Sunday, October 9, 2016


Cortland Evening Standard, Wednesday, March 22, 1893.

The Sentences of Charles de Lessups and M. Blondin Comparatively Light—M. Baihaut to Lose His Civil Rights, Pay 760,000 Francs and Go to Prison for
Five Years—De Lesseps Reaffirms His Innocence.
   PARIS, March 22.—Charles de Lesseps, accused of corrupting ex-Minister of Public Works Baihaut to support the Panama lottery bonds bill, has been found guilty by the jury. Baihaut, who confessed his guilt, has also been found guilty, and Blondin, who acted as go-between in the bribery of Baihaut, has also been found guilty. All the other defendants are acquitted. These are Mariua Fontane, Panama canal director; Sans-Le Roy, ex-deputy, who was accused of changing his vote in committee on the Panama bill as the result of bribery; Senator Beral, accused of being bribed by Baron Reinach, and Deputies Dugue, de la Fauconnerie, Gebrod and Anton, who were accused of corruption.
   The court, after deliberation, sentenced M. Baihaut to imprisonment for five years, to pay a fine of 750,000 francs and to the loss of civil rights.
   M. Blondin was sentenced to imprisonment for two years and Charles de Lesseps to imprisonment for one year, the one year to run concurrently with the five years' sentence already imposed on him.
   All three of the convicted prisoners were condemned to pay the costs and damages demanded by the civil parties to the proceedings.
   The sentences of Charles de Lesseps and Blondin were made comparatively light on the ground of extenuating circumstances.
   The court has also ordered M. de Lesseps, M. Blondin and M. Baihaut to pay to M. Monchicourt, liquidator of the Panama Canal company, 875,000 francs, the amount taken from the treasury of the company and paid to M. Baihaut for his influence in favor of the lottery loan bill.
   Charles de Lesseps received his sentence calmly, although the strain of the trial has rendered him exceedingly haggard and nervous. When he rose before the retirement of the jury to reaffirm his innocence, he spoke with difficulty. He told the jury with apparent earnestness that he had always tried to do his duty as a director of the company and that where he had erred in judgment he had at the time supposed that he was acting for the best interests of the canal and of the state.
   He repeated briefly his charges of extortion against M. Baihaut and alluded with genuine emotion to the troubles which had overtaken his father. In his testimony he had told the truth and his conscience was clear of self-reproach.

President Grover Cleveland.
The Democrats on Trial.
   The Democratic party is now in full possession of the government. For the first time in thirty years it holds the president and both houses of congress. It is almost the first time, too, within that period that it has professed to have an affirmative policy. During most of the long struggle since the war its attitude has been simply one of negation and obstruction. It resisted reconstruction and the financial measures of the Republican party without having anything else to propose. It was the party only of objection and opposition.
   But with its return to power it is pledged to positive and aggressive action. It is pledged both by its criticisms of Republican fruits and by its promise of Democratic improvement. It did not merely content itself with denouncing protection, but gave assurances of something better. The conditions under which it comes to supremacy are such as will subject it to the severest trial. It takes the reins after the greatest period of prosperity which the country has ever enjoyed. If this abounding prosperity shall not be fully maintained, if the country shall pass from the bloom of universal activity and success to blight of uncertainty and dullness the Democratic party will suffer.
   But it must do more than keep up our recent standard of prosperity. In order to vindicate their claims and sustain their assertions they must, therefore, show three distinct results: First, they must maintain the prosperity which prevailed during the past two years; second, they must cheapen general prices; third, they must increase wages, or at least keep them undiminished while they are cutting down prices and profits.
   This is the task that the Democratic party and administration have set before themselves. They must overthrow all protective duties and establish a strictly revenue tariff, and at the same time maintain our business prosperity. They must throw open our market to increased foreign imports and at the same time keep labor fully employed. They must compel a lowering of prices without lowering wages. Unless they can accomplish all of these results they will stand convicted of obtaining power under false pretenses.
   These are the tests which, by their own challenge, will be applied to Democratic results. It is a self imposed trial which the party cannot stand.

   What is to become not only of Canada, but of England herself? The financial depression of Canada is equaled if not exceeded in Great Britain. In spite of improvements cheapening the cost of manufactured goods, in spite of the fact that America has taken hundreds of thousands of Great Britain's poor off her hands annually, at this time industrial statistics show the record of 23 people in every 1,000 as paupers. At the same time returns from the British trades unions show that of their members one in every ten is out of work.

