The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 5,
Union Meetings
in the Churches Sunday—Speeches by Prominent Citizens—Money Pledged to Enforce
Dr. H. A. Cordo had charge of the mass
meeting held in the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening in the interest of
the Law Enforcement association. Mr. Bentley presided at the organ and a
quartette composed of Messrs. Farley, Hunt, Nowlan and Moran furnished vocal
music. Rev. W. H. Pound offered prayer.
Dr. Cordo made the first address. He said
the drink evil concerned the pulpit, the church and all who had an interest in
the people at large. High license [high tax] had proved a failure. It had done
three things (1) It has reduced the number of saloons, (2) It has increased the
revenue of those engaged in the traffic, (3) It has created a liquor monopoly.
After music ex-Judge A. P. Smith was introduced
and said he was not there to speak upon the moral side of the question, he was
there to speak as a lawyer upon the present situation of affairs. The people
had settled the question by their votes. The
penalty for selling liquor without a license was a fine of $500, or imprisonment
not to exceed one year. In 1854, when he came to Cortland, its
population amounted to 1,800. Liquor was sold at the Eagle Hotel, the Cortland
House and Centre House and there was a hole in the basement of the Squires
building. How is it now? We have one of the handsomest villages in the State,
but we have 46 cesspools of Hell. Judge Smith then gave a history of the laws
governing the sale of liquor from 1840 to 1890, and then gave a statement
concerning the law as it now stands on the statute books.
Dr. F J. Cheney spoke of the situation with
reference to the Normal School and its pupils and hoped the measure would be
pushed to a successful result.
Dr. F. W. Higgins confined his remarks to
the question of raising means to carry on the war, and said that it was thought
best to organize a stock company, which seemed to meet with the approval of
those present, and stock to the amount of $56,000 was taken. It is intended to
raise it to $100,000 if possible. Only a certain per cent of the capital stock
is to be paid in as fast as the necessities of the case requires. It is
understood that two per cent will be asked for on the first call.
Rev. C. E. Hamilton pronounced the benediction.
The women's union meeting was held in the
First M. E. church and was opened with prayer and singing. Dr. Campbell
introduced Rev. J. L. Robertson as the first speaker. He said that the law
could only be enforced by a great struggle and that while women could not do
much directly they could accomplish a great work indirectly. They could make
the home pleasant and attractive and thus keep their husbands, sons and brothers
from the baleful influence of the saloon Keeping the boys and girls off the
streets after dark was necessary, a habit that was not much practiced in
Rev. G. H. Brigham said he had been fighting
the evil for forty years. He had never seen a drunken woman in the streets of
Cortland. Women should make the home pleasant and exert their influence in church
and Sunday school.
Dr. Campbell thought so many clubs were the
curse of the town. Many men would go to the club after the day's work was done,
even when they had pleasant homes to go to. The woman's crusade in the west had
done wonders and he thought the same could be done here.
After singing the meeting adjourned.
Monday evening another meeting was held in
the Congregational church. Between forty and fifty members were present. The
ways and means question was discussed and a committee was appointed to secure a
place in which to hold future meetings. The President read the by-laws which
had been prepared by a committee appointed for that purpose.
It was decided to hold a big mass meeting
next Sunday evening, the place to be announced hereafter.
More Liquor Men Arrested.
The cases of The People vs. R. Burns
Linderman and Charles Rowe were yesterday adjourned; the first, till Monday,
Sept. 4, and the second 'till Thursday, Aug. 31. John F. Dowd, Theron Everett,
A. J. Goddard, Thomas Welch, Jr., Irving Stevens, Tim Noonan, James Kane, James
Reilley, A. J. McSweeney and William B. Hess
were arrested last evening for selling intoxicating beverages without licenses
They all furnished $200 bail for their appearance Monday, September 4.
case of The People vs. Frank Bates was held open till 8 o'clock last evening at
the defendant's request, he stating that he would plead guilty at that time. He
came before the court at 8 P. M. and proposed to try the case instead of doing
as at first agreed. The jury was called for at 9 o'clock this morning, but up
to 2 o'clock this afternoon no jury had been secured. Other warrants are in the
hands of the officers and it is expected that more arrests will immediately be made.—Cortland Evening Standard, Tuesday, Aug.
29, 1893.
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Court of Honor and Grand Basin, Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. |
by President Cleveland—Immense Crowds Present From All Over the Earth.
