Monday, October 3, 2016


Cortland Evening Standard, Friday, March 10, 1893.

The New Whitney Building.
   Work has now been finished upon the new Whitney building on Main-st. and the completed structure forms one of the finest business blocks in Cortland. It is erected by Mrs. M. C. Whitney of New Carlisle, Ind., upon the part which she owns of the site of the old Samson block. The building is 27x71 feet in size and three stories high with basement. The plans were drawn by Architect M. F. Howes who worked out and elaborated some suggestions and ideas of Mr. Jas. E Briggs, Mrs. Whitney's son-in-law. The carpenter work, painting and oiling was done by N. P. Meager, Jr., the painting and oiling being under the immediate supervision of Charles F. Sarson. The stone work in the cellar was done by John Garvey. The mason work was done by John Maher. The plumbing was done by L. R. Lewis, and the same gentleman furnished the heating arrangements.
   The first floor is occupied by Jas. E Briggs as a gentleman's furnishing store. The store is thirteen feet six inches high. The large front windows are of plate glass, as are also those upon the second floor. The third floor windows are of first French glass, double thick. The floor of the store is of maple. The ceiling and sides are painted white with orange trimmings, all the moulding being pressed and painted orange and the effect is very neat indeed. The first four wall cases at the left are arranged for hats, and are furnished with curtains, which are drawn when sweeping or dusting is in progress. On the right are collar and cuff cases with stationary boxes for 210 dozens of collars and 36 dozens of cuffs. Back of these are the shirt cases, arranged for 36 dozens of shirts. In the center of the store is the business desk. At the rear and to the left is the cutting counter for shirt manufacturing, 15 by 3 1/2 feet in size. At the rear and to the right is the room for the manufacture of shirts. This is 7 by 16 feet in size and is furnished with two sewing machines made by the Standard Manufacturing Co., which were put in place by M. L. Decker. The power which runs the machines is furnished by a Tuerk water motor. The room is so arranged that two additional machines can be put in when necessary.
   The front windows are admirably adapted for the showing of goods. The south window is fitted with one of Briggs' patent swinging hat and furnishing racks, and the north window has a rack for the display of shirts.
   Upon the second floor there are three suites of rooms and a single room. Dr. L. T. White has the north front suit of rooms, and a description of these has already appeared in The STANDARD. All the rooms are finished in oak, the doors being of pine. The first flight of stairs is of cherry, the second flight of Georgia pine.
   Upon the third floor there are six rooms with closet, all opening into the hall. The woodwork here is painted white. Mr. and Mrs. Briggs intend to occupy this entire floor as a flat, and their apartments will be among the pleasantest in town. From their front window there is an uninterrupted view of Clinton-ave., down to the stone bridge. The kitchen will be fitted with a gas stove, and there is water on this floor, as upon every other, so that there need be no carrying of anything up and down stairs.
   Every room in the building is heated by a Kelsey furnace of the largest size which is located in the basement, and the guaranty which accompanies it is that all the rooms shall be heated to 73 deg. in zero weather. All the waste water from the entire building including the closets and the roof water is carried into a large cess pool especially prepared for the purpose, which is located under the side walk. Arrangements have been made to connect with a sewer, whenever the time of sewers shall arrive. The block is very complete and very convenient and is an ornament to the town.

A Young Tough Arrested.
   A good example was last night made of one of the gang of young boys who are aspiring to be Bowery toughs and loaf about the entrance to the Opera House when there is an entertainment there and amuse themselves by making remarks about those who attend the theatre. The boys had last night been "fired" out of the hallway several times and were having a free show all to themselves in front of the building, thereby disturbed many.
   Special Officers George Peters and Frank C. Hodges ordered them away, but one of their number, whose name we withhold, who was old and large enough to be in better business was inclined to be saucy and called the officers several rather tough names. The two officers immediately collared him and took him down Main-st., where with the assistance of Officer Jackson the impudent youth was placed in the "cooler" and remained till this morning. On being brought before Judge Bull this morning he pleaded guilty to the charge of violating the city ordinance in regard to loafing about public buildings and after a severe reprimand he was discharged.

Notaries Public Appointments.
   The following appointments of notaries public have been filed in the county clerk's office:
   Cortland—James M. Reynolds, George S. Sands, A. P. Smith, Herbert L. Smith. B. L. Webb, J. D. F. Woolston, B. T. Wright, Edward Alley, Fitz Boynton, H. T. Bushnell, Riley Champlin, Frederick Hatch, M. S. Hunting, G. B. Jones, Edward Keator and F. E. Plumb.
   Cincinnatus—Frank M. Benjamin.
   Cuyler—Seabury Fox Brown and James B. Hills.
   Harford—J. C. Edmonds, R. J. Perry and Norton G. Wilcox.
   Homer—John M. Coats, William H. Foster and Augustus W. Kingsbury.
   Hunts Corners—William E. Hunt and Egbert Peak.
   McGrawville—F. G. Berggren, A. P. McGraw, Arthur E. Seymour and Charles B. Warner.
   Marathon—Edwin H. Barnes and George A. Hulbert.
   Preble—James T. Steele.
   Solon—William J. Corcoran.
   Truxton—William Beattie, Amos L. Kenney and Alexander Lansing.
   Union Valley—Valentine Jipson.
   Virgil—William A. Holten.

