by every passerby, "What grand stores can be
arranged on the ground floor—elegant entrance and front windows on the ground
floor." At the north side is a broad easy stairway leading to the second floor.
second floor will be divided up to meet the wants of the Tioughnioga Club, a
recently formed organization of business men with a view to holding social
gatherings, which Club has effected a lease of this floor for a period of
two easy half-flights of stairs higher you enter a room 20x31 which is styled
an ante-room. To the north a door opens into the preparation and examination room
8x10-6, to the south is an apartment 16x18-6 known as the examination room, to
the east of which are the toilet rooms, 9x16 in size, and the regalia bureau 15x16.
From the ante-room a door opens into an oblong chamber 32x60 with an arched
ceiling twenty-one feet from the floor, this is to be the Lodge room proper of
Cortlandville Lodge, No. 470, F. & A. M., and will be finished and
furnished in accordance with the requirements of the fraternity. To the south
of the last mentioned room, doors at either end open into the M. C. which is
15x48-6. Other features are discerned by an active newsgatherer's eye but like
a general public he is permitted to depart with his own conclusions as to the
wherefore and for what.
From the
third floor entrance another double-half flight leads to the fourth floor where
is a kitchen 11x31, a banquet hall 31x36-6, and a storage locker 50x15, from the
latter an easy stairway leads down into the M. C. yet for all the ascent is
very gradual there are landings at intervals, presumably to facilitate search
for some in case of a large gathering or affording a better view. When
completed ready for occupancy a better impression will prevail than now while
the various rooms are occupied by workmen.
building will be heated by steam and great care has been bestowed to have the
sanitary welfare of its occupants of the best and an effort for free
circulation of air appears to be ample. The Lodge will probably remove to its
new rooms about the holidays and an opportunity will then be presented the
public to view the same.
Pleasant Society Event.
handsome home of village president Calvin P. Walrad, 13 Lincoln Avenue, was the
scene of a very pleasant and successful social gathering Tuesday afternoon, the
occasion being a reception tendered by Mrs. Calvin P. Walrad and her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Alfred C. Walrad. These ladies were ably assisted in the
reception of nearly four hundred guests by Mrs. William B. Stoppard and Mrs.
Edward Stillson. The spacious porch was enclosed with white canvas and from its
recesses sweet strains from Darby's orchestra reverberated through the many
rooms to the pleasure of all. The walls were festooned with smilax and other
vines; cut flowers, rare and beautiful, were artistically arranged and harmoniously
distributed at intervals amid waving palms.
The two
dining rooms were the admiration of the guests. The table of one being
decorated with a magnificent centre piece of golden rod supporting numerous wax
candles, while the floral and other wall decorations were yellow; the other
room was neatly trimmed with purple clematis. Eight Misses neatly dressed in
white suits attended the serving of the carefully prepared menu. Mrs. George J.
Mager and Mrs. Byron Benedict presided over one table while Mrs. Charles H. V.
Elliot and Miss Minnie Brownell were accorded like honors at the other. The
guests were received at the dining rooms by Mrs. James W. Hughes and Mrs.
Edward P. Halbert: Miss Minnie Mager and Miss Carrie Halbert respectively.
guests were in attendance from Homer and other localities and a general spirit
of sociability prevailed adding much to the pleasure. Each guest received a
dainty souvenir of celluloid bearing in silver the date of the occasion, neatly
tied with lavender and golden ribbons. The event will long be recalled with
In 1884
Mr. Thomas S. Mourin ventured in the furniture business at the well known stand
on Homer avenue, succeeding by strict attention to business in establishing a
trade which soon permitted the adding of the undertaking branch, and employment
of increased help. Close confinement has necessitated a period of rest, and
yesterday morning Messrs. Jerry H. O'Leary of the American Hotel, and Edward C.
McEvoy, a former carrier at the post office in this village, purchased the
entire establishment and will conduct the business hereafter.
O'Leary was for fourteen years associated with the late J. C. Carmichael. while
Mr. McEvoy was in the employ of Mr. Mourin at the time of the transfer, thereby
eminently qualifying the new firm to continue the popularity and reputation of
this prosperous house. While regretting Mr. Mourin's retirement from active
mercantile circles, the DEMOCRAT welcomes the new firm of O'Leary & McEvoy
to Cortland's business circles and bespeaks a continuance of the prosperity
awarded the retiring proprietor.
The Pumpkin Club.
Among the
noted clubs recently organized in this village is one known as the "Pumpkin
Club." The members of the club were entertained last Saturday afternoon by
Miss Jennie Humes with a visit to the Opera House, and yesterday afternoon by
an invitation to a ride to Little York from Miss Mabel Fitzgerald and
refreshments were served at Miss Mabel Brewer's. These weekly entertainments will
be continued through the season.