Palmer on Gresham.
   Some of the Anti-snappers recently inquired of Major General Irving H. Palmer, of the Hill Unconditionals, what he thought of the appointment of Judge Gresham as secretary of state.
   "I am tickled to death by it," replied the general. "I had been living in the horrible apprehension that Cleveland would appoint Bill McKinley or Tom Reed or some other such fellow to the place. Now I can breathe easier."
   The Anti-snappers have been scratching their heads ever since to make out whether "Irv" had really become a Cleveland man.
   [This political barb refers to local attorney Irving Palmer, a registered Democrat and former two-term, non-consecutive president of the village. He lived on James Street—CC editor.]

The Erie & Central New York.
   A meeting of the stockholders of the Erie & Central New York railroad was held at 11 o'clock this morning at the office of Irving H. Palmer. George H. Holmes was chosen president and H. M. Kellogg secretary of the meeting. Messrs. C. P. Walrad and C. W. Stoker were appointed as tellers. The following directors were then elected:
   T. H. Wickwire, H. M. Kellogg, Harrison Wells, D. F. Wallace, F. H. Cobb, W. D. Tisdale, I. H. Palmer, George C. Hubbard, C. P. Walrad, J. S. Squires, George H. Holmes, C. W. Stoker and C. B. Hitchcock.
   At a subsequent meeting of the directors the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:
   President—W. D. Tisdale.
   Vice-President—C. P. Walrad.
   Secretary—H. M. Kellogg.
   Treasurer—James S. Squires.
   Attorney—Irving H. Palmer.
   Inspectors of Election—C. P. Walrad, C. W. Stoker, F. H. Cobb.
   The directors voted to take the necessary steps to extend the charter of the railroad for ten years.

A Beauty.
   Engine No. 5 pulled in the 10 o'clock train south this morning. This is the first time it has been out since eight weeks ago when it was laid up for repairs caused by the driving rods breaking and threshing parts of the cab into kindling wood. New shafts, fire box and four new wheels have been put on and with new brass trimmings and a coat of paint on the cab it makes the finest engine on this division. Engineer Henry G. Tibbits and Fireman George Musvaumer are very proud of their pet and they have every reason to be.  Masonic emblems are cut in the brass band around the smokestack which are clearly discerned quire a distance away.

Marathon Department.
   On Monday evening the Masonic lodge of this village had a very interesting time working the third degree for Dr. C. B. Trafford. The district deputy of Syracuse was present and about 30 members of the order from Cortland, Whitney's Point and Lisle. After the ceremonies at the lodge room closed the party convened at the Marathon House, where mine host Tarbell did himself credit in preparing an elegant spread for the banqueters. After feeding the inner man, and enjoying themselves socially for a few hours the party disbanded, each one bearing away only praise for the successful termination of the evening and expressing himself as well pleased.
   Dewitt Lynde is buying and carring potatoes.
   Burgess & Ryan are rushing the bob calf business at present. They shipped 80 from here on Monday evening by express. They dress them in the Chapman building just opposite the freight house.
   Editor Adams of The Independent has been adding a new desk to his sanctum. It is a typewriter desk and adds much to the equipment of his office.
   Tuesday was the day for our charter election and so little interest was taken that only 29 votes were cast in all. Editor Adams was elected mayor (?) by 29 majority, while the members of the common council each received the same majority.
   Dr. C. B. Trafford's niece of Syracuse is spending a few weeks with him and her grandmother.
   Commissioner L. F. Stillman made a business trip here last Friday and attended the closing exercises of the winter term of the academy.
   New maple sugar is beginning to come into market but in rather small quantities.
   There seems to be an epidemic of severe colds here at present and the physicians are kept busy. Several children are sick with pneumonia.

