Report to the Trustees and Citizens of Cortland.
We beg leave to transmit to the president
and trustees and citizens of Cortland the following report:
The public schools of Cortland are five in
number, viz.: the Central school, Schermerhorn-st. school, Pomeroy-st. school,
Owego-st. school and Fitz.-ave. school.
The Central school building is a handsome
brick structure, situated on Railroad-st. adjoining the Baptist church property.
It is three stories high, but only two stories are used for schoolroom purposes,
it being the desire and intention of the board to finish and equip the third
floor for an audience room, to be used for school exercises, etc., as soon as they
feel warranted in asking for the necessary appropriation. This certainly would
be a valuable and useful addition to our school property as none of the ward
school buildings have an assembly room, and this room when finished can be used
by all the public schools for public entertainments, thus giving all who might
desire to attend and witness such exercises the assurance that there would be
ample room for them. Our exercises would no doubt be much more largely attended,
thus affording an inspiration to both teachers and pupils to excel in all of
their work, knowing that they would be subjected to the gaze of the public eye.
There are eight well lighted and well ventilated
study rooms in the building, each having a capacity of 54 sittings, making a
total accommodation for 432 pupils; this building also contains the superintendent's
office. It is heated and ventilated with the Smead system which works to
perfection. All of the rooms and wardrobes are supplied with gas for use at
evening exercises, hot and cold water on both floors together with a good supply
of stationary marble washbowls, which ensures cleanliness. In short, the
building is modern in every sense, nicely furnished and is the pride of our
city and the admiration of all who see it.
It seems almost incredible that such a fine
large site and such a stately building, so nicely finished and furnished, could be obtained for the outlay which the following report of the building committee
shows, viz.:
Building, including extras, heating and blackboards,
Grounds including walks, grading and fences,
Furniture, etc., $1,997.12
Total: $39,875.66
The Owego and Schermerhorn-st, buildings are
similar structures, each containing four study rooms, while the Pomeroy-st.
building is somewhat larger. The Fitz-ave. school building is a private house
leased by the board for school purposes. It seems almost a necessity that a new
school building be erected soon for this portion of our city, as the present
quarters are certainly not suitable for school purposes, and the money paid in
rent would I think nearly equal the interest on the money required to provide a
building suited to the present demands.
Our schools are in charge of an able and
efficient corps of teachers, energetic and enthusiastic, many of whom we
believe have but few equals.
The following is the list of teachers, their
location and grade of work:
Central—Miss M. E. Hunt, principal of the
8th and 9th grades; Miss Wallace, 7th grade; Miss Williams and Miss Knapp, 6th
grade; Miss Seacord and Miss Miller, 5th grade; Miss McGowan, 2nd and 3rd
grades; Miss Van Hoesen 1st grade.
Schermerhorn-st. school—Miss Blackmer, principal,
2nd grade; Miss Allen, 3rd and
4th grades; Mrs. Perry, 1st and 2nd grades; Miss Cleary, 5th grade.
school—Mrs. Rice, principal, 4th; Miss Galusha, 3d; Miss Snyder, 2nd; Miss
Fairchild, 1st.
Owego-st. school—Miss Turner, principal, 3d
and 4th; Miss Cole, 2nd; Miss McNamara, 1st.
Fitz-ave school—Miss Ellis, 1st.
Average per
cent of daily attendance: Central, 96; Schemerhorn-st., 92; 0wego-st., 95;
Pomeroy-st,, 91; Fitz-ave., 94.
This is a very high average and had it not
been for numerous cases of absence caused by vaccination early in the school
year this per cent would have been even higher. We suggest that another year
the parents see to it that the law is complied with before time for schools to
open and this cause of absence may be avoided.
It will no doubt be of interest to many to
have the condition of our schools reviewed and in order to show more fully the
fact that the public schools of Cortland are not retrograding, but rather
advancing, let us take a retrospective view and note the changes in less than a
single decade.
In 1884 the Pomeroy-st. school building was
erected. At that time there were only two departments in either the Owego-st.
or Schermerhorn-st. school, both of which have since been enlarged so as to
have four departments. The Port Watson-st. school has been abandoned and the
Cobblestone schoolhouse gave way to the new Central. But perhaps a clearer idea
can be obtained by referring to the following figures:
Number of pupils in 1885: 73
Number of pupils in 1894: 150
Number of pupils in 1885: 98
Number of pupils in 1894: 173
Number of pupils in 1885: 170
Number of pupils in 1894: 164
Number of pupils in 1885: 73
Number of pupils (Central) 1894: 365
This represents a total of 414 pupils attending
these four schools in 1885 and 887 attending in 1894 including the Fitz-ave.
school, which has 35 attending, a gain of 473 or over 114 per cent.
This certainly represents a marvelous growth
as far as numbers are concerned, and we are certain the citizens of Cortland feel
proud of their schools and will cheerfully maintain them.