CHICAGO, May 1.—Grover Cleveland, president
of the United States, surrounded by the members of his cabinet, by high
officials of the various states; and a numerous and distinguished
representation from lands across the seas, and by a mighty and enthusiastic throng
of American citizens, today touched the button and set in motion the miles of
shafting, the innumerable engines and mechanisms, and the labyrinth of belting
and gearing which makes up the machinery of the World's Columbian Exposition.
Up to the boundaries of the Plaisance the
welcome had been distinctively American, but from there to the gates it partook
of a cosmopolitan character. Arabs prostrated themselves and cried aloud to "Allah!"
Cingalese in long white flowing robes described salaams, with their arms and
shoulders; eunichs stood in line with beauties of the harem, and the donkey boy
of Cairo knelt down beside his sleek-coated companion. The street in Bagdad was
emptied of its residents and the Esquimo colony did not leave even the six-weeks-old
baby indoors. The procession wound its way slowly past groups of Algerins, Mongolians,
Africans, Japanese, Laplanders, Moors and Persians, through a Dahomey village
and a Siamese camp; past to the blue grotto of Capri and the Moorish palace,
the Japanese settlement and the Zoopraxiscope, under the captive balloon and through
a lane formed of twenty score of female beauties from the many nations. Even
the lions and tigers and panthers roared from the wilds of Africa, roared and
growled a welcome, as the troops and carriages passed by. Never before,
probably, had such a cosmopolitan greeting in the same length of time and
stretch of territory been accorded to mortal man.
In his address President Cleveland said: "I
am here to join my fellow citizens in the congratulations which befit this occasion.
Surrounded by the stupendous results of American enterprise and activity, and
in view of magnificent evidence of American skill and intelligence, we need not
fear that these congratulations will be exaggerated. We stand today in the presence
of the oldest nations of the world and point to the great achievements we here
exhibit, asking no allowance on the score of youth.
"We have built these splendid edifices,
but we have also built the magnificent fabric of a popular government, whose grand
proportions are seen throughout the world. We have made and here gathered together
objects of use and beauty, the products of American skill and invention; we
have also made men who rule themselves.
"It is an exalted mission, in which we
and our guests from other lands are engaged, as we to co-operate in the
inauguration of an enterprise devoted to human enlightenment; and in the
undertaking we here enter upon, we exemplify in the noblest sense the
brotherhood of nations.
"Let us hold fast to the meaning that
underlies this ceremony, and let us not lose the impressiveness of this moment.
As by a touch the machinery that gives life to this vast exposition is now set
in motion, so at the same instant let our hopes and aspirations awaken forces,
which in all time to come, shall influence the welfare, the dignity and the
freedom of mankind."
Last Thursday afternoon Fred J. Phillips
had his face and arm severely burned while looking after the fires in the Japan
room of the Cortland Harness and Carriage Good's Co.'s shop. Gas had
accumulated in one of the rooms and taking fire, exploded forcing the doors
open. The drip pan caught fire and Mr. Phillips procured a piece of hose and
turned water on the flames. The sprinklers began to work and what bid fair to
be a serious fire was soon put out. Phillips was taken to his home on
Richard-st., and the injuries were properly dressed.
A Great
Quite a little excitement and much talk have
been caused among the farmers this spring in the southeastern portion of Cayuga
county and southern Onondaga county over the extension of the electric railroad
from the foot of Owasco lake to a point on the Skaneateles called Mandana, thence
along the shores of the Skaneateles to Glen Haven, thence through the deep defile,
at whose base runs the small stream which empties into the Skaneateles, then to
The grade is an easy one, and the farmers
along the route are quite in earnest. The recent cold and prolonged winter,
together with the almost impassable roads, has awakened an interest which, if
the capitalists of Auburn will take hold of, will result in the general good to
all. All along this line lie rich and
valuable farms, the products of which through transportation would yield a
handsome premium. Then the passengers over the road would soon pay the expense
of building. The road has already been surveyed from what is called the white
bridge to the head of Skaneateles lake, being part of the road which was to
have been the air line from Chicago to New York city, said by the surveyors to
be 400 miles nearer than any other road.
The apportionment of Senate districts which
has been in operation since 1879 has come to an end. Under the new apportionment
the counties below the Harlem will have fifteen instead of twelve Senators. The
remaining seventeen districts are made up as follows:
16. Rockland, Orange, Dutchess.
17. Sullivan, Ulster, Greene, Schoharie.
18. Rensselear, Columbia.
20. Saratoga, Montgomery, Herkimer,
21. Essex, Clinton, Franklin, Washington,
Warren, Fulton and Hamilton.