Homer Department.
   Do not forget the lecture, "Moral Courage," in the Methodist church by Mr. H. L. Gleason of Cortland tonight. He is an entertaining speaker and his subject will interest you.
   A tin shingle roof is being put on the freight house of the D., L. & W. station.
   A coat of oil on the floor of Mr. Phillip Zimmer's barber shop adds not a little to its fine appearance.
   Mr. Bert Johnson of the Scott hotel was calling on friends in town yesterday.
   Mr. George I. Crane, under the present administration, has been accepted by the state board of agriculture as authority on potatoes.
   The Lynn, Mass., Daily Bee says: "Frank Jones, the well-known 'Si Perkins,' opened a two nights' engagement at the Music hall Friday evening, presenting his new play 'Our Country Cousin.' The piece is one of the best that Mr. Jones has ever given to the public, and in his character of 'Jason Wheatly,' Mr. Jones keeps the audience in laughter all the time; more especially in the second act, which represents his first appearance in the city. The railroad scene at the stone quarry is an exciting one, and the mechanical arrangements were all that could be wished. The company supporting Mr. Jones is a strong one." This company will appear at Keator opera house soon.
   The program of the phonographic entertainment to be given in the opera house Saturday evening for the benefit of the Epworth league of the Methodist church will include selections played by Gilmore's famous band; U. S. Marine band of Washington, D. C.; Baldwin's cadet band of Boston; Jules Levy and Walter Emerson the world renowned cornetists. Also piccolo, banjo, clarinet, flute and xylophone solos and songs and quartettes by eminent musical artists. There will be short selections and funny stories by noted humorists and the sounds from nature made by animals, birds, etc., are nearly perfect. The management promise a very high grade entertainment. The quality of the musical selections are of a high order and particular pains have been taken in selecting an unusually fine instrument to impersonate them.

The Telephone Fifty Years Ago.
   The first telephone that was ever used was not electrical, nor was it a scientific instrument in any sense of the term. A little more than 60 years ago the employees of a large manufactory beguiled their leisure hours by kite-flying. Kites large and small went up daily, and the strife was to see who could get the largest. The twine which held them was the thread spun and twisted by the ladies of the village. One day to the tail of the largest kite was attached a kitten sewed in a canvas bag, with a netting over the mouth to give it air. When the kite was at its greatest height—200 feet or more—the mewing could be distinctly heard by those holding the string. To the clearness of the atmosphere was attributed the hearing of the kitten's voice. This is the first account we remember of speaking along a line.—Sheffield Telegraph.

   —The Ladies' Literary club met this afternoon with Mrs. M. E. Doud and Miss Marguerite Force on Tompkins-st.
   —Rev. R. Q. Quennell of Christ church, Binghamton, will preach in Grace church this evening at 7:30 o'clock.
   —There will be good music at the maple sugar festival to-night at Odd Fellows' hall, under the auspices of the Daughters of Rebekah.
   —The annual nomination of officers of Canton Cortland, No. 27, Patriarchs Militant, I. O. O. F. will occur to-morrow night. All members are requested to be present.
   —The halls and stairways in the Collins and Welch building leading up to Grand Army hall are to be re-kalsomined in tints. George W. Roe will wield the artistic brush.
   —In police court this morning Charles Sears was discharged with a reprimand and George Rosa was sentenced to ten days in the county jail. Both were up for public intoxication.
   —The remainder of the carriages, sleighs and harnesses of the late D, Edgar Crouse [Syracuse] were disposed of at auction yesterday and brought very large prices. The sale of household goods is in progress to-day, and to-morrow the bric-a-brac and vases will be disposed of.
   —The Tully band gave a grand concert last night at Slayton Opera House in Tully under the management of Mr. John Ryan of Cortland. Miss Nettie Stout, and Messrs. A. J. Stout, Fred I. Graham, and William Wager of Cortland took part as soloists, and Miss Mertie B. Myers acted as accompanist. The affair was a grand success and $30 were cleared. 
   —About thirty members attended the Republican league meeting in the Grand Central block Monday evening. In the absence of President Noah J. Parsons, Mr. C. T. Peck occupied the chair. Some brief but interesting speeches were made by Mr. Peck, John H. Phelps, Jerome Squires and others, after which the meeting was adjourned till Monday evening, April 3.
   —The sheriff's sale of the Cortland Top and Rail Co. was announced for yesterday. Previous to the time of the sale H. L. Bronson, attorney for the Cortland Harness and Carriage Goods Co., served an injunction upon Sheriff John Miller and upon John Bennett, representing the Chemung Valley bank, restraining the sale for twenty days. The Top and Rail Co. hope to get a hearing upon this order inside of twenty days and so postponed the sale until April 3. In case it is not possible to get the hearing, the sale cannot occur till the expiration of the twenty days.

[We copy articles as they were printed, past rules of grammar included—CC editor.]

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