Fire Engine Out of Repair.
doing duty last winter in an effort to lower the water in the flooded cellars
on Railroad street, the engine of the fire department has remained in the
building until last Monday night, when in charge of Dr. F. Fenner, with Janitor
Grossman as stoker, she was attached to the well corner of Main and Court
Acting engineer
Fenner strictly cautioned his fireman at the outset not to allow the needle on
the steam gage to indicate over fifty pounds pressure until the rusty shell had
been tested and the discolored water blown out sufficient to allow the finding
of the height of water in the glass. It is justice to state that the fireman
found little difficulty in obeying orders. A sudden stop scattered the crowd of
onlookers, the fire was dumped [sic] and the engine returned to the house. It
was near midnight before with the aid of machinist Jesse James, the cause of
stoppage was found to have resulted from a gear pin becoming dislocated.
I heard the trustees argue that the steamer should
be out for trial at least once a month, and citizens agree thereto.
Three Tramps Arrested.
morning word was received at the police station that a colored man with three
white associates were abusive to citizens residing near the E., C. & N.
depot, when refused their demands for assistance. Chief Sager and Sheriff
Borthwick captured the negro and two of his pals in a box car and locked them
in jail, the fourth escaped. Later it was rumored that they were wanted at
Utica for murder but a dispatch from that city denied the statement.
evening Justice Bull sentenced the trio to the penitentiary for sixty days as
vagrants. They were genuine tramps. Tuesday a detective officer arrived in town
from Washington, N. J., in search of parties answering to the description of
the trio, who are wanted there on a charge of murder. The officer was confident
he is on the right track and after obtaining photographs of the tramps at the penal
institution returned to Washington to establish their identity.
Chapter of Accidents.
Last Friday
Christopher B. Wadhams, a carpenter working upon the enlarging of the Desk
works, was seriously injured about his head by a timber falling from above. He
was promptly cared for and subsequently removed to his home at 43 Rickard street.
forenoon Willie Dillon, employed by Clark & Coons as delivery clerk,
was attempting to turn his rig around on Schermerhorn street, he was tipped
out, sustaining a fracture of the arm near the wrist.
In the
afternoon Mrs. John S. Barber, in company with Mrs. Schofield, Mr. and Mrs. Mosher, of Blossburg, Pa., who were visiting
in Cortland, were driving through Tompkins street, and when near James street
corner the severity of the flies caused the horse to whisk its tail over one
rein and sweep it from the hand of Mr. Mosher who was driving. Before he could
regain possession of the rein the carriage was run upon the curb and a parasol
hit the animal causing it to jump, overturning the carriage and tipping out the
occupants. The horse freed from the carriage and ran to Main street with one
side of the shafts attached. Mrs. Barber sustained a fracture of the left arm
and dislocation of the wrist. Mrs. Snowfield's left wrist was broken and both
ladies severely bruised, as was [sic] the other members of the party. Both
ladies are reported to be improving.
Sunday in
attempting to jump from an E., C. & N. train near the Junction, Allen Wicks narrowly escaped death from being crushed.
He escaped with bruises and injured toes.
Meeting of Cortland County Medical Society.
At the
meeting of the Cortland County Medical Society held last Thursday, the following
physicians were present: Dr. J. C. Nelson, Truxton; Dr. P. M. Neary, Union
Valley; Dr. H. C. Hendrick, McGrawville; Dr. C. Green and Dr. F. H. Green,
Homer; Dr. M. R. Smith, McGrawville; Dr. L. G. Smart, Marathon; Drs. F. D.
Reese, J. Angel, W. J. Moore, F. W. Higging, A. J. White, H. T. Dana and E. A.
Didama of Cortland; Dr. I. N. Goff of Cazenovia, and Dr. J. VanDuyn of
Syracuse, and three visitors were present.
Dr. F. W.
Higgins read a paper on Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine.
Dr. F. D.
Reese presented a typical case of Tinea Versicolor, a rare skin disease.
Philip M. Neary presented a paper on the Uses of Water in Medicine, both internally
and externally.
Dr. H. T.
Dana related a case of compound dislocation of the ankle joint, treated
antiseptically with good results.
Dr. J.
Van Duyn of Syracuse presented a paper which received the undivided attention of
the society on the difficulties and mistakes likely to occur in diagnosing tumors
of the pelvis, giving a number of cases from his large experience.
Smart, the president of the society, offered his resignation, due to his
intended removal to Baltimore. It was received with regret, as Dr. Smart has
been one of the most faithful members of the society for the past three years.
Dr. D. H.
Stone was elected president for the balance of the year and Dr. A. J. White,
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