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Empire Corset Co. employees boarding trolley cars at McGraw for excursion to Little York Pavilion. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 9,
The Electric Road.
There seems to be every reason to believe
that McGrawville will soon be connected with Cortland by an electric street car
line. Some time ago a Scranton company obtained an option on the stock of the
Cortland and Homer Street Railroad company and last week Friday representatives
of the Scranton company were in Cortland and deposited the required amount of
money to secure control of the Cortland and Homer line. They propose
reconstructing the old line into an electric line, branching out on several
streets in Cortland village and extending the track to McGrawville.
Hon. R. T. Peck, representing the new
company, called upon our village trustees Monday in regard to securing a right
of way in our corporation. He stated that the company was anxious to get the
work started as soon as the frost should get out of the ground. The trustees,
though favorable to an electric road, deferred action in the matter until they
could learn more definitely the wishes of the people and the proper course to
pursue. A road of this kind would certainly be of great benefit to
McGrawville—the working people, the real estate owners, and the merchants.
McGrawville is noted for its extremely low prices—real estate is low, taxes are
low, rent is low, board is low, groceries, provisions, and general merchandise
are low and with this state of affairs, an electric road would bring
McGrawville unto Cortland as Harlem is unto New York, a suburb that would
hastily grow in usefulness and profit to all concerned.—McGrawville
Democratic Ticket.
The ticket nominated by the democrats to be
supported at charter election is printed in full at the top of our editorial
columns. Those who had a hand in making it feel justly proud of their work and
well they may, because it is a most excellent one and ought to be elected.
Mr. Albert Allen, the candidate for
President, is the well-known Superintendent of the E., C. & N. railroad and
is peculiarly well qualified for the office. He is a business man fully capable
of looking after the interests of all the people and ought to be elected. He
has become identified with Cortland people and takes pride in doing everything
possible for the welfare and prosperity of the town. When such men consent to
accept nominations, they should be supported by every careful business man and
by every patriotic voter. The times require good, practical, capable business
men like Mr. Allen in responsible places. Mr. Allen will fill the bill to
perfection and should be elected.
Mr. Isadore Whiteson, the candidate for
trustee in the second ward, is the well-known clothing merchant. By fair
dealing and strict attention to business he has made a success of his own
ventures. Men who make a success of their own affairs can be trusted to look
after the business of the public.
Mr. Mark Brownell, the candidate for trustee
in the fourth ward is one of our best known and most highly respected citizens.
For many years he held an important position with the Hitchcock Mfg. Co. and
for the past year has been employed in the freight office of the D. L. &
W. Railroad company. He is a good business man and should be elected.
Mr. John Ireland, the candidate for
assessor, has been in the lumber business in this village for several years
past. He is competent to judge of the value of property and is an honest,
straight-forward business man. There ought not to be any question about his
Hubert R. Maine, is a young man of excellent
promise and of the highest respectability. He occupies a prominent position in
the Second National bank and would make an excellent treasurer.
Lewis E. Waters is a young mechanic of
excellent reputation and good business habits. He would make a good collector
and if the proper effort is made can be elected.
Messrs. George C. Hubbard, C. Fred Thompson
and William G. McKinney are well qualified in every respect to be School
Commissioners. They are three of our most successful business men and would
discharge their duties with fidelity and ability.
The candidates for Inspectors of Election
are competent business men and would discharge their duties with intelligence.
They should be elected.
The ticket as a whole is a splendid one, and
is submitted to the judgment of our citizens in the confident hope and belief
that they will support it in preference to a ticket made up of politicians.
Coal Gas.
Last Thursday night Mrs. Chas. Van Vost and
her sister, residing at No. 20 Washington-st.,
put coal on the stove, shut off all the dampers and retired for the night. Not
far from 3 o'clock A. M. Mrs. Van Vost awoke with a terrible headache and found
it difficult to breath. She managed to get to the window, which she opened as
quickly as possible and then fell to the door in a feint. The fresh air soon
revived her and she went to the residence of C. E. Cornell adjoining and
aroused the family. When she returned with the Cornell's the house was full of
coal gas and her sister was nearly unconscious. Dr. Bennett was summoned, and
with the aid of the proper remedies both the ladies were relieved of the
effects of the deadly coal gas, although they were obliged to remain in bed for
two or three days. The family were preparing to move to Marathon and Mr. Yan
Yost was in that place making the necessary arrangements.
