Saturday, March 5, 2016


Cortland Village President Calvin P. Walrad.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, October 2, 1891.

Drop on the "Hoss" Market.
   Saturday evening the usual crowd of men and boys had assembled in front of the Dexter House, to witness the puts and calls of Auctioneer William’s "hoss" market, which for several weeks had continued with increasing attendance until not only sidewalk but street also was blocked, much to the inconvenience of pedestrians on Saturday evenings.
   At the usual hour last Saturday, immediately after twilight arrived, the crowd assembled, the "hosses" were in line and the sale opened. Among the first bids of importance was that of [Village] President Walrad, who bid the auctioneer to stop and hereafter see that no more markets of the kind were established upon the prominent thoroughfares of Cortland. The crowd dispersed, although the prospective owners of a $2 or $11 horse showing a 60 clip and a string of ringbones or spavins were slightly put out, but have since recovered their equanimity.
   Public opinion sanctions the order and the people again may enjoy the walk.

Confidence Men at Work.
   "How much did they bleed the farmer?" is the question often heard in referring to the work of two strangers about Groton last Friday, since the facts came to light Tuesday. The yarn was unreeled backward from the location of an overdriven horse abandoned at Lincklean, Chenango county.
   It is stated that on Friday last a well dressed individual, carrying the air of a thorough business man well versed in market values and possessed of an unlimited fund of knowledge pertaining to the financial standing of residents of Tompkins county, with the further claimed distinction of being a nephew of the late Judge Boardman and at present the honored and clear-sighted cashier of an Ithaca bank, made himself "solid," as the boys say, with farmer Fritz, to whom he made known his desire to purchase a farm near Groton as an investment for funds of the Boardman estate.
   To test the financial knowledge of his distinguished visitor the farmer inquired the worth of a near neighbor and was astonished at receiving a prompt reply, which agreed perfectly with the local estimate of that gentleman's earthly possessions. The farmer said he would see him again, but had to visit Cortland on important business that day.
   Strange enough, his visitor was destined for the same place and would carry the farmer. They started from Groton with a horse hired at Hall's livery—what transpired on the route is not given out—but the stranger and his newly made friend made the trip, followed by the former [sic] and his accomplice, who until then had remained in the dark, left Groton, and were next heard of at Pitcher where the exhausted condition of the horse aroused suspicion that the animal had been stolen.
   Arriving at Lincklean the pair put the horse in a stable and gave a man $3 to carry them to the railroad at DeRuyter, alighting in the street away from the depot, with a plausible excuse for so doing. They were next heard of at Little Falls from which place they forwarded $20 to liveryman Hall as a recompense for his inconvenience and to defray the expense of obtaining his rig which they notified him had been left at Lincklean.
   The horse passed through Cortland Tuesday. How much they made in the venture is not stated, but the forwarding of $20 is accepted as evidence that the enterprise panned out some. Mr. George Fitz declined to give any information about the transaction.

Teachers Give a Banquet.
   On Saturday evening last, eighteen of the teachers engaged in the Union Free Schools of this place gave a banquet at the Cortland House, in honor of the birthday of their friend Mrs. M. A. Rice. At the appointed hour the teachers all gathered in the hotel parlors, when their guest was ushered into the room, and after a few moments conversation all repaired to the dining room where tables had been arranged especially for these guests. At each plate was laid a beautiful rose tied with white ribbon, and at Mrs. Rice's plate a beautiful cluster of Marchal Neil roses was tastily arranged. Many courses were served, in a manner that reflected great credit upon the taste and management of Mr. Bauder.
   After the banquet all retired to the parlor where a short literary programme was given, which was greatly enjoyed by all. The occasion was a surprise to Mrs. Rice, and a complete success.

St. Mary's Church Cemetery.
   For some time there has been much discussion over the prospect of a new cemetery for the parish of St. Mary of Vale (Catholic) church. Last week the necessary transfer papers were received by Rev. John J. McLochlin, M. F. Cleary and Hugh Duffey, trustees of the cemetery, whereby a plot of land situate [sic] on the Wadsworth farm, at the west end of Fitz Avenue [West Main Street], was deeded over to the parish of St. Mary's church, in consideration of $3,000.
   The new site contains some 40 acres of land, and is located very pleasantly for the purpose intended. The work of laying out drives and walks and placing the premises in readiness for burial purposes is to be commenced without further delay, and St. Mary's church will soon have a creditable resting place for the departed.

Emerald Hose Fair.
   The commodious stores on the ground floor of the new Hopkins' building, Main street, will be dedicated by a mammoth fair under the auspices of Emerald Hose company, No. 4 of Cortland. The opening of this pleasant event is set for Monday evening, October 19th, and the fair will continue through the week. A. novel and interesting program is being arranged in addition to the numerous attractions that will be displayed. From previous efforts it is safe to state that the fair will be worthy of patronage not alone to Cortland people but adjoining towns, all being honorably treated and pleasantly entertained. Full details will be made known later.

Modern Languages
   Miss S. C. Norton, who has just returned from fifteen months' study in Germany and at the Zurich University, will instruct a limited number of pupils in German, French, or Italian, conversation clubs and Teachers' Classes a specialty. Terms reasonable. Evening classes if desired
   Address 26 R. R. Ave., Cortland, N. Y (28w1)

Mr. Peck's Taxes.
(From the Syracuse Herald, Sept. 30.)
   The Standard this morning calls attention to the fact that THE HERALD erred yesterday in saying that Rufus T. Peck of Cortland, Cortland county, the Republican candidate for State Senator, did not own any property in Onondaga county. The Standard has discovered that "Mr. Peck is the owner of a valuable block of property in the Fifth ward. He has owned it since [1878] and has promptly paid the taxes levied upon it."
   We regret that we did Mr. Peck this injustice, and will proceed to make amends by stating just what property Mr. Peck does own in this city. It is a wooden house and brick barn at the corner of Geddes and Fayette streets, and is assessed for $3,000, the tax thereon being $42.80. Perhaps as blocks run in Cortland county this may be "valuable," but it is not in keeping with Syracuse ideas. Mr. Peck is reported to be worth a good round sum, perhaps three hundred thousand dollars, and hence a very small part of his heart can be in Syracuse, for all but a trifling part of his treasure is elsewhere.
   John A. Nichols, the Democratic candidate for Senator, pays taxes in this city on property assessed for $45,000, his total tax being $747. While Mr. Peck is promptly paying $42.80, Mr. Nichols is paying $747. Moreover, he is probably the largest taxpayer in the town of DeWitt, except the railroad corporations. He thus has solid substantial interests in Syracuse and Onondaga county, while Mr. Peck's holding is an accidental circumstance. He is, of course, a taxpayer of Syracuse, but in so small a way that consideration would not hold him back a minute when his political deals in Cortland county make it necessary for him to sacrifice Syracuse. Mr. Peck is in no sense identified with the growth and prosperity of Syracuse, whereas Mr. Nichols's property, business and social interests centre in this city. The difference is that Mr. Peck is a citizen of Cortland county and that Mr. Nichols is a citizen of Syracuse and Onondaga county.


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