![]() |
1890's Western Electric Magneto "Three Jug" Long Distance Telephone. |
Rufus T. Peck has presented an American flag to the Republican League club.
Possibly this is made of American tin.
Frank A.
Bickford, of the telephone exchange at Cortland, was in town on Saturday, and
made arrangements looking to the putting in of a line from Cortland into Marathon.
Wires will be placed on the poles of the Long Distance company from Virgil, and
a loop run into this village from Lapeer. The added convenience of a telephone
service to the northward, will be of great value. By the new line Marathon will
be able to talk with Cortland, Syracuse. Auburn, Utica, and intermediate towns,
and by transfer in Cortland, with New York, Philadelphia or Boston. The company
should have no difficulty in securing the necessary right of way and franchise.
[sic] of the U. S. Express Company now wear uniforms furnished by the company.
having anything filled in with a rubber stamp must now be prepaid as first-class
H. B. Johnston will run a traveling fish market
commencing to-day, to meet the wants of his many customers.
Remember the date for New York's greatest
orator, Thomas Dixon, Jr., in the Y. M. C. A. course, Jan. 20th.
H. B. Johnston has sold his fish market on
North Main-st., to Mr. Erving Stevens, who will conduct the same hereafter.
Ground will be broken at Camden about
October 1st, for the extension of the E., C & N. to Watertown.—DeRuyter
The State
Convention of Universalists will be held in Auburn Oct. 6, 7 and 8. A number of
Cortland Universalists will attend.
Mr. N. J. Smith, of East Virgil, was tossed
in the air by a Jersey bull he was leading last week. He had a narrow escape from
serious injury.
A meeting of the stock-holders of the Blodgett's
Mills union will be held at the milk depot at Blodgett's Mills, Wednesday,
October 14th, at 1 o'clock P. M.
Jere Johnson, the famous New York auctioneer,
will sell several hundred choice city lots at auction in Syracuse, next Monday.
See advertisement in another column.
L. R. Lewis has been awarded the contract for
roofing the new factory of the Cortland
Box Loop company. Lew says he will use nothing but the best American tin upon
the job.
The Kirkwood Driving Park, Syracuse, will hold
a meeting next week, Oct. 6th, 7th and 8th. A very large list of entries have
been made, and there are some excellent horses on the list.
The Cortland Door and Window Screen Company
have commenced the erection of a new two-story building on the south side of
their present works. The building will be 45x100 feet. Mr. R. H. Finn has the contract.
The regular meeting of the Women's Christian
Temperance Union will be held at the rooms over Collins' store, on Saturday, Oct.
3d, at 2:30 P. M. Consecration service from 2:30 to 3 P. M. All ladies are cordially
Dr. Fred I. Stacy, son of Wm. Stacy, of
Harford, died suddenly last spring. A week or two ago his only child was taken away,
and on Saturday his widow died at her home in Union. Thus, in a few short weeks,
an entire family has passed away.
Tuesday evening, at a special meeting of the
village board, the resignation of Mr. George A. Crossman as janitor of the city
hall and firemen's headquarters was accepted. Mr. Frank M. Samson, of Hitchcock
Hose, No. 6, was appointed to the position.
Sneak thieves stole a hammock from H. M.
Whitney's porch recently and Mrs. Silas
Sherwood lost a carpet taken from her veranda about the same time. Thieves also
entered the residence of Mr. M. Eastman, on Greeubush-st., a few days since,
and stole $8 in cash.
If a stranger calls on you, says an
exchange, and after asking to see your sewing machine takes out the shuttle and
puts it in his pocket, refusing to give it up unless the owner pays for an
alleged infringement on the patent, handle him without gloves. It is a late
swindle that is being successfully worked in many localities.
One of the very best newspapers that comes
to our desk is the Binghamton Republican. It gives complete Associated Press
dispatches and contains an excellent and readable variety of local news from surrounding
counties. The paper is well conducted in all respects, and is furnished for the
very low price of 25 cents per month, or $3.00 per year. The price must be
ruinous to the publishers, but it finds great favor with the general reader.
M. C. A. Notes.
Owing to the annual session of the M. E. Conference
at this place, the cottage prayer meeting for the week will be omitted. The
young men may rest assured of an interesting and profitable hour on Sunday next
at 4 o'clock, as one or more of the visiting pastors at the Conference is
expected to be present and address the meeting. Let all come.
