Sunday, May 14, 2017


Robert Ross.

Cortland Evening Standard, Tuesday, March 13, 1894.

Troy Election Promptly Comes to the Front in the Assembly.
   ALBANY, March 13.—In the assembly, during the debate on the introduction of a bill to abolish the padrone system in New York city street cleaning departments, Mr. Sulzer said in response to Mr. Fish:
   "The Saviour of mankind was born in a manger. I am surprised that the next Republican candidate for lieutenant governor should sound the keynote of knownothingism on this floor. Knownothingism is rampant today in this country. It was rampant in Troy in the election held there the other day. Knownothingism in the shape of the A. P. A. was responsible for the murder of Robert Ross."
   Mr. Fish denied that the A. P. A. had anything to do with the murder in Troy. ''This issue is now raised after a week's planning by the Democratic bosses," said Mr. Fish, "to justify the murder of Robert Ross. The plea comes too late."
   Mr. Ainsworth—"I do not understand, Mr. Speaker, that the murder in Troy or the birth of the Saviour has anything to do with Mr. Andrews' attempt to clean the streets of New York. I wish to repeat what I said the other day that Governor Flower and the chairman of the Democratic state committee are responsible by their interference and influence for the terrible scene enacted at the Troy election. I am glad to see Tammany hall come to a Republican legislature with a bill to purify itself and will favor the bill." 
   The speaker inquired if there was any objection to the introduction of the bill.
   Mr. Fairbrother—"I object."
   Mr. Sulzer—"Another narrow-minded man. I hope his picture will appear in the newspapers. Drop it in the bill box, Mr. Clerk."
   Mr. Sulzer was pale with anger and walked down into the well, while he was shouting the above words, notwithstanding the vigorous rapping of the speaker's gavel.
   The governor vetoed Mr. Loonan's bill to change the corporate name of the First Baptist church at Green Point and Mr. O'Grady's bill to change the corporate name of the Social Turnverein of Rochester.
   The conference committee could not agree on the nonpartisan election inspectors' bill and a new committee will be appointed.

In the Senate.
   President pro tem Saxton called the senate to order in the absence of Lieutenant Governor Sheehan. The governor sent a veto of Senator Bradley's bill changing the method of electing aldermen in Brooklyn and fixing their salaries.
   Bills passed:
   Mr. Owen's, compelling city officers in Brooklyn to pay laborers not less than $2 per day.
   Mr. Stewart, appropriating $150,000 to establish a state veterinary department at Cornell university.
   Mr. Saxton's, increasing the number of peremptory challenges from four to six and increasing the number of jurors to be drawn in counties of over 100,000.
   Mr. Bradley's, providing that Kings county shall pay the costs of the McKane prosecution.
   On motion of Senator Saxton the election law amendment bills introduced by him were made a special order for Wednesday morning.

Niagara's Electric Power Given the Right of Way Along the Canals.
   ALBANY, March 13.—The state of New York has made the greatest contract with a corporation ever proposed.
   It presented to the Cataract General Electric company, which is merely a branch of the Niagara Power company, the right of way along the canals of the state to lay conduits, string wires or otherwise transmit the immense electric current generated at Niagara Falls.
   The contract presented by Superintendent of Public Works Hanna and which the company will sign, allows the company to string wires, build conduits, build a traction road for canal propulsion, establish central power stations at such points as they deem necessary along the line of all the canals and on all canal lands.
   It also authorizes cables, conduits and subways to be constructed. They may, according to the contract, use such electricity distributed not only for canal propulsion, but for light, heat and power to such points as they please.
   In return the company is to furnish to the state to each and every canal lock such electric installation as will operate motors to open and close the locks, and electric lights sufficient to light each lock. The company must conclude its work inside of three years.
   When the system of electricity is complete the company must furnish electricity for the propulsion of canal boats at a rate not to exceed $20 per electrical horsepower for the season of navigation.
   The state may at any time condemn and take from the company any or all such apparatus used in canal propulsion and located on state lands by paying to the company 10 per cent more than the original cost. All work must be done under the supervision of the superintendent of public works.

