Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Experimental electric canal boat, Frank W. Hawley, 1893.

Cortland Evening Standard, Thursday, March 15, 1894.

Mr. Hawley Tells What His Company Expects to Do With Its Recently Acquired Contract—Will Furnish Electric Light, Heat and Power to the Public as Well as Canals—Concerning the Right of Way.
   NEW YORK, March 15.—Frank W. Hawley, vice-president of the Cataract General Electric company, was asked by a representative of the Associated Press as to what his company proposed doing under and by virtue of the permit granted by the superintendent of public works on Monday authorizing his company to monopolize the canal lands for the transmission of electricity and its utilization for canal towing.
   Replying to this query Mr. Hawley said: "The company last fall made preliminary experiments in the matter of propulsion of canalboats upon the canal by means of the trolley system.
   "It now intends to proceed further with experiments with storage batteries, introducing into the ordinary canalboat various of the storage battery devices. These batteries will operate a propeller wheel of the standard pattern. The effort of the company will be to adopt some system of electric towing which will require as little alteration in the present style of canalboat as possible, so as to relieve present boatowners from any considerable expense in overhauling their present equipment.
   "These experimental boats will be operated upon various canal levels the coming season, and we hope to have all canal boatmen now utilizing animal power assisting us in the use of the most practicable and economical method. These boats will be equipped with various other electrical devices for the use of power as well as electrical heat."
   Mr. Hawley was asked, "As to the route of the transmission line from Niagara Falls?"
   "The transmission line," he said, "after leaving Niagara county will probably proceed over a route paralleling the New York Central (Niagara Falls branch) as far as Rochester. From that point it will proceed along a line paralleling the Auburn branch of the New York Central through Pittsford, Canandaigua, Geneva, Seneca Falls and Auburn; thence to Syracuse, from which point it will follow the New York Central through Oneida, Utica, Little Falls to Albany."
   "Will any part of the transmission line be along the canal lands of the state under the permit which has been given?" queried the reporter.
   "In some instances, where it is necessary to reach a manufacturing center, the line will undoubtedly be along the state canal lands in cities for the purpose of local distribution."
   "Will there be opposition to the introduction of Niagara electric power by local companies?"
   "There will probably be no resistance on the part of these local companies to the introduction of cheap electric power. No effort will be made to supplant them or divest them of any of their present rights of patronage. They will be given an opportunity to acquire power from this company at a rate much less than the present cost of production of power by means of coal and this having been done we are satisfied that they will avail themselves of this right and give the public every facility for securing cheap electric power for all known uses.
   "If, however, there is no disposition on the part of existing companies to deal with us, we shall undoubtedly arrange for the organization of a local company to perfect such local distribution."
   "Have you heard of any such opposition to your enterprise through the state?" Mr. Hawley was asked.
   "We have not, except in a few instances, and these are of no importance. We have been given to understand in one city that unless we do certain things we will be prevented from entering that city with our transmission lines. This power will be taken to the consumer through some medium or other, regardless of any set of men or combination."
   "Is your power distinguished from the Niagara Power company?"
   "We have no relationship with the Niagara Power company except to receive from that company electric energy upon a transmission line at the borders of the counties of Erie and Niagara for distribution throughout the state."
   "If your electric transmission line is going to follow a route paralleling the New York Central, why did your company desire a franchise from the state to give it the right to run its lines over canal lands?" interrogated the reporter.
   "During the summer season, when little electricity is required for lighting and heating, we shall have an abundance of surplus electric energy which we desire to use in the transportation business upon the canals. The electricity which we use in the winter season will be available in the summer in our system of electric canalboat propulsion.
   "Central power stations for the transmission of electricity from a high to a low potential will be located upon our lines about 20 miles apart, through which lateral lines will be run to the canal system, as well as for local distribution in the immediate vicinity.
   "We desired the right to supply the canals with electricity and this right we have secured through the permit from the public works department.
   "In return for this right we give the state, free of charge, all power necessary to operate the various lift and swing bridges, and gates of the locks, and illumination for both the locks and bridges.
   "This is a valuable consideration to the state, as one man in the care of a lock will be able to do the work of several, as at present operated.
   "We also give the boatmen the opportunity of purchasing the power at a very low figure and at 50 per cent less than the present cost of animal power."

An Interesting Lecture.
   Owing to the many counter attractions there was not as large an attendance as could be desired at the Y. M. C. A. rooms last evening, but those who did attend listened to a very interesting lecture. Rev. S. F. Sanford of Homer was the speaker and his treatment of the subject "Lies" showed careful study.
   In his introduction he stated that it seemed a little out of place for a Methodist clergyman to raise the devil in the Y. M. C. A. rooms, but that he was obliged to do so because the devil was the father of lies. He then gave Paley's definition of a lie, "An intentional deception," and followed with a metaphysical discussion of physical truth and moral truth. He went into a practical discussion of the various kinds of liars, clerical, legal, medical, political, commercial and social and closed with a dissuasion of faults or lying life.
   Although the lecture occupied less than an hour there were a large number of good thoughts and timely suggestions embodied in it and it is hoped that Rev. Mr. Sanford will again favor another Cortland audience.