Many of our members with their friends availed
themselves of the privilege of the reception and entertainment given in the rooms
on the evening of Sept. 23. The programme
consisted of vocal and violin solos by Messrs. Coles and Darby, with Burt
Bentley as piano accompanist. Mr. A. M. Taylor of New York city greatly delighted
his audience by three appearances with humorous recitations and impersonations.
A "grape eat" concluded the evening's enjoyment.
The fact that the average attendance at the
4 o'clock meetings on Sunday has been 58, for the month of September, is
evidence of a deep interest in our work on the part of the young men. Our
prospectus of the coming season's work is out and ready for distribution. It
contains full particulars in regard to courses of entertainment for the winter,
as well as many other "points worth knowing." Every young man who has
not already received a copy, should call at the Secretary's office and receive
At a regular meeting of the Women's Auxiliary
of the Y. M. C. A. of Cortland, held at the Y. M. C. A. parlors on Thursday, Sept.
17, the following letter was read:
Mrs. C. F. Brown, Secretary of Women's
Auxiliary of the Cortland Y. M. C. A.
I hereby sever my connection with the Women's
Auxiliary of the Y. M. C. A. of Cortland.
In doing so, I desire to thank the ladies for the uniform kindness and courtesy
shown to me as president; and in the future I shall cherish most pleasant
memories of the auxiliary and of its work. That many years of prosperity and
glorious results achieved await the Y. M. C. A. and this auxiliary in this town
is the hope of your co-worker for Christ.
Island Park, August 24, 1891.
This resignation was accepted with sincere regret
and the following resolutions have been adopted:
WHEREAS, On account of the removal of Mrs.
Helen K. Hoose to another town, we lose a valuable member and a very efficient president,
WHEREAS, The success of this auxiliary is
due in a large measure, to her well-directed efforts, therefore it is
That we hereby tender our heart-felt
thanks for all her wise counsels and able management.
That as she goes to her new home,
she has our tender love and our fervent prayers for her future comfort and prosperity.
That the foregoing be recorded in
the minutes of the society, published in the Cortland papers and a copy sent to
Mrs. Hoose.
Notice is hereby given that we, the
undersigned, will sell at public auction on Saturday, October 17, 1891, at 2
o’clock P. M., at the hotel known as the American House,
No. 14 Main street in Cortland village, N. Y., the following personal property:
Two double-page Cabinet Picture Albums with plush covers, and one large illustrated
double-clasp family bible. The same being the present property of Samuel Eagan.
Said sale is made by virtue of an Inkeeper's lien we have on said property.
Dated, October 2, 1891.
JOHN F. DOWD. (28w2)
of Dissolution. [Ad.]
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that the firm of Hopper
Brothers, doing business at 51 Main street, Cortland, N. Y., have dissolved
partnership, and that the business will be hereafter carried on by C. A. Hopper,
as sole owner, and he will assume all the indebtedness of the said firm and to
him all accounts may be paid.
Dated August 21st, 1891. (23tf.)
A very pleasant company of seventy-five gathered
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bristol, on Sept. 17th, to witness the
marriage of their daughter, Georgie, to Mr. Fred Lampman of Cortland. The ceremony
was performed by Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of the Homer Ave. Methodist church, of
Cortland. At half past one the curtains were drawn, the lamps were lighted, and
while Mrs. Addie McMahon played the wedding march the bridal party entered the
parlor and under an arch of evergreens and flowers the happy couple were made
one. The best man was Mr. N. Holcomb, of Cortland, and the bridesmaid Miss
Addie Stone. After congratulations elegant refreshments were served, and the
bride and groom, amid a shower of rice, entered a hack and were driven to the
depot to take the half past three train for Penn Yan. The presents were very nice,
a few of which I will name: half doz. knives and forks, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Tompkins; pickle castor, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hull; half doz. knives, Mr. and Mrs.
John Lancing; pickle caster, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Dunham; water set, [Bernice]
Sheerar; ice cream set, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Benham; fruit dish, Mr. and Mrs. R.
