Tuesday, October 4, 2016


1 (2 year vacancy)

Total vote for second resolution 554, against 121.
Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, March 15, 1893.


The Village Election.
   ◘ That the result of the village election is a disappointment to those who wished for the success of the Republican ticket there is no denying.
   The election of Mr. Judd, the Democratic candidate for collector, was not anticipated though it ought not to be surprising, as he has a wide acquaintance and many friends, and his recent ill health—which for a considerable time made all work impossible for him, and from which he is still suffering—commanded a sympathy which could not be confined by party lines. Mr.Phelps, the Republican nominee, though well fitted for the place, had not this element of influence—and his defeat simply means that the majority of the voters of the village thought that Mr. Judd was more in need of the fees of the office.

   ◘ The defeat of Mr. Corcoran is the most serious disaster to the ticket and the most to be regretted. It is another illustration of the weakness of Republicans for deserting their own nominee, whenever the opposition puts up a decent candidate, no matter if he is not superior in any way to his Republican opponent. Whether it is on the principle that a white bean looks whiter on a bushel of black ones than it does on a bushel of white ones; or whether it is intended to encourage decency in the Democracy at whatever cost to Republicans; or whether it is because the average Republican is built that way; or whether it is simply a manifestation of original sin, it is difficult to determine—and as difficult to remedy. The cutting down of Mr. Walrad's majority— a man who stands among our oldest, best and most substantial citizens—is another illustration of this same Republican perverseness.

   ◘ It may not be out of place to call the attention of Republicans at this time to some other elements which have entered more or less into this result. There was a paying up of scores on account of certain "deals" and stabs in connection with the recent town meeting, and also a striking back on account of pledges broken, or claimed to have been broken, and a gratification of personal piques over the outcome of the balloting, in the Republican village convention. The unsuccessful candidates for the nominations for the various village offices are not charged with failing to pull straight for the ticket, but the bad blood which was generated shows itself in the count of votes. Accusations were freely made also that in the Republican village caucuses some persons well known as not belonging to that party voted openly and unchallenged, and that others when challenged swore their votes in, confident that nothing would be done to punish them.
   ◘ The lesson from all this is easy to learn, and if it is not learned the Republican majority in the village of Cortland will be wiped out. The falling off in the Republican plurality this year on officers for whom the vote may be taken as a test of party strength, is from 50 to 70, though the total vote on village president is 385 larger than a year ago. A Republican association should be formed in every ward and in every election district, every Republican should be allowed and invited to join, without any charge being made therefor, and only those whose names are on the membership rolls should be allowed to vote at a caucus. If any one not a Republican obtains through fraud or misrepresentation, a membership in one of the associations and votes at a caucus, he should be prosecuted to the extent of the law. When this is done we shall have unquestioned Republican caucuses, and not before. Until it is done, Republicans will find excuses in alleged unfair caucuses for bolting the ticket.

   ◘ It may also not be a bad thing to have it pretty generally understood, as it seems likely to be, that the manner in which a nomination is obtained will have something to do with the success of the nominee. Difficult as the lesson may be for some to understand, politics is not altogether a game or a matter of dicker and trade. The man who only a few months since was declared to be getting the brass bands, while his rival for the Democratic nomination was "getting the delegates," is now president of the United States, while the rival is gravitating towards the Hades of peanut politicians. There is a force of public sentiment, a sense of public propriety, which cannot always be antagonized with profit or even with safety. And especially is this true of the Republican party.


