The Cortland Democrat, Friday,
October 23, 1891.
The Better Element of the Party Disgusted with
the Action of Certain Leaders.
Saturday word was received by the Democratic County Committee that Gov. Hill
would probably speak in this place on Saturday, October 31st. The rumor went like
wildfire all over town, and a member of Peck's Silk Stocking club went to the manager
of the Opera House and hired the house for the afternoon and evening of October
31, thereby closing every opportunity as it was supposed, to obtain a hall sufficiently
large to accommodate the audience that would surely be present to hear the
Chief Executive of the State. The Republican managers had not made any arrangements
as we understand to have a speaker on October 31st, but as some of them explain,
they hired the Opera House to prevent the
Democrats from having an opportunity to refute anything that may have been said
by Republican speakers.
The very
large and respectable element of the Republican party in this village are disgusted
with such trickery and meanness upon the part of their managers and express
themselves very freely in regard to the matter. If Mr. Peck expects to gain votes
by such meanness he will certainly be mistaken. He expected to have some complimentary
votes from Democrats, but if he gets any now, we shall be surprised.
A member
of the Daily Journal staff informed a Democrat who is not a member of
the county Committee, on Thursday, that the Opera House could be had if a written
request was made to the Republican County Committee. No such request will be
made. The offer never would have been made had not the better element of the
Republican party made their abhorrence of such tactics known to those who were
guilty of perpetrating the outrage.
The Opera
House was hired to prevent Gov. Hill from speaking in Cortland but it won't
work. When politicians become so mean that they will undertake to prevent the
Chief executive officer of the State from addressing the people, it is time
they were severely rebuked.
Come and
hear Governor Hill Saturday October 31, 1891, at 1 o'clock P. M.
Uncle Rufus T. Peck and the Laboring Man—His
Promises Do Not Seem to be Worth Many Cents on the Dollar.
Correspondence of the Syracuse Herald.)
Oct. 17.—The laboring men of Cortland county, having had experience with Rufus
T. Peck, are pretty well acquainted with him and they know just how far his
promises go. In order that the Syracuse laboring men may not be deceived by Mr.
Peck's promises this year, the Herald correspondent called upon some of the
officers of the local assembly, Knights of Labor, to ascertain why they were
opposed to Mr. Peck's candidacy for the Senate.
reasons were very soon made apparent. A large number of the members of the
local assembly were formerly supporters of Peck, but now that they have found
him totally unreliable they have changed their minds. The first year that Mr.
Peck was in the Assembly he was on the black list for having voted against
three important measures affecting laboring men. As an excuse for this action, he
said that he had never been notified by the laboring men how to vote on these
measures. P. J. Doyle, chairman of the legislative committee of the
Workingmen's assembly, in a letter to C. J. Cleary, president of the Cortland
assembly, K. of L., expressly says that Mr. Peck was notified of the measures
which the laboring men desired him to support and that Mr. Peck deliberately
misstated the facts when he said that he had received no notification.
When Mr.
Peck was waited upon by two members of the local assembly he reiterated his
statement that he had not been notified of the measures. He said further that
he was sure of a re-election, and that he would go down to Albany for his
second term and support every labor measure that he was asked to support, or,
to put it in his own words, "All the workingmen of Cortland have got to do
is to tell me what they want and I will do it." Subsequent developments
showed how empty that promise was.
When the
question of repealing the two-dollar a day bill was being agitated Mr. Peck
wrote to the secretary of the Cortland assembly asking for an expression on the
matter. This was one of the cherished bills of the laboring men of the State
and they were as a unit opposed to its repeal. A committee was appointed and
inside of thirty-six hours a petition was signed by more than 300 actual
wage-workers of Cortland addressed to Rufus T. Peck and asking him to vote
against the repeal of the bill [which] was on its way to Albany. In the face of
that petition Mr. Peck stood up in his place in the Assembly and said that he
had a petition from 300 of his constituents, wage-workers of Cortland, asking
him to vote against the repeal of the bill, but he announced that he would vote
for its repeal, saying that he thought that he knew what to do better than they
did. He voted for the repeal of that bill and knowing what the consequences
would be, he was cunning enough to vote for a sufficient number of less
important labor measures to escape the black list. In fact he never voted for
any important labor measures.