J. Mineah; table cloth and napkins, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bristol; sugar spoon and
butter knife, C. W. Wilkins; fruit knives and nut picks, Andrew McMahon; pickle
fork, Miss Addie Hull; half doz. knives, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Price; teaspoons,
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. McMahon; one-half dozen teaspoons, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence;
tablespoons, Mr. and Mrs. Lanning; cake basket, Mr. K. Holcomb and lady; two
napkin rings, John Bristol; pickle caster, Mr. and Mrs. Rodolph Price; one doz.
napkins, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Maiser; cheese dish, salt and pepper box, Delia
Bristol; night lamp and plush quilt, Delia Bristol; dinner set of 112 pieces,
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Bristol; Rochester lamp, Mr. and Mrs. George L. Morehead;
half doz. fancy napkins, S. E. Thompson.
TOPSY. [pen name of local
Miss Ella Van Marter was home last week on
account of illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Ohio are visiting her
aunt, Mrs. M. A. Hull.
Mr. Charles Fox was taken sick last week and
carried to his home in Homer.
Rev. and Mrs. Beman of Sempronius attended the
meeting at the Baptist church last Friday evening.
Misses Etta and Hattie Van Buskirk, Hattie
Pearsall and Alice Good were home from Cortland last Saturday and Sunday.
Rev. Mr. Payne delivered his farewell
address at the Baptist church last Sunday evening. There has been a number of conversions
during the meetings and the intent has been good. Rev. W. G. Hull and a brother
of Rev. W. Warren have assisted in the meetings. Mr. Payne expects to go to
Rev. W. G. Hull preached his farewell sermon
at the Congregational church last Sunday
evening, from the text, "My God shall supply all your need according to
his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Mr. Hull came to Summer Hill while
he was a student a little over three years ago, and has made many friends
during his stay there. He is a talented, earnest and practical preacher, and we
wish him success wherever he goes.
The sick are all better.
Mrs. Sarah Allen is visiting her niece in Lapeer.
At the ball play on Saturday the Freetown boys
got beat.
Mr. Green and wife of Willett visited at Frank
Eaton's Friday.
Mr. Clarence Craft of Homer is a guest at
Mrs. Phebe Smith's.
S. S. Hammond and wife visited relatives in
Hamilton the past week.
Mr. Win. Bates and wife have been visiting in
Dryden the past week.
Miss Grace Meachem of Marathon is a guest at
Arthur Dickinson's.
At the crazy social the receipts of the evening
was over three dollars.
Mrs. John Moon of Marathon was at her son
Nelson's the most of last week.
Mrs. Lucetta Isaac of McGrawville is a guest
at her father's, Mr. Metzgar.
Mrs. Fletcher Butman was a guest at her brother's,
Mr. J. Christler, recently.
Hon. A. A. Carley and wife of Cortland were
calling on friends in town Friday.
Mr. Edgar Warren of Smithville was visiting
his daughter, Mrs. John Grant, Saturday.
Miss Minnie Shepherd of Bridgport is a guest
at her uncle's, Mr. T. Shepherd, at present writing.
Our store is prospering finely; a constant
supply of new goods which are to be sold cheap as the cheapest.
Mr. John Monroe of Solon and Miss Helen
Monroe of McGrawville visited at Charles Monroe's the first of the week.
Mr. Earnest Lamphere of New York, formerly
of this place, is back shaking hands with old-time friends. Earnest says New
York is the place for him yet awhile.
Mrs. Mary Borthwick and her son Duke, of
Cortland called on her sister, Mrs. S. Dickinson, Sunday.
Rev. Fred Knight preached to a large congregation
from these words, "And if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men
unto me." To-morrow he goes to Conference. His friends gave him a surprise
visit at the parsonage Saturday evening, as it was his birthday, and left him ten
dollars and seventy-five cents as a token of their esteem.
Will Angel of Cortland, N. Y., was in town
over Sunday.
Mrs. Burt Conger of Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting
friends in town.
Miss Gussie Adams left for New York Monday to
complete her musical education.
Chas. E. Van Brocklin, Democratic nominee for
sheriff, was in town Tuesday looking over the political field.
Burgess & Brink are nearly ready to commence
manufacturing cider. An enormous crop of apples will make cider cheap.
The political pot begins to boil, but the main
drive in this section seems to be district attorney. If it depended on this
town the result would be exceedingly close.
Wm. Esmay, an old and esteemed resident of
Marathon, was taken with a paralytic stroke on Monday evening last. When
discovered he was lying in his chicken park.
A little flurry of excitement was occasioned
on Monday evening, owing to an alleged elopement of a young man named Diver
with a girl named Osborn. They took the evening train for Binghamton.