   One of the most quiet elections that Homer has known for a long time occurred yesterday, only 87 votes being polled. There was practically only one ticket in the field and the voting was only a mere matter of form. 76 votes were cast straight and the following ticket was elected, the figures opposite the names being the majorities received:
   President—Edwin J. Bockes, 86.
   Trustees—Charles Healy 84, Ossian B. Andrews 81.
   Trustee to fill vacancy—Allen H. Clark, 85.
   Clerk—Edward W. Hyatt, 86.
   Treasurer—Charles S. Pomeroy, 86.
   Collector—Jacob Metzger, 83.
   The resolution that $1,800 be appropriated and collected for street purposes was carried by a vote of 60 to 11.
   The resolution that $2,150 be appropriated and collected for water tax was carried by a vote of 65 to 10.
   The $700 appropriation for walks was carried by a vote of 70 to 7.
   The $1,000 appropriation for contingent expenses was carried [by] 68 to 12 in favor of appropriation.
   The resolution that $350 be appropriated and collected for the Homer Fire department supplies was carried by a vote of 69 for and 8 against.
   L. M. Brown of Warren-st., who has been confined to his bed for some time past with consumption, is failing very rapidly. His many friends are earnestly invited to call upon him in order that his last days may be his most pleasant ones.
   Another important change has taken place among our business firms. This time it is that of Waters & Kellogg. Mr. Kellogg has retired from the firm and his place has been taken by Charles R. Merrill, who for the past ten years has been a faithful employee in the store of P. C. Kingsbury. Mr. Merrill has been a life long resident of Homer and his many friends congratulate him upon his new business venture. May the new firm of Waters & Merrill, although young, create a name for the future that will ever after be borne in fond remembrance.
   Epworth league of the M. E, church has secured a rare attraction that will exhibit here in the church on Saturday evening, March 25. It is Edison's latest improved phonograph. To those who have never seen this attraction it will be a rare treat. Admission has been placed at 25 and 85 cents.
   The warmest contest of the election was the resolution appropriating $2,000 for lights. It was carried by fifteen majority, the vote being 47 for and 32 against.

Summer Traffic on the R. W. & O. R. R.
   The R., W. & O. trains will run from Suspension Bridge via Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse over the New York Central tracks to Syracuse, thence via the R. W. & O. R. R. to Clayton and Norwood. The Niagara Falls and Thousand Island Limited, a solid vestibule train, with Wagner drawing-room cars and new coaches, will leave Suspension Bridge 8:45 A. M.; Niagara Falls 8:51 A. M., Buffalo 9:00 A. M., Rochester 10:50 A. M., Syracuse 1:00 P. M., arriving Clayton 4:35 P. M. The
   St. Lawrence Steamboat express, with through sleeping cars for Clayton, also through sleeping car from Chicago to Portland, Me., via Norwood, passing through the heart of the White mountains by daylight, will leave Suspension Bridge every day at 8:15 P. M., Niagara Falls 8:20 P. M., Buffalo 9:15 P. M., Rochester 11:05 P. M., Syracuse 1:15 A. M , arrive Clayton 5:45 A. M.
   Immediate connections will be made at Clayton with steamers for all points on the St. Lawrence river. These trains are run over the New York Central tracks via Buffalo, Rochester and Syracuse in order to afford the residents of those huge cities the advantage of solid trains, making fast time, and avoiding delays at junction points, and also to accommodate the large population south of the New York Central.
   The R. W. & O. R. R. will this year be in better condition than ever before to make fast time. Since the acquisition of this road by the New York Central & Hudson River R. R. Co., the lessee company has expended more than one million dollars in improvements and betterments, relaying nearly two hundred' miles of road with the heaviest steel rails used north of the trunk lines, and replacing the bridges with new and stronger ones of steel and iron. The motive power has been increased by the addition of a number of new locomotives, which are capable of hauling the heaviest passenger trains at high speed and the R. W. & O. R. R. is prepared to handle the largest tourist and pleasure traffic in its history. The indications are that the business to the St. Lawrence river and Eastern resorts will be larger than ever before. 

Austin Corbin.

   — A Democratic candidate for constable in the town of Willet has filed his statement of election expenses, at the recent town meeting, and they include two glasses of whisky at ten cents a glass; four cigars, ten cents for the lot, and two glasses of beer at five cents a glass. This is the entire bill.
   —S. K. Nester, maltster at Geneva, has sunk a well on his premises from which he has obtained an enormous flow of natural gas. He will use it throughout his immense plant, and the New York Central Iron Works company, manufacturers of the celebrated Dunning steam and hot water heating boilers, have secured the first contract for the use of the gas to be used for operating and lighting their entire plant.—Moravia Republican.
   —Mr. O. V. Eldridge of Cortland seems to be performing some wonderful cures for deafness. Some of his best work is in chronic cases which have been pronounced incurable. His practice extends all over the country. On the evening of March 6 he operated upon the ears of a Binghamton man, and in twenty-five minutes he could hear the tick of a watch as he had not heard it for fifteen years. The cure is vouched for by the patient himself and by a Binghamton physician who was present.
   —The second quarter of the term at the Normal school begins to-day.
   — It is reported that about twenty young athletes are working industriously in the gymnasium for positions on the '92 Normal base ball club. The club's past reputation makes positions desirable.—Oneonta Star. How about the Cortland Normal base ball team?
   —The state superintendent of public instruction has declared that county superintendents must annul the certificate of any teacher whom they know uses intoxicating liquors.
   —Mr. George I. Pruden has just finished some very fine photographs of the Forty-fifth tug of war team and the dog "Striker."
   —The president and trustees of Cortland village are in session as a board of canvassers to canvass the vote of yesterday, as The STANDARD goes to press.
   —Grace Sullivan, the ten year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Florence Sullivan, is so seriously ill with intussesception [sic] that recovery is doubtful. The child has only one chance in a hundred.
   —At the annual meeting of the stockholders of the E., C. & N. R. R. in New York yesterday, the following directors were elected: Austin Corbin, J. R. Maxwell, Geo. S. Edgell, Chas. M. Reynolds, Frederick Cook, Frank M. Kelly and E. R. Reynolds. The only change in the board was the retirement of F. W. Dunton, whose place was taken by A. U. Hehre.

