Friday, May 19, 2017


Cortland County Fairgrounds, 1894 map section.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 16, 1894.

Cortland County Agricultural Society.
   The annual meeting of the Cortland County Agricultural Society was held at Firemen's Hall in this village last Saturday afternoon. An unusually large number of the members and stockholders were present, and a most excellent and harmonious feeling prevailed. Enos E. Mellon, Esq., was made chairman of the meeting and Mr. G J. Mager acted as secretary. Messrs. J. R. Hathaway and D. E. Kinney were appointed tellers.
   Owing to the absence of Mr. H. R. Rouse, the treasurer of the society, during the early part of last year, Mr. G. J. Mager acted a portion of the time both as secretary and treasurer, and as such officer presented a very complete and interesting itemized report of the financial standing of the association. The total receipts during the past year were $8,258.35 and the disbursement $8,114.29 leaving a balance in the treasury of $144.06 after paying last year's deficiency of $534.68 and other claims and obligations, excepting, of course, the funded indebtedness incurred by the erection of the grand stand and horse stalls, and repairs upon the race track.
   In accordance with the legal notice published in the DEMOCRAT for several weeks past, a resolution was unanimously adopted authorizing and empowering the proper officers, in behalf of the society, to mortgage its real estate for the sum of $7,000.00 to pay the indebtedness above referred to. Mr. C. F Wickwire will take the mortgage and furnish the requisite amount of money as soon as the necessary papers can be executed and furnished.
   Messrs. D. W. Van Hoesen, C. F. Brown and A. F. Stilson were appointed a committee to prepare and present at the next annual meeting a set of by-laws for the more perfect government of the association.
   Messrs. O. U. Kellogg, G. P. Squires, Harrison Wells, F. N. Harrington and J. J. Murray were chosen to serve as directors for three years.
   A hearty and unanimous vote of thanks was tendered to G. J. Mager for the able and efficient manner with which he discharged the duties of secretary of the society.
   Immediately after the adjournment of the stock holders' meeting, a meeting of the directors was held at the same place. Harrison Wells was elected chairman and G. J. Mager, acted as secretary and teller. The following officers were then elected for the ensuing year:
   President—T. H. Wickwire.
   Vice-President—D. K. Cutler.
   Treasurer—H. R. Rouse.
   Secretary—G. J. Mager.
   The outlook for the society for the coming season is very encouraging indeed and it is hoped that the new management will be as successful, and give as universal satisfaction as did the old.

   On Wednesday March 7, a very pleasant occurrence took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Warren of Truxton, it being the marriage of their niece, Miss Bertha Bonney to Rev. Orson L. Warren of Marathon. About 11 o'clock A. M., the guests began to arrive and the parlors were soon filled, there being about 80 present.
   At 12 o'clock the bride and groom escorted by Mr. Frank Warren and Everett Kinney who acted as best men and Misses Ida Bonney and Zetta Stafford, as bridesmaids, marched in. Rev. W. S. Warren, brother of the groom stepped in front of the contracting parties and with a few short and appropriate remarks pronounced them man and wife.
   The ushers Mr. Charlie Marks and Miss Lizzie Rigby then introduced the guests to the bride and groom. After hearty hand-shaking and many congratulations the guests were invited to the dining rooms where bountiful refreshments were served in courses, under the direction of Mrs. Gray of Truxton.
   The gifts were numerous and beautiful, fit expressions of the best wishes of their friends for their future lives. Among the gifts were: Set oak dining room chairs, presented by Prof. and Mrs. George Bailey, Miss Fannie Vanbuskirk, Ida J. Bonney, Zetta Stafford, Elmer Humphries and Warren Stafford; willow rocker, M. L. Kinney and family; water set, Ida and Marie Wicks; bed spread, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Warren; silver spoons, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brownell; carving knife, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fish; bed spread, Mr. and Mrs. Leartus Gilbert; silver spoon, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Robbins; set forks, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Warren; towels, Mr. and Mrs. Elmira McKeel; fruit knives, Mrs. Rhoda Peters; silver spoons, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Warren; rug, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Alexander; towels, Misses Wicks; knives, Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Warren; towel, Hattie M. Yates; butter knife and sugar spoon, Will. McCumber and Miss Mildred Williams; berry set, Charley Marks and Miss Lizzie Rigby; table spread, Mrs. Moses McCumber and Stella McCumber; doz. napkins, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wicks; towel, Miss Ida J. Bonney; fancy bottle with rubber hose attachment, Frank Warren.
   The happy couple departed on the evening train for a short bridal trip and will return in about three weeks when they commence keeping house in Marathon, where they intend making their future home.

