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Artist and author Palmer Cox pictured with his creations on a cigar box label. |
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Brownies reading a book. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 31,
Palmer Cox's celebrated troupe of Brownies
now on a tour of the world, as illustrated in the Ladies' Home Journal, are
expected in Cortland and will give an entertainment at the Cortland Opera House
in April. This will without doubt be the most
comical and interesting entertainment ever given in Cortland and can only be
given by consent of Mr. Cox, the author of the Brownies.
whole troupe of Brownies will be represented in appropriate costumes and their
antics will make you laugh and grow fat. Everybody both old and young will be
sure to want to see these wonderful Brownies and it is expected that the Opera
House will be crowded.
prices only will be charged, notwithstanding the great expense of giving this
entertainment, and to enable the little ones to see it, a special low price of
admission will be charged for them. In addition to the Brownies there will
appear 20 little Fairies, appropriately costumed, and 16 young lady Japs,
richly robed in their native dress. Music and song have been especially written
for both Opera House orchestra and the Brownies by Prof. Leonard of Cortland,
and in fact no expense has been spared to make this one of the best
entertainments ever given in Cortland.
To secure good seats and avoid the crowd it
will be necessary to be on hand when sale of reserved seats open. Notice of reserve
seat sale will be given later.
Reserved seats 50 cts., general admission 35
cts. Children under 12 years of age 25 cts. to all parts of the house.
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Cortland Opera House on Groton Avenue. |
Hoodlum Element.
During the performance in the Opera House
last Friday evening a disturbance took place in the gallery, that caused a
suspension of the stage performance for a moment or two. It seems that Ed. Garrity
had planted himself in one of the reserved seats without paying the price and
when usher Theo. Darby told him to get out or pay, he refused to do either.
Mr. Darby called officer Peters who undertook to eject the young man, but
Garrity's partner, Mike Welch, took a hand in the play. The gallery was in an
uproar in an instant and cries of "kill him Mike, kill him," were
plainly heard throughout the house. Peters went out to obtain assistance but
when he returned with other officers, Garrity and Welch had departed.
Welch was arrested Monday
morning by chief Sager on a warrant charging him with interfering with an
officer in the discharge of his duty, and taken before Justice Bull. He plead
not guilty and gave bail for his appearance on Saturday, but later in the day
he came before the court, plead guilty, was fined and after paying the costs
was discharged.
Water Than Fire.
At 9:30 last Sunday evening,
Mrs. Kate Bockius discovered fire in the building which she and her sister,
Miss Jane Lawn, occupy as a boarding house, No. 16 Orchard-st., and seizing a
dinner bell, she ran into the street ringing the bell and crying fire. Mr. B.
W. Rood, who was walking down Main-st., heard the cry and rang in an alarm from
box 333 in front of Firemen's hall. The department soon put in an appearance,
and had water on the building and the fire was quickly extinguished.
The contents of the house was
easily removed into the street and into an adjoining house as the goods were
nearly all packed for removal to another locality this week. The house belonged
to Mr. P. Sugerman and was insured for $1,500. There was an insurance of $400
on the goods, which will more than cover the loss. It is thought that the fire
originated in a closet. The fire did but little damage but the house was pretty
thoroughly soaked with water.
N. Miller's Clothes Take Fire—Badly Burned—Dies of Heart Disease.
Horatio N. Miller, aged 79 years, and his son
Geo. A. Miller, have been living for some time alone in a house on Snyder Hill,
8 1/4 miles east of Virgil Corners. Last Tuesday afternoon the son went to a
neighbors to make a call. He returned after about an hour's absence and found
his father lying dead on the floor of the woodshed. His clothing was nearly
burned from his person and the flesh on his legs was badly burned.
The bed stood near the stove and there was a
little fire in the straw tick which the young man put out. It is thought that
the old gentleman stood with his back to the stove warming himself, and that
the skirts of his coat caught fire from a spark from the stove and blazed up,
frightening him, and as he turned about a spark fell between the bed ticks and
smouldered until the young man's return.
Coronor W. J. Moore of this place was
notified and made an examination Wednesday. He says the man evidently died of heart
disease caused by sudden fright. Although his flesh was badly burned there was
not a blister on his person. Besides his son George, he leaves a married
daughter, who lives in Binghamton.
On Monday, March 30th, 1893, occurred the
death of Mrs. Louisa C. Travis of McGrawville.
She was born in Coventry, Chenango-co., April 7th, 1822. In early life she was
converted and has since lived faithfully to her vows and especially were the
fruits of the spirit manifest during the long last, long painful illness.
