Friday, November 11, 2016


Daniel S. Lamont of McGraw, N. Y.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 2, 1893.

Secretary Lamont and the Militia.
   Secretary Lamont is said to have a good practical knowledge of the conditions and needs of the National Guard, and is well equipped for the work of directing matters connected with it. The season of State encampments is about at hand, and the fact directs attention to the National Guard. Governors of various States having regularly enrolled troops are already sending to the war department requests for regulars to be associated with the militia during the coming encampments. Wisconsin has asked that the entire Third infantry, stationed at Fort Snelling, be permitted to join the State troops at Camp Douglas next mouth. Governor Russell has requested that Major Marcus P. Miller, Fifth artillery, be detailed for duty with the Massachusetts troops. Requests of like tenor are expected from the executives of other States within the next few days.
   The disposition of Secretary Lamont is to grant such requests whenever practical. He is said to realize the importance of bringing the regulars and State troops into closer and more friendly relations. Only a short time ago he took occasion to inform his subordinates that he desired hearty cooperation between the army and National Guard. It is said that the secretary's disposition in the matter is cordially reciprocated by members of the National Guard who recognize the advantage of combining with the army in practical field service. The only embarrassing feature of joint encampment is the lack of money with which to pay the expenses of transporting the regulars from one place to another. Where the state camps are to be located reasonably near an army post the solution is simple, as the movement can be made by marches which in themselves are beneficial as practice. It has been suggested that to reverse the present system and have the National Guard go to army garrisons would be better for all parties interested. The suggestion is a practical one, and deserves the earnest consideration due to its importance—New York Tribune.

Monument to Dr. Hyde.
   Some time since, a few of the friends and admirers of the late Dr. Frederick Hyde decided to procure a monument to erect over his resting place in the cemetery, and the same is in place. The following letter explains itself.
   Mr. Benjamin L. Webb and others:
   Lately I have seen the fitting monument to my husband, Dr. Frederick Hyde, placed in Cortland Rural Cemetery, "Erected by his friends."
   It has been my privilege to live seventy-five years in this community, never wanting for a good word or deed. From many of you I have received kindnesses, which have smoothed what might have been a rugged path. Not the least, is this united expression of appreciation of one who for more than fifty years practiced a noble profession among you and in other ways sought your welfare.
   My family join in this grateful remembrance, and wish you joy in prosperity and sympathy in trouble.
   Very sincerely yours,
   Maple Cottage, May, 1893.

The Boycott on the Fair.
   Since witches were burned at Salem and Quakers and Baptists had to flee for their lives from a cruel persecution in the name of religion, there has been no worse exhibition of bigotry and intolerance than that furnished by the efforts to ruin the World's Fair because its gates are probably to be open on Sunday to the thousands who crave and need the educational advantages to be found there.
   The attitude of the boycotters is not one of reasonable protest. It is one of ignorant, arrogant, insolent dictation. They are not content to urge their views upon the management and obey their own consciences by staying away from the fair on Sunday. They inform the country that if their views are not permitted to prevail and their consciences are not made the rule of other people's lives they will enforce an already organized boycott, and ruin the Fair itself, if possible.
   The Rev. Secretary Knowles has declared to a representative of the World that those whom he represents will urge pastors everywhere to preach this boycott as a to religious obligation, and to denounce any attendance upon the Fair as a sin. They have taken advantage of [confiding] women and children and pledge a million of them—as they boast—not to go to the Fair if there is any Sunday opening, thus depriving these innocents of what, to the majority, is the one great educational opportunity of their lives.
   This is the spirit of the sixteenth century inspired by the ignorance of that unenlightened age. Fortunately in our times the claws of bigotry are closely cut. The pulpit is full of broad-minded men and the pews of liberal men and women who will take no part in such a crusade of intolerance; and better still, the common schools and the newspapers have so far taught the American people to think and act for themselves, that no attempt of priest or pastor to dominate their consciences in such fashion as this will meet with anything but resentment and failure.—N. Y. World.

