Cortland Evening Standard, Monday, April
24, 1893.
Citizens' Meeting Resolves to Form a Law Enforcement Association Immediately.
The meeting at the Baptist church yesterday
afternoon to form a Citizens' Law
Enforcement association was well-attended and a deep interest in the subject
manifested. Dr. H. A. Cordo called Village President Walrad to preside, who, on
taking the platform, stated that this was his first appearance in a pulpit and
asked the further pleasure of the meeting. Mr. F. A. Ingraham was chosen
secretary. "America" was then sung by a quartet choir consisting of
Messrs. G. B. Farley, J. B. Hunt, Frank Nowlan and E. L. Moran, and prayer
offered by Rev. H. W. Carr of the Universalist church.
Rev. W. H. Pound made the opening address.
He said: I believe it is generally agreed that it is desirable to have no saloons.
You have so registered your will by your ballots. I believe it is agreed that
business, schools, homes and churches would all be better if there were no
saloons. This is a school centre. There is a large state Normal school here. In
such a place as this especially there should be no saloons. The people of
Cortland have declared that they did not want the liquor traffic. Did we mean
it? If so we must show it by something besides profession. It is sometimes an
easy thing to vote, but a far harder one to stand by the vote. There are some
obstacles in the way of having no drink traffic.
saloon men themselves are the first obstacle. They are obstacles in that, if we
do not mean what we have said, their doors will be open and our last state will
be worse than our first. The drinkers are the second obstacle—those who have
the habit and say they have a right to drink. The third obstacle and the worst
of all is the lukewarm temperance men—the kind of men who vote no-license
perhaps, or don't vote at all, and say that liquor will be sold and you can't
stop it. The fourth obstacle is the law itself. It seems more in the interest of
the liquor dealer than of temperance. But whatever law we have should be enforced.
If it is not a good one let us show up its imperfections. The liquor interest
is awake, watchful, active, and we must be the same.
I plead for organization, work, money, help
of every kind. I believe if all who voted no-license should combine, and other
temperance men and young men should combine with them, we would have such a
moral sentiment here that not a saloon could stand up against it. We should all
go forward, knowing that God is with us and that his strong right arm will win
us the victory.
After a song by the quartet Mr. F. W. Collins
said: I am a citizen of Cortland and interested in what you are interested in.
Whatever the people of Cortland have decreed, should be done. If they have
decided for no-license, it is to be understood that they have done it
intelligently and believe it should be enforced. Some people voted for no-license
because they conscientiously believe that licenses should not be granted—others
because they did not like the way in which licenses had been granted. But
whatever their motive they should stand by their action. And if it is true that
the best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it, and there are those who
believe that no license is bad, they—even the saloon-keepers themselves—should
see that it is enforced.
That licenses here have been granted without
reason I believe is true. Some even who believe in licensee understand this. In
the manufacturing portions of the village some saloons have sold with and some
without license. Saloons should, at least, not have been allowed in the
manufacturing and residence portions of the village. At times when it has been necessary
for the manufacturing concern with which I am connected to get out the most
work possible some of the men have taken advantage of the proximity of saloons
and got themselves in a condition totally unfit for work. They lost their time;
their wages were lost to their families, and their services lost to their
employers. If they had had to go to Main-st. to get drunk they would not have
gone. I want to report myself as wholly in favor of this movement. I voted for
no license and want to see the law carried out and I sincerely hope that every
business man, manufacturer and good citizen will do his best to have it done.
Mr. Lynn R. Lewis said: The question whether
the saloon shall exist for the next two years has been settled so far as votes
can settle it. But the saloon men are asking, "What are you going to do
about it?" We must come out squarely and back up our ballots. It is not
more temperance sentiment that is needed but more temperance backbone. We
cannot take neutral ground and shirk responsibility. We must see that the law
is enforced, or those who voted no-license for the first time at the last election
will never do so again. You all have a responsibility in this direction. I have
two boys. Shall I say I have
no responsibility? If the saloons get my boys they will have to fight for them.
If you have no boys, help me to save mine. May God show us all, the duty we
have to do in this matter.
After a solo by Mr. J. B. Hunt, Mr. E. A.
Fish said: I think that the attendance here this afternoon is a matter of great
encouragement. I am willing to put myself on record. When the first local
option law was passed I had an opportunity to judge of the feeling of the liquor
men. They regarded every one who voted for no-license as a personal enemy. This
is not so. It is the business of the saloon keeper that we attack, and under
no-license it is certainly an unlawful business. If we stand together we shall
succeed and if we do not enforce the law we need not hope to carry another
election for years.