Eri Bowker Becomes Tired of Life and Hangs Himself.
   Mr. Eri Bowker, for many years a resident of Summerhlll, committed suicide at a late hour yesterday morning by hanging himself in a barn, belonging to his son, with whom he lived. The son, who resides about four miles west of Homer, on the Summer hill road, had gone away from home during the morning with his team and upon returning and driving into the barn, he found his father's lifeless body suspended by a rope from a beam. The body was immediately cut down but the man was dead. It was carried to the house and a messenger was sent to Homer for Coroner Bradford, who went to the scene.
   The deceased was 64 years of age, and had resided with his son but a short time. Since his wife's death, which occurred about a year ago, he had suffered from melancholia and his relatives had suspected him of previously attempting to take his life by taking camphor. He recently returned from a trip to Auburn where he visited his son. While there he showed signs of mental weakness, which gradually increased until they [sic] became the cause of his untimely death.
   No jury was empanelled as the coroner did not deem an inquest necessary, as the cause of Mr. Bowker's death was plainly established by the facts at hand. No arrangements for the funeral had been made at the time of this writing.

Paris Green--arsenic--was used to kill lice and potato bugs.
   SCOTT, March 14.—Mr. E. W. Childs has had nineteen cows poisoned from the use of poison mixed with salt grease for the purpose of destroying lice. Three have died; sixteen are still in the care of veterinary W. N. Babcock. With the exception of one the rest are expected to recover.
   Mr. Childs [sick with grip] was very much better yesterday.
   Fred Barber of Lake Hollow will work in Genoa the coming season.
   Charles Lewis of Little York has moved on the farm belonging to N. A. P. Kinney.
   The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church will give a maple sugar, festival at the church on Saturday evening, March 17. All are cordially invited to attend.
   For several days past some farmers have had their evaporators taxed to the utmost to take care of the great flow of [maple] sap.
   The first robin that your scribe has heard this spring, opened his entertainment at 9 o'clock last Monday morning.
   There have been 53 days of fairly good sleighing in this vicinity during the past winter.
   Myron Babcock and father of Homer visited at W. N. Babcock's one day this week.
   W. N. Babcock and wife made a trip to Glen Haven to visit Mrs. Emeline Babcock who has been taking treatment there for the past six weeks. They report her very much improved.

Glen Haven.
   GLEN HAVEN, March 14.—Mr. Josiah Scott of South Dakota is visiting his brother and other friends in this place.
   Mrs. Warren Doty of Spafford is the guest of her son Willard for a few days.
   There are about 25 boarders at the Glen at present.
   Harrison Morris, who has been at LaPorte, Tex., during the winter, has returned home.
   Miss Nellie Doty is at work in Cortland.
   Mrs. Hattie Lyon and Miss Viola have gone to Ensenore, Cayuga county, to stay with Mrs. Lyon's brother for a few weeks.
   The G. A. R. meeting at Comrade William Cochran's was not very largely attended Tuesday night, owing to the state of the roads and the inclemency of the weather. But a few old veterans and their wives turned out and a very pleasant time was enjoyed. The time was passed in music and games until about 10 o'clock when a bountiful supper was provided by the ladies of the party to which all did full justice. The party broke up about 12:30 o'clock and each guest went home feeling glad they came. Comrade Frisbie and wife remained with Mr. and Mrs. Cochran Tuesday night.
   Mr. Andrew Leiber of Spafford was in this place Tuesday on business.

East Homer.
   EAST HOMER, March 13.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hodgson of Cortland were in town calling on friends recently.
   Mrs. Sarah Chatterton of Cortland is visiting at B. F. Walter's a few days.
   Born—On Saturday March 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Foster, a daughter.
   Mr. Frank Henry has been on the sick list the past week.
   Mr. L. Tice will move to Little York this week, Tuesday.
   Mrs. George P. Miller, who has been sick for a long time, has been pronounced insane and was taken to Binghamton to the State hospital on Friday last. Mr. Miller and family have the sympathy of the entire community in their deep affliction.
   Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Brayton and Mr. Frank Pratte were calling at F. L. Burnham's recently.
   Mrs. George Allport is numbered among the sick.
   Four new Rochester burner lamps were placed in the M. E. church on Saturday last. They light the church very brilliantly and are a decided improvement.
   Mr. Fairbanks will close his second term of school on Friday of this week.
   Rev. O. L. Warren of Marathon and his bride have been spending a few days with his brother, Mr. Ed Warren, of this place. Rev. Mr. Warren kindly accepted an invitation to preach at the M. E. church on Sunday evening. His text was from the words "God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." He is a pleasant speaker and his sermon was very interesting. A large congregation was present.
   Mr. and Mrs. Dell Preston have begun keeping house at the old Preston homestead.
   Mr. and Mrs. Will Briggs of Homer were in town on Sunday.
   Wilfred Youngs found one of his cows choked to death one morning last week.
   We are informed that C. F. Bennett has sold his bay mare to Mr. Pat Daley. Consideration $70.

