Thursday, February 25, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September 11, 1891.

W. C. T. U.
Sixth Annual Convention of the Cortland County W. C. T. U.
   Not often does a more unfavorable day for a women's convention dawn than that which greeted the "white ribbons" of Cortland county, whose annual convention was appointed to meet at Blodgett Mills Sept. 1st and continue through the 2nd. But notwithstanding the pouring rain which continued through a good part of the forenoon, before noon nearly every one of the thirteen unions of the county were represented, showing that the women of Cortland county are by no means half-hearted or fair weather temperance workers, but with a zeal which they intend shall be "according to knowledge" are determined to overcome all obstacles and as far as in them lies, make safe paths for their children to walk in.
   The Methodist church, in which the convention was held, was beautifully decorated with flowers, and seemed like a little bit of paradise compared to the rain outside, which was soon forgotten, however, in the cordial welcome given even before the address of welcome by Mrs. Thayer of Blodgett Mills. Mrs. Miner Merrick of Blodgett Mills conducted the opening devotionals. Our president, Miss Sara Collins, is always "mistress of the situation" and holds the convention closely to business.
   Mrs. Mary J. Weaver of Batavia, 1st vice-president of the State was present the first day and gave a Bible reading and in the evening an address, taking as her subject, "The ten commandments" and showing how the use of intoxicating liquors leads to the breaking of every one. Mrs. Weaver has been in this vicinity before but never gave better satisfaction. Her address was prefaced by a short one by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Zartman. A quartette rendered very appropriate music. During the convention several very interesting papers were read.
   A service by the Loyal Temperance Legion of Blodgett Mills was held, followed by experiments by Mrs. Squires of Cortland showing the presence of alcohol in the various liquors also Jamaica ginger and Mother Winslow's soothing syrup. As reports from the various departments were read it was found that, without flourish of trumpets but quietly, the work had been pushed and advance ground taken from which sounded no note of retreat.
   The following officers were elected: Miss Sara Collins, (re-elected) president; Mrs. Ellen Day Keeney, 1st vice-president; Mrs. Julia Tanner, (re-elected) corresponding secretary; Miss Libbie Robertson, recording secretary; Mrs. Jennie Boynton, (re-elected) treasurer.

Enlarging the Desk Works.
   Some months ago it was affirmatively decided to increase the capacity of the Cortland Desk Manufacturing Company's works, but when to begin operations was not such an easy subject to pass upon owing to the large number of orders in waiting and constantly arriving from all localities, even from Spain, England and Australia. For several days past contractor D. G. Corwin has been superintending a body of workmen engaged in rebuilding portions of the old establishment and erecting the new additions while the desk works continue to run uninterruptedly.
  When completed the factory will enclose 40,000 square feet of floor surface, exclusive of office and show room. The foundation measures 158x42 feet. A machine room 98x40 feet is to occupy the first floor at the north end of the main building. The office, 20x20, will be located at the east side of the south end, connected with the show room, situated immediately above. The shipping room will be at the south end adjoining the E., C. & N. railroad, this portion being three stories high, floor space 60x42 feet each. Above the first floor will be arranged the several finishing departments. An annex 40x20, two stories, will also be erected.
   A large cistern is being built to retain the rain which falls upon the large roof as well as the drip from the miles of heating pipes. This part is constructed of wood. The boiler room and kiln to be built of brick will be 60x30 feet, which with a fire proof varnish room places the plant of the Desk Company in position to keep pace with increasing business. New and improved machinery will be put into the works and the matter of using electricity for illuminating is receiving serious attention.
   A feature of the many grades of wall and office desks turned out at this factory is the increased demand, especially so of the type-writer desk, made in three styles, which has recently been placed upon the market and which are acknowledged as the best. The mechanical construction is perfect yet so simple and accurately adjusted that by a simple movement of the hand, the operator transforms the typewriting into an attractive business desk or vice versa, without rising from the chair. Never was the outlook more full of promise for this enlarging manufacturing interest of Cortland.