There are those deeply interested in young
men who appeal to us. They have often to pull them over and through these
saloons. It is hard to get young men out of the habit and keep them out with
such surroundings. There is also an appeal which comes up from women for their sons,
brothers and husbands. They appeal to us that the law be upheld. There is a
responsibility upon every man, whether he voted for no-license or not, to see
that the law is enforced. Some men stand back and say, "It is not worth
while for me to injure my business and make enemies." I believe it is our
duty to stand for what is right. There are responsibilities which we cannot escape
without offending God.
Mr. H. L. Gleason said: I want to say that I
heartily endorse all that has been said, and thus cut short a long speech. We are
here to decide how we shall enforce a law which we have enacted by over 300
majority. Every law placed on the statute books is a hardship to some one. We
have said we shall have no more liquor in this community. This is a hardship to
the liquor dealer. He has the certificate of fifteen men that he is a good,
moral man—yet he is to be deprived of the privilege of liquor selling. But
hundreds are to be benefitted.
I am interested in a factory. It takes between $200 and $300 per week to pay the liquor bills of the men
in this factory. I knew this to be so. This money has gone into the liquor sellers'
pockets. We propose that hereafter it shall go for the benefit of the families
of these men.
Now how shall we enforce this law? I have no
plan or scheme of my own to propose. The liquor men themselves gave us
no-license by licensing saloons under the very eaves of the Presbyterian
church. Father John McLoghlin saw the work of whiskey and asked his
congregation [St. Mary’s Catholic Church] to vote no- license. Many of the men
who are demanding that no-license be enforced are those who have, before this
year, voted license—and if you don't enforce the law they will do so again.
Will you enforce it? I leave it with you to decide.
After singing by the quartet Prof. D. L.
Bardwell said: In the last analysis I believe that the ballot is a bullet. If
we vote and the machinery of government is in proper shape our will as declared
by the ballot will be enforced. If it is not we must come up and push. We have
laws against murder and theft but we do not require law and order associations to
enforce them. It is humiliating for us to be compelled not only to see that
temperance law is enacted but that it is enforced. We must not only vote it but
push it. We are here to-day not for speeches but for business. It is easy for us
to get enthusiastic here, but harder to say that violators of the law must be
punished, and to carry it out. It is going to be necessary for us very soon to
The law is not as it should be, but our
chief difficulty is not in this, or in the fact that the liquor dealers will fight
us. How many of us know what the law is? How many of us know when the saloon-keeper
violates the law? It becomes necessary, first, that we know what the law is. In
the second place it isn't easy to stand up and fight for the law. It means
sneers, ridicule and criticism. It will be a comparative minority which will enforce
the law, if it is enforced. There is need at once of practical organization.
We sometimes get too zealous in this
direction. I knew of one instance where nearly all of the temperance men of a
town became members of a law and order league, and thereby shut themselves off
from being jurors in cases where the league prosecuted liquor sellers, and left
the offenders to be tried by juries in sympathy with them.
As a representative of the Normal school I
tell you that this traffic has already touched us. There are people all over the
state who know the school for its purity as well as its scholarship. They are
sending their boys and girls here and it behooves us to see that the character of
the school is preserved. That town, that county, is most prosperous which has the
largest number of small bank accounts—the
largest number of moderate or small homes. We have an opportunity of demonstrating
during the next two years that this community is to be benefited by no-license
in just this direction.
Mr. H. M. Kellogg then said: I am glad to see
so large and intelligent an audience, evidencing our interest in this important
matter. A young man, blind since he was a babe, who was about to canvass the
town for a book, came into my store a few days since and asked if I could
direct him to a temperance hotel. I could think of no such place, and turned to
my clerk and asked him if there was a hotel in Cortland which didn't have a bar
and sell whiskey, and he said no. Why is it necessary to organize a law and
order league? I answer that there is no business like the liquor business.
The sale of dynamite and poison can be
regulated and controlled—but not so with liquor. I can account for it only on
the ground that men's finer sensibilities are blunted by the thirst for the
almighty dollar. I heard a liquor dealer say only a few days ago that he should
apply to the new board for a license, and if it was refused would go to selling
and if he was fined would pay his fine, apply again and again go to selling.
Fifteen years ago we enacted no-license and
tried to stop the sale of whiskey, but we slumped back again. The law is on the
book and ought to be enforced. It ought not to be necessary for a law and order
league to enforce it. When Alonzo W. Gates was elected excise commissioner and
the other two members of the board granted license, the temperance men did not
rebel and invade the saloons and throw the liquor out of doors. Liquor men
should respect and obey the law now just as temperance men did then. Our
officers will enforce the law if our citizens will support them.
