Thursday, May 4, 2017


Northwestern Elevated train northbound in the year 1900.

Cortland Evening Standard, Friday, March 2, 1894.

An Electric Railway Scheme.
   What the east bank of the Hudson river is to New Yorkers the shore of Lake Michigan north of their city is to Chicagoans. There are built the summer villas of the millionaires, and there are laid out the parks and the sites for schools and public buildings of various kinds. The empty wastes all along the shore between Chicago and Milwaukee are being rapidly reclaimed from sand and barrenness and planted in grass and trees preparatory to selling them out in building lots. Property is rapidly rising in value on the north shore, as it is called in Chicago.
   Appreciating these facts, a company a few years ago obtained a charter for what was called the Northwestern Elevated railway of Chicago. The road was to run through the streets in the northwestern portion of the city. But that was only one end of it. The other end, it has been discovered, is to stretch out till it covers with a four-track iron girdle all the north shore as far as Milwaukee. The road will be only partially elevated after it leaves the city. At crossings it will be sufficiently elevated for wagons to pass under. The point of interest to the general public is that its trains are to be propelled by electric motors, and that they will run a mile a minute.
◘ The solution of two problems at one time seems to have been reached when penitentiary convicts began to be employed at street and road making. The contract system of letting them out was a wrong to the honest laborers with whom their unpaid labor came into competition. The system of keeping them idle and feeding them at state expense was worse yet. In road and street making they cannot come in competition with outside labor, for counties and cities usually have not money enough to pay for this work.
   At the same time the crying need of the country is for better roads. In New York state it is agreeable to know that this kind of road building has been successful. Seventy-eight convicts at Clinton last year constructed nearly a mile of macadamized road, and a first class road too. The expense to the state was slightly additional. But this need not be. The inhabitants of a district thus favored by having a road built for it would doubtless be glad to defray all the additional expense. If also a sum were added, so as to pay the prisoners themselves a small wage, to be sent to their families or to be saved for them when their time was out, the plan  would be well nigh perfect.  

Timbuctoo is the latest country of Africa to be aimed at by the white man. French soldiers marched to Timbuctoo. Timbuctoo negroes killed 80 French soldiers. The next thing will be that in the interests of civilization France will say she feels herself forced to take possession of the land of the missionary and cassowary. So it goes. The people who have the inestimable privilege of living in 1994 will see probably not a patch of land large enough to make  one county belonging to the original negroes.

Elihu Thompson, the mechanician, discourages the hope that we shall soon have ships speeding over the ocean propelled by electricity. He says it would necessitate the carrying of such enormous storage batteries that their weight would sink a ship. But Mr. Thompson does not make sufficient allowance for the power of inventive genius in the latter half of the nineteenth century. It has wrestled with and overcome difficulties apparently greater than that. Mr. Thompson does well to add to his negative prediction this: "It should, however, be borne in mind that a new discovery might at any time change the aspect of every prophecy based on present knowledge and conditions."

A French Lesson.
   Why is it that financial panics are scarcely ever heard of in France? The copper syndicate failure and the Panama canal swindle, both of which within the last five years robbed the poor of France of millions of their savings, would have convulsed, almost wrecked, any other country. In France they cause a commotion in financial centers, a burst of rage and disappointment from those whose savings have been swallowed up. Then in two months' time everything settles down again. Seasons of long continued monetary stringency, such as we are now undergoing in America, are practically unknown in France. The careful, industrious people go to work earning and saving again when a financial bubble bursts and wrecks their hopes. In an almost incredibly short time they have some more money saved, some more investments made.
   The French are the ablest economists in the world, from the humblest peasant woman to the minister of finance. It is born and bred in the bone with the whole nation that they are to put by money. The French private citizen does not run into debt as the American does. Consequently as a nation France does not have panics. When the individual American learns to live within his means, saving in any event a portion of his income and investing only the money he has actually in his possession, then the United States, too, will be spared financial panics. If the present one shall teach us as a people this lesson, it will be worth all it has cost. The only way to become permanently prosperous is to come square down to hard pan and a cash basis.
   A law permitting divorce was passed in France in 1884, chiefly through the efforts of Senator Naquet, who himself wanted a divorce in order that he might marry again. Before this law was enacted there was only legal separation in France. Under the divorce law the petitions for mere separation have fallen off considerably, discontented married couples evidently preferring divorce out and out. In 1890 the proportion of divorces to marriages was 24 to 1,000. Cruelty and desertion were the causes assigned for divorce in a majority of cases, the greater number of petitioners being wives. The largest number of petitions was lodged by the class of ordinary working people.

Postmaster at Cortland.
   One of the most gratifying appointments made by President Cleveland last week was that of Benton B. Jones for postmaster at Cortland. Mr. Jones has for some thirty years past ably conducted The Democrat, the organ of the party in Cortland county, and has worked early and late for the success of Democratic principles. He was for years chairman of the Democratic county committee, and is an acknowledged leader among his political friends. He is popular with all, irrespective of party, and his appointment gives very general satisfaction. "Bent" has many friends in Norwich and vicinity, who unite with The Union in extending congratulations.—Chenango Union.