During the present year a special teacher in
drawing has been added to the teaching force, which has proven a very valuable
Parents and friends of the schools are cordially
invited to visit them as often as possible so as to encourage both teachers and
pupils in their work. The superintendent will gladly welcome all to his office
in the Central building to converse with him relative to school matters, and
would urge parents to make the acquaintance of the teachers in order that the
children may receive the benefits which attach to this mutual understanding and
co-operation. The superintendent may be found at his office from 3 to 4 P. M.
each school day.
In conclusion, we have the honor to submit
our annual financial statement. The
vouchers and all bills properly verified are on file in the superintendent's office,
and the board would be pleased to exhibit them at any time to any one for inspection.
March 1, 1893.
Balance on hand, $2,282.57
Received from state, $3,495.04
Received from tax, $15,000.00
Received from tuition, etc., $68.00
Received from other sources, $1,845.73
Total receipts, $22,691.34
For building, furniture and repairs, $9,899.38
For teachers and supervision, $8,723.20
For janitors, $993.72
For fuel, $1,713.60
For supplies and incidentals, $1,482.38
For library, $30.10
Total disbursements, $22,842.38
This leaves at present date, March 1, 1894,
a deficit of $151.04, but the state money for this year will be received before
other payments will be made.
All of the above is respectfully submitted to
the president and trustees of Cortland village and to the patrons of our
Board of Education,
C. V. COON, Sec. and Supt.
Cortland, N. Y. March 1, 1894.
Village Ticket.
The Republicans have put up a ticket for
village officers which is unusually strong and which should poll every
Republican vote in the corporation.
It is headed by Wayland D. Tisdale for
president. Mr. Tisdale has served both as trustee and president in former years
and made an excellent officer. He is familiar with the duties. He is a business
man of ability, and these facts coupled with his integrity, faithfulness and
public spirit make him a particularly strong candidate.
Mr. Elbert J. Warfield, the candidate for
trustee in the Second ward, is a well known contractor and builder. He has long
been a resident of this village, and he has its interests at heart. His
experience along the line of his own business will be very valuable as the
sewer matter comes up this year,
Mr. Frank J. Doubleday, the candidate for
trustee in the Fourth ward, has lived in Cortland for a number of years and has
many friends. He was the unanimous choice of his ward and will undoubtedly poll
a large vote.
Perhaps no man in town is more familiar with
Cortland real estate and its value than Beman S. Conger. He has served as
assessor for a number of terms and apparently to the satisfaction of all. No
better tribute to his work could be given than the result of the informal ballot
last Saturday for his renomination which lacked but three votes of being
unanimous, A new man would be embarrassed with the duties and could hardly do
as well the first term as the veteran. Mr. Conger should be elected.
Mr. Frank J. Peck, the candidate for treasurer,
has performed his duties in previous terms in a businesslike way. His
renomination is an endorsement. It is doubtful if he can be improved upon.
The action of the convention in nominating
Mr. William E. Phelps for collector was but a justification of its action one
year ago. Mr. Phelps was the Republican
candidate for collector in 1893 and was defeated by a very few votes by Mr.
Jesse Judd, now deceased. His defeat was not due to anything against himself,
but to a feeling akin to pity for Mr. Judd who was very popular and was in
failing health and embarrassed circumstances. Mr. Phelps has been a highly
respected resident of Cortland for fifty-two years. He was a soldier in the
rebellion for three years and was engaged in all the battles of the Army of the
Potomac from Chancellorsville to Appomattox, including Gettysburg. He should be
A man of experience is always better than a
new hand in educational matters. The three candidates for school trustees have
exercised good judgment in everything that has come before them. They are
interested in the public schools. They will be more valuable with each succeeding
term of office. By all means they should be elected.
The candidates for inspectors of election
are all men capable of making an accurate canvass of the votes cast and keeping
a correct record of them. This office is a very important one and every inspector
should be elected.
Splendid Entertainment.
James M.
Bailey, the Famous Humorist, Dies Suddenly.
DANBURY, Conn., March 5. — James Montgomery
Bailey, the famous Danbury newsman and originator of American humor, died
suddenly at his home. He had been ailing for two weeks with pneumonia and
bronchitis, but his illness was not considered dangerous.
The announcement of his death has cast a
gloom over the city, as he was its most popular and beloved citizen. He leaves
a wife.
Mr. Bailey was born at Albany, Sept. 25, 1841,
and moved to Danbury in 1800 and worked at the carpenter trade. At the outbreak
of the war he enlisted in the Seventeenth
Connecticut volunteers and served through the war. At the battle of Gettysburg
he was captured and sent to Belle Isle prison for two months.
After the war he brought out the Danbury Times
and in 1870 bought out the Jeffersonian. This consolidation made the Danbury
News. It was then that he began his humorous writings that made his paper and
himself famous.
He published several books, "Life In Danbury"
in '73, and after that, he published the "Danbury News Man's
Almanac;" "They All Do It;" "Mr. Phillip's Goneness;" "The
Danbury Boom" and "England Through a Back Window."