Though suffering intense agony, she patiently submitted to the will of the
On Jan. 5th, 1842, she married Gilbert Travis
with whom she removed to Freetown, and there resided until 1859 when they changed
their place of residence to McGrawville. For more than fifty years she shared
the joys and divided the burdens of life, proving herself a most devoted
helpmate and tender mother. Nine children were born to them, six of whom
survive her. In the loss of this dear mother, the children feel their first
deep sorrow, two of whom reside in Cortland, Frank B. and Merton G.; Melvin M.
is in business in Syracuse. Theodore is a farmer living at Solon, Charles W.
with his family reside in McGrawville. Carrie, the only daughter who so tenderly
cared for her mother, lives at home to comfort her aged father.
The Grand Carnival is to be held in the
Armory April 3-7, 1893, under the auspices of the Cortland City Band and the
45th Separate Company, bids fair to be one of the most interesting events of
the season. The following is the programme:
Monday evening—Tugs of War and relay foot races
between teams from Elmira, Syracuse, Auburn, Oswego and Cortland Military
companys [sic].
Tuesday evening—Promenade concert by the
Wednesday evening—Ten mile foot race for
championship of Cental New York and
half and quarter mile foot races.
Thursday evening—Tugs of war and relay foot
races between the Fire Companies of Cortland county.
Friday evening—Grand ball and drawing
of the season ticket.
A $500 piano from Mahan's Music house will
be presented to some holder of a season ticket. Season tickets $1.00. Single
admission 25 cents. Dancing every evening after the regular programme.
Newspaper Deal.
ALBANY, March 26.—One half of the Albany Argus
was today transferred to William
McMetrie Speer, the Legislative correspondent of the New York Sun who
secured the Cassidy and Smith interests.
The Manning, Lamont and other interests remain undisturbed, but the
probable outcome of the transfer will be that James H. Manning,
the president of the Argus Company, [and] managing editor of the paper,
will resign and that the policy of the paper will be changed from that of a
Cleveland organ to a State Democratic organization paper. Anthony N. Brady, an
Albany capitalist, and close friend of Senator David B. Hill, is supposed to
have furnished most of the money behind the deal.
The Man
the Printers Love.
There is a man the printer loves, and he is
wondrous wise; whene'er he writes the printer man he dotteth all his i's. And
when he's dotted all of them with carefulness and ease, he punctuates each paragraph
and crosses all his t's. Upon one side alone he writes and never rolls his
leaves, and from the man of ink a smile and mark "Insert" receives.
And when a question he doth ask—taught wisely he has been—he doth the goody
stamp enclose for postage back put in. He gives the place from which he writes—the
address the printer needs— and plainly writes his honored name, so he that
runneth reads. He writes, revises, reads,
corrects and re-writes all again, and keeps one copy safe and sends one to the
printer man. And thus by taking little pains, at trifling care and cost,
assures himself his manuscript will not be burned or lost. So let those who long
to write take pattern by this man, with jet black ink and paper white do just
the best they can, and then the printer man shall know and bless them as his
friends, all through life's journey, as they go, until that journey ends.
We learn that Harvey Hubbard, a former
apprentice in the Union office, has purchased the Kittanning, Pa., Globe,
a Democratic weekly
published in that place. Mr.
Hubbard is a son of the late Harvey Hubbard, of Norwich, a former editor of the
Union, and a nephew of Hon. John P. Hubbard of this village. We wish him
abundant success in his new venture.—Chenango Union.
CHENANGO—The Sherburne centennial committee
have decided to hold their centennial celebration Wednesday, June 21. A
monument to the pioneers is to be erected.
J. P. Alds of Norwich has been appointed
deputy collector of Internal revenue. His principal duty will be to inspect and
weigh maple sugar which will be offered for government bounty.
The Chenango Telegraph says: Happening to take up a copy of the Journal of
Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors of Chenango county for 1870, and glancing
over their names we were struck by the singular fate of one seventh of the Board,
for three of them have committed suicide. In that Board Spencer P. Allis represented
Coventry. He suicided by shooting himself. The next name to his is that of Amos
E. Perry, the representative of German, he suicided by cutting his throat.
Norwich had for supervisor Silas Brooks, who, all will recollect, hanged himself
in the cellar of a portion of his grocery. If this is a criterion, it follows
that the man who becomes Supervisor runs one chance in seven of becoming a
MADISON.—Leland's pond in Eaton is to be
stocked with pike.
