Monday, October 31, 2016


Harper's Weekly, Grand Naval Review. Fleet passing Castle William in New York harbor.

Cortland Evening Standard, Saturday, April 22, 1893.

The Grand Naval Review.
We are all glad and proud that our country is so large, and there are those who hope to live till they see it bigger yet. But there are always a few inconveniences attached to greatness of every kind, and one of our inconveniences just now is the impossibility of even a thousandth part of the people of this great country seeing the magnificent naval pageant which will be displayed the last days of this month all the way from Hampton Roads to New York harbor.
   April 27 the vessels will perform their evolutions in New York bay and the Hudson river.
   The old countries of Europe are so glad Columbus discovered America and gave them a spot on which to dump their surplus population that they will join heartily in the review, proceeding to Hampton Roads for that purpose. The first to arrive on the ground was the Russian flagship Dmitri Douskoi, and she gave a salute at Fortress Monroe which included one gun for almost every thousand Jews we have taken off the czar's hands. Brazil and Argentina will be represented, because on their part they are so glad Columbus discovered a continent where great republics could be founded and every man of common blood, if he had brains, could have a fighting chance for the best this world has to give. Yes, the guns ought to boom long and loud, over the waters and through the hills. Let the eagle scream!
   More than 40 war vessels will participate in the review, besides scores of small craft. The largest vessel built for travel will be the monster British protected cruiser Blake, 9,000 tons. There, too, will be the quaint little "caravels" Santa Maria, Pinta and Nina, built in imitation of the vessels constituting the fleet of Columbus. Eight of our new cruisers, all named for cities in this Union, will take part, besides the combined dynamite cruiser and harbor defense vessel, the Vesuvius. It is safe to say that the Vesuvius will be the ship of the American navy which will attract the most attention from foreigners, she being of a type that is unique. The flagship will be the Philadelphia, and in this Admiral Gherardi will lead all the rest, home and foreign. Our gunboats Yorktown, Concord and Bennington will also be in the show.
   The grandest sight of all will be witnessed in New York harbor. There all the ships will draw up in two lines. Between them will pass the huge monitor Miantonomoh, having on board President Cleveland, and as he passes each vessel will fire a salute until 800 guns have burned their powder in honor of this glorious republic and its president. It stirs the blood to think of the booming guns, the waving flags, the splendid ships.
   The Union forever!
France knows how to punish public officials when they are guilty of taking bribes. Baihaut, the corrupt ex-minister of public works, must be imprisoned five years, pay a fine of $150,000, lose his rights as a citizen and pay back to the receiver of the Panama Canal company part of the $75,000 which he took from the company as his price for promoting their interests. Blondin, who was the go between for Charles De Lesseps and Baihaut, gets two years' imprisonment, while Charles de Lesseps gets five years. The three men together—Baihaut, De Lesseps and Blondin—must pay back to the Panama company's receiver the $75,000 which was paid from its treasury as a bribe to Baihaut.
The meanest man on record has been found in New York city. The man who stole copper cents from a dead negro's eyes is excelled by the New York man who goes out of his way month after month to collect $30 in copper cents with which to pay his rent, all because he has a grudge at his landlord. Human nature is awfully mean when it gives its head to it.

The Massachusetts Naval Brigade Will Take Part.
   NEW YORK, April 22.—Mayor Gilroy has received a letter from Captain John C. Soley, chief of brigade of the Massachusetts naval brigade, accepting the invitation to be present with 500 men at the naval review next Thursday.
   A communication was also received from Rear Admiral Gherardi, now at Hampton Roads, to the effect that the landing force from the United States fleet on the 26th instant would be in excess of 1,200 men, and that it was quite possible all the visiting squadrons would land their men, though several of them had not yet signified their intentions.
   Adjutant General Josiah Porter sent the acceptance of Governor Flower to attend the naval parade. The governor's party will consist of himself and wife, his daughter and her husband and Mrs. Flower's maid. He will stop at the Windsor Hotel.

