The Cortland Democrat, Friday, October
16, 1891.
Killed Her Husband.
(Binghamton Leader, Monday.)
avenue near the corner of Walnut street was the scene of a shocking tragedy
about 11 o'clock Saturday night, when a maddened woman's touch upon the trigger
of a revolver suddenly sent a soul unto the presence of its maker.
The fatal
shot was fired by Mrs. Alvin DeLong. Her husband was the victim. The murderess
is about 53 years of age and her hair is thickly streaked with gray. She has
one son, Cyrillus, aged 12, and three daughters, one of whom is married and
lives at Afton. The other daughters are Lulu, aged 18, and Jessie, 16. Lulu was
at the Opera House when the terrible tragedy occurred. Jessie, who clerks in a store,
had just returned from her work and was an eye witness to the tragedy.
domestic relations of Mr. and Mrs. DeLong were very unhappy. They quarreled
frequently and bitterly. DeLong ill-treated his wife shamefully and often beat her.
Only a short time ago, it is said, he gave her an unmerciful whipping, during which
he struck and kicked her. He was not considered a brutal man, but he went with
other women [and] his wife frequently upbraided him for his infidelity and
this, it is said, was the cause of their quarrels.
night she found him drinking at a hotel in the company of a dissolute woman, an
inmate of Fannie Beebe's house. A row resulted but Mrs. DeLong finally induced
her husband to leave his disreputable companion. When the couple were outside
DeLong struck his wife several blows about the head. She remained with him,
however, and they quarreled nearly all the way home attracting considerable attention.
Near their residence DeLong stopped to talk with some one. His wife went on and
entered the house. She returned shortly armed with the fatal revolver.
who had left his friend, met his wife in front of Herman Whittemore's
residence, corner Walnut street and Seminary avenue. What passed between them there
is unknown. DeLong was seen to suddenly reach out his hands. Instantly there
was a flash and a report. It was followed by a second pistol shot, when DeLong
fell to the ground. Both shots struck him. The first bullet entered near the
left side near the third rib, passing through the aorta, the great blood vessel
of the heart, and piercing the right lung lodged into the right side near the
third rib. The second bullet struck him in the forearm. The pistol with which
the shooting was done is a 38 calibre, self-cocking, Smith & Wesson
Tripp on the Farmers.
On the
5th day of March last James H. Tripp Esq., delivered an address before the
Farmers' Institute held in Marathon. The address was published in the Marathon Independent
of March 12. The following extracts from his address may be interesting to
farmers about these days:
the last 10 years as a guide. On the average 5 acres of potatoes properly cultivated
will pay the rent or the interest. The dairy products from 5 cows will do it,
or 10 or 12 acres of oats will do the same. Off from the balance a thrifty man and
his family can raise sufficient to supply their needs and make a respectable payment.
Of course he must not be extravagant and he is so situated that extravagant demands
are not so pressing; but by patience and perseverance, after a few years, he
will be able to enjoy some of the luxuries even, and if sickness or temporary
disability overtakes, neither he nor his family need suffer."
Here is
another extract that will be interesting to farmers:
am aware some farmers are not prosperous and there are various reasons why they
are not so. Extravagance has hindered some; shiftlessness and negligence has
hindered others; too much hired help has many times taken too large a share of
the products; want of judgment in managing their affairs and in marketing their
products has brought disaster and even ruin to a great many."
It is
easy enough for the bondholder and Banker
fair round belly and good capon lined,"
to tell the farmer that he must subsist on ciscoes
and potato peelings in order to save a few paltry dollars each year, while the
banker lives in idleness and on the fat of the land, but does the farmer care
to be twitted of the unfortunate situation in which he has been placed by the
greed of the bankers and manufacturers of the country. The latter have the laws
passed for their benefit but they never think of passing laws that will benefit
the farmer.
gate receipts at the Dryden Fair were something over $2,500.
Coal is selling in Ithaca, we learn, for four
dollars per ton at the yard.
The contract
for the erection of the Law school at Cornell has been let to Collinswood, of
Buffalo, for $85,000.
J. H.
Gunn, one of McLean's enterprising merchants and very popular landlord of the Elm
Tree House, is preparing to heat his store and hotel by steam.
Last week
Wednesday the magnificent new building presented to Cornell University by Henry
W. Sage, which is to be used as a library building, was dedicated with
appropriate ceremonies.
Buckbee, son of Charles Buckbee of Ithaca, a fireman on the New York Central, fell from his engine by making a misstep
a day or two ago and was seriously injured by the fall. He was brought to his home
last Thursday.