It is said ice three feet in thickness now
covers Oneida Lake, and this is covered by 20 inches of snow.
It is reported that pike are being taken
from Oneida lake by the wagon load, being caught through the ice.
The late Reuben Green, of North Brookfield,
was a soldier in the war of 1812, and saw active service at Sackett's Harbor.
H. Bryant, agent of the S. P. C. A. at
Brookfield, has commenced action against Gilbert Bronson, of Poolville, for
dehorning his cattle.
TOMPKINS.— We learn that the Ithaca Gun Co. will soon
put an excellent typewriter upon the market.
The short course in agriculture at Cornell
University the past winter was quite successful.
At a meeting held on Tuesday evening, Ithaca
voted $15,000 for an addition to be built to the High School building.
The quiet little village of Newfield is
shaken to its very [center] by a fiendish crime committed by a man—no, a brute
named Spoor, a cobbler by trade. The fiend was allowed to escape, and no trace
of him is obtainable. The good people of Newfield would undoubtedly save the
county any expense could they lay their hands on him.
The Ithaca Water Works Company are preparing
for operations on East Hill. The reservoir, which will be located on the Bryant
farm, has been contracted for, as have also the pipes for all streets on East
Hill, and the latter have begun to arrive. The reservoir will hold about
600,000 gallons and will be supplemented by a second one of like capacity. No
hydrant pressure will be less than sixty pounds.
This is good Friday.
Easter next Sunday.
The trout fishing season in this county does
not open until April 15th.
George Nottingham has sold his trucking
business to Charles Barker.
The Baptist Mission Sunday School will be
held at No. 15 Park-st., next Sunday.
Mr. Lewis A. Parker, of Homer, will open a
barber shop over Burgess & Bingham's store to-morrow.
F. H. Smith, the Homer dry goods merchant,
has a new advertisement in another column that will interest our readers.
F. M. Benjamin of Cincinnatus, and Henry
Kelly of Solon, have been appointed Loan Commissioners for Cortland Co.
Good appointments.
Charles Hulbert has been appointed janitor
of the new school building on Railroad street at a salary of $400 per annum.
There were several candidates.
Last Monday, the Jones Manufacturing Company
shipped six very handsome type writer cabinets to the World's Fair [Chicago],
to be used by the Crandall Type Writer Company.
The old Half-Way house between Norwich and
Oxford has been turned into a farm house. For more than fifty years it was one
of the most popular hotels in the Chenango Valley.
The new fractional currency to be issued in
a few weeks, will be in denominations of ten, fifteen, twenty-five and fifty
cents, and will resemble the old fractional currency issued during the war.
Mr. James Heaphey, of this place, was
stricken with paralysis while attending services In St. Mary's church last
Saturday afternoon. Ho was taken to his home north of the horse car barns on
the street car.
Chief Sager has notified the proprietors of
all the hotels and saloons in this place that those who permit card playing,
dice shaking or any games of chance on their premises will be punished to the
full extent of the law.
Prof. W. B Leonard has written a song and
chorus entitled, "We Are Brownies Every One," to be used as the
opening song of the Brownie entertainment, to be given at the opera house,
April 11th and 12th, under direction of Mrs. Cole.
Last Friday, while Mr. S. M. Benjamin was
knocking the boards off a box at his marble works on North Main St., he
accidentally drove a nail through one of the bones in his left hand. It was
extracted with some difficulty. Dr. Higgins cauterized and dressed the wound.
Wilbur Holmes, of Cincinnatus, has been
appointed a deputy collector of Internal revenue for the purpose of weighing and
taking samples of maple sugar of those who have applied for the bounty thereon.
He will be in Cincinnatus all the time except Tuesdays and Fridays, when he
will be at Truxton.—Marathon Independent.
Dr. Curtis, in the employ of
the State Board of Health, was in town Monday, and examined the cows near East
Homer, supposed to be afflicted with tuberculosis. He found that they were
suffering from a disease with similar symptoms, but not contagious.
The fish and game laws, as
amended by the Assembly, provide that suckers may be caught by means of rake hooks in any of the waters of the counties
named below, and pickerel, bullheads, catfish, eels, perch and sunfish with set
lines and tip-ups in any of the waters not inhabited by trout in the counties
of Schoharie, Orleans, Otsego, Broome, Ulster, Sullivan, Delaware, Putnam,
Rockland, Orange, Wyoming, Cortland and Tioga, and in Conesus lake, in the
county of Livingston.—Exchange.
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