22. St. Lawrence, Jefferson, Oswego,
23. Oneida, Otsego, Lewis,
24. Onondaga, Madison.
25. Delaware, Broome, Cortland, Chenango,
26. Cayuga, Wayne, Tompkins, Ontario, Yates.
27. Chemung, Schuyler, Steuben, Seneca.
28. Monroe.
29. Niagara, Orleans, Livingston, Wyoming,
30. Part of Buffalo.
31. Remainder of Buffalo and Erie county.
32. Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, Allegany.
Burgess & Bingham have a new
advertisement on last page.
Cortland bars are closed. Isn't it time to start
the public water fountains?
Wescott, the photographer, has moved into
handsome rooms in the new Miller building.
Mr. Thomas Briggs of Binghamton is in town
with his patent apparatus for cleaning cess pools &c.
The Razzle Dazzle's of Lisle beat the
Normal's on the fair grounds last Saturday afternoon. Score 23 to 8.
M. L. Decker the sewing machine agent, has
purchased two new rigs this week, and put two new men on the road selling
D. W. Rowley Esq. has exchanged the Elm Tree
House in McLean, with Mr. Julius Whiting, of this place, for the F. H. Hibbard
farm two miles west of Cortland. Possession given next spring.
S. H. Strowbridge and Jerome Squires
returned Tuesday from Glen Haven where they have been spending a few days as
the guests of game protectors Crosly and Brown. They brought home four lake
trout that weighed 9 ½ pounds.
The guessing on the gold watch given away by
F. E. Brogden closed last Monday noon and the watch was wound. It ran just 32
hours and 40 minutes. The guess of Ray Tanner hit the time exact and the watch
is his.
It seems that the new law fixing the terms
of supervisors and town clerks at two years, applies only to counties having
not less than sixty thousand inhabitants. This county does not come in and the
one year term will remain.—Ex.
Miss Helen M. Burt of Blodgett's Mills, was
the successful one in the spelling contest of the Teachers' Institute held in
Marathon, April 25th. Miss Burt spelled correctly 96 words out of a possible
100, and was awarded a Webster's unabridged dictionary.
Messrs. Dickinson & Boardman have closed
their bakery in the Squires building, on account of inability to meet their
obligations. It is said that they have sunk their entire capital in the
business, which they have conducted but a year, besides leaving several hundred
dollars indebtedness.
The board of Commissioners of Excise met at
Firemen's Hall last Monday morning and organized by electing Mr. J. W. Keese
president and Mr. A. W. Gates secretary. An adjourned meeting was held in the
afternoon, when thirty-one applications for license were presented. All were
refused. Mr. R. F. Randall, the third commissioner, was present.
Mr. T. L. Corwin of this place, formerly of
Marathon, has purchased an interest in Tisdale's Flour Mills in Homer and the
business will hereafter be conducted under the firm name of J. A. Tisdale &
Co. The business has been successfully carried on for the last twenty-five
years by Mr. Tisdale. Failing health caused him to take a partner. Mr. Corwin
is a successful, wide-awake business man and will push the business.
On Wednesday last, one of the Greeks employed
in the tannery, created some little excitement by appearing on the street in
the National costume of a soldier of that country. The costume was a very striking
one, having plenty of snow-white skirts, like a ballet dancer, with a beautiful
cape thrown over the shoulders of fawn colored velvet, trimmed with silver braid.
Queer shoes that turned up at the toes, and a fez with a tasseled top,
completed the costume. It was a very picturesque display of raiment.—Marathon
Two teachers in attendance at
the Institute last week attempted to while away some of their spare moments in
navigating the boiling waters of the Tioughnioga in a boat. In some way one of
them fell out of the boat, and the other in attempting to maintain the
equilibrium of the craft, caused it to ship so much water that it, too, sunk.
They were promptly rescued from their uncomfortable plight however, with no
more serious results than a good wetting. They were E. Louise Strong of Harford
Mills, and Ida C. Kimmich of Harford—Marathon Independent.
All will be glad to hear the fine tenor voice
of Mr. Mahlon Day Murphy, Jr., at the Keator Opera House, May 9th.
Mr. E. Dodge has moved his liquor store to
the Hakes block in Homer, where he will be pleased to see all his old Cortland customers.
Fine wines and liquors constantly on hand and sold at reasonable prices. [No-license
applied to the Town of Cortlandville only—CC editor.]
Mr. Hosea Sprague has just been putting ten
or twelve cords of split wood into his wood-house, wheeling it all in himself. He
also repaired his line fence in the rear of his lot which blew down in the gale
of last Thursday. He drove in two or three posts and nailed on the boards
himself. How is this for a man in his one-hundredth year?—Homer Republican.
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