The Cortland News, Friday, April 18, 1884.
dispatch from Albany states that on the 24th inst. the "Cortland Opera House
Company" was incorporated, with a capital of $35,000, divided into shares
of $100. It names Charles W. Collins, T. H. Wickwire, G. J. Mager, L. J.
Fitzgerald, C. P. Walrad, Delos Sanders, Madison Woodruff, F. Cyrus Straat, and
H. A. Belles, as commissioners to open books and receive subscriptions. Nearly
the amount necessary has been already subscribed, and as soon as the stock is
all taken an organization of the company will be effected.
The amount necessary for the
erection of an opera house having been subscribed, articles of incorporation of
the company have been filed with the Secretary of State and the requisite
license granted. Building operations will soon be commenced.
The foundation of the Wickwire
block has been commenced, and work is being pushed rapidly forward. Mr. Thos. Ellsworth
has the contract for the carpenter work and John Langham for the mason work.
The building will be one of the most substantial in town.
A preliminary meeting of the
Knights of Labor Society was held here Tuesday evening, when twenty-two persons
signed the roll. Henry Ment, of Ithaca, will organize a local assembly and
install officers next week Tuesday at 8 o'clock P. M. in Good Templars' Hall. All
in sympathy with the labor cause are invited.
The contracts for building the
Garrison block have been let. Beers & Warheld do the mason work and J. B. Keeler
the wood work. It is expected that the building will be completed by the first
of September.
Dr. L. T. White opens the
spring campaign for the benefit of pedestrians by laying a first-class plank
sidewalk along the west side of his premises on Schermerhorn street. This fills
the break and completes the circuit in that square.
The new fire bell has arrived.
It is made of bell metal, was billed at 2450 pounds, measures four feet in
diameter at the mouth, and is three feet in height. On one side is inscribed,
"Village of Cortland, 1884," and underneath that are the following
names: "A. Mahan, President; D. E. Smith, G. W. Bradford, T. Stevenson, H.
Wells, Trustees; M. F. Cleary, Chief Engineer." It was placed in position
yesterday, and has, we think, a splendid tone.
Last week Fred Dailey was
arrested on complaint of his wife for abandonment, and he was examined before
Justice Bierce, but owing to the absence of witnesses it was postponed until
yesterday, and in the meantime news came from another woman at Morrisville claiming
to be his wife. Constable Strowbridge went to Morrisville and brought the woman
to Cortland, and the subsequent examination resulted in holding Dailey on a
charge of bigamy.
Mr. H. M. Kellogg is now in his
new store in Union Hall block, which he has stocked with new goods of tin ware,
hardware of all kinds, as well as stoves, ranges, etc., including the famous Dockash stove, which many of our readers know from practical use is
unsurpassed. Mr. Kellogg's store is looking very attractive, not only because
of the clean, bright, new goods, but from their general arrangement, and is a
great improvement upon the one from which he was so urgently requested
peremptorily to depart on the night of the fire.
W. H. Underwood, about whose
disappearance from his home in Scott our correspondents wrote last week, has been
heard from. On the 9th inst., his wife received the following letter:
"Judge of my surprise on awakening this morning to find myself in a strange land, among a strange
people, with a physician at my bedside. I remember nothing since soon after
starting for Preble. My feet are blistered and very sore. The doctor says I
must keep quiet." The letter was postmarked at a small town in New Jersey.
Mr. Underhill is a strictly temperate man, using neither intoxicants nor
tobacco, and the only explanation of his strange conduct is that his old
trouble — insanity -- has again returned. Several years ago he disappeared, but
was speedily found near his home.
Corporation Proceedings.
At a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees
of the village of Cortland, held at Fireman's Hall, Monday evening, April 7,
1884, at 7 o'clock P. M. Present, D. E. Smith, President; Theo. Stevenson,
George C. Hubbard, Wm. B. Stoppard and G. W. Bradford, Trustees. The minutes of
the last meeting were read and approved.
[Several resolutions and bills omitted by CC
On motion, a new sidewalk was ordered from the
intersection of Main street and Adams, street, on the east side of Adams street
to the north limit of the corporation.
Upon the petition of many
citizens residing on Merrick street, in the village of Cortland, it was moved
and carried that the name of that street be changed from Merrick street to
Maple avenue.
On motion, the meeting
F. HATCH, Clerk.
![]() |
The Courthouse was located at the corner of Court and Church Streets, on the left in this drawing. |
Last Monday the Board of Supervisors convened
in special session to take into consideration the report of the committee on
repairs of the court-house, and elected W. H. Crane, chairman. The said
committee made the following report:
To the Board of Supervisors:
Your special committee to which was referred Judge Martin's order,
directing certain alterations
in the Cortland county court-house,
have the honor to submit the
following report:
matter which is presented to the Board by the Judge's order has within the past
three or four years forced itself upon the attention of the people of our county,
until now it seems to your committee that the matter should be met squarely by
this body.
Your committee has conferred with Judge Martin
personally and find that he is very emphatic in his opinion that an immediate
increase in the facilities for the transaction of business is an absolute necessity.
the suggestion of Judge Martin, your committee has procured from architect J. R. Hopkins, plans for the
alterations and improvements required by the order, and which, in the opinion
of your committee, seem to meet the requirements of the order. This is the erection
of a plain two-story brick building 19x31 feet, with basement, to be located west
of and adjoining the court-house, in which shall be provided suitable and
comfortable rooms for the accommodation of the sheriff and his family, the
estimated cost of which is $2,000.
committee herewith submits plans proposed, the estimated cost of heating and
ventilating, together with the alterations in the court-house and the new
building, is $5400. These plans seem to your committee the most judicious and
economical to meet the entire requirements of the order. All of which is
respectfully submitted.
J. C. Nelson moved that the committee's report be adopted and that they procure
specifications, advertise for bids for doing the work, and proceed to make the
additions and alterations in accordance therewith and the report.
Mr. E.
C. Carley moved to amend that the committee advertise for bids and submit the
same to the Board on the 30th day of April, inst., when the Board would meet to
consult with the State Assessors. The amendment was accepted by Dr. Nelson, and
the resolution was then adopted.
Board adjourned to convene on Wednesday the 30th inst.
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