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Rev. Anna Howard Shaw, Methodist minister and physician. |
Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday,
March 28, 1894.
County Organization Affected—Eloquent Address
by Rev. Anna Shaw in the Evening.
woman's suffrage campaign work was continued yesterday afternoon, Miss Mills
presided and Mrs. Edith Cotton acted as secretary. Prayer was offered by Rev.
E. H. Keens of Upper Lisle. The election of the Cortland county committee followed
and the following were elected:
P. H. Patterson.
Secretary—Miss Jennie June.
Secretary—Mrs. Mary Lester Squires.
Clara Yale.
following were chosen chairman of the subcommittees in the towns they represent:
H. M. Burrows.
Alice Purvis.
M. L. Leete.
Emma Watrous.
Ellen Moore.
C. L. Jones.
William Hunt.
Hannah Smith.
Augusta Briggs.
C. F. Cobb and Mrs. Elnora Tinkham.
Emogene Maybury.
Florence Bennett.
Truxton—Miss Ellen Day Kinney.
Ann M. Mott.
Hattie McBirney.
Rev. E.
H. Keens then spoke briefly of woman's desire to vote, stating that he could
see no reason why women should not vote. He argued that the vote would be purer
and even the men ennobled if the women voted.
Mills then spoke briefly eulogizing Miss Anthony and giving some timely thoughts
and suggestions.
Pamelia Hubbard Howland was then elected chairman of the committee on
resolutions to be presented at the evening session with power to choose the others
of committee.
A few
questions were answered and after a general discussion of the suffrage question
the meeting was adjourned.
Miss Mills presided at the meeting at the Universalist church last evening as at the
previous meetings. After the preliminary exercises at which Mrs. P. H.
Patterson offered prayer, Judge A. P. Smith introduced the speaker of the evening.
He said that he thought every one knew his sentiments on the subject of woman's
suffrage. After speaking briefly on this subject he introduced to the audience Rev. Anna Shaw.
Miss Shaw
is not a stranger to a Cortland audience and she held for over an hour the
audience almost spellbound by her eloquence, except when they would be provoked
to laughter. Her address was a mixture of merriment, pathos, irony and sarcasm
delivered in the manner of a statesman and with the choice language of a
rhetorician. She began by comparing woman's rights and privileges in the past
with those of the present and discussed the argument of men when they say that
they do not wish to drag woman from the lofty pedestal upon which she is
supposed to stand down [to] the level of politicians. She sarcastically remarked
that the women do not stand upon this pedestal alone, as idiots, lunatics,
Chinese and criminals are also not permitted to vote.
presented two chief thoughts: first, that every class that votes effects the
government along the line of its nature. Woman's nature is unlike that of man;
it is pre-eminently superior, especially morally. Her second thought was that the
nature of woman is as different from that of man as the east is from the west,
that when woman arrives at a conclusion, though she does not use the same means
of getting to it as a man, the one she reaches is usually correct.
showed that in the states where women were enfranchised the political parties
were compelled to nominate the best men on their tickets; that the women of the
state of Wyoming did not desire to hold office themselves, but were very
particular who did hold the offices. In this state of Wyoming where women had
voted for the past twenty-one years at the time of the census in 1890 it was
the only state in the union in which there was not one woman confined in an
insane asylum. This also has the effect of keeping the men from
becoming insane. It is the only state in the union where the marriages have
increased between 80 and 90 per cent over the divorces.
Miss Shaw
also gave a number of other good features in which Wyoming stands alone. She
closed by stating that if the government was of the people, for the people and
by the people, by allowing the women to vote it would be the first time in
history that a true republic was built.
committee upon resolutions appointed in the afternoon reported as follows:
We citizens of Cortland county in mass meeting assembled believe that sex
should not be one of the qualifications for voters, therefore,
Resolved, That, we ask the members of the coming constitutional
convention to grant to the women of the state the full rights of citizenship.
Resolved, That we urge the delegates to that convention representing
this Twenty-fifth senatorial district, viz , Charles A. Fuller of Sherburne,
William J. Mantanye of Cortland, Abram C. Crosby of Delhi, H. Austin Clark of
Owego and Geo. F Lyon of Binghamton, to vote for the elimination of the word
"male" from Section I, article 2 of the constitution of the state
of New York.
collection was then taken to defray expenses and after Miss Mills had thanked
the Cortland people for their hospitality the campaign meetings closed.
To the
Editor of the STANDARD:
As my article in The STANDARD has been
apparently misconstrued by "Fireman" of Homer, allow me to say that
not for one moment would I disparage the efforts of the brave firemen who so
nobly defend life and property in the discharge of their duties. If
"Fireman" will visit the city he will find a vast difference in the
case I cited and what he objects to. City fire departments are suitably
equipped for such emergencies and their horses are trained for that purpose and
used for no other. They are driven on paved streets and are always humanely
used, although urged to their utmost speed for which they are trained and
always ready at the stroke of the bell to do their best. Certainly accidents
happen in many cases to man and beast, and in many instances the horses are
humanely killed, but noble men who are not afraid to discharge their duties
stand ready to arrest any one [sic] regardless of class distinction who are
found misusing a dumb animal.
