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Thomas B. Reed. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Tuesday,
February 27, 1894.
Don't Know Anything—They Don't Do Anything.
The last week has placed the Democratic
party in the House of Representatives in even a more pitiable and ludicrous
attitude than ever. With a big majority, the leaders spent the entire week in
fruitless efforts to secure a voting quorum on Bland's proposition to inflate
the currency and still further endanger the business of the country. Some of
the scenes, especially on Friday, were such as are rarely witnessed even in
that often turbulent legislative body.
A speaker pro tem pounding with the gavel
with all his might in a fruitless attempt to secure order, and shouting to the
rioters at the top of his voice that it was the house of representatives and
not a beer garden that he was trying to preside over; Democratic members
unlawfully arrested and brought before the bar of the house by the
sergeant-at-arms, or having defied him to arrest them and branding the attempt
as tyranny and outrage; a full quorum and more of Democratic members occupying
their seats and refusing to vote, and Bland himself wildly denouncing them as
anarchists and revolutionists, all these sights and scenes passed before the
eyes of the nation and into history as object lessons on Democratic lack of
courage, lack of discipline, lack of knowledge and lack of capacity to govern
themselves, to say nothing about governing the country.
And why was all this bedlam, and this waste
of day after day of valuable time in fruitless efforts to do business? Simply
because the majority was too obstinate, too ugly or too ignorant to see, or to
acknowledge if it did see, that the way to do business is to do it—simply because
they would not follow the example of Tom Reed and count a member as present
when he was present, instead of counting him absent because he refused to vote.
The house of representatives under its present rules is powerless to compel a
quorum to do business. What good does it do for the sergeant-at-arms to arrest
members and bring them before the bar of the house in order to get a quorum,
and then have them refuse to vote when they get there, and the speaker without
authority to count them to make up a quorum?
It is a great deal easier to find fault than
to do business. The Democrats of the last house howled so loudly and denounced
Speaker Reed so violently because he
took the only sensible and business-like view of a quorum, and ruled that a
member was present when he was present—whether he said so or not—that it is no
wonder they dislike to swallow their words and admit that Reed was right and
follow in his footsteps. They will make their party a laughing stock for the
country first, and let business go the dogs.
It is very much the same with the tariff
question. The Democratic national platform denounces protection as
unconstitutional, and now the Wilson bill is hanging fire in the senate because
Democratic senators are demanding that the interests of their constituents be
protected, and threatening to defeat the bill unless they are—so that
Democratic tariff doctrine has virtually come to this, that protection is
unconstitutional where the business interests of Republicans are concerned, but
both constitutional and wise where Democratic interests require it.
Is it any wonder that with such object
lessons taught almost daily, Pennsylvania goes nearly 200,000 Republican, and
that that veteran Democrat Abram S. Hewitt, in righteous wrath, tells his party
and the country that the Southern majority of the Democratic majority in the
house are a pack of fools?
How much longer is this bear dance to go on?
How much longer is business to be kept in suspense? How much longer is the
threat of silver inflation to hang over the heads of the people? If
congress has determined not to do business, why don't it shut up shop, give us
a rest, follow Cleveland's example and go off duck shooting? Where are we at,
anyway—and how long are we going to stay there?
great prize is to be won by somebody. Its amount is $50,000, and it will be
paid by the Metropolitan Traction company of New York city to the inventor who
can devise a way to make street cars run cheaper than by the cable, without
horses, without any overhead wires and without tracks or wires anywhere that
cannot be crossed with perfect safety by one walking along the street. The
motive power is of course expected to be electricity, either in the storage
battery or underground conduit. The difficulty to be overcome is that of
insulation. Now, there never was yet an obstacle that could not be overcome or
got around by the ingenuity of the human intellect. That is what this life is
for—to overcome obstacles and gain development thereby. It is certain that the
early years of the twentieth century will see just such a motive power as the
Metropolitan Street Railway company of New York city are after. Many
competitors for the $50,000 have already applied, and one or two individuals
are sure they have found the right thing. The offer, however, is still open.
The bills which the British house of lords
has made itself so obnoxious by rejecting are the home rule act and the parish
councils act. The house of commons adopted the hampering, mischievous
amendments the lords had loaded upon the employers' liability bill rather than
not pass the act at all, but it was done by only a majority of two and
accompanied by no diminution of the deep and ominous growls against the lords
that have been heard of late in the lower house. The employers' liability act
and the parish councils act were two laws that the majority of Englishmen
demanded, whether they cared for home rule or not. The action of the blindly foolish
lords is therefore only one more step toward their destruction. British legislation
will soon refuse to be hampered by these old fellows.
President Dole of Hawaii can get in the
United States all the volunteers he wants to help him fight for the maintenance
of his government. He has had nearly 1,500 G. A. R. men already offer to assist
him if he said the word. Thousands more would start in three days' time at only
a hint. Perhaps a general knowledge of this fact would do no harm up among the
Canadian adventurers, who are said to be preparing to espouse the cause of
Liliuokalani. Subjects of the British empire undertaking to seat upon her
throne again the old colored woman who wants to cut people's heads off would be
dead sure to meet in war their ancient foe of 1776.
