Saturday, October 15, 2016


Cortland Evening Standard, Tuesday, March 28, 1893.

   A correspondent of the Cortland Democrat makes the following statements and asks the following questions:
   The laws of the state of New York, 1883, Chap. 153, provide that in any village having a paid police force, no other officer shall receive any fees before Magistrates or Courts of Special Session or for summary arrests. Not only have our own town officers done this, but I am informed on good authority that officers from other towns have been in the habit of making an arrest or two when they come here, to help pay expenses. We have just spent $3,000 in the addition to Fireman’s Hall and have a lockup of our own, why not use it, and have the vagrants that ask for a night's lodging stay there, instead of being arrested and making a charge of $7 or $9. When the poor-master kept one over night it was a county charge, and cost the whole county $.75 cts. to $1, but when they are arrested they are a town charge and this town pays it all.
   Will Mr. Clark tell his readers what has become of the following resolutions, which were passed by the board of supervisors, the 29th day of Nov. 1890?
   Resolved, That this board request and instruct the county superintendent of the poor to issue to the police justice of the village of Cortland,  also the town poormaster of Cortlandville, full authority to give orders on the sheriff of Cortland county to furnish lodging and breakfast for any tramp.
   Resolved, That the sheriff be instructed to furnish these orders when presenting his bill to the board of supervisors for audit, and in case these orders do not accompany his bill, such charge will nor he allowed. And be it further
   Resolved, That the sheriff be instructed to send all tramps asking for lodging at the jail, to either the police justice or town poormaster for an order, as mentioned above, before receiving such tramp, and in case this is not done, that the board of supervisors will not audit any such charges where this course is not pursued.
   ECONOMY. [pen name]
   In reply to the first statement above we have to say that if any town officer of this or any other town is violating the law and robbing the town of Cortlandville, and the Democrat's correspondent knows of it, it is his duty as a citizen to make the facts public and enter complaint to the grand jury. If he does not know this positively, he ought not to be publishing in a newspaper, over an assumed name, mere information, no matter how good he may regard his authority, but should investigate the matter thoroughly before casting aspersions on any one.
   In reference to tramps and vagrants, they might be given a night's lodging at the lockup at the expense of the village, but there are no arrangements there for giving them breakfast. The proper place for them is at the jail, on orders from the police justice or superintendent of the poor, and at the county expense. If they are arrested unnecessarily, and simply to make fees which the town has to pay, and the Democrat's correspondent knows of it, he should make public the names of the officers engaged in this small stealing, and give the public a chance to balance accounts with them. If he doesn't know it, or hasn't the courage to tell what he knows, he should keep out of print. If the sheriff is disobeying the direct instructions of the board of supervisors in this matter, he should be called to account for it, though it would hardly seem probable that he would disobey the directions of the resolutions quoted when the penalty is a refusal to audit his charges.
   Nothing has "become" of the resolutions quoted. They are as live as when passed, and it is "Economy's" duty, as well as that of every other citizen of Cortlandville, to see that they are lived up to—if they are not.
   But before "Economy" starts out on the reform campaign, or asks any one else to, he should secure his proof that there is something which needs reforming.

Miss Hyde's Art Reception.
   The Syracuse Sunday Standard says: "Cards were issued last week to the art-loving public to an exhibition of china and tapestry at a new studio opened by Miss Augusta Hyde at 311 Kirk block. Many people accepted the invitation for yesterday afternoon and it is probable that as many more will look at Miss Hyde's dishes and tapestry to-morrow afternoon, the time having been extended. The studio is a pretty suite of two well lighted rooms on the fourth floor and is attractively furnished and decorated. Flowers and palms were scattered about and a harp and violin played behind a Japanese screen in the hall.
   "Miss Hyde is the daughter of the late Dr. Frederick Hyde of Cortland, and has recently located in this city. Her work was shown in an artistic arrangement and was greatly admired. The coloring of the china shows taste and discrimination and the designs are put on nicely.
   "Three tapestries were shown. One which is the property of a Cortland gentleman, is unusually beautiful. Another in process of completion seemed very promising, but the third was a little too amateurish to be very good. But Miss Hyde is conscientious in her work and will probably meet with her share of success."