Although I have the utmost regard for
"Fireman," still I should have respected him more if he had been
brave enough to sign his own name.
Cortland, March 27.
Pierce Eulogizes the Late M. M. Waters.
To the
Editor of the STANDARD:
Your edition of Friday last brought me the
sad news of the death and burial of Mr. M. M. Waters. I had heard of his
illness, but had not apprehended that his life was in danger. I have known him
for so many years and so intimately that I desire, through your paper, to say a
word upon his life and character.
No one of the young lawyers who studied with
him can but feel that in his death they have lost a personal friend. It can be
truly said, I think, that every young man who obtained his legal education in
his office felt toward him a profound respect. Of all the men whom I have known
he could have been most truly called a self-made man. Beginning the study of
law after his marriage, with a family to support, and continuing it under the
most adverse circumstances, he triumphed over all difficulties. Opposition to
the attainment of his ends seemed only to inspire him with greater strength for
overcoming. I have never met a more inveterate worker. From the pure love of
work, day and night, for years he toiled on and on and seemed never to tire.
The enthusiasm of youth, the love of work for its own sake animated him to the
last. In the two years that I was a student in his office, he was constantly
with his books when not in court.
Life with him was neither pain nor pleasure,
but serious business which it seemed to him was his duty to carry through and
complete with honor. His books were his friends, and study seemed to ennoble
and sweeten his life. Nor did his constant study, as often happens, impair his
love for those near him. No man was ever fonder of his family or truer to his
Every student with him will recall his
reverence for the law. To each of us again and again he would expound equity
and point out its distinctions from the rigid rules of law. Few lawyers, I
think, have relied more implicitly for success upon the justice of their cases.
He despised quackery of all kinds; he ever sought to make truth do battle and disdained
to arouse prejudice in jurors, to play upon their passions, or to mislead them
by claptrap or spectacular effect.
To the younger members of the bar he endeared
himself especially by the kind and patient manner in which he advised them in
their cases and freely gave them advantage of his wonderful stores of legal
knowledge. He was never too busy to talk fully to young lawyers about their
cases. In such cases he aided them not more by his legal learning than by his
kindly manner which inspired in them self-confidence.
An ardent fighter, ever sanguine, never knowing
defeat until the last court was reached, he was still free from malice and
petty jealousies. He followed his profession with all earnestness and without
avarice. Few lawyers have ever done so much hard work for so little pay, few
have worked so hard from an evident love of work without any sordid motive. The
success of others in accumulating wealth in winning fortune never stirred into
life jealousies in his heart.
He followed his profession faithfully because
he loved it, because he loved right and revered law, and regarded its practice
as the noblest profession in which a just man could be employed. Such men, Mr.
Editor, are exemplars for youth, and the community which loses them may wisely
New York, March 25, 1894.
Mr. O. J. Harrington died at 9:30 o'clock
yesterday morning at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Place, after a brief
illness resulting from a complication of diseases. He was 80 years old.
The deceased was a resident of Cincinnatus
until 1859, when he went West. He returned to this county three years ago and
has since resided with his daughter, Mrs. Place. Besides his wife and daughter
he leaves a brother, Mr. George Harrington of Cincinnati is and three sons,
Messrs. Howard J. Harrington, who is now at Tallapoosa, Ga., Frederick
Harrington of Los Angeles, Cal., and Ward Harrington of Colorado. The deceased
had a large circle of acquaintances in this section, who with his relatives,
will greatly mourn his demise.
The funeral will be held at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Frank Place, 164 Port Watson-st. at 3 o'clock Thursday
The Cornell
Student Remanded to the Tompkins County Sheriff.
Decision was rendered in the case of F. L.
Taylor, the Cornell student, who was before Judge Smith at Watkins Monday on a
writ of habeas corpus.
Taylor refused to testify before the grand
jury at Ithaca in the chlorine gas case, and was sent to jail by Judge Forbes
for contempt. The prisoner is remanded to the sheriff of Tompkins county under
the commitment upon which he is now committed. The decision of Judge Smith is
an exhaustive one, and concludes as follows:
"The contempt for which he is now
imprisoned is for not answering the questions put to him or rather for making
as his only answer, 'I throw myself upon my privilege.' If he shall appear
before the grand jury at its next meeting and there make answer to the
questions which have been asked him, or make oath that the answer to such
questions will tend to criminate him, he may then claim his privilege and will
have purged himself of the contempt for which he now stands committed."
What We
Did For Brazil.