The chicken-pie social held in the Baptist church
parlors on Tuesday evening was a success financially. Speeches were made by
Rev. Messrs. Briggs, Richards and Ordway and also by A. G. Smith interspersed by
musical selections.
The long distance telephone company, whose
line is located about one and one-half miles west of the village, have decided
to connect this place with a branch from the main line. One of the company was
here last week and the office will probably be located in the Tarbell block.
Residents of Brink street are greatly
annoyed by horses which are allowed to run loose in the street. It seems as
though our laws were ample to compel recognition. If they were driven to the
pound a few times and the owners compelled to pay smart money, it would prevent
the lawlessness of many.
Rev. Mr. Richards preached his farewell sermon
at the Baptist church on Sunday evening last. The church was filled with a highly
appreciative audience. The I. O. of O. F. turned out in a body in honor of the
occasion, and to show their appreciation of the departing pastor who is a
member of the society. Mr. Richards leaves in a few days to take charge of his
new parish at Plattsburgh, N. Y. In the meantime the society will be without a
Crofoot is making sweet cider now.
Fly catching is the order of the day in Preble.
Potatoes are rotting badly and no sale for
Threshing machines have taken possession of
our town.
A Mr. Nickols is going to start a pool room
in the Diff stand.
Mr. Haight of the Syracuse Courier was
in town last week.
They are shipping apples at 20 cents for 100
lbs., and getting plenty.
Fred Van Hoesen of the Custom House is
building a new barn on his farm here.
David Fox's boy fell from a horse Tuesday of
this week and was quite badly hurt, but no bones broken.
Smith Conine of East Hill fell from an apple
tree last Saturday and was hurt quite badly across the back.
Davis, the harness maker, has an auction Thursday
of this week and proposes to make everybody happy if they will bid.
Summer has set in and some farmers are troubled
for water. Wells are going dry and unless we get rain soon there will be a
water famine.
Wm. Baldwin's hotel barn is nearly completed.
John Miller, Jr., has reeled John McCarthy's
Miss Jennie Lillis has gone to Buffalo to attend
Miss Ann Dwyer and Mrs. Kate Madden are
visiting their mother, Mrs. Catherine Dwyer.
Albert Pierce and wife of Montclair, N. J.,
James McKevitt and wife, Henry Severance and wife of Michigan, and Peter Weber
of Wisconsin are in town,
The 7th of Oct. will be a re-union of the
76th N. Y. Vol. at this place and a good time is expected. This regiment
disputes with the 56th Pa. over the honor of firing the first volley at the
battle of Gettysburg. We presume there was little difference in the time as the
two regiments came into line almost simultaneously.
Quite an interesting game of ball was played
here between the East Homer and Truxton clubs,
resulting in a score of 19 to 2 in favor of the Truxton nine. The East Homer
club has played some good games this season but last Saturday it was plain they
were over matched. The special features of the game were a left-handed liner by
Kenney, a home run by Twentyman, the fine catching by Peckham and the fine
playing of young Beattie.
Newton Tully has been for two days threshing
the Woodmancy crop of buck wheat on the Markham farm.
Colwell Clark has recovered so as to come
down town as usual. He is enthusiastic for Flower and the county ticket.
Melvin Pratt was absent a portion of last week
at Kingston to answer in a suit for maladministration of his judicial duties.
Last week all the newly erected silos were
filled. Most of the owners had corn left over and regret not having built them larger.
During the past hot days the Raymond house
has been well occupied by persons desiring to keep cool and at the same time get
a square meal.
Married—At the residence of the bride's
parents, Henry Gates, Sept. 27th, Miss Nellie Gates and Arthur Dorman of Tully.
Rev. Forward of Homer officiated.
From the continued dry spell many farms are
short in their water supply who have usually a great plenty. Hill farms usually
short are now entirely destitute.
W. T. Perkins was taken ill at his boarding
place, Charles Gillett's, last Tuesday, with typhoid pneumonia. Under the treatment
of Dr. R. A. Goodell he is recovering.
D. W. Van Hoesen broke out their first car
load of ice last week. It went to Apulia. We learn that they have sold 500 tons
to a Binghamton firm. Their ice has kept very fine.