Jenkins, of Syracuse.
   It remained for Jenkins, of Syracuse, New York State, to distance all competitors, and break the record of New and Smart Journalism. His name, even with Arthur for a necessary Christian prefix, is not sweetly Celtic, but we believe for all that he must have Irish blood in veins which evidently know something of Irish wit. Jenkins proposes to give, along with the St. Patrick's Day copy of his Herald, to each subscriber or reader a sprig of shamrock, imported direct, with the dewsparkle upon it, from the emerald sod.
   He has sent to our florists inquiring whether he can have 15,000 shamrocks. If he gets these he will be in clover. His patriotic supporters will bless him, but has he the means upon the close of the day when the operation of drowning the the leaf pleases every bard and chief? No doubt Syracuse is not too far away for such a civility, and if he would add to the order some further spirit by commanding samples of Irish usquebaugh to be forwarded to make the deed complete, he would benefit another of our industries besides the cultivation of the national trifolium.
   We are honored, and feel it, that he did not dream of sending for fifteen thousand thistles or even the gentler rose. He shall have the shamrocks, and more power to him!—Dublin (Ireland) Times, Feb'y 24.

   While Bridget O'Neal was sorting rags in a paper mill at Watertown the other day she found two rings which were at first supposed to contain glass settings. A later examination revealed the fact, however, that one of the rings contained a cluster of fifteen diamonds and was worth at least $175. The other ring contained one small diamond, a garnet and a turquoise and was worth about $15.
   The West India migratory crab is the only creature that is born in the sea, matures in fresh water and passes its adult life on land. Once a year these creatures migrate in thousands from the uplands of Jamaica, deposit their larvae in the sea, then migrate to the rivers and streams, pass through a fresh water stage, after which they follow their parents to land until the time comes for them to return to the sea to lay their eggs.
   Robert Donley, formerly of the marble firm of Donley Bros., of Newark Valley, N. Y., was arrested last week, charged with forgery. It seems that his firm sold monuments to people all over this section, taking notes in exchange, which notes the firm endorsed and sold. It is charged that some $14,000 of notes, so placed by Donley, were fictitious notes, the names being signed by Donley and endorsed and sold. The failure of the firm brought the crookedness to the surface.
   Women who are fond of indulging in strong perfumes should remember that they are decidedly injurious to the sense of smell. By their frequent use the secretory glands of the nose and throat are overtaxed and weakened. One day a person notices that the hearing is less acute than usual and the sense of smell seems defective. This is, of course, put down to a cold and but little is thought of it. After a time the entire head becomes affected and there are throat and lung complications which are likely to end in chronic, if not fatal illness. Smelling salts are a prolific cause of deafness. All strong and pungent odors, particularly those which act upon the secretory processes should be avoided as far as possible.

   John O. Reid has a window full of canaries. He sells them.
   The Normal students will wear a crimson button. It is the school color.
   The interior of Baker & Angel's store has been handsomely touched up with paint and varnish.
   The City band go to Syracuse Saturday to take part in the St. Patrick's day parade in the afternoon.
   Lincoln lodge, I. O. G. T., will give a masquerade social in Good Templars' hall, Saturday evening, March 24.
   Parties having bills against the 45th Separate company should receipt the same and hand them to Lieut. Santee.
   Mr. G. N. Copeland of Homer, received some bruises in jumping off a moving train at Blodgett's Mills last week Wednesday.
   Bliss, the cigar manufacturer, has something to say concerning the "Solid Comfort" cigar in our advertising columns.
   On the 27th of this month the City band will give a concert and dance at the armory. The full band will play for the dance.
   The Cortland Sunday-school association will hold its next meeting in the Homer-ave. M. E. church on Wednesday evening, March 28.
   The Cortland Sportsmen's club received 15,000 trout fry last Friday morning and they have been placed in the streams in this vicinity.
   The annual banquet of Jas. H. Kellogg Camp, No 48, S. O. V., was held in the camp rooms last Friday evening. It was a very enjoyable affair.
   One recent morn, a well-known poultry raiser of this village discovered that a weazle [sic] had taken the heads off fourteen of his choicest fowls the night previous.
   Candidates should file a statement of expenses with the town clerk before the expiration of ten days from election day. Whether elected or not the statements must be filed.
   A blacksmith advertised in the DEMOCRAT two weeks ago to-day for an assistant. The following morning he had plenty of calls and was not long in selecting the man he wanted. He had been spending considerable time looking for help in the shops of this and other towns. If you want anything except the earth, put a notice in the DEMOCRAT and it will come to you.
   Mahan's 20th Music Festival will begin on Monday evening May 28th and close Friday evening, June 1st next. The principal artists engaged up to date are Miss Lillian Blauvelt, soprano, Miss Rosa Linde contralto, HENRI MARTEU, the noted violinist, M. Aime Laschaume, the great French pianist, and Mrs. Martha Dana Shepard. Dr. H. R. Palmer will conduct the Festival. Negotiations are pending for other artists.
   Postmaster B. B. Jones has appointed as his deputy postmaster Mr. Frank E. Plumb. Perhaps no appointment could have been made which will give more general satisfaction than that of Mr. Plumb. He has long been a resident of Cortland. He is courteous, accommodating and a general favorite. He has been a faithful worker in his own party and the office which has come to him is a fitting recognition of his service. Postmaster Jones can be assured that with Mr. Plumb as his right hand man affairs at the postoffice will be conducted in a businesslike and proper manner.—Daily Standard.

