Wednesday, March 23, 2016


Cortland Democrat, Nov. 6, 1891.

David B. Hill.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, November 6, 1891.


Gov. Hill Welcomed—An Immense Crowd in Town—A Masterly Address.
   Last Saturday was a day long to be remembered by the Democrats of Cortland. Long before the hour appointed for the meeting the streets were filled with people from the surrounding towns and a very large delegation met the Governor at the E. C. & N. station on the arrival of the 9:46 A. M. train. The Governor was escorted to Hon. L. J. Fitigerald's private carriage and a procession nearly a half-mile long was formed, led by the Juvenile Band of Groton and the Hitchcock Band of Cortland As the procession moved up Main street the Governor was heartily cheered from every side.
   When the procession arrived at the Cortland House the Governor was escorted to his room and soon after appeared in the parlors of the hotel where he held a reception for something over an hour. Hundreds of people, and among the number were many ladies, had the privilege of taking him by the hand. After the reception was over dinner was announced and a large number of Democrats sat down to the following excellent

Little Neck Clams.
Consomme with Rice.
Queen Olives                            Celery
Baked White Fish, a la Coelestine.
Boiled Beef Tongue, Sauce Piquante.
Young Turkey with Cranberry Sauce.
Stuffed Roast Duck.                 Suckling Pig, Apple Sauce.
Prime Ribs of Beef.
Tenderloin of Beef, Mushroom Sauce.
Croquettes of Sweet Bread with Peas.
Queen Fritters, aux Vanilla.
Lobster Salad, a la Mayonaise.
Mashed Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Boiled Potatoes.
Hubbard Squash. Beets. Green Corn.
Roman Punch.
Suet Pudding. Brandy Sauce.
Pie. Black Raspberry Pie. Pumpkin Pie.
Mince Pie.
Orange Ice Cream. Wine Jelly.
Oranges with Whipped Cream.
Assorted cakes.
Cheese. Nuts. Fruit.
Café Noir.

   Promptly at 1 o'clock the doors of the Opera House were opened and every seat was promptly filled and the aisles and every available corner was occupied by people who were forced to stand but who were determined to hear the Governor. Probably as many people were unable to gain admission to the building as were accommodated.
   Hon. S. S. Knox was selected to preside with the following list of Vice-Presidents and Secretaries:
   Vice-Presidents.—H. J. Fitzgerald, B. B. Jones, Riley Champlin, Hugh Duffey, O. U. Kellogg, B. F. Taylor, Dr. J. C. Nelson, Geo. A. Brockway, John J. Murray, Edwin M. Hulbert, William Petrie, B. S. Bryant, John B. Lamont, Henry E. Wilson, Patrick Comerfort, Frank M. Benjamin, W. A Holton, W. W Wright, Henry Kelley, Dr. E. J. McBirney, F. M. Hazard, G. W. Bradford, Giles M. Stoddard, Albert Allen, H . J. Messenger, Hamilton Putnam.
   Secretaries.—F. E. Plumb, Geo. C. Hubbard, F. L. McDowell, A. J. McSweeney, D. F. Dunsmoor, James Dougherty, A. E. Hitchcock, John O'Connor, J. Hub Wallace, J. W. Hunt, Silas McConnell. A. A. Lines, Will J. Corcoran, John Hubbard, Chas. B. Warren, John Houghton, Anthony Ryan, E. W. Hyatt, A. B. Nelson. 
   Judge Knox made a neat little speech on introducing the orator of the day who was lustily cheered upon rising to address the vast audience. For nearly two hours Governor Hill held the attention of the people who had assembled to listen to him. Notwithstanding the fact that he was a trifle hoarse from speaking two or three times per day for two weeks, he could be plainly heard at the remotest part of the house and he was frequently interrupted with applause. Governor Hill never makes anything but a good speech, but his speech last Saturday was surely one of the best he has made during the campaign. He proved every statement made and his arguments were able and convincing. Several Republicans have since admitted that they would have voted for Fassett if they hadn't heard Gov. Hill's speech. The meeting was a grand success and was fruitful in results as any one can see who reads the returns printed in this issue of the DEMOCRAT. Gov. Hill is entitled to a large part of the credit.

Emerald's Fair.