I now have something practical to offer. I
hold in my hand a card which reads as follows: I hereby agree to become a member
of the Law Enforcement association of Cortlandville. Name. Address. I propose to
circulate these cards. I want every one to put his name to these cards. Then
the ushers will gather them up and a meeting to organize the association will
be announced from this platform.
The cards were then circulated, signed and
collected, and the meeting was announced to be held at the Congregational
church,Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock, to adopt a constitution and elect
Two union temperance meetings were also
announced for next Sunday evening, a men's meeting at the Presbyterian church
and a women's meeting at the First M. E. church. Arrangements are to be made
for speakers for both of these meetings. Rev. Mr. Hamilton moved that a
committee of three be appointed to report a constitution. The chair appointed
Rev. Dr. Cordo, Messrs. H. M. Kellogg and F. W. Collins.
Rev. Mr. Pound asked that all who had signed
cards be present at the Congregational church Tuesday evening and all who are
willing to sign as well.
It was also announced that a meeting was to
be held in McGrawville Sunday evening for the same object. The singing was
excellent and added not a little to the success of the meeting, which was one
of the most important, in view of the work laid out, which has ever been held
in Cortland.
in North Carolina.
RALEIGH, N. C., Apr. 24.—The state guard of
North Carolina is holding itself in readiness to go to James City, near
Newberne, to expel 3,000 negroes from that settlement. The negroes are not the
lawful owners of property and it has been decided by court that they must leave.
It is a negro town, and they refuse to go and threaten bloodshed, if any
attempt is made to dislodge them. The sheriff and posse have been repulsed at
every attempt to dislodge the negroes, and the governor has determined to
remove them by force. The negroes declare they will die before they give up.
—The town clock was just four minutes slow
by Standard time at noon today.
—The members of the Stellae Noctis club will
meet to-night at the home of Miss Lizzie Phillips, 24 Union-st.
—Mr. M. L. Legge has moved from 129
Railroad-st. to 50 Tompkins -st.
—The Young Ladies' Mission band of the
Presbyterian church meets to-morrow afternoon at Mrs. S. M. Ballard's.
—William Way and John Gough were each
sentenced to three days in the county jail by Judge Bull this morning for
public intoxication.
—Agents of Buffalo wagon companies were in
Cortland last week trying to employ painters and trimmers to go to that city.
—Punch Robertson's repertoire company who
open a week's engagement in the Opera House to night are registered at the
Dexter House.
—Owing to the lengthy report of the Law
Enforcement meeting we are obliged to defer all the usual church notices and
some other local matter till to-morrow.
—The Cortland Howe Ventilating Stove Co.
ship their exhibit, booth, etc., to Chicago to-day. The booth, a very tasty
one, was built by L. R. Hopkins and decorated under the direction of Fred J.
Pike, foreman of the Omnibus & Cab Co.'s paint shop.
—The regular monthly meeting of the Y. M. C.
A. will be held at the rooms this evening at 8 o'clock. Business of importance
to every committeeman will be considered. All members of the association are
requested to be present and aid in planning the work for the current year.
—The East Side Reading Room association, from
April 1, 1892, to April 1, 1893,
received a total of $274.61. The entire amount expended during the same period
was $270.93, leaving a balance of $3.68. The balance, together with the
furniture of the room, has been turned over to the present management.
—The Presbyterian church was well filled
yesterday morning and crowded in the evening. Rev. Dr. Taylor preached a sermon
of rare thoughtfulness and power in the morning, and Rev. Mr. Robertson a very
appropriate and interesting one in the evening, suggested by the beginning of
the use of the Psalter by the congregation. The Lotus Glee club sang
delightfully at the first service, and two of the members sang a duet and assisted
the choir in the evening.
All barber shops will be closed at 8
o'clock, P. M., and all that are in at that time will be waited upon.
Cortland, N. Y., April 24, 1893.
One of the pleasantest social events which
have occurred in Cortland in a long time was the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
H. W. Bradley, held at their handsome residence, 93 North Main-st., last
Saturday evening. Notwithstanding the cold and stormy weather there were few
regrets. About sixty relatives and friends assembled at an early hour and were
most cordially received by the bride and groom of a quarter of a century ago,
and offered their congratulations and best wishes for the years to come.
Everything was in the best of taste, and the refreshments, which had been
prepared and were served under the direction of Caterer George D. Griffith,
were exceptionally fine. The company broke up shortly before midnight. From out
of town there were present: Rev. Dr. Edward Taylor of Binghamton, Mrs. Josiah H.
Brown and Miss E. Tripp of Harford, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Strong of Dryden.