   The Cortland Door and Window Screen company started up again last Monday.
   We call the attention of our readers to an article on Spelling Reform, on another page.
   Be sure and let the children see The Lilliputians at the Opera House, Saturday afternoon.
   The Royal Japs will appear with Mrs. Thumb's company at the Opera House, Saturday afternoon and evening.
   The M. E. Sunday school, of East Homer, enjoyed a picnic at the Floral Trout Ponds, Wednesday.
   The Central New York Conference of the Methodist Episcopal church will meet in this village Sept. 30th.
   The cigarmakers and stove moulders were the only ones that observed Labor  day in this place. All the other shops were running.
   Health officer W. J. Moore makes the following reports for this village during the month of August: Deaths 8, births 16, marriages 3.
   The Emeralds will cross bats with the Cincinnati Reds on the fair grounds, Saturday afternoon. This latter nine is composed of females [sic].
   Sunday evening Dr. Cordo will preach the annual sermon to the Protective Police in the Baptist church. The protectives [members of the Cortland Fire Department--CC editor] will attend in a body.
   The next meeting of the King's Daughters will be held at 3 P. M., to-morrow (Saturday) afternoon, at the residence of Mrs. E. B. Grannis, 25 Union street.
   The Albany Times says the regents of the university are about to request the teachers of the State to cause "the national hymns" to be sung each day, and to be committed to memory.
   The semi-annual meeting of the Cortland County Medical Society was held in this place yesterday afternoon. The session was entirely devoted to the reading of papers and discussion of the same.
   An open-air gospel temperance meeting may confidently be expected to be held on Sunday, Sept. 13th, at 3:30 P. M., corner of Court and Main streets, weather being favorable—otherwise at W. C. T. U. rooms.
   The members of the Chautauqua Circle and all others desirous of joining are cordially invited to meet at 73 R. R. street, next Monday evening, Sept. 14th, to discuss the work, and order books for the ensuing year.
   Mr. George McKean, who disposed of his barber shop last week to Mr. D. J. Chadwick, has purchased an interest in the wholesale and retail liquor business with Mr. William Madden, on Port Watson street.
   H. Gardner took a header the other day while riding a bicycle on the sidewalk and struck Mr. Norman Thompson, who was just ahead of him. The latter entered a complaint against Gardner and Justice Bull held him in the sum of $100 for his appearance on Sept. 17th. [A village ordinance prohibited the riding of bicycles on sidewalks—CC editor.]
   Business men must meet their bills in thirty or sixty days, while many of their patrons take from one to two years. Many business men throughout the country have double the capital tied up in accounts that is represented in goods upon the shelves. It is a dangerous custom.—Exchange.
   At the Democratic caucus held at the Democratic club rooms, in this village, last Monday evening, the following delegates were elected to represent this town in the County Convention to be held at the same place to-day: B. McNiff, P. Dempsey, J. F. Dowd, J. R. Schermerhorn, R. F. Randall, B. B. Jones.
   Miss Ormsby has opened another room in her preparatory school and now has places for more pupils in the three departments—Kindergarten, Primary and Intermediate. Pupils are received at the Normal school on her examinations. Miss Minnie Browned has been engaged for assistant primary teacher.
   A most distressing accident, by which Ervin, the six-year-old son of Fred Porter, of Little York, lost his life, occurred near this village on Tuesday, Sept 1st. The little boy, accompanied by his grandmother, Mrs. Addison Burr, of Scott, were driving toward Tully, and while coming down the hill near Henry Schell's, the harness broke, letting the buggy run against the horse's heels. The horse became frightened and ran away. Before reaching the foot of the hill the king-bolt broke, and the horse, with the shafts and the front wheels of the buggy attached to him, ran for nearly two miles before he was stopped. The occupants of the carriage were thrown forcibly to the ground. One of Mrs. Burr's ears was nearly torn from her head, her collar bone broken, and head, face and shoulders badly bruised. The child, when thrown from the buggy, struck on his head and shoulders and was rendered insensible, and died within an hour after the accident, without regaining consciousness. While the buggy was badly wrecked, the horse escaped without injury.—Tully Times.
   The trustees of Homer village, by a vote of three to two, at a meeting last week, passed an ordinance prohibiting bicycle riding upon the sidewalks of our sister village.
   Despite the claim of dull times, it has been figured out that upward of $150,000 of capital has and will be invested in enlarging the factories of Cortland during the present year.
   A revised code of the fire alarm telegraph system has just been issued by
Messrs. P. H. & F. H. Dowd, shoe dealers, at 13 Railroad street, which will be welcomed by all.
   The annual parade of the Homer fire department is announced for September 24th. A grand time is anticipated from the fact that each company has invited a visiting company to be in attendance.
   Several citizens have taken advantage of the past two days of bright weather and cleaned up about the premises. It is said September is a month when disease germs are encouraged in rear yards and alleys.
   The Keynote, published in New York, gives a handsome notice to the musical ability of Miss Clara A. Coville, of this village, who for the third time is elected vice-president of the S. M. T. A. for Cortland county.

