Sunday, November 13, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 23, 1893.

Death of Lizzie Butler.

   Eleven years ago come August, a shy, bright-looking young girl applied at this office for a chance to learn the art of type-setting. Her extreme youth, and her slender figure were strong arguments against her, but her modest manners and her evident eagerness to learn prevailed and she was given a trial. She learned the art quickly and soon became a rapid and uncommonly correct compositor. She must have been in love with her work, for only the worst storm of the season could prevent her from walking four miles per day to and from the office.
   During all the years of her employment here, she was never known to speak an unkind word to any one and this we believe to be the testimony of all her friends and associates in the community. She was courageous, industrious, ambitious and keen of intellect; steadfast of opinion and faithful to every duty that makes life wholesome and worth the living. Sweet tempered and kindly in disposition and generous to a fault, she made friends of all with whom she came in contact.  
   A little more than a year ago, her health began to fail and although skilled physicians were consulted, it was too late and day by day she lost strength and finally her courageous spirit was overcome by that fell disease consumption. Throughout her long illness there was no complaining. If she suffered pain her friends never knew it. Few can say what she did when asked a short time before her death. "Don't you hate to go, Lizzie?" "No, I don't believe I have ever done a wrong thing.''
   Faithful and true in all things, spiritual as well as temporal, can there be any possible doubt as to her future? Wednesday, just as the shades of night were falling, she bade each member of the family good bye and passed over the way at the early age of 24 years.
   The funeral will be held this morning from St. Mary's church at 10 o'clock.

A Sad Accident.
   Tuesday evening about 8 o'clock a party of 8 or 10 young boys went to the river about one half mile north of Blodgett Mills and went in swimming. Charlie S. Davenport, aged about 14 years, son of Charles F. Davenport, the proprietor of the Union milk factory, ventured out into the deep water and being unable to swim sank out of sight. One of his companions seeing him disappear swam to him and caught him as he was going down the second time, but was unable to keep him above the water and was obliged to let go of him to save his own life. One of the boys hastily dressed and ran to the Mills for help. His father was one of the first to reach the place, but the body being out of sight and not being able to swim, he could do nothing.
   A large crowd soon gathered on the river bank all eager to secure the body. Daniel Burt hurried to the scene and was not long in getting a boat which he rowed to the place where the boy was last seen, and diving to the bottom brought the body up with him. Willing hands carried him to the nearest house, Mrs. Lucy Hall's, where everything possible was done to revive him. Dr. Smith of McGrawville was hastily summoned and on his arrival pronounced life extinct. The body was then brought to his home.
   The funeral will be held at McGrawville, Thursday at 2 P. M. He will be buried by the side of his mother at West Eaton.
   Charlie was a very bright and promising boy and will be much missed at his home and by his playmates.—Blodgetts Mills, June 21.

   Since it has pleased our Heavenly Father to call up higher our dear sister, Mrs. Charles V. Collins, in the beautiful strength and glory of her useful, joy-giving life, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Cortland wish to express in some measure, at least, their appreciation of her beautiful life and their sense of loss and grief at her sudden death.
   She came to us a few short months ago and the story of her earnest work for "God and Home and Native Land," in her own county preceded her;—her winning manner and beautiful presence made every one who met her a friend and her gentle loving spirit helped and blessed everyone who came within her sweet influence.
   The hope was high in all our hearts that the beautiful picture of the poet might be realized in her life for us all:—
   "With promise of a morn as fair;
   "And all the train of bounteous hours,
   "Conduct, by paths of growing flowers,
   "To reverence and silver hair."
   But she who was ever "true in word, tried in deeds," has passed from us like a beautiful vision and left a loneliness in our hearts and a sense of loss in our work as a Union that is hard to bear. She has become a happy memory, a sacred grief.
   "Far off thou art but ever nigh,
   "I have thee still, and I rejoice,
   "I prosper circled with thy voice,
   "I shall not lose thee 'tho I die."
   To the dear friends of her immediate family and to her dear sister who is one of the beloved officers of our Union, on whom this blow has fallen so heavily, we offer our tenderest sympathy and pray God to hold them in His loving keeping, and stay up their fainting hearts by that "perfect peace" which passeth all understanding.
   Mrs. James S. Squires,
   Mrs. E. Mudge,
   Miss Sarah Hare, Committee.