During the year 1892 the sum of nine million dollars was paid in bounties to the [raw] sugar producers of this country. Nine million dollars taken from the people's pockets by a law passed by the Harrison administration. The many are robbed for the benefit of the few.
The Tribune and other papers in New York have been making a great hubbub about the alleged secrecy of Cleveland's action in restoring Edwin S. Stokes to citizenship, Dec. 1, 1884, several years after he had served the full term of his sentence for the manslaughter of James Fisk. There was no secrecy about the matter, for it was duly recorded in the office of the secretary of state, and was duly noted on page 181 of the secretary's report transmitted to the legislature Jan.
16, 1885.— Kingston Argus.
Some of the Syracuse clergymen who appeared before Governor Flower and asked to have Sheriff Hoxsie removed from his office for not preventing the Dunfee-Donovan fight at Maple Bay, which resulted so disastrously to the latter [Donovan was killed in a prize fight--CC editor,] are denouncing the Governor because he did not remove the sheriff as requested. The ministers who appeared before him did not present a, particle of sworn testimony to prove their charges, and if the Governor had impeached the Sheriff or removed him, he would have been guilty of trampling upon every precedent that has been established since the constitution was adopted.
   The clergymen ought to know that a regular legal form is necessary to accomplish the object which they sought, and that any other rule would be dangerous to the public. The fact that the parties who presented the charges, unsupported by a particle of evidence were clergymen, does not change the situation in any respect. The sworn testimony of a reputable eye witness to any transaction is far more trustworthy than the second-handed statement of the most respectable clergyman in the land. Neither of the clergymen who presented the case to the Governor was present at the fight, and whatever statement he may have made could only have been obtained from hearsay, a sort of evidence that never has been and never ought to be admitted in any court of justice.
   There was a proper method of proceeding in the matter, which the Ministerial Association could and ought to have observed, and if they had adopted it, the result would undoubtedly have been different. Even in their own ecclesiastical courts, for the trial of offenders, they require an indictment, backed by the sworn testimony of witnesses before they will pronounce on the guilt or innocence of the party charged. What right have they to demand of the Governor the removal of an officer, upon less proof than they require in their own courts, and without a formal indictment supported by the testimony of sworn witnesses? The fact that they were clergymen counts for nothing. A committee consisting of reputable citizens of any other calling would be entitled to as much consideration, but they would not be so silly as to suppose for a moment, that the Governor would remove a man from office simply because they had heard rumors that he had failed in some particular instance to do his duty. The Syracuse clergymen are evidently troubled with the big head, and the sooner they become aware of the fact and take prompt measures for relief the better they will appear before the public. If the sheriff neglected his duty in the premises he should have been promptly punished, but the only way to effect [sic] the result desired, was to go about it legally and in the manner established by law.

The Blue Laws.
   Perhaps some of our readers would like to read over the old "Blue Laws" of Connecticut, which were in force many years ago. Here are some of them:
   No one shall be a freeman or have a vote, unless he is converted and a member of one of the churches allowed in the Dominion.
   No dissenter from the essential worship of this Dominion shall be allowed to give a vote for electing magistrates or any officer.
   No food or lodging shall be offered to a heretic.
   No one shall cross the river on the Sabbath, but an authorized clergyman.
   No one shall travel, cook victuals, make beds, sweep houses, cut hair or shave on the Sabbath day.
   No one shall kiss his or her children on the Sabbath or feasting days.
   The Sabbath day shall begin at sunset Saturday.
   Whoever wears clothes trimmed with gold, silver, or bone lace above one shilling a yard, shall be presented by the grand jurors, and the selectmen shall tax the estate £300.
   Whoever brings cards or dice into the Dominion shall be fined £5.
   No one shall eat mince pies, dance, play cards, or play any instrument of music except the drum, trumpet, or jewsharp.
   No man shall court a maid in person or by letter, without obtaining the consent of her parents; £5 penalty for the first offence, £10 for the second, and for the third, imprisonment during the pleasure of the court.

China will Retaliate.
   WASHINGTON, May 28.—"When is the new Chinese Minister expected to arrive in this city?" was asked today of Mr. J. Hubley Ashton, one of the counsel for the Chinese government in the recent test case before the Supreme Court as to the constitutionality of the Geary law.
   "In about a month," was the reply.
   "Is the statement correct that he is delaying his departure in order to bring an ultimatum from the Chinese government as to the Geary law and its violation of treaty obligations?"
   "Oh, I think not," was the reply. "The Chinese government has already informed the state department that if anything is done under the Geary law, all relations with China, diplomatic, commercial and otherwise, may be considered as terminated. The Americans now in China will be ordered to withdraw, and what trade we have with China will be stopped. Mr. Gresham has already been 'noticed' of this, as the diplomatic phrase goes. There is nothing farther to be said on the part of the Chinese government."