The Songs and Story of Ireland well Told and well Sung.
   The Opera House was well filled last evening with a representative Cortland audience to hear the lecture on "The Songs and Story of Ireland" by Hon. John F. Finerty, assisted by the eminent vocalist, Mr. M. J. Murphy. The entertainment throughout was a treat and the frequent interruptions of enthusiastic applause was proof of the appreciation of the audience. Mr. M. F. Cleary made the introductory address.
   Mr. Finerty's lecture was a treasury of knowledge and history of Ireland and its people for the past seven centuries. It was interspersed with soul stirring poetry and amusing climaxes and the entire entertainment served to arouse the patriotism of every Irishman present. The lecturer freely criticized the historians, who, he claimed had misrepresented Ireland and he repeatedly referred to the deep animosity felt by the Irish nation toward England.
   The story of Ireland was depicted in a most interesting manner. It was divided into six periods, each of which was illustrated by one of Mr. Murphy's songs. The lecture began at the period of Henry II, 1169-72, after which Mr. Murphy rendered Thomas Moore's poetry, "The Valley Lay Smiling Before Me," set to appropriate music. The period of Art McMurrough and Richard II, 1385-1400, was next discussed. It was followed by the song, "Oh, Where's the Slave so Lowly." Then came the most memorable epoch in Irish history, that of Hugh O'Neill and Elizabeth, 1595-1600. He vividly described O'Neill's three triumphs, the suffering caused by England, and impressed upon his hearers the undying and [holy] hate for England which the Irish nation had felt.
   To the air of the marshal chant Mr. Murphy rendered McCann's poetry, "O'Donnell Aboo" in such an excellent manner that he was obliged to respond to an encore, which he did very graciously. The periods of Owen Roe and Cromwell, 1641-1649, of Sarsfield and William III, 1688-1691, and of 1798 to 1894 were very eloquently presented. The latter part of the lecture was interspersed with the songs "Lament for Owen Roe," which was sung with exceedingly fine expression and shading, "Clare's Dragoons" and the stirring song "The Boys of Wexford" by Dr. Robert D. Joyce. In response to a hearty encore Mr. Murphy rendered "An Irishman," which made a fitting close to the fine entertainment.
   Mr. Murphy is possessed of a fine strong baritone voice over which he has perfect control. He sings with great expression and his voice seems made for the patriotic songs which pleased his audience.

Gleanings of News From Our Twin Village.
   The revival services which have been held in the M. E. church for the past two weeks, are reported to be of great interest. They will be continued during the present week, services commencing each evening at seven o'clock.
   Mr. Will Eadie, of the firm of Smith & Eadie, is moving into the northern part of the Chamberlain house on North Main-st. The southern part will soon be occupied by Mr. Chas. H. Stevens of the Homer Republican.
   Dr. D. W. Burdick of Syracuse spent the day in town yesterday.
   Mrs. William C. Collins and son Henry left Homer last evening to spend a few days with Mrs. Collins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dake of Syracuse.
   Mr. William Berry of Scott is spending a few days at the Mansion House in this village.
   Mr. Horton Nearing returned to his home in this village yesterday morning after an absence of several days on a business trip through the northern part of the state.
   The regular meeting of the I. O. O. F. will be held at their lodge rooms in the First National bank building this evening.
   The Willoughby Babcock Post, G. A. R. and the Woman's Relief corps will hold meetings at the G. A. R. hall in the Brockway block this evening.
   Mr. L. F. Valentine returned last evening from a short visit at the home of his parents in Marathon.
   Regents' examinations are being held this week at the academy building. The program for to-day and to-morrow is as follows: Tuesday—Arithmetic, Greek History, Ethics, Virgil's Aeneid, Physical Geography, Geography and Civics. Wednesdays—Writing, Elementary English, Plane Geometry, Drawing, Spelling, English Composition, English Literature and Physiology and Hygiene.
   Mr. and Mrs. Coleman Hitchcock left town Saturday morning for Rochester, N. Y., where they will be the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Edward Chapin.
   The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Congregational church will entertain their friends at a box sociable to be given in the church parlors next Thursday evening.
   Mr. D. E. Shepard who is to open a dry goods store in the Brockway block, March 20, is now in New York city purchasing an entirely new line of cloaks, millinery and dry goods. Boxes have been arriving daily since his departure and give promise of a fine display at the opening of the establishment.
   The appearance of J. K. Emmet in "Fritz in a Mad house at Keator opera house to-morrow evening will be an event in the history of this house of amusement, as well as in that of the theatre going residents of the village. Never before has a Homer stage been graced by as talented an artist as J. K. Emmet. Hose Co., No. 2, the leases and managers of the opera house, deserve more than a liberal patronage of this innovation in local theatricals. Mr. Emmet is supported by an excellent company of artists among whom is Blanche Weaver who is personally known to some of the citizens of this village and who has appeared on the stage for several years past with great success. The leading lady, Miss Edna Lytton [Emmet's wife] is said to be an artist of ability and talent. The seats are now on sale at Atwater & Foster's drug store. Prices 75, 50 and 35 cents.
   Miss Simmons of Lockport, Miss Dixon of Symrna, and Miss Ormsby and Miss Lobdell of Cortland were the guests of Mrs. J. R. Dixon yesterday.
   Maple sugar is selling for ten cents per pound to-day.
   Miss Ida Stedman of Dryden spent Sunday at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stedman on Elm-ave.
   Miss Agnes Fratt returned to her home in Trumansburg this afternoon, after a short stay with Miss Carley Fredericks on Pine-st.
   The village charter election occurred this afternoon from 2 until 4 o'clock. There was but one ticket in the field, that of the citizens' party, which is as follows:
   President—Edwin J. Bockes.
   Trustees—Chas. H. Davis and Chas. C. Wakefield.
   Trustee to fill vacancy—William J. Watson.
   Clerk—Edward W. Hyatt.
   Treasurer—Chas. S. Pomeroy.
   Collector—John A. Flagg.
   The resolutions for appropriations which were voted upon at this election have been published in a previous issue of The STANDARD.