   The Emerald Hose Company's fair held in the new Hopkins building all last week was a magnificent success. The rooms were crowded every evening and the entertainment provided on each occasion was most excellent. After the stage performance the young people engaged in dancing to the music of an excellent orchestra. The Homer band was present every evening throughout the week and furnished the best of music. It is said that the fair will net the boys about $1,600. Those having the management in charge are entitled to much credit for the admirable manner in which the fair was conducted.
   The twenty-two door prizes were drawn on Saturday evening, the successful ones being A. J. Lucy, buggy; C. Hammond, top; "Art" Pierson, banjo; "Will" Roache, portrait; Thomas Purcell, bicycle lamp; Peter Nodecker, silk hat; C. B. Roethig, trunk; J. E. Dean, window screens; "Fred" Wilkins, window screens; J. B. Burke, pair trousers; John Kelly, silk umbrella; L. Doud, toilet case; L. Camp, toilet goods; E. B. Garlick, jewelry; "Dan" McAuliffe, silver gong; Frank Call, Rochester lamp; Mrs. J . Kennedy, photographs; E. J. Levy, pair slippers; B. S. Wyant, lady's shoes; M. Bewley, toilet set; J. Keilly, Cortland DEMOCRAT subscription; C. Lewis, painting. The voting contest on the baby carriage was won by James McGrail of Pioneer Hose company of Groton.
   Monday evening the fair closed with an auction sale of a large number of the articles donated to the company, Mr. M. F. Cleary acting as auctioneer.
   When the fair opened the Howe Stove Company presented a handsome parlor stove and were about setting it up when they discovered that Mr. F. D. Smith had donated a Red Cross stove. It seems that the latter is made in a shop where the stove Moulders' Union is not recognized and as the workmen in the Howe stove works belong to the Union they made a kick. The Emeralds appointed a committee to investigate and settle the question but the committee were unable to make any satisfactory adjustment. Consequently the Red Cross was retained and the Howe stove was presented to the Hospital. After the fair was over Mr. Smith presented the Company with a check for $100 to cover any possible loss which the company might have sustained in the boycott of the fair by the Moulders' Union.

Likely to Arise in the Contest of Mrs. Marsena Peck's Will.
(From the Marathon Independent.)
   It has been, during the past week, made public, that during her life time, Mrs. Marsena Peck, whose bequest to Marathon of $30,000 for a public library, and other bequests will be remembered, adopted at different times two girls.
   One of these, named Margaret Reymeau, died leaving issue. She resided with Mrs. Peck for many years, in fact until her marriage, and her children received substantial bequests in the will of Mrs. Cass. Peck. The other, by name, Mary Barnes, is still living unmarried in the city of Chicago. She has always claimed to have been legally adopted by Mrs. Peck, and if such should prove to be the fact, and the will be set aside, she would come in as the sole heir, or in case Margaret Reymeau had been legally adopted also, then her heirs would share. In the event of either or both of these having been legally adopted, none of the present heirs, contestants or non-contestants would get anything. It is not known now whether they were adopted by law or not, but steps are being taken to ascertain the facts.
   But, in case neither of these branches have any claim on the property, as heirs, should the will be set aside, there is still another heir in existence whose claims would have to be considered, in connection with the others. When the late Mrs. C.C. Peck's will was presented for probate, or soon after, there was a contest made by one Frank Peck, claiming to be the son of her son George Peck, of Chicago. He was thought to be an impostor, and possibly was, but the executors did not risk a trial of his claims, and settled with him, paying a huge sum, rather than to have his title tried out. So far as any legal decision to the contrary is concerned, he is the legal heir of Mrs. C. C. Peck's estate, and if the will of Mrs. M. M. Peck should be set aside, his right to one fourth of her estate would have to be considered and either established or set aside. He is still living in the city of Chicago, and we are informed that he and his friends are watching the proposed contest with interest and with a purpose.

Hospital Notes.
   The members of the Board of Managers found several pleasant surprises awaiting them at their meeting on Monday. A collection of eleven valuable etchings and engravings had been received. They were the gift of C. Klackner, an art publisher of New York. These, when framed, will help greatly in making our hospital more cheerful and home-like for both the sick and those in charge. If any one has frames not in use which they will give for framing some of these pictures, they will be very acceptable.
   A timely gift, which had just been received, was a large-size Howe Ventilator stove of the latest pattern. This was from the Iron Moulders of the Howe Stove Works. It has been set and will be used at once in warming the house. At present there is but one patient at the hospital. Mrs. Simms, who had been cared for there since her hip was fractured eleven weeks before, had so far recovered as to be removed on Saturday last, to the home of friends in Truxton. Both she and Mr. Simms expressed themselves as being greatly pleased with the care she had received during her tedious illness. They feel grateful to the people of Cortland for having provided this home for the sick, as she could not have been so comfortably cared for anywhere outside her own home as she has been at the hospital.