Notice of Election.
   Notice is hereby given that the following is an estimate of the moneys deemed necessary by the board of trustees of the village of Cortland to be raised by tax the coming year and at the next charter election of the village of Cortland on the 18th day of March, 1894, and the several purposes and amounts required by each.
For interest on bonds (Union and Normal school), $1,697.50
For principal Union school bonds, $3,000.00
For fire department, $2,500, itemized as follows:
Services of engineer and janitor, $600
Fuel, $300
Fire alarm, supplies and repairs, $300
Ordinary repairs, $300
Seven companies, C. F. D., $700
Salary chief engineer, $100
Emerald Hose Co. for bunkers, $75
Hitchcock Hose Co. for bunkers, $75
Orris Hose Co. for fuel, $25
Protective Police Co. for fuel, $25

For salaries for village officers, $3,500.00
For contingent purposes, $2,000.00
For lights for streets, $5,000.00
For highway fund, $4,800.00
For water, hydrant rental, $4,200.00
Total Ordinary Expenses, $26,697.50
   The foregoing ordinary expenses are raised by tax upon the taxable property and inhabitants of the village of Cortland for the coming year pursuant to the resolution and direction of the board of trustees of said village as authorized by law.
Resolution, No. 1.
   Resolved, That the sum of $11,000 be raised by tax, for the purpose of defraying the current expenses of the Union schools of the village of Cortland for the coming year, itemized as follows:
For teachers' wages, $6,500.00
For janitors, $1,100.00
For fuel, $1,300.00
For repairs, $600
For supplies and incidentals, $1,000.00
For library, $100.00
For supervision, $400.00
[Total] $11,000.00
Resolution, No. 2.
   Resolved, That the sum of $700 be raised by tax for the purpose of purchasing new fire hose for the fire department of the village of Cortland: $700.00.
Resolution, No. 3.
   Resolved, That the sum of $1,500 be raised by tax for the purpose of purchasing a new hook and ladder truck for the fire department of the village of Cortland: $1,600.00
Total special purposes $13,200.00
Total ordinary expenses $26,697.50
[Total] $39,897.50
   The three resolutions (above set forth) to raise taxes for special purposes will be submitted to vote by ballot at the next annual election pursuant to the requirements of the charter of said village.
   ROE A. SMITH, Trustees.

Firemen's Hall next to First National Bank on west side of Main Street.
Village Election.
   Notice is hereby given that the annual election of officers of the Village of Cortland will be held on the 13th day of March, 1894. The polls will be open from 9 o'clock A. M., to 4 o'clock P. M., of that day.
   The following polling places fixed and provided by the Board of Trustees in the respective wards of the Village are as follows:
   First Ward.—The south store of the Squires Block on the west side of South Main-st.. formerly occupied by J. O. Reid for a meat market.
   Second Ward.—Firemen's Hall, Main-st.
   Third Ward.—The office and store of Harrison Wells on Clinton Avenue.
   Fourth Ward.—Nottingham's shop on South Main-st.
   The officers to be elected are:
   A President, in place of Calvin P. Walrad.
   A Trustee in the second ward, in place of Roe A. Smith, (to be elected by the electors of the second ward only.)
   A Trustee in the fourth ward, in place of John Hodgson, (to be elected by the electors of the fourth ward only.)
   An Assessor, in place of Beman S. Conger.
   A Collector, in place of George T. Latimer.
   A Treasurer, in place of Frank J. Peck.
   Three Commissioners of Cortland Union Free School, District No. 1, for the term of three years each, In place of H. A. Dickinson, C. F. Brown and A. S. Brown.
   Three Inspectors of Election for the first ward, (who shall be elected by the electors of the first ward only.)
   Three Inspectors of Election for the second ward, (who shall be elected by the electors of the second ward only.)
   Three Inspectors of Election for the third ward, (who shall be elected by the electors of the third ward only.)
   Three Inspectors of Election for the fourth ward, (who shall be elected by the electors of the fourth ward only.
   CALVIN P. WALRAD, President.
   ROE A. SMITH, Trustees.

   —The senate yesterday confirmed the nomination of B. B. Jones to be postmaster at Cortland.
   —The Democratic caucus to nominate village officers will be held to-night in the Democratic club rooms in the Democrat building at 7:30 o'clock.
   —At a regular meeting of the Independent Order of Forresters [sic] Mr. D. F. Waters was re-elected financial secretary of Court 1,077 [sic] for the year 1894.
   —Four Cornell students were placed under arrest yesterday for refusing to answer questions at the coroner's inquest in the chlorine poisoning case.
   —The little five-year-old boy of C. O'Brien of Lansing-ave. has been very sick with the croup.
   —Senator Coggeshall on Wednesday introduced a bill appropriating $100,000 for rebuilding and furnishing the Oneonta Normal school, recently destroyed by fire.
   —The Old Homestead quartet and Miss Alice Girardeau close the Y. M. C. A. course for this season with a grand concert at the Opera House to-night. They are said to be very fine and a rare treat is anticipated.
   —No Sunday-school superintendent, Sunday-school teacher or person interested in Sunday-school work should fail to read the very excellent paper in another column [page 4] upon primary work read by Miss Cornelia L. Brown of Cortland at the recent meeting of the Cortland County Sunday-school association.
   —The number of notaries public to which Cortland county is entitled is not full, and any person desiring the office and who is ready to pay the required fee to the county clerk on swearing in should send his name to Hon. B. F. Lee, Assembly Chamber, Albany, N. Y., with the request that it be added to the list to be acted upon.
   —Cortlandville has given Ithaca city an example for loyalty and persistence, in a good cause. For the third consecutive time the town has elected its no-license candidates, and will try again to prohibit the sale of intoxicants in its borders. The members of the excise board are: Alonzo W. Gates, John W. Keese and John H. Phelps.—Ithacan.

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