                                 BEHRING SEA AFFAIR.
   President Carnet Today Receives the Arbitrators and Agents.
   PARIS, April 22.—J. C. Carter of counsel for the United States, before the Behring sea tribunal of arbitrators, continued his argument in behalf of American claims in Behring sea. Mr. Carter criticised the weak points of the case presented in behalf of Great Britain. He admitted that the United States asked for a monopoly of the seals, but a monopoly, he argued, could only be injurious when artificial prices were induced by it. In the present instance that was impossible. On the contrary the monopoly asked for by the United States would encourage production and be beneficial to humanity in the same way as the laws providing for patents and for copyright.
   Mr. Carter proceeded to refute the British argument that the seals devoured British fish in the waters of British Columbia. The fish in those waters, Mr. Carter said, were the property of the world. It was only by care and self-denial of the United States that the sealing industry had been enabled to exist; therefore the protection demanded was only their due.
   The court adjourned until next Tuesday. Today President Carnot will receive the arbitrators, counsel and agents at the Elysee.

Fell Down the Elevator Shaft.
   Mr. N. W. Southwick, a carpenter, fell down the elevator shaft in the shipping room of the Cortland Wagon Co. from the first floor to the cellar, a distance of about fifteen feet, about 9 o'clock this morning and sustained injuries which, it is hoped, will not prove more serious than they appear.
   Messrs. Southwick and J. E. Taylor were building a platform in the alley way where cars are loaded, and the former went into the shipping room to get some nails. After waiting a few moments for him to return Mr. Taylor stepped inside to see what had become of him, and discovered that Mr. Southwick had stepped off sideways in the elevator shaft, the place being rather dark. The injured man was immediately taken to his home at 202 Port Watson-st., on the corner of East-ave. and Dr. A. J. White was summoned. The physician found that there was a cut over the eye, the left cheek was bruised and the shoulder bruised and sprained. The body and legs were also somewhat bruised. It is thought that there are no internal injuries although it is quite possible that there are some. Southwick was unconscious at intervals this morning and at other times out of his head and declared that he did not fall.

The Cortland Runner Won.
   About fifty sports from Syracuse, Cortland and Homer assembled at the driving park yesterday afternoon to witness a fifty yard foot race for a purse of $150 between W. H. Riley, whose home is in Cortland, and Thomas Carter of Syracuse. Carter got the best of the race on the start and it was a close pull, but was won by Riley in five and one-half seconds by half a yard on a heavy track. Riley then offered to run within two weeks a race of 100 yards, giving Carter two yards start, for $100 a side. The Syracuse man's backer was afraid to take up the offer. It is said that quite a little money changed hands on the race besides the $150 which Riley won. Mr. Riley will immediately go into active training at Syracuse, and if he is able to get into a satisfactory condition in six weeks will put in his $200 entrance fee and enter the June race in Chicago. As yet there are only seven paid entries in this race.

   Miss Margaret Nye and Mr. Leon Carley of Syracuse attended the Brockway party Thursday evening.
   Architect H. G. Tuttle of Corning is in town and intends to remain till the contract for our new school building has been let.
   The wind Thursday evening broke a large branch off of one of the pine trees in front of the residence of Mrs. B. Jepson on Cayuga-st. It fell on an apple tree in Mrs. Eli Lord's lot adjoining, and completely demolished it. The wind also worked sad havoc with Mr. E. W. Rogers' show case for exhibiting photographs, which stands in front of his gallery, tumbling it along the sidewalk till it came in front of the Johnson sisters' bakery, where it lodged after being smashed up generally.
   Mr. Ami Hoag went angling after the speckled beauties Thursday and returned with two which measured 12 1/2 and 13 1/2 inches in length.
   The new plate glass front of the postoffice is now in place, and when the woodwork receives a few coats of paint will be a notable improvement. Wainscoting has been put in along the north side. It has been decided not to tear out the seats on the south side, at least not for the present.
   The two Cortland bloods who were arrested Thursday afternoon for public intoxication and fast driving were fined $10 and $5.
   Mr. Lake Hinman will soon move to Syracuse. He has purchased a marble yard near Oakwood cemetery.
   Remember that the concert and readings, which will be given by the Lotus Glee club and Miss Minnie Marshall in the opera house to-night will be the choicest musical and literary event of the season. The Boston Journal says of them: "The Lotus Glee club, fresh from successes in London, are all artists. Their voices blend perfectly, and it is a positive pleasure to listen to the selections rendered by them. From the vocal waltz, which opened the program, to the beautiful serenade by Abt [American Ballet Theatre?], which was the closing number, the audience listened spell-bound. No such artistic singing has been heard for a long time from any male quartet in this city."