W. C. T. U. Notes.
   The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in their room over Collin's China store on Saturday, June 24th.
   Consecration service at 2:30 P. M. Subject, "What wilt Thou have me to do?"
   Regular meeting at 3 P. M., at which time reports of the late convention at Freetown will be given and a paper on "Juvenile Work" by Mrs. Edith Cotton will be read. Other business of interest and importance to the Union will come up. All members are especially urged to be present and all ladies whether members or not are cordially invited.

Well Deserved.
   A large number of wheelmen from this place attended the tournament held in Syracuse last Friday and Saturday. On the last day the Syracuse Herald printed excellent pictures of half a dozen of the leading wheelmen present. Of the number Dr. E. M Santee of this place was one and the Herald added the following well deserved compliment:
   ''Dr. E. M. Santee, chairman of the road book committee of the state, comes from Cortland. For several years he was the president of the Cortland Wheel club and was chief promoter of the race meets so successfully conducted at Cortland. Mr. Santee is a physician of no mean ability, and is now the surgeon to the Forty-fifth Separate company. He is a member of the Cortland Wheel club and takes just as much interest in it as he did when president. The doctor is devoting a great deal of his time at present to a new road book, and hopes to have it completed in six months. He is depending, however, a great deal on the promptness of replies from the local consuls and representatives. Doctor Santee has been a member of the national assembly for some years and is still active in its interests."

Last Friday Mayor Harrison kissed fifteen girls who came from California to Chicago to see the World's Fair. Yum, Yum.
The Court of Appeals has sustained the decision of the General Term, holding that ex-State Labor Commissioner Chas. F. Peck committed a felony in destroying the records of his office last fall. About the time the decision was handed down Mr. Peck sailed for Europe and is now out of harm's way. He may come back, however, and stand a trial which will be pretty sure to land him in Auburn. If he does not return his bondsmen will be required to settle.
The republicans of Ohio have re-nominated Wm. McKinley for Governor. They are already working the sympathy racket and are asking for votes on the ground that his recent failure, as a result of endorsing votes, entitles him to a re-election.
The World prints replies from a majority of Congressmen showing that the Sherman silver law will be repealed at the next session of Congress. It is pretty generally understood that the President will call as extra session to meet early in September.
There is a rumor afloat that many people believe well founded to the effect that E. M. Field, the son of Cyrus A. Field, who not only ruined his partners but wrecked his father's estate, and who has been in the Insane Asylum at Buffalo for several months, is a good way from being of unsound mind. It is said that he not only has the freedom of the asylum but that he visits Buffalo and New York whenever he wishes to do so.
United States Senator Leland Stanford died at his home in Palo Alto, California, at midnight last Tuesday. He had been feeling well the day before and retired at 10 o'clock. At 12 o'clock his valet entered his room and found him dead. He was estimated to be worth $30,000,000, a large part of which was made in railroad enterprises. He also owned the largest and most successful stock farm in the country and his sales of trotting bred horses and colts were famous. A two year-old colt named Arlon, was sold to J. M. Forbes of Boston for $125,000. The colt had a record of 2:10 ½ and was sired by Electioneer, the famous sire of trotters.
The heirs of the late D. Edgar Crouse of Syracuse commenced an action some time since against Mrs. Kosterlitz, the alleged widow, to compel her to make known her claims. Her lawyers interposed a demurrer to the complaint on the ground that it did not state facts sufficient to constitute a cause of action. On Saturday last Judge Vaun decided that the demurrer should be sustained and the heirs were allowed twenty days to serve an amended complaint and were required to pay the costs. Mrs. Kosterlitz claims to be the widow of Mr. Crouse and that her daughter, Edgarita, is the result of the union. His next of kin consisting of a lot of Crouses, insist that he never was married.
Lizzie Borden.
Miss Lizzie A. Borden, who has been on trial for the past two weeks, charged with the murder of her father and stepmother at Fall River, Mass., was acquitted of the terrible charge on Tuesday last. The crime, it will be remembered, was committed in the family home, in a populous part of the city, between 9 and 11 o'clock in the forenoon one day in August last. The only persons known to be about the premises at the time were the deceased, the daughters Emma and Lizzie and the servant girl, Kate Sullivan. Mr. Borden went down town between 9 and 10 o'clock and returned before 11. Lizzie claims she had been out to the barn, where she remained twenty minutes and that when she returned to the house she found her father dead in the kitchen. A few moments later, the stepmother was found dead in a room up stairs [sic.] The expert testimony disclosed the fact that the latter was killed at least an hour and a half before the father. The heads of both of the old people were literally chopped in pieces as if done with a hatchet or some sharp heavy instrument. No one was seen about the premises except the members of the family. It was shown that Lizzie had had some trouble with the stepmother. The prosecution claimed that there was a motive for the daughter to commit the crime. Borden was wealthy and if he died before the stepmother she would inherit a portion of the property. If she died first it would all go to the two daughters. The case made out by the commonwealth was not a strong one and most everybody who heard or read the testimony predicted an acquittal. The case is a mysterious one and it is very doubtful if the perpetrator will ever be convicted. Lizzie Borden is a remarkable woman in many respects. It is said that she has apparently exhibited but little feeling throughout her long confinement and trial and it has been urged that this fact shows that she was capable of committing such a crime. If she is guilty she certainly is a woman of great fortitude, endurance and intellect, but a jury of her peers has decided that she was not guilty and their decision seems to meet with the approbation, not alone of the people of Massachusetts but with that of all who have read of the case from the beginning. It is said, however, that a very large majority of the people of Fall River believe her guilty. She has returned to the old home to live.