Mrs. Tom Thumb (Mercy Lavinia Warren Bump).
The Liliputians.
   Mrs. General Tom Thumb and Company will appear in Cortland Opera House Saturday afternoon and evening, Sept. 12. The Chattanooga Times of February 22, gives the company the following notice:
   It will take practical pitchforks to keep the ladies and children from the matinee to-day, and rain or shine, the Times predicts a crowded house. Mrs. General Tom Thumb, the littlest of little with the littlest of little husbands, Count Magri, and the littlest of little brothers-in-law, Baron Magri, are the attraction, aided by the best troupe of Japs on the road. Last evening, despite the rain, a good house greeted the novel attraction, and the audience was delighted with the entertainment. It is a treat to simply look upon these remarkable diminutive beings, and when they are seen acting and singing just like grown folks the interest is increased tenfold.
   Prices of admission, 25, 35 and 50 cents. Matinee, 15, 25 and 35 cents.

Reunion of the 76th N. Y. Vols.
   The annual reunion of the 76th regiment will be held at Truxton, N. Y., on Wednesday, October 7th, 1891.
   Business meeting at 10:30 A. M ., sharp.
   Public meeting at 2 P. M.
   Address by Capt. C. W. Underhill, of Hamilton, N. Y., late of 114th N. Y. Vols. Truxton is on the E., C. & N. R. R., between Cortland and Canastota, 10 miles from Cortland, easy of access from all directions, and the people are preparing for a good attendance. Let every member come and bring his wife.
   E. D. VAN SLYCK, President.
   WM. J. MANTANYE, Sec'y.
   Cortland, N. Y., August 20, 1891.

Hospital Notes.
   At the meeting of the Board of Managers of the Cortland Hospital Association, held at the Hospital on Monday last, the following communication was read:
To the Board of Managers of the Cortland Hospital Association:
   I hereby resign my position as a member of the Board of Managers of the Cortland Hospital Association.
   I desire to thank the Board for its hearty co-operation with me, as its president, in the establishing and opening of the hospital. That the future years may bring increased prosperity to the Cortland Hospital is the wish of one who will watch its future with unabated interest and who will ever cherish the memory of happy hours spent with you in working and planning for this refuge for the sick.
   "Walking as one to pleasant service led;
   Doing God's will as if it were my own,
   Yet trusting not in mine, but in His strength alone."
   Yours very sincerely,
   Thousand Island Park, Aug. 27,1891.
   This resignation was accepted with many expressions of sincere regret, and the following minute was made in reference to it:
   While the public may know somewhat of the zeal of Mrs. Hoose in every good work, only those who have met her as president of the Hospital Board can know the enthusiasm, rare executive ability and self-sacrifice which she brought to this work. The remembrance of her devotion will strengthen those who remain in their efforts to make the hospital what she would wish it to be—a permanent blessing to Cortland.

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