Crandall typewriter. It was manufactured in Groton and Syracuse, New York.
   —Mr. G. W. Bradford's rooster, "David B. Hill," died yesterday afternoon of old age and nervous prostration. The Cleveland administration made him old before his time and broke him down. He hasn't crowed since election.
   —The Lotus Glee club will sing at the Presbyterian church to-morrow, both morning and evening.
   —The meeting at the Baptist church at 3:30 o'clock to-morrow afternoon to organize a Citizens' Law Enforcement association is for men only.
   —Here's a sign that every girl should implicitly believe in, as it seldom fails to come true: "A secret marriage is a sign of public and often lifelong misery.''
   —New York is not going to monopolize all the milk that flows from the cows of this section of the state. Nearly twenty farmers in the vicinity of Moravia are now disposing of their milk to the Philadelphia Milk Supply company.
   —Eleven candidates are taking the civil service examination for postoffice places in the STANDARD building this afternoon. Messrs. C. H. White, E. J.  Hopkins and Miss Lillian M. Wiles are conducting the examinations. The law forbids the publication of names until after the papers have been looked over.
   —It is now very certain that Mr. Geo. W. Apgar, editor of The Democrat, will be the next postmaster for the city of Ithaca. It is understood that all other candidates have withdrawn. At a recent meeting of the Democratic county committee Mr. Apgar's name was presented by Mr. Hibbard, who has been considered a prominent candidate, and it was unanimously endorsed by the Democratic county committee. It is understood that the appointment is to be made as early as July 1, when the term of the present postmaster expires.—Ithacan.
   —Mr. Henry Howes of Cuyler shipped a load of seventeen calves to the Hammond Beef Co. Thursday evening on the freight train which arrives here about 6 P. M. At Truxton the car door became unfastened in some unaccountable manner, and nearly all the calves jumped from the car while it was in motion. Not an animal was injured, and all except five were soon after captured. The five, at last accounts, were at large.
   —The Groton and Lansing Journal states that the Crandall Machine Co. has just closed a special contract for building one thousand typewriters for Pittsburg parties. The output of Crandall typewriters continues to increase, the sales for the month of March being the largest in the history of the company. This company will have a fine exhibit at the World's Fair, where only five other typewriter companies have space.
   —We learn just as we are closing our forms that Mr. Wood, an employee of the Jones Mfg. Co., has been badly hurt by a band saw. N o particulars were given.

Prices Changed Again.
   The barbers held another meeting in Mr. D. J. Chadwick's barber shop Thursday evening. On motion it was decided to close at noon on Decoration Day, Fourth of July , Christmas, and New Years, and after considerable discussion, it was also voted to c lose at 8 o'clock every evening except Saturday. Prices were arranged as follows, but the prices of hair cutting will be raised 5 cents later: Hair cutting and whiskers trimmed, 25 cents; shave and whiskers trimmed 15 cents; whiskers trimmed, 10 cents; dry shampoo, 10 cents; regular shampoo, 25 cents; shave and neck trimmed with shears, 15 cents; hair cutting 20 cents; shaving 10 cents; mustache coloring, 25 cents, hot pack, 15 cents. The following officers were elected:
   President—D. J. Chadwick.
   Vice President—Edward Glassford.
   Secretary—Louis Parker.
   Treasurer—Fred Ritter.
   The following charter members have been enrolled: Jacob Grassman, Louis Parker, Edward Glassford, D. J. Chadwick, Fred Ritter, John Mullin and W. M. Clavell.
   A STANDARD reporter called on Mr. J. C. Seamans last evening and asked him why he did not agree with the rest of the barbers. He replied as follows: "I have run a barber shop here for the past nineteen years and am able to run my own business without the aid of other barbers. I perfectly agree on the Sunday closing and had intended to close anyway. I will not close before the first of May, because I wish to have an opportunity to tell my customers of the fact. About raising prices, I am in favor of letting them remain as they are. Customers whom I have shaved for ten cents and cut their hair for 20 cents for the past nineteen years, I do not feel that I wish to raise on. The 8 o'clock closing has been tried time and time again and always ends the same way. If you have several men in your shop who have waited a half hour or more for a shave and the clock strikes eight, you cannot turn them out of the shop. You will feel like shaving them especially if they are old customers. Another thing about the prices, if the other barbers had attempted to reduce instead of raise them, I would have "kicked" just the same. I think they are all right now and intend to stick by them. I intend to close my shop Sundays after the first of May, not because some one wishes me to but because I desire the rest. I will close evenings when I get ready and not before. I will also keep open holidays if I choose, and my prices will remain as was decided last evening.

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