   —Nine four-bushel sacks of advertising matter for the Diamond Dyes appeared at the postoffice and how the carriers did groan as they thought of carrying it all over town.
   —The Ladies' and Pastor's Aid society of the Homer-ave. M. E. church will serve warm [maple] sugar Wednesday evening from 7 to 9 o'clock. A good time is expected. Every one is invited.
   —We are glad to learn that the McGraw Corset Co. of McGrawville are keeping up their wages and increasing their product. They are securing large orders and adding to their number of employees.
   —There will be a special meeting of Grover Post, No. 98, G. A. R., to-morrow (Wednesday) evening, March 14. A full attendance is desired, as business of importance is to come before the meeting.
   —Forty-five couples of Marathon people enjoyed an evening of dancing at the milk depot at Messengerville last Friday evening. The music, which was excellent, was furnished by the orchestra of Davis Brothers and Palmer of Marathon.
   —Mahan's twentieth music festival will be held during the last week of May at the Cortland Opera House. Miss Lillian Blauvelt, Mons. Henri Marteau, Miss Rosa Linde and Mons. Latchaume will be the leading artists. We judge from the number of most distinguished artists already booked for the next festival, that Mr. Mahan intends to signalize the twentieth as the most memorable of his series of great musical events.
   —Six years ago an association of printers in New York City undertook to erect a monument to Horace Greeley. The statue is completed and ready to be set up. It is the intention to have it unveiled in New York on Decoration day. There remains yet unpaid the sum of $2,500. Subscription papers have been sent to various newspapers throughout the country hoping that 250 young men will subscribe $10 each. A subscription paper is at The STANDARD office and if any one wishes to contribute, we shall be pleased to forward it to the treasurer of the fund.

A New Bridge.
   The E. C. & N. R. R. has just completed the erection of a new bridge over Oneida Creek between Sylvan Beach and South Bay and trains passed over it for the first time yesterday. This bridge replaces a Howe truss bridge. The new structure was built by the Elmira Bridge Co., and has a span of eighty-one feet, with plate girders. The bridge rests upon stone abutments upon each side of the creek. Thirty-seven piles upon each side of the creek were driven down thirty-five feet and terminate three feet below the low water mark of the creek. Upon these piles rests a deck made of timbers 12 by 12 inches in size. This is wholly under water and the mason work rests upon this. The floor of the bridge is of oak timbers 12 by 12 inches in size. The entire cost of the bridge is $6,000.

Tea Table Talk.
   The Gape Cod canal, which the Boston labor agitators demand shall be begun at once to give labor to the unemployed, is to be a work of considerable importance. It will connect Buzzard's bay and Cape Cod bay across the Cape Cod Peninsula, which at one place is not more than ten miles wide. The ship canal will open into Buzzard's Bay near the president's home. It is expected that the work of construction will be completed in two years. Thirty steam excavators will soon be put at work.

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