The New York Sun aptly calls attention to the service rendered by the United
States to the republic of Brazil during the recent rebellion. The sympathies of
European nations were undoubtedly with the insurgents from the first. In the
beginning it was only because, on general principles, anything that tends
toward the downfall of a republic is agreeable to a monarchist or imperialist.
But after Da Gama declared his desire to see the Brazilian empire restored this
negative sympathy prepared to take active shape. If certain German and English
naval officers at Rio Janeiro had had their way, the insurgents would have
blockaded the port, cutting off from Peixoto his customs revenues and supplies.
At once the United States government gave
notice to Mello that no interference with American merchant ships in Rio harbor
would be permitted. Then the British government followed in our wake and
notified Mello and Da Gama to the same effect. The Sun says:
That the status of belligerency was never
acquired by the Brazilian rebels was due to the fact that the United States not
only refused the desired recognition, but taxed all the resources of its
diplomacy to prevent any such proceeding on the part of other foreign
governments. It is a truth of which President Peixoto is perfectly aware that
during the last six months, when his own fate and that of republican
institutions in Brazil were at stake, he has had no well wishers in places of
power in Europe, and that nothing but the steadfast friendship of the United
States averted a concerted concession of the rights of belligerents to the
rebels, which would probably have assured to them success.
It is not likely that either he or any of
those Brazilians who are sincere republicans will ever underrate the magnitude
of their indebtment to this country. They are as likely to forget the sympathy
with the rebel advocates of monarchy which the British naval officers at Rio
took no trouble to disguise.
The service which we rendered in their hour
of need to the Peixoto government and to the cause of republican institutions
in Brazil ought to have a profound and permanent effect on the future
commercial and political relations of that country with the United States.
Nominate Him For Member of the Board of Regents.
ALBANY, March 28.—The Republican members of
the senate and assembly gathered in the assembly chamber in joint caucus to
determine upon a candidate for member of the state board of regents. Senator
Pound presided.
Mr. Taylor of Kings presented the name of
Rev. Sylvester Malone of Brooklyn. "Father Malone," he declared,
"is a beloved, grand old man. He is a good stalwart Republican, who has
been such since the birth of the Republican party."
Mr. Wray in a brief speech seconded the
Mr. Nixon of Chautauqua presented the name
of Rev. Father Lambert of Scottsville.
The nomination was seconded by Mr. Whittett.
Senator O'Connor presented the name of Dr.
Vanderveer of Albany.
When the roll call had finished it was found
that Father Malone had received 47 votes, Lambert 19, Dr. Vanderveer 14,
Mullaney 6.
Mr. Taylor then moved, seconded by Senator
Owens, that the election of Father Malone be made unanimous. The motion was carried
and the caucus adjourned.
Steamship on Lake Titicaca.
A triumph in engineering is reported from
the mountains of Peru, where a twin screw steamer of 540 tons, 170 feet long
and 30 feet wide has been successfully launched on Lake Titicaca, the highest
navigable waters in the world, more than 13,000 feet above the sea. This
steamer, which belongs to the Peruvian government and is to be used for freight
and passenger traffic, was built on the Clyde, then taken apart in more than
1,000 pieces and shipped to Mollendo by sea. It was then carried to Puna by
railway and transported over the mountains on the backs of llamas and mules and
put together by a Mr. John Wilson, a Scotch engineer, with great skill and
success.—Chicago Record.
Heaviest Cable In the World Is to Be Laid During This Year.
This will be a great year for ocean telegraphy.
The Anglo-American Cable company will lay a new Atlantic cable this spring,
which is now making in England. The copper conducting wire of this cable will
weigh 650 pounds per knot, while hitherto no cable has had a conductor weighing
so much as 500 pounds per knot.
The Atlantic cables have conductors weighing
400 pounds or less per knot. Many short
cables have cores weighing as little as 107 pounds. Cables 1,900 miles long on
the east coast of Africa have cores weighing 250 pounds to the knot.
The heaviest core is that of the French cable
from St. Pierre, Miquelon, to Brest. It is 2,242 miles long and weighs 485 pounds
per knot. The estimated cost for making and laying long cables is about $1,200
per knot. The cost of the proposed Pacific cable will be somewhat greater
because it cannot be manufactured in the vicinity.
The total length, exclusive of 740 knots already
laid in Australasian waters, will be about 2,900 knots, making the total cost
about $6,200,000 for cable and laying
[We would like to thank Mr. Tom Tryniski at Old Fulton Postcards for the continued free access to his archive of old newspapers. His site is a treasure trove for researchers of family ancestry and regional history. Donations for his site build and maintenance are appreciated—CC editor and staff.]
[We would like to thank Mr. Tom Tryniski at Old Fulton Postcards for the continued free access to his archive of old newspapers. His site is a treasure trove for researchers of family ancestry and regional history. Donations for his site build and maintenance are appreciated—CC editor and staff.]
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