South Cortland.
   SOUTH CORTLAND, March 14.—The robins are again with us.
   Our school began last Monday with Miss Davern of Cortland as teacher.
   Mr. Wilson Calvert has gone to Sterling, Cayuga county, called there by the illness of his youngest brother, Mr. Melanchton Calvert.
   Last Monday evening nearly sixty of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Webb's friends walked into their home uninvited and reminded them that they had come to celebrate the tenth anniversary of their marriage. They were made very welcome and the house was thrown open to their disposal. Games, music and conversation made the time pass very swiftly and pleasantly. As a reminder of the gathering and in behalf of those present, Mr. G. H. Hyde presented Mr. and Mrs. Webb with a handsome rocking chair, to which Mr. Webb fitly responded. Bountiful refreshments were served which had been prepared by the ladies, followed by a treat of warm sugar served by Mrs. Webb. All returned to their homes feeling that they had passed a very enjoyable evening.

   —The Cortland City band will go to Syracuse Saturday to escort the fourth division of the A. O. H. in the St. Patrick's day parade.
   —Fred Toppin of McGrawville was arrested yesterday afternoon for public intoxication. Justice Bull discharged him last evening.
   —The Sunday evening service at the Congregational church will be in charge of the mission bands. An interesting program has been arranged, and a pleasant time is anticipated.
   —The janitor of the Cortland Athletic association is now settled in the club house and will on Monday, begin serving lunches to club members and furnishing board to a few non-members.
   —Owing to counter attractions on Monday evening, March 26, the concert and ball to be given by the Cortland City band has been postponed one night and will be held Tuesday evening, March 27.
   —The Friendly Sons will celebrate St. Patrick's day to-night with their annual banquet. A large attendance is expected and the fact that the spread is to be served at the Cortland House is sufficient guaranty of its excellence.
   —The ninetieth birthday of General Neal Dow will be celebrated by the L. T. L.'s and other pledged children on Monday evening, March 19, at 7:30 in the parlors of the First Baptist church, to which the public are most cordially invited.
   —Miss Sara L. Kinney has removed her music studio from 10 Lincoln-ave., where she has resided for the last three and a half years, to 10 Monroe Heights, where her classes and school will be continued in pleasanter and more commodious rooms.
   —The program for the City band concert to be given at the armory March 26 will be published in a few days. The music for dancing has arrived and the band are hard at work rehearsing it. The entire program will be one of the best that the band has ever given.
   —While using the drilling machine at the Cortland Mfg. Co., Limited, Tuesday afternoon Mr. Irving Townsend, while counter-sinking holes, had the misfortune to catch his hands in the machinery in such a manner as to quite severely lacerate the first fingers of both hands.
   —About twenty-five couples of young people tripped the light fantastic to the entrancing strains of McDermott's orchestra at Empire hall last evening. Shortly before midnight a most excellent menu was discussed at Hotel Brunswick. Dancing was afterwards resumed and was continued till the wee small hours.
   —EDITOR C. W. BARDEEN of Syracuse has been sued for $10,000 damages by Ex-School Commissioner D. Edgar Parsons for alleged libelous statements published in the School Bulletin in the report of the proceedings of the annual meeting of the school commissioners and city superintendents of the state held at Rochester last January.
   —At a meeting of the town board this afternoon a formal application was made by the officers of the present street railroad for leave to change their motive power to electricity and to extend the line to McGrawville. The board appointed March 31, at 2 o'clock P. M., as the time for a hearing to be had on the application. Notice of such hearing will be printed hereafter.
   —The Five County Insurance Co. yesterday settled in a satisfactory manner with Mr. Warren Williams, whose house and two barns, located about two and one-half miles east of the village on the McGrawville road, were burned to the ground Sunday morning. The company paid him $1,175. Mr. Williams' neighbors also made up a purse of about eighty dollars, which was presented to him. This is very quick work to have an adjustment completed the third day after the conflagration.
   —A number of readers have mistaken the meaning of the sentence in the report of the Schermerhorn building fire in yesterday's STANDARD which stated that Glann & Clark locked their doors. They were not locked against those who had business in the store but for the purpose of keeping out the crowd. Messrs. Glann & Clark, as well as the other business men in the building, in every possible way, the firemen in their gallant work in saving the building and adjoining property.
   —On Tuesday evening the John L. Lewis lodge hung on the walls of their elaborately furnished quarters seven fine crayon portraits of their past Grands, Messrs. George I. Pruden, Charles H. Drake, A. G. Bosworth, G. Ingraham, A. J. Coles, George Van Deusen and L. E. Blackmer, together with one of Noble Grand G. J. Bridenbecker. They are all excellent portraits of the men who have held the distinctive office and the work is a credit to Mr. H. C. Beebe of Syracuse, through whom the portraits were secured. Fortunately they were not injured by water or smoke at the fire in the Schermerhorn building yesterday morning.

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