In 1866 he married Miss Catherine Stewart, who
survives him.
Although owner of one of the best paying newspaper
plants in Connecticut, Mr. Bailey died a comparatively poor man. Outside of his
expenses he gave all his income to charity. His love for dumb beasts was as
marked as his charity.
In politics he was a Democrat. When Danbury
was made a city in 1889 both parties asked him to become its first mayor, but
he refused the honor.
He was a member of the Masonic lodge, Mystic
Shrine, Grand Army of the Republic, American Authors and Authors' Guide and
numerous orders in other cities. The funeral will be held Wednesday afternoon.
![]() |
Cortland Opera House was located on the north side of Groton Ave. next to the Cortland House. (West view from Main Street.) |
The presentation of Robin Hood at the Opera
House last Saturday night was said by many to be the best thing of its kind
ever seen in Cortland. It would most assuredly be conceded by everybody to be
one of the best. There was not a dull moment through the whole evening. The
opera itself is bright and engaging. The music is attractive and many of the
airs very catchy. There was not a poor actor or singer upon the stage, and some
of them may truly be characterized as stars. Nearly everything was applauded
and encores were frequent. It is gratifying to note that a good thing is
appreciated, for the company was greeted by one of the largest houses of the
Manager Rood is to be congratulated upon his
energy in getting them here, especially as the company tried hard to cancel the
date after many seats had been sold, as they had been offered more money to go
elsewhere, but Mr. Rood held them to their contract and furnished a Cortland
audience such a treat as they do not often get at home.
a Pension.
Another instance of how the pension business
is being conducted under the present administration is manifested in the case
of Dr. J. W. Hughes who served two years and three months in the last part of
the war. He was assistant surgeon in the hospital of the 59th regiment, N. Y.
Vols., and later was surgeon, and he also had charge of the 152nd regiment,
where he contracted rheumatism and heart trouble which he believes has been the
cause of his recent illness. Dr. W. B. Burr of Newark Valley, who was with him
in the hospital wrote a long affidavit of the facts of the case and it was the opinion
of Pension Attorney L. P. Hollenbeck and Dr. Jerome Angel that he was deserving
of at least thirty dollars per month.
Dr. Hughes received word Friday evening that
the pension had been refused on the ground that he was well enough to do manual
—Blue birds were seen in town this morning.
—The regular monthly meeting of the board of
trustees occurs this evening.
regular meeting of the C. M. B. A. occurs to-morrow evening. It will be an
important one.
—The annual jug breaking of the mission
bands of the Presbyterian church will occur on Tuesday evening, March 6.
—Miss Covil's music pupils will give a
recital at her studio in the Wickwire building on Wednesday evening at 7:45 o'clock.
—Mr. Charles F. Brown has added a new ash
Porter Farley cigar case, which greatly increases the appearance of his neat
drug store.
—The Pitcher stage broke a hind wheel a few
miles beyond McGrawville this morning and was nearly two hours late in reaching
— All members of the C. A. A. are requested
to meet at the club house this evening, as important business will be brought
before the meeting.
—The Clover club give another of their popular
dancing parties next Friday evening. About twenty invitations outside the club
have been issued.
—Rev. S. J. Parmiter spoke at the county
alms house yesterday afternoon. There was
a large attendance, and it is reported that there was one conversion.
—Detective Rickard Sevenoakes was in town
to-day, looking over the ground of the accident which occurred Saturday morning
at the D. L. & W. crossing on Port Watson-st.
—"A Chapter of Providence" is the subject
of the lecture to-night at 7:30 o'clock at the Congregational church by President
Frost of Berea college, Kentucky. No admission fee will be charged.
—The next assembly of the Union Veteran
legion occurs Thursday evening of this week. There are some recruits to muster
and other important business to transact for which a full attendance is
—The Normal base ball, foot ball and tennis
associations have joined forces and reorganized under the new title of the
Normal Athletic association. Its directors will govern the sports in the separate
—The sixth annual meeting of the New York
State Music Teachers' association will be held at Buffalo next June. The
programs, so far as now sketched, provide for three large orchestral and choral
concerts, recitals of vocal, piano and organ music, and miscellaneous concerts.
—The stereoptican lecture by Prof. D. L.
Bardwell upon the World's Fair which was some months ago given in the
Presbyterian church will be repeated on Wednesday
evening, March 7, a t Normal Hall for the benefit of the Normal Athletic
association. Lecture will begin at 8 o'clock. Tickets will be 15 cents and may
be obtained of any of the gentlemen students.
— "Dick" Decker was up in police court
this morning for the same old offense, public intoxication. Justice Bull asked
him if he had his trunk packed and was ready to start for the penitentiary. He
replied that he had not, but promised that if he could be let off this once he
would not get full again for six months. He stated that he thought he could
tide over Decoration Day and Fourth of July all right and Justice Bull
discharged him.
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