A suggestion has been made and in a few places
acted on which will enable every farmer to have electric lights in his house
and barn, too, if he so chooses. It is that the windmill, which so many
agriculturists use for pumping water for their live stock, shall also be
employed to run a small dynamo. The average rate of the wind is 7 1/2 miles
an hour. The dynamo is connected with some small storage batteries, and these
deliver the electric current. With the wind at 20 miles an hour a windmill with
fans 18 feet across can generate electricity to the amount of three horsepower.
Cornell Mystery.
ITHACA, N. Y., Feb. 27.—The students met in
the library hall to pass resolutions denouncing the crime and sympathizing with
the bereaved relatives of the woman who died from inhaling the gas on the night
of the fight between the freshmen and sophomores. A reporter called at the boardinghouse
where Dingens, the suspected student, resided. The landlady said that she had heard
the report that he was in town, but knew nothing as to the truth or falsity of
it. Mr. Taylor, his room-mate, also disclaimed any knowledge of the student's
whereabouts and said he was surprised to hear that Dingens had returned.
He Shot
the Deputy Who was Levying upon His Mother's Cow.
NEW YORK, Feb. 27.—A special from Sherman,
Ala., says: Thos. Douglass, the thirteen-year-old colored boy, who yesterday
shot and killed Deputy Sheriff Cowlett, who attempted to levy upon a cow which
belonged to Douglass' mother, was hanged by a mob and his body riddled with
bullets. The mother begged, pleaded and prayed for her son's life, but it was
of no effect. The little fellow was game to the backbone, and though he knew
the mob was about to string him up to a tree, he faced his fate unflinchingly.
A rope was quickly put about his neck and
his body was soon swinging in the air. A volley of bullets was fired into his
body and he was left hanging. His mother cut the body down and a coroner's jury
returned a verdict that the boy came to his death at the hands of persons
unknown. The mother says she recognized some of the slayers of her son and will
prosecute them.
W. D. Tisdale for Village
The STANDARD learning that Wayland D.
Tisdale was a candidate for president of the village, sent a reporter this morning
to interview him on the subject. The reporter asked Mr. Tisdale if he was a
candidate for the office. Mr. Tisdale said "that in the sense that he was
seeking the office, he was not a candidate; that a large number of his friends
in the village had been to see him and asked him to accept the nomination and
he had said to one and all that if the nomination were tendered him he would
accept it, but under no circumstances would he enter into a political squabble
for the purpose of securing the nomination; and that if the people wanted him
they would nominate him of their own free will. If the nomination came about in
that way, he would cheerfully accept it, and if elected would discharge the
duties of the office to the best of his ability and do all in his power to
satisfy the taxpayers and residents of the village."
Mr. Tisdale has served as trustee and village
president in former years and made a most excellent officer. His ability,
integrity, experience, faithfulness and public spirit make him a remarkably strong
candidate for the nomination at the present time.
A Fine
Last Tuesday evening Mr. J. G. Bussing very
pleasantly entertained his Sunday-school
class of the Baptist Sunday-school at his home about four miles west of
Mr. Bussing met the class at the Baptist church
and when each young lady was safely stored away in his long sleigh, it was a
happy load that landed at his country home about 8 o'clock. The evening was
spent in games until about 11 o'clock, when the guests were invited to the
diningroom, where they were treated to an oyster supper. Games were resumed until
the small hours were nearing. Then they returned to Cortland a very jolly load
There were about ten young ladies who went.
The few who did not, missed a great treat. The class say that they can't afford
to lose Mr. Bussing for a teacher.
How to
Reach the Atlantic Coast Most Directly and Pleasantly.
At all times of the year there is a large
travel to the eastern seaboard, with Boston an especial attraction. Numerous national
societies and associations frequently select Boston as their place of meeting.
In going to and from the "Hub," the Hossac Tunnel route (Fitchburg
railroad) should be remembered as the most attractive.
The tunnel is itself worth going to see. "The
hole in the hill" was first projected in 1825, work commenced during 1851.
It was cut through Nov. 27, 1873. The first train of cars ran through February
9, 1875, and the first regular trains, autumn, 1876. The original estimate of
cost was $1,948,557, but the actual cost was $20,241,842.31. The total length
of tunnel is 4 ¾ miles. The width is 26 feet. The number of bricks used in
arching was 20,000,000. Average thickness of each is 2 feet. The arch of the
Hoosac tunnel is 26 feet wide, and from 22 to 26 feet high. At both the east
and west entrances to the tunnel are elegant granite facades, the superior
workmanship of which attests the thorough and substantial character of the
entire structure. Twenty-five hundred feet from the west end of the tunnel is
the west shaft, which is 318 feet to the outlet at the top, while 12,244 feet
from the west end, or not quite midway through the bore, is the central shaft,
measuring 15 by 27 feet, and being 1,028 feet from the bed of the tunnel to the
summit of the mountain.