Forty-Fifth Notes.
   There is a misapprehension in regard to the joint entertainment of the City Band and Forty-fifth Separate Co. It will not be a fair, but an athletic and musical entertainment. There will be no begging either for donations or from the patrons of the entertainments. There will be refreshments served, but patrons can buy them or not as they wish. The managers propose to give a $1.50 show for 25 cents. All the tugs of war will be pulled upon platforms six feet high so that every one can see. Season tickets good for five admissions will be one dollar and each holder will be entitled to one guess in the guessing contest for the $500 piano. The full band will furnish music for dancing each evening.

Will New York or Chicago Be the Greater in 1993?
Some Pertinent Predictions.
   What will be the size and status of Chicago in a century? Well, let us suppose we have no war, pestilence or earthquake, and that the Mississippi valley has counted 100 more harvests, has garnered fifty billion bushels of wheat, one hundred and fifty billion bushels of corn, and so on, and this quantity of fuel has been turned into human energy, and men have all worked like slaves, as they now work, with almost magical power of product by use of machinery, and Chicago is in the center of it, the largest city of the valley—is it not a stupendous thought?
   It will depopulate London, and as men have always migrated when necessary, either by war or friendly reception, such a history might find Chicago with 10,000,000 people, extending from Wisconsin to Indiana. Six hundred thousand people came here to stay between Jan. 1, 1889, and Jan. 1, 1892. If you knew every one three years ago, there are today six that you do not recognize to eight that you do. With blocks of 16-story buildings rising in every direction, with 72,000 persons riding in the elevators of one structure in one day, what shall the prophet do but spread the pinions of his imagination and soar to empyreal heights?
   This I think I know of Chicago—that it is the cheapest place to live if one will work. But perhaps the reason for the inexpensiveness of life here is the low state of municipal cleanliness. Purity is never a bargain. Filthy streets, black buildings, unswept gutters and walks, careless raiment—these matters unquestionably make life easier, just as a soiled child in an alley has a much happier life than little Lord Fauntleroy—and lives longer. With a level site and Lake Michigan to drink from, with all railroad trains and all lake craft due here at any time within a week always, I should think Chicago would support 3,000,000 souls at least within 100 years.
   Yet if the wage system shall remain to be the only one that human nature will tolerate, it appears probable that the town will be a Birmingham and not a Florence. The black pall of smoke that lowers upon Chicago annually after the sun crosses Madison street going south must increase, for each new tall building of which we hear empties its additional tons upon tons into the skies.
   We ought to like the age of progress, and we do. Nearly everybody in America has sat in a velvet chair, if only in a railroad car. There are getting to be so many fine things the kings cannot use them all. A Chicagoan of modest means was awakened the other night at 11 o'clock by a telegraph boy, who delivered an electric message for the hired girl from another hired girl concerning an engagement to meet the next Thursday out. He was forced to awaken the girl and convey the tidings orally, as she could not herself read the plainest print. This episode bespeaks the democracy of the times far louder than a congressman's oration.—JOHN M’GOVERN.