Between Whites and Indians on the Crow Reservation.
   LAUREL, Mont., March 10.—Open warfare has broken out between the settlers on the newly opened portion of the Crow reservation and the Indians, and the wildest excitement exists at the new town of Wilsey and the country round about. Ranchmen around Wilsey are moving their wives and children to places of safety and preparing to defend their claims with their lives if necessary. The first bloodshed occurred yesterday morning. Little Face, a Crow Indian, being killed.
   The Indians, who have just been allotted lands in severalty, had become angered at the encroachments of the whites and undertook to drive off a settler named Henderson. On Monday they drove Henderson away, but he returned with a couple of friends all armed. The Indians gathered in a clump of timber and sent Little Face forward. He told Henderson if he remained on the tract of land which he had homesteaded another 24 hours he would be scalped and his body fed to the crows. He then whistled and his companions began to pour out of the woods he, at the same time, reaching for his gun which he had set against a tree.
   He was not quick enough, however, as Henderson shot him through the heart. With a wild yell his companions disappeared double-quick into the woods. The Crows are making medicine and preparing for actual warfare. This is the first time the Crows have shown hostility to the whites. It is expected that two or three companies of United States regulars will be ordered to Wilsey as soon as the war department can be informed of the critical state of affairs.

Serious Charges Made Against One of the Reading Receivers.
   NEW YORK, March 10.—Reliable information here is that an effort is to be made to have A. A. McLeod removed as one of the receivers of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad. One of the charges against him is that instead of buying control of the Boston and Maine and the New York and New England railroads for the personal account of himself and associates, the stock acquired was paid for out of the funds or with the securities of the Reading company.
   The report of the Reading receivers is awaited with interest to find out whether the 24,000 shares of Boston and Maine and the 80,000 shares of New England which were purchased are still retained or were thrown overboard in the collapse in Reading affairs.

   —The first robins appeared this morning.
   —The interior of the American Hotel is receiving a coat of varnish.
   —The roads are so bad that the Cincinnatus stage did not make the return trip to-day.
   —The King's Daughters will meet at their rooms, 9 Clinton-ave., Saturday, March 11, at 2:30 P. M.
   —Peter Clark, a vagrant, spent the night in the "cooler" last night and was discharged this morning by Judge Bull.
   —Last Saturday, the only living ex-president became president of the United States and the president became the only living ex-president.
   —Mr. A. M. Jewett has received a large order for gold badge pins set with pearls for the Oneonta chapter of the Clionian fraternity.
   —The Cornell Glee, Banjo and Mandolin clubs will start on March 27 for a trip extending as far west as Minneapolis. Twelve concerts will be given.
   —The Woman's Foreign Missionary circle of the Baptist church will serve an orange short cake supper in the church parlors, from 6 to 7 o'clock this evening.
   —The village of Solvay near Syracuse is much aroused over the marriage of a one-eyed Scotchman thirty-seven years of age and a pretty little girl of fourteen years.
   —The register at Auburn prison shows a population of 1,404 convicts, the largest number in the history of that institution. Once previously the register ran up to 1,403.
   —Mr. Thomas Leech was busy this morning improving the looks of the D. L. & W. station by washing the windows. This in an accident that has not happened to the depot for a long time.
   —A new chapter of the Clionian fraternity is to-night to be established at the Plattsburg Normal school. Three ladies from the Oneonta school initiate the new members at Plattsburg.
   —The young men will meet in the Y. M. C. A. parlor this evening at 8 o'clock for Bible study. All young men are cordially invited. The lesson for this evening will be "Paul's First Missionary Journey."
   —Rumor has it to-day that parties in Cortland, Owego and Ithaca will petition the legislature, for a special act, compelling the excise commissioners to give licenses to the principal hotels.—Ithaca Journal.
   —Rev. H. G. Coddington of Grace church, Syracuse, will officiate and preach at Grace church in Cortland to-night at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Coddington is a son of Dr. W. P. Coddington of Syracuse university, who is so well known here.
   —Now there are 66,884 postoffices and 450,491 miles of post routes in the country performing 471,390,848 miles of mail service annually. Postal revenues in 1893 are placed at $79,000,000 and expenditures at $80,000,000 with prospects that this insignificant deficiency will be practically wiped out next year.
   —Ordinarily grated horse radish, says the Scientific American, eaten at frequent intervals during the day and in connection with food at the table, if food is eaten at all, has been found remarkably efficacious in banishing the distressing cough that frequently lingers after all the other symptoms of the grip have gone.
   —Fifteen members of the Gamma Sigma fraternity of the Normal go to Fayetteville on Friday evening, March 24, to repeat the mock trial of Singleheart vs. Do-em-up which was given in Cortland in November. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Drum, former Normal students, are teaching at that place, and the entertainment is to be for the benefit of their school.
   —Mr. Dibble of the undertaking firm of Dibble & Co. of Binghamton was in town yesterday and placed a fine order with the Cortland Casket Co. He also ordered for immediate use at the funeral of the wife of one of the prominent business men of that city, an elegant drape casket of fine English broadcloath [sic] with heavy bullion fringe and tassels to match, upholstered with a very fine tufted satin lining. The whole making a very fine burial outfit.
   —All the members of the Onondaga tribe of Indians are rejoicing these days over the prospect of receiving $400 apiece—men, women and children—from the United States government. This also applies to the other tribes of the six nations. Many years ago the Indians put in a claim for nearly $2,000,000 for land taken from them by the government, and now, after the matter has ups and downs in the courts and at the national capital, the red men are assured that they will soon receive their money.
   —A Scott correspondent of the Cortland Democrat seems to know the cause of the tie in Sempronius and explains it thus: "They have got the supervisor business down to a pretty fine thing in Sempronius. Last year, John Mourin, the Democrat candidate, was elected by one majority; but Mr. John Pidge, a Republican did not vote. This year Mr. Pidge went and voted, and the result was a tie. Another election will be held. We can not prognosticate the result, for we have not yet learned from Mr. Pidge whether he will vote next time or not.

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