E. J. Olmstead with his wife and daughter moved
from Otisco last spring into a part of H. W. Blashfields' sawmill house. A son-in-law
also occupied the nearby tenent house. About two weeks ago all the Olmstead
family and a child of the son-in-law's were taken violently sick. The case
became notorious from the number of doctors who visited them and their sensational
reports. The old gentleman died and from that time Health Office, Webb, took
charge of the cases, furnishing nurses, and
now they all seem in a fair way of recovering. During the excitement, Blashfield
called Dr. Goodell to examine the sanitary condition of the premises at his own
expense. Nothing was found to justify the stories put in circulation and subsequent
events forced the correctness of that opinion.
Mr. Clarence Craft spent last
Sunday at Freetown, presumably in the company of his best girl.
Miss Estella Gilbert, of
Homer, has been visiting for a few days at Mr. and Mrs. John Henry's.
Rev. W. H. Robertson in the
year he has been with us has buried 21 persons and married 13 couples.
Our boys crossed bats with
Truxton Saturday last and were hugely done up. Score 22 to 2 in Truxton's
Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Hoag, of
Eaton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Walters the fore part of the week.
The grangers and their
families had a feast at their hall Friday evening of last week. Every one
enjoyed it hugely.
The ball game at Homer,
Thursday of last week between Homer and East Homer resulted in a score of 1 to 0 in favor of Homer.
Rev. W. H. Robertson will
attend the M. E. Conference at Cortland the present week. That he may be
returned to us again is the wish of the entire community.
Died—At East Homer, Sept.
26th, of pneumonia, Leon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Seacord, aged 7 years. Leon
was a manly little fellow and struggled heroically for four weeks but at last
had to succumb to the dread disease. The afflicted parents have the sympathy of
the entire community.
Mrs. Oscar of Cortland is
spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Gaylord.
Cutler had the misfortune to
lose his best cow recently. He found her with her neck broken.
Mr. Leonard Coon and wife of Allegany
county have been visiting friends and relatives in town.
Charley Edwards of this town
was buried at Cortland last week. He died of consumption. Aged 21 years.
We understand that Henry Brown
has taken a deed of the Colwell place here and will move his family there soon.
Rev. J. A. Platts recently
made Scott a flying visit on the way to his charge at Leonardsville, Madison
county. His wife stopped off at Elmira.
Wm. Jenks, who has been
serving time at Auburn, undeservedly as all about here believe, was released recently and is at the home of his father in this
Old Mrs. Grinnell of this town
died on Monday at the home of her son, Perry Grinnell. Buried at Borodino on Wednesday.
She had been ill for a long time.
As Willie Blunden was driving
down Main street with a two-horse lumber wagon, accompanied by F. M. Hazard, one
horse began to kick and kicked over the neap and the boy dropped the lines and rolled
out. Mr. Hazard succeeded in getting hold of one line only and this pulled them
straddle a shade tree and prevented a more serious runaway. One whiffletree and
several bits of harness were the only damage.
Justice Field is the scholar
of the Supreme [Court] bench. Besides his Greek and Latin he is thoroughly versed in modern Greek and Turkish and can
converse fluently in French and Italian. His library is one of the finest in
Washington, and he himself is probably the most interesting man in public life
at the capital. His extensive travels, combined with his long experience of
life and his wide reading, make him a most agreeable and entertaining companion.
In personal appearance he is tall, with a somewhat stooping figure and a large
head that looks like Shakepeare's.
"My kidneys are all
right. I have no pain in my back." Mistaken man! People die from kidney disease
of so bad a character that the organs are nearly destroyed, and yet they have
never had a pain or an ache. Why? Because the disease began in the interior of
the kidneys where there are few nerves of feeling to convey sensation of pain.
Dr. Kilmer's "Swamp Root" is the great specific for "Bright's
disease," urinary troubles and kidney difficulties.
The Handsomest of All Coins.
This proud distinction is
generally conceded to the United States' twenty-dollar gold piece, a marvel of
beauty in design and finish. The loveliest of God's handiwork is a handsome
woman. If in bloom of health; if she is not, Dr. Piecrce's Favorite Prescription will restore her. Ladies who use this peerless
remedy are unanimous in its praise, for it cures those countless ills which are
the bane of their sex—irregularities, dragging down pains, inflammation,
hysteria, sleeplessness, and the "all gone" sensations which burden
their daily lives. A tonic and nervine without alcohol.
[Another Advertisement.]
Queen Victoria has a
remarkably fine head of hair for a lady of her age but her son, the Prince of
Wales, is quite bald. Had he used Ayer's Hair Vigor earlier in life, his head
might, to-day, have been as well covered as that of his royal mother.
It's not too late yet.
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