Wednesday, March 30, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, November 27, 1891.


Has Captured the National Farmers' Alliance—Division in the Alliance—The Sub-Treasury Scheme the Rock on Which They Split—To Form a New Organization.

   INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Nov. 19.—The People's Party has captured the Alliance. The Alliance has split on the sub-treasury scheme. These are the net results of today's sessions of the various farmers' organizations now gathered here. The evidence of the split was public before that of the capture. When the Supreme Council of the Alliance met this morning everybody but delegates were excluded from the hall. Even Congressman Jerry Simpson had to go. Then the protest of the anti-sub-treasury people was taken up and a somewhat animated debate occurred as to the best means of disposing of it with the least possible friction. Finally after two hours of wrangling the Committee of the Antis was informed that they could not be heard unless they furnished the Council with a copy of the protest. This the Antis refused to do unless they could present their protest in person, and that ended the negotiations between the two wings of the Alliance. The protest, which was very long, was in substance as follows:
   The protest sets forth that the authors are a committee of the farmers and labor unions' convention held in St. Louis in September, composed of R. W. Nichols of Missouri, P. J. Patillo of Texas, B. F. Passamere of Mississippi, J. W. Crews of Tennessee and N. S. Hall, W. S. McAllister and W. Pope Yeaman, at large, which committee was appointed to memorialize the Supreme Council of the Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union by way of setting forth objections of the convention to certain declarations of principles and demands hitherto made by the Supreme Council. This committee, after its organization, prepared the views of the convention touching the principles and demands of the Supreme Council, from which a large number of the members of the Farmers and Laborers' Union dissented.
The memorial respectfully and earnestly protests against any action of the Supreme Council that to commit the Farmers' Alliance and Industrial Union to the proposition that provision be made by the Federal Congress for Government loans of money by individual citizens upon farm mortgage as security, or to the demand for Government ownership or control of railroad property and transportation. These schemes are unconstitutional, impracticable, conflicting with the spirit of the Alliance movement and tending to Government paternalism and State Socialism.
   The Government naturally looks to the citizens for the supply of all its legitimate wants, an inversion of which state of affairs would make the Government an engine of oppression and the citizen helpless and dependent. The progress and prosperity of the individual, as also the stability and beneficence of social institutions, must be left by any free Government to individual thought, effort and enterprise. Any other system would dwarf the individual and abnormally magnify the Government. Any assumption of the rights and duties of the citizen by Government menaces the true American principle that government is of the people and for the people. Instead of relief from present oppression the measures promise greater evils.
   The scheme would be partial to certain classes involving business details too deep for the average farmer. Other ideas except expense would make the market price of money higher and would open an avenue for sharpers to trade upon the farmers' hard earned goods and products.
   The markets would be overloaded with produce putting down the value of commodities and raising taxation. Alabama, Mississippi and Missouri furnish examples of how similar schemes to the Sub-Treasury project failed signally.
   The land loan scheme beyond promising a lower rate of interest presents no favorable features, the expense of maintenance being enormous. Government ownership of railroads implies one of the two other schemes. Either the Government must take railroads from owners by force or buy them for more than they are worth. It would foster political corruption and would be an arbitrary interference with private rights in many senses. The three schemes flavor strongly of class legislation.
   In conclusion the Committee expresses a desire to co-operate with the Alliance in carrying out its principles, securing safe currency, ridding the land of trusts and monopolies, helping the farmers and laborers, securing an honest ballot and a fair count, and selecting for places of public honor and emolument honest and capable men who regard public office not as a private advantage, but a public trust. The
Executive Committee of the Anti-Sub-Treasury party will now proceed to Texas where 127 Sub-Alliances have already declared against the sub-treasury scheme and will begin the work of organizing a new alliance. A call for a national convention will probably be issued to-morrow.
   The capture of the Alliance by the People's party was practically accomplished two or three days ago, but the full extent of the capture was not apparent until today when President Polk was unanimously re-elected and J. H. Louks, of South Dakota, was chosen Vice-President. J. H. Turner was re-elected Secretary-Treasurer and J. F. Willetts, of Kansas, National Lecturer.

Gov. David B. Hill.
   It is quite amusing to note the ill will and hatred evinced by the Republican journals in this State for Governor Hill. If their desire to injure him could be gratified it would not be so pleasant, but their enmity and rage is impotent and whenever they attempt to injure him they find that the movement simply makes him stronger with the people. Whenever their desires are baulked [sic] they profess to see the hand of Gov. Hill in the way of their scheming designs and of course they don't like him. Gov. Hill is a clear headed, able and vigilant executive and he doesn't propose to allow the Republicans to steal everything they can lay their hands on in this State as they have in New Hampshire, Nebraska and Connecticut. Hence their hatred of Gov. Hill.

   The Tully Times, a very rank Republican organ but claiming to be independent, is engaged in a wordy controversy with the Baldwinsville Era. The latter intimates that the former supported Peck and the Republican county ticket for a consideration, and the Times accuses the editor of the Era with having consumed dinners that were paid for by Peck and other Republican candidates, and then opposing them in his paper. In the absence of any evidence to the contrary, the public will undoubtedly give credit to both of our editorial friends. Turn on the light and let the facts appear.

   The World's Fair went to Chicago and the Republican National Convention now goes to Minneapolis. Evidently Platt, Fassett & Co. were determined to get as far away from the Tammany Tiger as possible.