Gov. Flower is doing everything in his power to bring to justice the parties who were engaged in the melee at the election in Troy and which resulted in the death of one of the victims. He has selected some of the ablest lawyers in that city to assist the District Attorney in prosecuting the criminals and has warned the law officer that he must do his full duty in the premises.
While the republican senate is engaged in investigating the alleged frauds in connection with the recent election in Troy they would do well to send a committee to Ithaca to investigate the recent escapade of the Cornell students whereby a colored woman lost her life and several students came near being killed. The killing of Robert Ross in Troy was done under the sudden impulse of the moment and when great excitement prevailed, while the deadly chlorine gas at Ithaca was administered with premeditation, and undoubtedly with a full knowledge of the probable results. The perpetrators of both crimes ought to be punished, but in the sight of the law, the crime at Ithaca is of the gravest nature. The local authorities seem to be entirely helpless in investigating the matter. In fact there seems to be a desire all along the line in that city to hush the matter up for fear that an investigation might injure the University. Failure to bring the guilty parties to justice, will probably work a greater injury to that institution. Justice and law should prevail under all circumstances.
The republicans in the Senate and Assembly are struggling with a new ballot bill. The object of these reformers seems to be to frame a bill that will disfranchise as many democrats as possible and at the same time permit or compel every republican in the state to vote the republican ticket. There are a very large number of illiterate republicans in the state and the reformers are afraid that a bill that will effectually disfranchise illiterate democrats might result to the injury of the republican party. They have undertaken a very difficult job and they seem to realize the fact. They have entirely lost sight of the fact that they were elected to transact public business and three months of the session has been mainly spent in trying to formulate an election bill that shall disfranchise democrats and in investigating alleged democratic frauds in democratic cities.
The republican party of Syracuse is making a loud call for an investigation. At the election held in that city last month marked ballots and boodle were used by the republicans and the evidence can be easily produced. Here is a splendid field for republicans to investigate republicans with an excellent prospect of profitable results.

   CHENANGO—William E. Tracy, of Oxford, has removed to the Half-Way House, and will soon re-open the once well known and popular resort. The house will be put in thorough repair, and Mr. Tracy will make a popular host.
   M. W. Tanner of Norwich received from "Dode" Hickok, of Syracuse, Thursday night, a fine horse, with a view to purchasing him should he prove satisfactory. He was driven before the express wagon Friday, was taken suddenly ill Saturday, and died Tuesday morning of congestion of the lungs.
   MADISON—Oneida's municipal election takes place the first Tuesday in April.
   The Canastota knitting mill was sold on mortgage foreclosure, Thursday.
   The Elmira Ice Co. has housed 12,000 tons of ice at South Bay this winter.
   Fred Lower recently ran 6 miles, from Canastota to Oneida, in 52 minutes.
   Charles Shumway of Oneida, and H. M. Aylsworth of Leonardsville will open a law office in Utica about April 1.
   A tramp, feigning to be a deaf mute, has victimized the good people of Earlville out of quite a sum of charity money lately.
   William S. Tompkins was found dead in his house in Hamilton, Wednesday of last week. His bed was undisturbed and he was dressed when found, so it is probable that he died before bedtime on that day. The fire in the house was out. His horse in the barn showed signs of having been several days without attention, as he was frantic from hunger and thirst, the stall having been kicked down and the manger partially eaten. Kidney trouble was probably the cause of Mr. Tompkins death. Mr. Tompkins was 64 years of age and formerly lived in Bridgewater. He was a tailor. His wife died a year ago, and on Monday, a daughter, Bertha, went to Chittenango to visit another daughter.
   TOMPKINS—Wild geese have been flying northward.
   Gov. Flower has signed chapter 69, relative to the gospel and school lots fund of the town of Ithaca.
   Miss Sarah J. Thompson of 95 North Cayuga street, Ithaca, who attempted suicide, was taken to Willard State Hospital on Tuesday.
   A poker room at No. 4 West State street, Ithaca, was raided by the police at eleven o'clock last Friday night. Gilbert DeVany and Eli Elting were taken before the Recorder and plead not guilty. DeVany was discharged. Three others besides the above named were found in the room. The fines from the raid increased the treasury of the city $159.
   The home of David C. Reed, on the Estey farm, near Etna, was the scene of an explosion Saturday, March, 3, which might have had very serious consequences. It was apparently caused by a loaded stick of wood. Mrs. Reed had just put a stick in the stove and gone into another room when the explosion occurred, completely wrecking the stove, scattering the coals in every direction, and demolishing the ceiling overhead. Mr. Reed is at a loss to account for this dastardly attempt, as he has not an enemy to his knowledge, and has enough wood in his piles (50 cords) so that he can hardly be suspected of robbing his neighbors.

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