Andrew H. Green.
New York's Growth Estimated by Andrew H. Green.
(From Our New York Correspondent.)
   "The greatest city in America and the greatest city in the world in the Twentieth century will be that comprised in the metropolitan district of New York." That is the prophecy of Andrew H. Green, who has for thirty years given, exhaustive study to this subject. Mr. Green is one of the executors of the will of Samuel J. Tilden, and his remarkable business capacity and sound judgment a s well as other qualities made him one of the most intimate of the few intimate friends of that great man.
   Mr. Green believes that Chicago is to be the most gigantic of the internal cities of the United States, numbering in its population in the next century perhaps almost as many as Paris now has. But the New York of 1993 will have, he estimates, more than 8,000,000 people.
   "Early in the next century the consolidation of all that section which is now comprised in the metropolitan district under one municipality will, I think, have been accomplished. This will then bring more than 3,000,000 people under one municipal government, and when we remember that in this district 100 years ago less than 50,000 people lived; it is fair to infer from the natural law growth that more than 8,000,000 will be in this district 100 years hence, all under one local government.
   "It is to be the finest municipal development the world has ever seen. I expect that some of the problems that now face municipalities will have been solved by this grand congregation of citizens. The finest churches, the most beautiful architecture, the most exquisite parks, the most beautiful drives, will give comfort and delight to the people who live in this community in the next century. There are to be reforms of municipal administration and I do not say that the New York of the next century is going to be ideally perfect, but I do say that it passes the comprehension of men now living to conceive the majesty of this great city as it will be in the next century."

Thomas Dixon, Jr.
Rev. Thomas Dixon's Mental Telescope Takes a Wide Sweep.
   As to the political and social condition of the United States and of the world in 1993, I do not believe there will be a crowned head in the civilized world at the close of the next century. I believe that democracy will reign triumphant to the farthest limits of civilization.
   It seems to me certain that government must grow more complex if by complexity we understand the multiplication of its functions. "The less government the better" is a motto of an infantile republic. It is out of date at least 100 years. By government our ancestors understood tyranny, kingship, a power outside of the people pressing upon them. By government now we understand the people governing themselves. As life becomes necessarily complex, so government must keep pace with the development of life; otherwise liberty will become at last a mockery. The conditions of our modern civilization are far more complex than the conditions of those which our ancestors met when they made the federal constitution. That constitution is utterly inadequate to the demands of the present and will be magnified and enlarged either directly or indirectly by amendment or interpretation to meet the growing needs of the new life of the new century.
   It is absolutely certain either that the railroads and telegraphs will be owned and managed by the state or that the railroads and telegraphs will own and manage the state.
   The question of money and the mechanism of exchange will turn entirely upon the development of the social question, which will be pressed to a climax somewhere within the present century. The present basis of money is satisfactory neither to those who believe in social reform nor to those who belong to the conservative element in the present social regime.
   Within the next century the saloon is certain to be outlawed in America, and when it is driven from America the progress of reform will sweep the earth. High license will be weighed in the balance and found wanting, and when this humbug is thoroughly tested and exposed and proved to be a delusion and a snare the good will unite in a thoroughgoing, radical, prohibitory law.
   The punishment of criminals, it seems to me, will be based more and more upon the effort to reform rather than to inflict penalty. Capital punishment will be abolished. It has now already collapsed. We had 7,000 murders last year and less than 100 legal executions. The sentiment of the age is against it, and human life suffers in consequence. The only remedy seems to be to substitute life imprisonment and make the execution of law a practical certainty upon the guilty.
   Our divorce laws must become uniform not only in America, but there must be in the future an adjustment of the principle of the home life international. All international law is founded on the monogamic [sic] group of society. If Mr. Deacon fails to secure a divorce in Paris he proposes to apply to the courts of America, and vice versa, the man who is interested in such procedure may change the base of operations.
   The tendency for the accumulation of wealth in a few hands must continue to increase until overturned by a social revolution that will make such an increase an impossibility. That revolution is certain to be accomplished within less than fifty years.
   Great corporations and vast business aggregations will continue to grow greater until in their overshadowing power they dispute the authority of the state, and, like the railroads and telegraphs, will be absorbed by the state. This tendency is overwhelming, and there is as yet developed no countercurrent to interfere with its inevitable result. Dry goods dealers add to their general stores departments of groceries, and are running out of the market thousands of smaller dealers throughout the city. It is only a question of time when this tendency to centralization and absorption will become universal in all industries, and can only end in the destruction of competition, the establishment of a monopoly—and the state is the only power that has the right to run a monopoly. This tendency seems to make the nationalization of industry the certain goal of the future.
   The condition of the laboring classes is certain to become more independent as they are better educated and learn their rights and duties.
   Our soil is capable of producing abundant food for the word in 1893, but the methods of agriculture must and will be improved, else the present population with its natural increase could not be sustained in 1993.
   Within the next century law will be simplified and brought within the range of the common people, and the occupation of two-thirds of the lawyers will be destroyed. At present law is a stupendous swindle. It is beyond the possibility of any mortal man—it matters not how transcendent his genius—to know what the law is in America. This has produced such confusion already that a revolution in law is inevitable. Medicine will attain the dignity of a science, having passed through the period of preliminary experiment. Theology will become more simple and central in its practical aims. Traditionalism will die hard, but it will surely die.
   American literature will tell the story of American life, and will therefore be born within the next century.
   The sphere of music in the church, in the world, will be enlarged to the blessing of the race. The drama must be born again or rot of its own corruption within the next century.
   Education is certain to be broader and fuller. We must educate the whole man—the head, the hand, the heart. Especially must our methods be revolutionized that men may be trained for their work in the industrial world.
   Dress must conform more to common sense and less to idiotic whim.
   Transportation in our great cities will be controlled by the cities themselves, and sanitary improvements will become a religious work.
   Woman will attain her status of equality before the law.
   The servant problem is a part of the great social problem and can be solved only in the adjustment of society under truer conditions.
   Inventions and discoveries in mechanics and industrial arts will themselves form in their enlargement the basis of the new society which will be evolved in the new century. Pneumatic transportation as well as aerial navigation seems to be certain in the next twenty-five years.
   The race will be both handsomer and happier than it now is.
   The greatest city will be in America. Its location will be dependent upon the development of transit facilities. If the freight of the world must be moved over waterways, as at present, through the next century, that city will be on the Atlantic coast. If water transportation loses its importance, the great city of the world may be developed in the interior. This does not seem to be probable.
   The American now living who will be most honored in 1993 is that man who is most abused by the men of his generation and yet who lives the truth in the noblest and truest ways.—THOMAS DIXON, JR.