   Senator Hiscock and Hon. J. Sloat Fassett made speeches before the National Republican Committee in favor of holding the next Republican convention in New York with the result that it went to Minneapolis.

What Did It?
From the Buffalo Express (anti-Platt, Rep.)
   The Syracuse correspondent of the New York Sun tells an exciting tale of the differences in Onondaga county between Postmaster Smith, editor of the Syracuse Journal, and Representative Belden. Smith attributes the smallness of the vote which Fassett received in Onondaga to Belden's treachery. Belden possessed more influence than he has ever been credited with if he was able to run Fassett nearly 4,000 behind Miller's vote without making an open fight against him. The Journal's own course in blindly following Platt and Hiscock and continually scoring independent Republicans did more than any other one thing to disgust Republican voters. The forcing on the people of Rufus T. Peck as a candidate for Senator also had a bad effect on the Republican State ticket.

Chicago Masonic Temple.
   The new Masonic Temple at Chicago is one of the grandest structures in the country. It is 19 stories high, its entire height 278 feet, 4,700 tons of steel were used in its erection; it contains sixteen elevators capable of carrying 50,000 persons a day, and its estimated cost is $4,500,000.


   The Brockway Wagon Works have shut down to take their annual inventory.
   Did you see the perfect rainbow in the east at 4 P. M. on Monday? It was a beauty.
   Harrison Wells shipped to New York, last Saturday and Monday, 13,000 pounds of poultry.
   W. B. Madden has sold his interest in the liquor store, on Port Watson-st., to his partner, George McKean.
   We will send the DEMOCRAT to new subscribers who pay in advance until January 1st, 1893. Two dollars gets the prize.
   E. E. Mellon offers his stock of boots and shoes at 39 Main street, at very low prices. Read his advertisement in another place.
   C. Fred. Thompson displays a half ton of loose raisins in the window of the Grand Central grocery. Read his ad. in another column.
   A social party was given by "Just us Two" in Wells' Hall, Thanksgiving eve. There was a large attendance and a pleasant time resulted.
   The trustees of Homer village have practically made a contract with the Hitchcock Manufacturing Co., of this place, to light that village with electricity.
   Messrs. Glann & Clark have purchased Mr. C. A. Hoppers stock of boots and shoes and will continue the business in the same store. This gives them two establishments.
   Mr. A. A. Reynolds has closed out his stock of shoes at No. 14 Railroad street, and has engaged to take charge of the store recently purchased of Mr. Hopper by Glann & Clark.
   The trustees of Homer have offered a reward of $500 for the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who have been setting fire to so many buildings in that place within the past few weeks.
   The regular semi-monthly [W. C. T. U.] mothers' meeting (central) will be held at the residence of Mrs. Henrietta Welch, 86 extension of Lincoln Ave., next Tuesday afternoon, at 3 P. M. Subject, "Children's Rights."
   Theodore Stevenson, the wide-awake insurance agent, is on deck and ready for business. He represents some of the strongest companies and solicits a share of the business. Read his advertisement in our local columns.
   A solemn requiem mass was celebrated at 10:30 A. M., Tuesday, in St. Mary's church, it being the third anniversary of the death of the very Rev. B. F. McLoghlin. Father J. J. McLoghlin officiated, and was assisted by ten visiting clergymen.
   George H. Ames & Co. will open the store in the Democrat Building, No 14 Railroad-st., to-morrow, with a large stock of boots and shoes recently purchased at the bankruptcy sale of Bradley & Co., at Friendship, N. Y. The goods will be sold at very low prices. See advertisement in another place.
   Binghamton must be a very wicked city. The jail, a very commodious one, is overrun with inmates, and the Board of Supervisors have been requested to build a large addition to the same. Last Saturday night and Sunday, twenty people were arrested for fighting and other disorderly conduct, and turned over to the jailer.
   The Hitchcock Band will soon commence giving monthly concerts in the opera house. They deserve the patronage of our citizens not alone because the band is a home organization, but because the entertainments given will be excellent and worth attending. The price of admission will be so low that all can afford to attend.
   Gib. Bligh, who has successfully conducted "The Fair" store in this village for some years past, has made money enough and proposes to retire from business. He has sold his stock of goods to Messrs. G. P. Yager and J. G. Marshall, of this village, who will take possession about February 15th. His successors are young men who have had considerable experience in business affairs, and as they have an extensive acquaintance and are popular, we doubt not they will succeed. Mr. Bligh contemplates running a hotel in the Catskills, next season.
   The Union Valley correspondent of the DeRuyter Gleaner says: "As Andrew Dickerson and son were hunting a few days ago on the Wilson farm, they came across a two-year old heifer, nearly dead, belonging to Miles Bennett, of Taylor, who is pasturing the place. Examination revealed the fact that both hind legs were corded. The ropes were cut and removed, the flesh coming, too. Upon inquiry it was ascertained that the heifer was fat when last seen, and as she was very thin in flesh when found, she must have been in this condition for some time. Who did the deed? is what people are asking one another."

Insurance for All. [Paid Ad.]

   Come and see how we write insurance policies in the strongest companies in the world. Your choice of 16 fire companies, all old and tried. Equitable Life, the Giant, issues the undisputed policies. Best forms full tontine, also "plate glass," "steam boiler," and "cyclone" insurance.
   Four to 7 per cent, on your money invested, and life risk besides.
Masonic Block, 22 1/2 Main St.
(36w6) THEO. STEVENSON, Ag't.

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