Those from Cortland were Dr. and Mrs.
Frances J. Cheney, Misses S. E. Bradley and S. M. Covil, B. T. Wright, Esq.,
Mrs. M. H. Yale, Mrs. C. O. Smith, Mrs. I. Whiteson, Mrs. D. F. Dunsmoor, Dr.
and Mrs. Geo. H. Smith, Major and Mrs. A. Sager, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel N. Holden
and daughter, Prof. and Mrs. J. E. Banta, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purvis, Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Winchell, Col. and Mrs. Frank Place, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mahan, Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Woodworth, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stoker, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Waterbury,
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Angel, Mr. and Mrs. Theo.
Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bronson, Dr. and Mrs. A. J. White, Mr. and Mrs. E.
O. Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Doubleday, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buck, Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Kellogg, Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Pound, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Clark.
Fourteen members of the Ministerial association
of Cortland, Homer and vicinity held their regular semi-monthly meeting in the
Homer-ave. M. E church this morning. Rev. B. F. Weatherwax read a very
interesting and suggestive paper on "The Work of the Holy Spirit." This
was followed by a discussion on the topic of the paper, which was participated
in by all the members present. Outlines of sermons were presented by Rev. Smith
Ordway of Marathon and Rev. W. H. Pound of this village. The out-of-town
clergymen present were: Rev. S. F. Sanford of Homer, Rev. Smith Ordway of
Marathon, Rev. E. C. Olney of Homer, Rev. E. J. Brooker and Rev. N. S. Burd of McGrawville
and Rev. Frank Hamilton of DeRuyter.
Mrs. Cassie Ward Mee of Cortland who has
occupied the rostrum for several years in the interests of the working masses,
will deliver the next lecture in the series given in the M. E. church under the
auspices of the Epworth league, her subject being "The Grandeur of Labor, or
the Influence of Motherhood." This lecture will be given Wednesday
evening, May 3. The Utica Globe says of
this lady: "The public address at Durhamville by Mrs. Cassie Ward Mee of Cortland
was a grand success, the M. E. church being filled to overflowing. The discourse
gave universal satisfaction. Mrs. Mee displayed a thorough knowledge of the
subject. Her discourse was replete with originality, while her candid and
logical manner of address held the attention of her large audience for one hour
and forty minutes." Our citizens should make an extra effort to hear this lecture,
as Mrs. Mee is undoubtedly one of the best speakers who will be heard in Homer.
The regular semi-monthly 10 ct. supper given
by the Epworth league will be held on Wednesday evening, at the M. E. church.
Supper will be furnished by the first division, "A's" and
W. H. Collins has a novel scheme to work up
trade. Every purchaser of goods to the amount of $2.50 he will insure to the
amount of $5,000 if killed or $24 per week if injured during the following 24
Workmen are cutting down some of Homer's
ancient landmarks, near the stone mill, between here and Cortland— those old
willow trees.
About twenty-five school teachers went to
Marathon this morning to attend the teachers' institute.
Quite a number of Homer's leading citizens
will go to New York to see the naval parade, etc.
Mr. James Starin, the genial ticket agent of
the D., L. & W. R. R., leaves to-night for New York, where he will remain until
after the celebration.
Mrs. W. N. Brockway and daughter Fannie, and
Miss Josie Brockway, left for Clifton Springs this morning.
The Ancient Order of American United Mechanics
initiated two new candidates into the order Saturday evening.
M. S. Nye has delivered at the Homer milk
depot in one year, ending April 1, 1893, an
average of 6,983 pounds of milk per cow from his dairy of 20 Holsteins, ten of
which were two and three years old, and five months without grain.
The funeral of Ralph Howe, who died very
suddenly early Sunday morning, will be held at the home of his parents on
Henry-st. Interment will be made at Borodino. He was only 11 years of age, and
had been in delicate health for some time.
Mr. Henry Watrous of Clinton-ave , one of
Homer's leading business men, has been confined to his bed for over a week. Dr.
White is attending him.
The floral decorations in the M. E. church
Sunday were very fine. No less than 31 calla lilies, and tea roses, furnished
by John J. Arnold, were displayed.
Mr. John J. Arnold is making some extensive
additions to his greenhouse.
A few days ago, white Miss Hotchkiss of West-st.
was frying cakes over a hot stove, the grease took fire and spread to her dress
burning her hands and face quite badly. The house caught fire and the paint and
paper in the room were badly injured before it could be subdued. The house was
insured in the Agricultural
Fire Insurance Co. of Watertown, and the agent of the company, Mr. L. P.
Norton, has ordered the damages fully repaired.
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