The Cortland Democrat, Friday, August
14, 1891.
Death of Henry Brewer.
Brewer, one of Cortland's most highly respected citizens, died at his home in
this village at 5:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon, aged 82 years. Mr. Brewer was
one of the oldest residents of Cortland, having conducted a successful business
for upwards of forty years. A few years since, he gave up the active pursuits of
a business life on account of failing health, and retired, the business being taken
up by his only living son, Edward H. Brewer of the Cortland Harness Co. He has always
taken an active part in the affairs of this village, and at the time of his
death was a member of the Local Board of the State Normal and Training School in
this place, a position that he has most satisfactorily filled since the
foundation of the school in 1867.
Brewer leaves a son to mourn his loss. The funeral services will be held from
his late residence on [38] Port Watson St. on Saturday at 11 o'clock A. M.
Henry Brewer, find a grave:
Henry Brewer, find a grave:
Edward Hill Brewer, find a grave:
An Elegant Home.
Among the
new residences recently erected in our village that of Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Jewett, Monroe Heights, is deserving of mention. The exterior appearance is suggestive
of the cottage seen in the etchings or views of colonial days. The interior is
finished in oak, black ash and cherry with hard wood floors, attractive mantels
and old-fashioned fire place. Entering the hall the visitor is instantly
impressed with the idea that the comfort of the inmates was the forethought of
the architect. A fine view is afforded from either hall, sitting room, parlor
or dining room. The rooms are adroitly ventilated each floor being respectively
10 and 9 feet in height. From the porch at rear of the second floor a magnificent
view is afforded of Virgil hills, the valleys to the southeast, east, and north
including Homer village entire and far beyond, beside a grand panorama of
Cortland— most enchanting in the evening.
carpenter work was executed by Mr. George Allport of this village, and the closeness
in following the markings of the architect's plan is apparent in absence of waste
space and complete harmony.
Picturesque Cortland.
A short
time ago the DEMOCRAT directed attention to the effort of George W. Conable, of
the architect firm of Beardsley & Conable, whose office is in the Democrat building,
to make views of residences, streets, churches and public buildings, together
with scenes from different points along the river. His success in the
undertaking may be judged from the fine specimens displayed at the stores of W.
D. Wallace & Co., and at Havens & Mead. The views are neatly
bound in album form and would make a nice present to absent friends as well as
ornaments for the home library giving a full and fair representation of our
prosperous village. Anyone so desiring may leave an order at either of the
above houses, and Mr. Conable will make a view of their grounds and place it in
the album. A rapid sale is now reported for this work.
Mrs. J.
L. Robertson, rug; Mrs. A. E. Buck, sugar bowl, two steel knives and forks, a
pie lifter, a glass of jelly; Mrs. Wesley Hooker, vegetable dish and cover, a
fruit can, a wash bowl; Miss Sara A. Saunders, glass bread plate; Mrs. C. B. Hitchcock,
two mirrors; Mrs. Mary E. Dowd, hammer, tablecloth; Mrs. James Nixon, a lamp;
Mrs. D. E. Kratzer, oil can; Mrs. E. B. Grannis, Mrs. A. M. Johnson, Miss
Dorcas Kinney, hemming napkins; Mrs. W. H. Clark, two lambrequins, three tidies;
Mrs. Uri Clark, spoon holder, 18 fruit cans, two pounds dried fruit, 12 pounds
flour, rocking chair, picture; Mrs. L. J. Fitzgerald, refrigerator; J. B.
Stirling, six glass sauce dishes; Mrs. I. Whiteson, clock; J. H. Graham, milk
tickets $l ; Mrs. Mary Beach, Miss Frances Merritt, stove, 4 towels, roll of
old cloth; Charles W. Smith, Daily Journal; a friend, 4 napkins,
tablecloth, towel, two night shirts, three sheets, 5 bars soap, roil of old
cloth; flowers have been received from Mrs. L. D. C. Hopkins, Loyal Temperance
Legion, Reed Lucas, Ida May Covert; Mission Band, flowers and cake.
Mrs. Chester Wickwire, 1 piece of sheeting;
Mrs. Wesley Hooker, large sugar box; Mrs. C. F. Thompson, kitchen utensils;
Mrs. C. B. Hitchcock, 4 qts. cherries; Mrs. E. J. Colgrove, tablespoon; J. E.
Murry, ferns; Mrs. A. E. Buck, 3 pans, 8 qts. gooseberries; H. H. Kellogg,
wringer, chopping bowl and knife, carving knife and fork; Mrs. Ed. Robbins,
pail and currants; a friend, currants, cherries and flowers; Mr. W. D. Tuttle,
milk tickets, $1; Mrs. G. W. Saunders, 2 qts. pickles; Cortland and Homer
Episcopal church picnic, basket of cake; G. W. Babcock, cot bed; Mrs. F.
Bulman, pickles and flowers; Mrs. Henry Seymour, one pillow; Mrs. Willet,
cherries; Mrs. A. E. Buck, bowl of jelly and flowers; V. D. Crandall, milk
tickets, $1; Herbert Hollister, 2 flatirons; Mrs. C. B. Hitchcock, platter; lettuce
has been received from Mrs. Geo. Pruden, Mrs. A. E. Buck, Mrs. O. V. Eldridge,
Mrs. F. O. Hyatt; Mrs. H. B. Hall, radishes; H. C. Beebe, bottle of indelible
ink; Floral Trout Park Ice Co., ice.
![]() |
Cortland City Hall stands on this lot today. |
The blackberry crop is reported as enormous this
Come either the 18th to 21st Inst., and we'll
go to the races.