A wooden
bridge near Mood's woolen mill in Newfield gave way, Sunday, as Ex-Supervisor
Ezra Marion and his son Perry were crossing over with a team and light wagon.
They were precipitated into the creek bed twenty-six feet below. Mr. Marion was
found to have sustained a sprained ankle, a dislocated shoulder, and an injury
to his back, beside some cuts, while his son also had a sprained ankle and a number
of bruises. The bridge had been considered safe.
Williams, a hard case, who has been considered a dangerous man to tackle, was
arrested by a posse of three officers at the points of their pistols near the
inlet Saturday afternoon and safely lodged in jail. He was held Monday for the
next grand jury, upon the charge of robbing Frank Hoosier's house in Danby,
September 25th. Some of the stolen goods were found in his possession when arrested.
Williams is also charged with forgery and is wanted in Seneca county for a
series of crimes.
![]() |
Henry T. Dana, M. D. (photo credit, Harris, Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland.) |
'bus now carries passengers for all the hotels to and from the trains.
The board
of town auditors will meet on Thursday, November 5th, to audit town bills.
setting the large plate glass windows in the new Hopkins block, last Tuesday, one
of the largest ones was accidentally broken.
annual renting of pews at the first Methodist Episcopal church will take place
on Wednesday afternoon and evening, October 21st.
F. Hurlbert,
who purchased W. W. Seaman's barber shop on Port Watson-st., some months ago,
is said to have left town. He leaves a wife and two children, who are said to
be in destitute circumstances.
B. B.
Terry's stallion, Racine, was entered in the 2:35 class at the Newark races
yesterday. Racine was to have been sent for a record, but up to the hour of our
going to press we were unable to learn the time made.
The Hon.
Andrew D. White, L. L. D., will deliver his famous lecture on "The
Cathedral Builders," in Homer, October 31st, in behalf of Calvary church.
Further particulars will be given on bills and in the press.
Chautaugua Circle will meet with Mrs. J. O. Reed, 128 South Main Street, next
Monday evening, Oct. 19th, at 7:30 P. M. The semi-annual election of officers will
take place and all members are requested to be present.
regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the rooms over Collins' store, Saturday, Oct. 17th, at 2:30
P. M. Consecration service from 2:30 to 3 P. M. A full report from the State
convention will be given at this meeting and a large attendance is desired, as
this will be a very interesting meeting.
L. J.
Fitzgerald has let the contract to build a horse barn 40x104 feet on his farm
between here and Cortland, known as the Chamberlain place, to Charles Lawson.
The mason work is being done by Messrs. Healy and Sullivan. Mr. Fitzgerald is
erecting this large barn to keep his fine blooded stock in during the winter
C. P. Walrad, C. Fred Thompson and D. W.
Bierce, the commissioners appointed to determine the advisability of laying out
a new highway in the northern portion of the town, met on Monday, looked the
proposed route over, and decided to lay out the road. The will meet at Cortland
on Monday, to assess the damages.—Marathon Independent.
Joseph R. Arnold has sold his restaurant and
billiard stock and fixtures on Court st.
to George O. Squires, late of Binghamton, but formerly of this place, and well
known here. Mr. Squires has had several years' experience and is a very popular
caterer. He took possession on Monday last. Mr. Arnold has not yet decided
where he will cast his lines in the future.
A few weeks since Miss Edith Williams, aged
12 years, a daughter of Mrs. Henrietta Williams, hurt her left knee on one of
the seats in the Owego street school in this village. Soon afterwards an abscess
appeared and a counsel of doctors decided last week that the limb would have to
be taken off in order to save her life. The operation was successfully
performed on Thursday by Drs. Reese, Dana and Higgins, and the patient is said
to be doing finely.
George Stone, of Solon, claims to have
raised the finest crop of oats this year he has ever seen. He got 748
bushels, by measure, off from twelve acres of land—nearly sixty-two bushels to
the acre. The grain weighed, when threshed, thirty-nine pounds to the bushel.—McGrawville
Mrs. Melissa Swift died in this village,
Tuesday last, aged 70 years. Her mother, Mrs.
Abigail Swift, had made every arrangement to have a family reunion at her home
in Lickville, Cayuga county, on Wednesday, when she would be 90 years of age. The
reunion was of course postponed. Mrs. Melissa Swift was the mother of Clayton V.
Swift, with C. F. Thompson, the grocer.
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