It pays sometimes to be absent-minded. It is
said, that during all the years Beman S. Conger has been assessor of this
village, it has never occurred to him that he had any personal property to
assess. A well-tilled garden will produce some of the necessaries to sustain
life but not all. Surely this statesman must have some other means of support.
Secretary of War Lamont and Secretary of the
Navy Herbert have prohibited football contests at Annapolis and West Point,
declaring such matches to be detrimental to discipline. Good.
The republican mayor of Brooklyn refuses to
allow the Irish flag to be hoisted on the city hall on St. Patrick's day.
Ex-Mayor Abram S. Hewitt of New York, the
champion scold of the country, has been lecturing southern statesmen. He says
they are ignorant and calls them all sorts of hard names. If Hewitt had been
living in New England in olden times, he would have been treated to a souse in
the duck pond more than once. He is an accomplished crank and nothing more.
Pope Leo XIII, celebrated his eighty-fourth
birthday and the sixteenth anniversary of his coronation, at Rome, on Friday.
Gioacchino Pecci was born March 8, 1810, in Carpineto, Central Italy, and
belongs to an old patrician family. He was named by Gregory XVI., one of his
chaplains in 1837, became Bishop of Damietta in 1843, was Nuncio to Belgium
from 1843 to 1846, was made Archbishop and Bishop of Perugia in 1846, was created
a Cardinal in 1853, and was elected Pope in 1878, taking the title of Leo XIII.
The jury empanelled to try Corbett for
engaging in a prize fight at Jacksonville and thereby breaking the laws of the
state of Florida, has decided that Corbett did not jab Mitchell in the potato
trap with his left duke, nor punch him with his right mauley in the bread
basket. They in fact decide that they simply engaged in a quiet and gentlemanly
test of skill in the use of boxing gloves, and that no harm was done. The southern
juror is evidently not unlike the average northern juror, who oftimes construes
both the law and fact to suit himself.
Hon. William E Gladstone has resigned the
office of Premier of England and Lord Roseberry has been installed in his
place. Gladstone has been a remarkable man both physically and intellectually,
but in a recent speech he showed evident signs of a breakdown. The "Grand
Old Man, as his friends delight to call him, is 85 years of age, having lived
far beyond the age allotted to man and has been, until recently, in the
enjoyment of vigorous, physical and mental health. Lord Roseberry is quite a
young man, but his experience in public life and his fine abilities, it is
believed, will make him a fit successor to the eminent Gladstone.
John Y. McKane, convicted of election frauds
at Gravesend is now enjoying life in Sing Sing prison. He is at work in the
tailor shop and is allowed no more privileges than the ordinary convict and is
said to take his imprisonment philosophically. Of course he is entitled to no
better treatment than any of the other convicts, but it is well known that such
convicts as McKane are often allowed many privileges in some of the jails and
prisons. What a pity it is that the republicans who have been prominent in prosecuting
McKane, were blind to his wicked transactions for fifteen years and only awoke
to a full sense of his wickedness after he had transferred his affections,
something over a year ago, from the republican party to the democratic party.
He was a saint in 1889 when he gave Cleveland, democrat for President 397 votes
and Harrison, republican 833 and in 1889 when he gave Rice, democrat for
secretary of state 217 votes and Gilbert, republican 956, but when in 1892 he
gave Cleveland, democrat 2,962 votes and Harrison 290 only, he was a veritable
devil, with horns, hoofs and forked tail. If our republican friends had
prosecuted McKane when he began to steal in their interests, his term of
imprisonment might have expired in time for him to do yeoman's service for them
in the same line in 1896.