Elizabeth Akers Allen.
A Woman's View.
   I have here your invitation to contribute to a "Chapter of Forecasts" concerning the next century, but as the "mantelpiece of prophecy" has not fallen on me lately I am afraid my "forecasts" would be—like those of most persons—only a series of wild conjectures not worth anybody's money. So I feel conscientiously obliged to decline the invitation, while I would thank you for the compliment.
   It would take much more than 500 words to tell what changes I hope may happen, or rather wish might happen (for hope implies a possibility of fruition, while we may wish for the most improbable things) during the next 100 years. As a mere hint at the list, I will say I wish that before that time has passed the world will have learned not to give all its rewards to the selfish, the unscrupulous, the dishonest and the self-asserting—
   That politics will be understood to mean the science of pure and just government, and not the mere means of enriching base, unprincipled, incompetent and corrupt men—
   That it will be possible for women to walk from house to house in city or country—that girls may go to church or to school, or even take a harmless walk in the fields or woods, without danger of being waylaid and murdered by their "natural protectors"—
   That the persons who chance to witness a crime may not conceal and hush it up through fear of being put in jail as witnesses while the culprit goes free on bail —
   That the worth of human beings may not be reckoned by their bank account—
   That this country may cease to be the cesspool into which are drained the disease, criminality and pauperism of all Europe—
   That mothers may no longer be hindered of their obvious right to their own dearly purchased children—
   That the newspapers, which consider it witty to assert that the principal ambition of women is to be married, may not be obliged to record on the same page half a dozen instances where they have been deliberately murdered for refusing—
   That literary work, like other labor, may be valued for its merit and not for the fortunate circumstances, beauty, prominence, position or self assertion of those who produce it—
   That sin may be held equally sinful and punishable whether committed by man or woman—
   That the theft of a few dollars—or indeed any amount of property—may not be reckoned and punished as a greater crime than the ruin of a dozen innocent women by a bigamist—
   That those lawyers may be peremptorily disbarred who deliberately try to cheat justice by protecting known and proved criminals from punishment—
   That all mature, rational, intelligent and law abiding persons may have an equal voice in forming and administering the laws which they must obey—
   That, in short, the world may be as different from what it is at present, as can well be imagined. I wish that conscientious industry may win competence and comfort; that respectable old age may be honored instead of condemned; that those who deserve love may have it; that worth may be valued instead of show, and that "health may be contagious instead of disease."
   These are a few of the things which I wish; I cannot say I hope for them, for I see no prospect or possibility of them, and I dare not undertake to prophesy. —ELIZABETH ACKERS ALLEN.

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