Jeremiah Rusk.
The Twentieth Century Farmer.
   Hon. Jeremiah Rusk has dropped into prophecy in The North American Review. He pictures American farming as it will be in 1993. Our population then will probably be 300,000,000, and all our agricultural products will be needed at home to feed our own people. In Mr. Rusk's judgment every acre of land in the country that can be cultivated will then be under tillage, including the millions of rich acres that will be added to agriculture through irrigation. The chief change that will take place in farming methods will be in differentiation and increased production. There will be the small fruit and vegetable gardener near the large cities. "Glass houses will obliterate the seasons, and strawberries and lettuce in midwinter will no longer occasion surprise."
   On somewhat larger allotments of ground a little farther out will be the dairy farmers who produce the milk and butter used by the urban population. After these will come the great farms tilled by machinery, and the management of which will tax all the mental resources of an educated man capable of being a successful merchant or lawyer. We can tell Uncle Jerry Rusk right here that already in 1893 it takes a man with even more brains than a lawyer or a merchant to make any money at farming. So that will be nothing new.
   The education required for the successful farmer will be extensive and thoroughly scientific, as much as that now required in the professions. All who cannot fill these high requirements will sink into mere farm laborers, working for the farmer with brains. These poor fellows who have not the capacity to make scientific and successful farmers will become what Mr. Rusk calls "a thrifty peasantry, owning their own homes, with perhaps a few acres of land." In 1993 success in farming will depend on grit and brains, just as success in that and everything else does in 1893.
   There will not be so many large farms as there are now, but a very great number of small ones devoted to special farming. Electric motors will do the heavy hauling along every country road, the telephone will be in every farmhouse, where there will also be a daily mail delivery. There will be lovely roads shaded by beautiful trees throughout the country in 1993. All is well and roseate except the fate of the "thrifty peasantry."

   The wealthy citizens of Buda-Pesth in Hungary have anticipated by a little the rest of the world in the matter of getting the daily news. A telephone connects the residence of each w. c. with the office of the leading newspaper of the city. An excellent reader has been placed in charge of the telephone at the newspaper office. Whenever a bit of important news comes to the office, it is immediately told off in a sweet voice to the w. c. at home. The w. c. places the tubes to his ears when the bell rings and learns all about the latest fire, scandal or government bill. The citizen can have his news in any language he wishes. He can even lie in bed in the morning and listen to that soft voice telling him the latest news from all over the world. Solomon, Sardanapalus or Nero never enjoyed luxury like this. And it costs
the Buda-Pesthian only about $9 a year.

   The date of Guy Brothers' minstrels is April 8. This is the first minstrel show Homer has had for the past two years and will probably draw a good house.
   Mr. Harry Thompson has returned to Trumansburg after a short visit with his brother, Dr. F. R. Thompson.
   Mr. F. B. Higbee, a former clothing dealer of Homer, but now of Syracuse, is in town.
   The village trustees held a meeting last evening and decided to change the course of Hannum-ave., commencing at west side of Benjamin Starr's lot to connect with a street offered by J. J. Arnold, and they have accepted it across his land. This makes one of the finest three-rod streets in the village and offers some valuable lots within few rods of the school, churches and the business center. The trustees have done a good work in perfecting this and lots will find ready sale.
   It was Dr. F. H. Green instead of Dr. C. Green, as stated in yesterday's STANDARD, who had been appointed registrar of vital statistics for the village of Homer.
   Mr. "Hi" Freeland was in Cortland to-day.

East Homer.
   EAST HOMER, March 27.—Miss Jessie Beattie, who has been at work in Blodgett Mills for the past few months, is at home.
   Mrs. F. S. Slayton and son Larnard of Lebanon, N. H., have been visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Gutcheus.
   Mr. Will H. Boyden has hired out to Leander Tice for the season.
   Mrs. E. Jessie Mynard of McGrawville has been a guest of W. H. Gutcheus and family for the past few days.
   Miss Neva Seacord is visiting in Syracuse.
   Mrs. Will Briggs of Homer was in town a part of last week caring for her father who is not much better.
   William Gutcheus and daughter Lizzie were in Cortland one day last week on business.
   Chas. Knapp has a valuable colt which was kicked very badly.
   Miss J. Bell Haight has been calling on her old friend and neighbor, Miss L. E. Gutcheus.
   About fifteen friends and relatives of Wallace and Grace Beattie made them a surprise [visit] last Friday night. 
   OCCASIONAL. [pen name of local correspondent.]