promised the laboring men at the polls that he would vote to further their
interests, yet the only favor they ever asked of him was for his support on the
two-dollar a day bill and he voted against their expressed wishes. In
consequence the laboring men of Cortland, Republicans as well as Democrats,
have lost all confidence in Mr. Peck; and their influence will be felt at the
members of the Cortland branch of the Cigarmakers' union have taken pains to
look up the brand of cigars used by Mr. Peck in his canvass previous to that
famous caucus when he secured the Senatorial delegation by an unprecedented
majority. They found Mr. Peck's son dealing out to voters the "Golden
Dragon," manufactured at a notorious "scab" factory in Oskaloosa,
legislation affects the interests of Cortland laboring men has the same effect
upon the laboring men at Syracuse, and they cannot afford to trust their
affairs in the hands of a man who has already been on the black list, and who
has always turned a deaf ear to the appeals of the laboring men of his own
A Valuable Invention.
William Polley, engineer at Wickwire Bros.' factory in this place, has invented
and patented a device for cleaning boilers, called a mechanical boiler cleaner.
The object of this apparatus is, to remove from the feed water to boilers, all
mud, lime, magnesia, etc., thereby preventing and removing scale. The "cleaner"
consists of three or more pans, placed on top of the flues in a horizontal
boiler each of which except the last, are divided by crosspieces set at an
angle of 80 degrees and extending nearly across the pan. These pieces retard
the flow of water by causing it to pass back and forth crosswise. The last pan
has a diamond shaped opening near the center, and from this opening a lining,
corrugated at the top, rises nearly even with the top of the pan. The water is
pumped into the first pan and flows back and forth until it reaches this
corrugated opening in the last pan, when it falls into the boiler. During its
retarded flow through these pans, the water is brought to a high temperature,
which causes the impurities to precipitate, and this precipitate is blown from
the pans through a surface blow-off.
Mr. Polley
claims for his invention and has practically demonstrated, that his device will
prevent scale and sediment forming, facilitates heating, saves fuel, lessens
liability of explosion, and increases the life of a boiler. Mr. Polley has
already placed this invention in the boilers at Wickwire Bros., John Ireland's,
Cortland Water Works Co., and Homer Wagon Co., Limited, in this place, and with
the Binghamton Water Works Co., at places it is doing practical and efficient service.
Polley has made the removal of scale and sediment from boilers a study for many
years, and has now placed upon the market this apparatus, the result of his practical
and successful tests, which is destined to come into general use by all users
of large boilers.
Consecrating St. Mary's New Cemetery.
Sunday will be a happy day for the members of St. Mary's church. Their Bishop Rt. Rev. P. A. Ludden will consecrate their
new Cemetery. Pontifical High Mass will be celebrated at 10:30 A. M., after
which a procession will be formed from the church to cemetery, where the consecrating
ceremonies will take place.
Bishop will be assisted by the very Rev. J. J. Kennedy, V. G., of the Diocese, and
Rev. P. F. McEvoy, Ch. and Sec., both of Syracuse, Revs. Joyce of Truxton,
Herrick of Marathon, Quinn of Binghamton, Hughes of Oswego and others. The Chancellor
will preach in the forenoon. Pontifical Vespers will be sung at 7:30 P. M.
The choir
will be ably assisted at the morning and evening services by a full orchestra,
Mr. Fischer formerly of Cortland, and lately of Auburn, acting as leader.
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Photo credit: Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland |
Our New Press.
We have
just placed in the DEMOCRAT press room another of C. B. Cottrell & Sons celebrated two revolution book and job
presses. For some time we have felt the need of another press to facilitate the
turning out of work more rapidly and thus better meet the wants of our customers.
We looked into the merits of several different makes of presses, but not until
last spring, when the Messrs. Cottrell commenced the manufacture of an improved
small two-revolution press, did we find just what we considered to be one that
would meet our wants.
popular did this "little wonder" press become, that orders came in to
such an extent after its introduction, that sales were booked many months ahead,
and so we commenced negotiations at once to have one of this pattern at up
[sic] in the DEMOCRAT press room.
The press
arrived last week and is now running daily. It will print a sheet 22x28 inches
at the rate of 2500 impressions per hour, and do the finest kind of work. As a
gentleman remarked who saw the press running, "It works like a watch and
hustles the work out." We would be pleased to show this press to our customers,
and submit specimens of work done upon it for their inspection. We always endeavor
to stand in the front rank in improvements and our latest addition of the pony
two-revolution Cottrell press, largely increases our capacity for turning out first-class
work rapidly, and highly satisfactory to customers. Drop in and see "the hustler."
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