Mahan's Music Store, Court Street, Cortland, N. Y..
   Mahan's 19th Music Festival begins next Monday evening, June 5th.
   The Chautauqua Circle will meet with Mrs. O. V. Eldridge, South Main-st., Monday evening, June 5th.
  "Are the Dead Soldiers in Hell?" will be Rev. H. W. Carr's subject at the Universalist church Sunday evening.
   The sale of tickets for Mahan's Music Festival will begin on next Monday morning, at Mahan's Music store, 11 Court-st.
   A regular meeting of the Board of Managers of the Hospital Association will be held at the hospital, at 8 P. M. on Monday next, June 5.
   The regular meeting of the Willard Y. W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mr. Fred D. L. Squires, 44 Tompkins-st., Saturday at 7:30 P. M.
   Letter boxes in the east part of the village have been tampered with recently. Penalty if caught $1,000 fine or three years imprisonment or both.
   There will be a young people's entertainment at Chicago Grange Friday evening, June 9. They will be assisted by musicians from Cortland. All are invited.
   George B. Brown and son Fred of Pitcher have taken the Pitcher and Cortland stage route for $400, and the Pitcher and Georgetown for $348.—Chenango Union.
   Mr. W. B. Rood has moved his billiard tables from rooms on second floor of the DEMOCRAT building to rooms on first floor of the new Miller block. Mr. A. Bosworth has purchased an interest in same.
   The Seventh-Day Adventists will hold their annual camp meeting for this state, on the same grounds occupied by them last year on north side of Barber-ave., in this village, commencing June 15 and lasting ten days.
   Last Thursday night burglars entered the school house in the Antisdale district three miles west of this village, and carried off the clock and the schoolmam's penknife. Miss Margaret S. Wright, daughter of B. T. Wright, Esq., is the teacher. The burglars entered through a window.
   Canton Cortland open Floral Trout Park on Saturday June 10, and the following picnics will follow: June 22, County Farmers' picnic; June 28, 185th Regiment Reunion; June 24, Field Day by Excelsior Hook & Ladder Co., No. 8, of Cortland; July 4, Seventh Annual Temperance picnic to which every temperance order and person is earnestly invited.
   The handicap bicycle road race last week, to Little York and return, was won by Ralph Wright. There were six starters and handicaps allowed at the finish. E. B. Richardson was the only scratch man and Wright finished only three seconds behind him, having dogged him the whole distance. Wright's time without handicap was 59 1/2 minutes. Three riders met with accidents on the road.
   The Standard copied what we published last week in reference to a rumor that the Lehigh Valley railroad company were thinking of extending their road through Cortland to Syracuse, and in commenting on the same says, "whatever the future may hold for Cortland in this direction is not likely to come very soon." If everybody talked as discouragingly of every enterprise as the Standard does, improvements would be few. The DEMOCRAT prefers to encourage every enterprise likely to be of benefit to the town.

New School Law.
   The following law relative to the public schools of the state was enacted by the last legislature. It will be found of special interest to trustees and school officers—
   CHAPTER 500, amends Consolidated School Act of 1864, as follows:
   1. Power to Superintendent to withhold public money from district for willfully disobeying order, decision, etc.
   2. After current school year, school year shall be 160 days of school, inclusive of all legal holidays that may occur during the term of school and institute week, and exclusive of Saturdays, no Saturday to count as part of 160 days and no school shall begin session on a legal holiday.
   3. Annual school meetings to be held on fourth Tuesday of August.
   4. District school officers to be elected by ballot.
   5. Upon all propositions arising at district meetings involving expenditure of money or levy of tax, the vote thereon must be by ballot or ascertained by taking and recording the ayes and noes.
   6. Defines more fully conditions by which temporary or branch schools may be established in school districts.
   7. Trustees to make reports to school commissioners this year, between July twenty-fifth and August first, dated July twenty-sixth; in each year thereafter to make such reports on August first; such reports to cover the month of August of the preceding year.
   8. Annual meeting of Board of Education of every union free school district shall be held on the first Tuesday of September in each year.
   9. In union free school districts other than those whose limits correspond with any city or incorporated village, special meetings to be called in the manner provided in section 10 of title 9 of the Consolidated School Act of 1864.

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