It will thus be seen that ample provision
has been made for complete ventilation, and that with such agencies as these
for the escape of smoke and offensive gases, it must at all times be in a state
of comparative cleanliness, and free from the many annoying characteristics
common to other tunnels. It is lighted by 1,250 incandescent electric lights,
an electric lighting plant having been constructed for the express purpose. Its
double track is laid with the heaviest steel rails, making it the safest piece
of track in the United States.
of News From our Twin Village.
Don't fail to buy a ticket for the Colgate
Banjo and Glee club entertainment in the Baptist church Friday evening.
The Glee and Banjo clubs of Colgate
university gave an entertainment at Association hall last evening. The young
men appeared before a large audience, and in nearly every number were obliged
to respond to an encore, so generous was the applause evoked by the jolly
college songs and airs.--Utica Observer.
Mr. W. V. Hitchcock was in town yesterday calling on friends.
Mr. W. A. Kellogg is at home for a few days.
He will return to New York the latter part of the week.
Mr. Geo. H. Paddock has decided to return to
Homer. He has rented his house on N. Main-st., to Mr. S. Z. Miner and will
occupy his house on Fulton-st. He expects to move his stock of hardware to
Homer and store it in the Murray store.
Hi Henry's minstrels will appear in Keator
opera house Thursday, March 1, for the benefit of Tioughnioga Hose Co., No. 2.
A huge number of ladies and gentlemen from
this town and Cortland attended the concert at Tully last evening given by R.
J. McElheny's singing school. The concert was held in the Disciples' church
which was packed full. Adam's
orchestra of Homer played several selections. Mr. R. J. McElheny sung a
tenor solo, Mr. A. L. Ball played a flute solo, Miss Mabel Adams rendered a
violin solo and Mr. Frank Goddard of Tully played a cornet solo. The class of
about fifty sung a number of selections. The whole affair was a grand success
and reflects great credit upon Mr. McElheny, as well as his class. Those
present from Homer and Cortland were Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McElheny, Messrs. L. T.
Adams, Norton Adams, Miss Mabel Adams, Misses A. L. Ball, Mat Wright, Mrs. E.
C. Ercanbrack of Homer and Mrs. Anna Norton, Mrs. Geo. Larrabee, Mrs. Deloss
Burnham and Mrs. Dell Coffin of Cortland.
— Beard & Peck this morning took a large
wagonload of furniture to Otselic.
—The hospital is very much in need of
towels, and they will be gratefully accepted from any one who can spare a few
from their own supply.
—The Lotus Glee club and Miss Minnie
Marshall give one of their choice entertainments at the Opera House this
evening under the auspices of the Y. M. C. A.
—Otego went "dry" at the last
election, and during the last week all the hotels have been prosecuted for
selling liquor without a license.—Norwich Sun.
—The lecture, which was to have been given
this evening by Rev. C. E. Hamilton in the Y. M. C. A. rooms, has been postponed
indefinitely, owing to the concert of the Lotus Glee club. The lecture will be
given later.
—The funeral of the late Ezra Robbins took
place recently at his old residence at Berwyn, Onondaga county. He had relatives
living in Cortland, among them being Mrs. C. D. Baldwin, Mrs. J. H. Andrews,
Mrs. W. H. Kelley and Mrs. F. E. Wright.
—The Auburn Woolen Co. went into the hands
of a receiver yesterday. The action was precipitated by proceedings commenced
by the National bank of Auburn to
recover on a claim of $20,000 on which a judgment was to have been be obtained
—The Y. M. C. A. entertainment course will
be closed for this season by a concert by the Old Homestead quartet on Friday
evening of this week. This company has been before the public for a number of
years and everywhere gives choice entertainments.
—D. M. Osborne & Co. of Auburn yesterday
started a solid train of thirty-one cars loaded with farming implements of
their manufacture into the New England states. All had been sold. The train was
a special and was placarded its whole length with the name of the company,
—Town Clerk E. C. Alger has opened an office
with District Attorney Squires in the Union hall building. Mr. Alger wishes to
remind the candidates for town office at the last town meeting that they should
file a statement of their expenses on or before Friday next.
—The first number of The Bainbridge Express, an independent sheet published
at Bainbridge, Chenango county, appeared upon Washington's birthday. It is a
weekly paper of eight pages and is managed by F. L. Ames, formerly of DeRuyter.
It is well printed and looks newsy. The STANDARD wishes it all success,
—The Cortland steam laundry is now doing a
larger amount of business than ever before. The proprietor, Mr. R. E. Gladding,
has obtained an experienced tag and biller from Boston and also a finisher of
twelve years' experience from Syracuse. The shirt firm of Newton Brothers of
Homer furnish from one to two hundred shirts per week to be laundered.
—A cordial invitation is extended by the
Epworth league societies of the First Methodist and Homer-ave. churches to the
young people's societies connected with all of the other churches in town to
attend the coming convention of Epworth leagues of Central New York conference which
in to be held on Thursday and Friday of this week in the First Methodist
—At about 9 o'clock last evening a long
shelf in the store of Maher Brothers, which was loaded with 3,800 pairs of trousers,
came down with a crash. People in the store thought that the railroad wreck
which they have been advertising had come in earnest. There was a mixture of
trousers, plastering and shelf. It was all repaired this morning, however, and
everything is going on as usual.
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