Airplant or tillandsia.
   —The Brownies are coming.
   —Mr. J. R. Ingalls will lead the prayer-meeting to-night at 7:30 in the Baptist chapel on Park-st.
   —Mr. B. R Knapp has just sold for $30 to James Foray the of Owego a Rose Combed White Leghorn cockerel that was a prize winner at a late exhibition of poultry in New York.
   —Last night G. F. Beaudry sold a new "Credenda" wheel to T. C. Van Valkenberg. The wheel season has opened up early, and it appears as though more wheels would be sold this year than upon any other previous year.
   —A Binghamton man named Burns has wagered that he can in 8 days, ride a bicycle from that city to Chicago, a distance of 700 miles. The difficult task will be attempted in June and $500 will change hands by the result.
   —Boynton & Co. are to-day preparing to put in a fine new soda fountain. The counters on the north side of the store have been re-arranged for this purpose. The floor of this store as well as that of Kellogg & Curtis is to be lowered like that of F. Daehler.
   —The department of public instruction has ordered to be forwarded to it from each county in the state for exhibition at the World's Fair a map showing the location of each school house in the county and of what it is built. Commissioner L. F. Stillman was busy at the county clerk's office this morning making such a map in colors.
   —Binghamton has a new daily paper, The Evening Times. This makes the third evening paper in that city. It claims to be "bright, newsy, clean and unconditionally Republican," and its initial numbers would seem to justify the claim. Its editor and publisher is E. M Fitzgerald. The STANDARD extends its greeting and wishes it the best of success.
   —Prof. A. O. Palmer this morning received from friends in Florida two air plants, which have been hung up in the corner window of Clark & Nourse's store. One of them had a bud upon it, which opened during the forenoon, and a flower that was in full bloom when received, went to seed during the forenoon, the remains looking like full bloom dandelions.
   —Last Saturday night Miss Susie Wright entertained about twenty of her friends at her home, 67 Maple-ave., the occasion being a birthday anniversary.
   —A new smoke stack sixty feet high and thirty inches in diameter is being put up at the Cortland Door and Window Screen works. Formerly there was only one smoke stack to create a draft from the two furnaces, one being straight, while an elbow conducted the smoke to this one stack. The new stack that is being put up is much taller and now the smoke will be conducted from both furnaces separately.
   —Superintendent of Public Instruction James F. Crooker has issued an attractive Arbor day pamphlet, calling attention to Arbor day upon May 5, 1893. It contains an address to the school officers, teachers and friends of education, and another to the boys and girls of the public schools. There are also suggestions regarding the planting of trees, the best kind or trees for this state and ether useful information.
   —The first lot of new stamped envelopes have been received at the postoffice and were all bought by Clark & Nourse. Others have been ordered and will be on sale in a day or two. The design is printed in purple and consists of a round medallion a little larger than a half dollar. At the bottom an eagle with wings outstretched, at the top a shield and a cross, the center two hemispheres, on one the profile of Columbus and on the other that of Liberty.
   —As Mr. Harry Gallagher and Mr. Cole were chopping wood in some woods near South Cortland yesterday afternoon the axe which Mr. Gallagher was using glanced and cut the tendon running to his great toe. With the assistance of Mr. Cole he walked to his home about 100 rods distant and Dr. F. D. Reese of Cortland was immediately summoned. The cut, which was quite a bad one, was soon dressed and the patient is doing as well as can be expected.

Maple Sugar Party.
   The boarders at Mrs. H. Griffith's on West Court-st., last night indulged in a maple sugar party among themselves in the dining rooms. The sugar was only the beginning of the menu, for there was lots of "sauce" besides. Several of the ladies made speeches which were warmly applauded. The exceedingly warm admiration which one lady and one gentleman conceived for each other was a matter of great interest to the others, particularly to those most nearly related to the two. The amusements were unique, and could only be compared to those at a certain Halloween party a few years ago, at which some of the same persons were present.

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