The many friends of Mr. Henry G. Crouch,
formerly of Cortland, will be pleased to know that the president has appointed
him to the office of postmaster at Kingston, N. Y. Mr. Crouch was for several
years the editor and publisher of the Cortland DEMOCRAT and while a resident of
this place he made many warm friends. He is a thorough democrat and has served
the party faithfully for many years, but this is the first office he has ever
held. Mr. Crouch is the editor of the Kingston Argus, one of the best
democratic papers in the state, and his excellent business habits and
qualifications will be felt in the administration of the affairs of the
Kingston office.
CHENANGO.—A team employed in drawing ice
from the river at Alton a few days ago, broke through the ice and plunged in
the water about ten feet deep. The horses were rescued after considerable
The first number of the Bainbridge Express appeared last week. It is a weekly paper of eight pages,
and is published at Bainbridge, by the Express Publishing Company, consisting
of F. L. Ames, O. L. Crumb and C. C. Hovey. Its typographical appearance is in its
favor, and its matter and make-up in taste.
MADISON.—A number of cases of diphtheria are
reported in the vicinity of Morrisville.
The body of J. N. Putnam of Wampsville was
buried in a steele coffin in a burglar proof vault.
Clara Perry, a wayward Wampsville girl, has
been sent to the home for fallen women at Hudson.
W. E. Gilman, of Earlville, charged with the
offence of practicing dentistry without a license, has been held in $200 bonds
for the action of the grand jury
Among the postmasters recently appointed in
central New York, are the following: Bradford B. Wilcox, Earlville; William G.
Weed, DeRuyter; W. C. Stephens, South Bay.
Phillip Armour, the great Chicago packer,
has sent to the Congregational church, of the village of Morrisville, his check
for an amount sufficient to clear the church of debt. Mr. Armour used to attend
the church in his boyhood. He used to attend Cazenovia seminary also when he
was a young man, but certain differences between him and the faculty resulted in
a sudden change of educational institutions, and no amount of persuasion has since
been able to induce him to remember the seminary, financially.
TOMPKINS.—The capital stock of the
"Cayuga Lake Electric Company" is $25,000.
Mr. Jenks, who recently moved to McLean from
Cortland, has opened a wagon repair shop at the blacksmith shop of J. Taylor.
L. LaMott, Jr., a former resident of McLean,
has purchased the A. B. LaMont farm near the Red Mills in the town of Dryden.
It is said that fifty-one acres of land recently
purchased near Caroline depot by Ithacans is said to be converted into a skunk
On Monday last a consignment of brook trout
and brown and German trout was received from the State fish hatchery to be
deposited by local fishermen in streams of this county.
Marathon charter election takes place March 20th.
Mr. E. S. Burrows has received a box of
Shamrock from Ireland.
The report of the condition of the First
National Bank will be found in another column.
Bishop Huntington confirmed a large class in
Calvary church, Homer, last Sunday morning.
Hi Henry's Minstrels gave an excellent
performance to a good audience in the opera house last week.
The regular meeting of the Loyal Circle of
King's Daughters will be held Friday at 2:30 P. M., at 32 Groton-ave.
Mr. A. S. Burgess, the clothier, quotes some
low prices in his new advertisement on our eighth page. Don't fail to
The concert given by the "Old Homestead
Quartette" in the opera house last week was well attended and gave
excellent satisfaction.
Mr. D. F. Waters, captain of the Cycling
Division of the C. A. A. has issued a challenge to the captain of the C. W. C.
team of four, for a bicycle race to Little York and return.
The directors of the Horse Railway company
held a meeting last Friday afternoon to consider the question of using
electricity as a motive power. No definite decision was arrived at.
Mr. R. E. Brooks of Ogdensburgh and Thomas
Brooks of Danbury, Conn., have leased the steam flouring and feed mills on Pt.
Watson-St., and have taken possession. They will do a general flour and feed
The West Shore will run an excursion train
to Washington and return on Tuesday, March 20. Train leaves Canastota at 10:38
A. M. and tickets will be good returning from Washington until March 30, and
from New York until April 2. Sleeping cars run through and tickets cost only $10
for the round trip.
