Monday, October 21, 2013

New Cortland House Open for Business

Cortland House, corner of Main Street and Groton Avenue.
The Cortland News, Friday, January 30, 1885.

Opening of the Cortland House.

   A right royal reception was given to Mine Host Bauder in his handsome new hotel, on Tuesday evening. Supper was served from six until half past ten to over four hundred friends of the proprietor who a little over a year ago lost his property by fire. It is not necessary to state that the tables were laden with everything that could tempt the appetite of mankind, as everybody knows, who ever had anything to do with Mr. B., that he always sets before his guests the best of everything.

   The Homer Cornet Band was in attendance throughout the evening, and if they ever do better one time than another, this was the time.

   Dancing was indulged in by all who wished, after supper was over with, in the dining room on the second floor, and in the hall on the third, Davis & Webster's full orchestra, furnished the music for them in the hall while Clark of Homer did likewise for the people in the dining room.

   In getting ready for business in an enterprise of this kind there are necessarily little hitches that are liable to occur, but through the excellent management and close attention to details by Mr. Bauder, and his assistants, in this instance, these were noticeable by their absence.

   The house is rapidly filling up with boarders, and applications are coming in numbers, and we predict tor the New Cortland House a run of business far beyond the utmost expectations of the proprietor, as in point of excellence and arrangements it is second to none in Central New York.


They Kicked.

   The three mile race at the Pioneer rink on Tuesday night between Mell Rosencrans of Moravia, and Frank Reid of Cortland, resulted in favor of the former. The Moravia people who came…here with Rosencrans demonstrated [without] a doubt that they were the [favorites.] It was not long [before an argument over] first place [large section of paper torn and missing—CC editor] then Wm. Rosencrans, [his father, insisted on the] privilege of running [around] the rink, and howling [like a] lunatic, in order to cheer his man on.

   The judges set down on this form of exercise, however, when he again kicked and was not going to have his boy go into the race, but the referee informed him that the race was going to commence immediately, and if Rosencrans did not start, the race and money would be given to Reid, and also, if there was any demonstration on the track, by either side, the money would be awarded to the opponent. By their ungentlemanly conduct almost the entire audience were opposed to Rosencrans and frequently hissed him, not because he won the race, but on account of the unnecessary fight his backers made because they could not have everything their own way. The wheels on Rosencrans' skates were three-fourths of an inch larger in diameter than Reids, and many think had he had a similar pair he would have won the race easily.

   The management of the Pioneer are sorry that any controversy arose, as they wanted to give a good race and let the best man win.


He Was Insane.

   Duane C. Peters, a colored man, about fifty years of age, living on Groton avenue, near the pottery, broke out the windows of his house, smashed the dishes, and raised Cain in general on Saturday last. After informing one of his neighbors that there had to be a "Clearing out," he started over the hill towards the cemetery. Officer Van Hoesen was notified of his strange actions, and after quite a long search found him in an out house of one of the dwellings on Tompkins street, in a nearly nude state. He was taken to the jail where it was ascertained that he was insane and he has since been taken to the county asylum. Peters was a sober, industrious man and has been employed at whitewashing and doing odd jobs in town for the past fifteen years. His wife was taken violently insane about three years since, and is also confined at the county asylum.


Is it a Public Nuisance?

   On the 31st inst. the trustees of the Water Works Co. served a notice on the commissioner of the board of health and health officer asking them to abate and stop the nuisance caused by James B. Fairchild in allowing and permitting his cattle, horses and stock to go upon the premises belonging to him, and contiguous to the lands of said water company and commit nuisances therein in such a way as to pollute the waters of the spring upon said company’s lands, from which spring, water is furnished to the inhabitants of the village of Cortland, such notice so be taken within ten days after the service of the notice upon them.

   We understand that the board of health are undecided as to whether they can require this to be done, and have written to the State Board of Health for information on the subject, and are now awaiting an answer.

   Some people argue that inasmuch as Mr. Fairchild has always allowed his cattle to have the run of the spring, no private corporation, even if it does supply water to the public, has the power to stop him now, while others claim that he has no right, under the state law, to allow the pollution of the waters of any spring or running water in any case.

   The result is looked forward to with great interest by the public, and more especially by those who are contemplating putting water in their houses in the spring.



   E. M. Santee has put a steam heating apparatus in his photograph gallery.

   The annual meeting of the Cortland Anti-Thieving association will be held at the Cortland House, Saturday, Feb. 7, 1885 at 12 o'clock noon. Business of importance is to be transacted.

   R. M. Smith, formerly proprietor of the Messenger House, in this place, has purchased the furniture and lease of the Osborne House, Auburn, and will take possession on Monday next. Mr. Smith, while in the Messenger House, set a good table and conducted the hotel throughout in a first-class manner. Being popular with the traveling public we have no doubt he will meet with good success at Auburn, and the people of that city may rest assured that he will more than maintain the excellent reputation the Osborne has always borne.

The Cortland News, Friday, February 8, 1885.

   Duane Peters, the colored man who was taken to the insane asylum at Utica about a week ago, died on Monday and the remains were brought to Cortland for interment on Wednesday.

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