Gone to New York.
   Franklin Pierce Esq., the well known lawyer of Homer, has gone to New York to practice his profession and will have offices in the Equitable Insurance building at No. 120 Broadway. The name of the firm is Thornall, Squires & Pierce. Mr. Pierce is an able lawyer and the DEMOCRAT wishes him success in his new field of labor. People living in this vicinity, who have legal business to transact in the city, will do well to make a note of the name of the firm and their number.

Happy A Time.
   Mrs. C. A Mynard, who lives in Samson block, was completely surprised by the gathering of a few of her many friends last Thursday evening, Oct. 29, it being the seventy-third birthday.
   Dr. Taylor was present and read the seventy-first psalm and offered prayer.
   In behalf of the friends Dr. Taylor presented Mrs. Mynard with an envelope containing a few dollars, also substantial tokens of material aid.
   She expressed herself as appreciative of the kindly regard and affection which their gifts betokened. All went away feeling that it is a good day in which we make some one happy.
Tenth Anniversary.
   The Congregational church in Cortland will commemorate the tenth anniversary of its organization on Tuesday of next week, in the afternoon at 2 o'clock. The "How" of the church will be told by its clerk, Col. Frank Place; its "What" by Rev. H. T. Sell of Chicago, for the five years of his pastorate; by Dr. Edward Taylor, for the three years of his ministry; the story of the Sunday school will be told by its first superintendent, Mr. Addison E. Buck; of the Women's Board by Mrs. Wm. D. Tuttle; of the girls' Earnest Workers by Mrs. R. H. Rose; of the Christian Endeavor Society by Miss Sarah Coggswell and of the boys' Steady Workers.
   A very interesting communication will be read from Rev. and Mrs. A. T. Swing, who are in Halle, Germany.
   Tuesday evening there will be short addresses from the pastors of the other Cortland churches, from Rev. E. Curtis of Syracuse, W. A. Robinson, D. D. of Homer, and from other members of the organizing council, all of whom are invited to be present to judge if the results justify their action.
   As preliminaries to this anniversary there will be a social gathering in the church parlors on Friday evening of this week, at which the women will serve their annual chicken pie supper to all comers from 5 to 7 o'clock, at 25 cents.
   Next Sunday morning the new organ will be dedicated and the Holy Sacrament administered. In the evening Rev. H. T. Sell will preach. He arrived from Chicago yesterday with his wife and child, will be present at the social and participate in all the exercises of these various days. At all times the public generally will have a cordial welcome.

   The DEMOCRAT, in behalf of the several candidates on the Democratic county ticket, begs leave to tender the sincere thanks of the candidates, to those Republicans whose support they received during the late canvass. The individual efforts and hearty support of the Democrats of the county are also highly appreciated.
   The weather on Tuesday was favorable for a great Republican victory. Republican politicians now lay their defeat in the state to the fact that the farmers were all very busy gathering their cider apples. The Silk Stocking club will furnish the faucets gratis.
   Peck's wonderful popularity failed to materialize and his masterful statesmanship seems to be but poorly appreciated. [In a contested election, the New York Court of Appeals threw out 1252 ballots for Rufus Peck, which gave the election to John A. Nichols by majority—CC editor.]
   A very large and well selected assortment of Fassetts can be purchased at a nominal price by applying early to the chairman of the Republican County Committee in this village. Owner desires to retire from business on account of recent reverses.
   Irving H. Palmer made a good run for District Attorney considering the fact that he was unable to make a canvass. The result would undoubtedly have been somewhat different had Mr. Palmer been able to call upon his friends in the different towns.
   What has become of Jones, "He pays the freight?" Has that terrible Tammany Tiger swallowed him too?
   Jones, "he pays the freight," with which the Republican scow Tom Platt will be loaded on its way up Salt River. With Platt, Fassett and Jones gone, who will be left to hunt the Tammany Tiger?

New York State 1891 election results:,_1891


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