Last Saturday night Dr. F. D. Ayers, of this
village, was in Cortland and walking on Mill street, was accosted by a fairly
well dressed man, who solicited money with which to buy supper. Dr. Ayers drew
his hand from his pocket with a supply of change intending to give the man a
quarter, when the individual made a sudden lunge, and attempted to seize all
the money he had in his hand. Mr. Ayers' right hand was free, and with that he
planted a claret-tapper on the nose of the beggar, and negotiations were
suspended. It was a high-handed attempt at robbery.—Marathon Independent.
The snow is wanting,
spring we're tasting,
summer is hasting
For winter to come.
We're glad it's no colder.
Yet still we're growing older.
time is growing bolder
we're nearing our home.
People are commencing to go with wagons.
Joseph Limberger was in Scott last Monday
buying eggs.
Miss May Burdick made a business trip to
Cortland last Thursday.
George H. Butts and sister Hattie have returned
home from teaching.
Adelbert Chrysler has hired the Hiram Babcock
place for the coming season.
Arthur Green has been awarded the office of
pathmaster. He has let his plow land and is now ready for business.
The prevailing influenza still prevails; but
we may be thankful that the grippe has not visited this section this winter as yet.
What has become of the School Commissioner elected
in this district last year? We have heard nothing of his being in this town
since election.
George Maycumber has hired to E. W. Childs
for the summer: $23 per month. Harrold Harrington has hired to Fred Crosby for
$18 per month for six months.
It has been currently reported that one young
lady in town had run away, and that another (a married lady) had taken poison,
but the doctor countermanded the calculations in the latter case, and she still
lives and we are glad of it.
Nearly 400 horns have been cut off recently
from dairy cows about here, under the supervision of W. N. Tarbell of Freetown.
The following dairies being among the number: M. G. Frisbie, E. F. Picket, Fred
Vandenburg, John Vincent, Fortunatus Tinkham, D. J. Cottrell, Ira Barber and
Frank Barber.
The school exhibition at the hall of the Central
House, held last Wednesday evening and conducted by Miss Anna Frisbie, was
quite well attended. We were there only a short time, therefore cannot speak of
its merits, but it held till midnight, and there was dancing 'till daylight; so
some got little sleep that night.
Mrs. Bacon and daughter Mary are visiting at
her father's, Alva Mott.
Chas. Ryan is getting out timber and preparing
to build a new barn.
Mr. Duane Ballou has hired out to the Misses
Colligan for the coming season.
Mr. Albert Williamson has rented the old
Thomas Parker farm and takes possession March 1st.
Miss Nettie Williamson has engaged to teach
the spring and summer term of school in the Luce Hill district.
Edwin Parker and Dudley Allen are to work
the Dan Tripp farm, located near the J. C. House cheese factory, this season.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Olmstead of Cortland, were
calling on their old friends living near here last week.
A number of changes are to be made this
spring. Geo. Burns is to work the Hiram Conrad farm the coming year. Wm. Ryan
is coming back on his farm; M. A. Thomas on the Davern place; Gene Dunks on the
Shevalier farm.
Died in Lapeer, February 17, 1894, of of cancer,
Mrs. Lettie Johnson Cook aged 46 years, wife of Freeman Cook. The deceased had
three cancers on her person and her suffering was great, but she bore it all with
christian fortitude and patience. She leaves a husband and one son, Asa, with many
relatives and neighbors to mourn. Mrs. Cook was a loving wife, an indulgent mother,
a kind and accommodating neighbor.
William Thompson moved to Homer this spring.
Robert Ellis, of Cortland, has moved on the
old farm.
Warm weather has left the woods almost
Sugaring has commenced and the bounty on
sugar is being discussed.
Frank Wilcox has hired for the season to
Fred Wagner and moved into the house where Fred lived.
Mrs. Moses Howard died last Sunday morning,
aged about 80 years. Funeral Tuesday last. Interment in Preble.
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