Sorry I can't meet you; but I am to attend the
races next week.
Look over the list of horses entered for the
races next week. Full list in another column.
More entries of record breakers are on for
the Cortland Driving Park races August 18, 19, 20 and 21, than were ever
assembled at any similar turf meeting.
H. P. Gray, the jeweler, has caused the large
watch sign in front of his store to be illuminated for the benefit of the
public at night. He has other attractions inside.
To-day (Friday) at 1 P. M., the Prohibition county
convention to appoint delegates to the State convention will be held in rooms
over C. W. Collins' china store in Cortland.
Tickets to the State Firemen's Convention at
Herkimer will be on sale at the E., C. &
N. station from the 16th inst., good until the 25th for the munificent sum of $2.44
for the round trip.
Have you noticed the new "dime
express" put upon the road by J. M. Davey? It is a first-class rig, and
denotes prosperity. All orders left at Hopkins' grocery will receive prompt
The Grangers will hold their annual picnic
at Floral Trout Park, August 26th. A grand
program is being arranged and the success of last year's outing and social will
be equaled if not surpassed in the coming event.
The Assembly now in session at the Trout
Park is a remarkable success, and continues afternoon and evening throughout
the week. Sunday at 3 P. M. is the Rochester
Lady Quartette. They also give a grand concert Saturday evening.
The annual reunion and basket picnic of the
Cortland County Soldiers' and Sailors' Veteran Association will be held at
Little York, on Saturday, August 22d. Fill your baskets, take your wives and
babies, and all go. C. O. Newton, Sec'y, Geo. L. Warren, Pres't.
August 27th the colored Masonic lodges of
Elmira and Ithaca will have an excursion to Sylvan Beach. Special train leaves Cortland
at 9:10 A. M., and the E., C. &N. officials will place tickets on sale from
Cortland at $1.15, to accommodate any colored people from this vicinity.
The following are the dates and places for
the annual fall examination of teachers in the First district, and intending
instructors will do well to preserve the same. August 18th and 19th, and
October 3d, at the Normal building in Cortland; September 5th and November 7th
at the Academy in Marathon.
The last of the Thousand Island excursions for
'91, under the management of the popular E., C. & N. railroad officials, passed
through Cortland Wednesday morning in charge of general passenger agent C. W.
Williams, of Elmira. Thirty-five tickets were sold at Cortland, and a liberal number
from other stations along the line.
The outing of Hitchcock Manufacturing Band
last Saturday was a success. Many people made an extra effort to be present
although the day was very sultry, being amply repaid by a music concert, dance
and other pastimes at the hands of the Band and Mr. and Mrs. Robinson. The
Friday evening concert was omitted on account of rain.
Annual parade and review of the Cortland
fire department will occur on Saturday afternoon of the present week. Column will
leave department headquarters at 1:30 sharp. The head of the column, preceded
by the Hitchcock band, will start from Emerald Hose building to Church street,
to Grant, North Main, Union, Owego, Tompkins, Port Watson, Church. The review
will be from the Court House porch.
The high wind preceding Tuesday evening's shower
caused grave apprehension by Cortland people of a disaster similar to that of
August 22d, 1890, but the cloud parting west of the village took a northeast and
southeast course. The reports of the following morning were to the effect that at
Ithaca and Newfield lightning did considerable damage. At Waverly a bolt struck
a threshing machine while in operation, killing two horses and, it is thought, fatally
injured two men.
For the past few years Dr. E. O. Kingman has
been striving to serve the public with bathing house privileges, and has conducted
the same in a manner to meet public favor, as his increased facilities show. The
water is ever changing, and hence attractive for bathing purposes. Lady
attendants are present, and the suits are in profusion for those who wish. This
week the hall will be occupied by a large collection of curiosities, including
Haight's monster aggregation, which is an instructive study and only costs 10
cents. Patrons may rest assured that the proprietor of this institution will be
ever ready to cater to the pleasure of all.
W. L. Greenman's brown mare, Jessie Fly,
took second money in the 2:27 class in Binghamton, last Tuesday. Best time, 2:31
A game of ball between the Emerald Hose, of
Cortland, and Hopbottom Hose Nine, of
Binghamton, is to be played upon the fair ground, Saturday.
State Game Protector Proctor informs all
persons that the woodcock season does not open until Sept. 1st. By Chapter 90, Laws
of 1890, the closed season is made from Jan. 1st to Sept. 1st. Partridge and Prairie
chicken shooting is prohibited during the same time.
A diversion from the spectacular drama, burnt
cork minstrelsy, or other fanciful entertainment at the opera house, is to be offered
the citizens of Cortland county on the evenings of Aug. 19, 20 and 21. Parker S.
Carr will give a series of three lectures, respectively: Italy, Florence, Rome,
Venice; Paris, the Queen City; Switzerland and the Rhine. Each lecture is to be
superbly illustrated by some seventy fine and costly views. Tickets will be 25,
35 and 50c, according to location.
Z. B. Lormor, one of the Dryden wheelmen who
were at Cortland, Saturday, was run into near the Cortland House, while riding
down from the driving park after the races, by a horse attached to a two-seated
pleasure wagon being driven rapidly down Groton avenue. Lormor was twice
knocked down by the horse, under its feet, but fortunately escaped being stepped
upon or receiving any injuries whatever. His wheel, however, was damaged somewhat,
although to no serious extent. The driver of the horse, who was generally
blamed for causing the collision, hardly stopped at all after Mr. Lormor had extricated
himself and machine, but drove on without even offering as much as an apology.
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