The 76th N. Y. at Gettysburg.

   The certificates, entitling members of the 70th N. Y., who participated in the battle of Gettysburg, to free tickets there and back on the occasion of the dedication of the State monument, are now in the hands of W. J. Mantanye, the Secretary of the Association. The members are to go by the D. L. & W. route, by way of Scranton, Wilkesbarre and Northumberland, and will leave by the 10 A. M. train of Friday, June 3oth. Extra cars are to be on the train to be run through special and arrive at Gettysburg in the evening. A special train also leaves in the evening by the same route for those who prefer the night trip, and the 10 A. M. train each day, commencing the 26th inst, will carry the excursionists. The tickets are good to return upon until July 8 inclusive. Friends of the Regiment and citizens are invited and will be furnished round trip tickets at $10.05.
   The members of the Regiment meet on the field at the 76th N. Y. monument July 1st at 10 A. M.— the anniversary of the day and hour when it opened the battle 30 years before—and there muster and make out the list of those entitled to the medal of honor to be given by the State. About 90 survivors will attend.

To Gettysburgh.
   To Gettysburgh via E., C. & N. and Penn. R. R., only direct route. No change of cars. A special train composed of Penn. R. R. coaches and Pullman sleeping car to run through to Gettysburgh [sic] without change will leave the E., C. & N. station, Friday, June 20, at 8 P. M., arriving at Gettysburgh at 7 A. M. Saturday morning. 
   Tickets to all not entitled to the state provision $10.05 for the round trip and good from June 20 to July 8, inclusive. Enquire of E. D. Phillips, Agent.
   Capt. Geo. L. Warren has charge of the "Pullman," those desiring berths must apply to him.

"Chii could just jump on a little, unarmed band of American sailors, on shore to avoid scurvy, and 'astonish' them with her military prowess." Chili refers to the South America country Chile. The advertisement refers to a military incident there. Uncle Sam, AMERICAN CITIZEN and Dr. Fenner's Kidney and Backache Cure are ad-ons. If a reader has a question about this ad, please enter Dr. Fenner's fantastic TIME MACHINE, set the controls in reverse for Cortland (June 1893) and visit Fitz Boynton's Drug Store.
   The Normal graduating class has been photographed by Messrs. Hyatt & Tooke.
   The Seventh Day Adventists' camp meeting on the Barber tract closes next Sunday evening.
   The Cortland City band gave an open air concert on the Cortland House corner last evening.
   We understand the Hitchcock Mfg. company have an order from a Boston House for ten thousand cutters.
   During the four days' [trotting] races next week the fare on the street cars from Homer to the gates of the driving park will be only five cents.
   We call attention to the advertisement announcing a grand excursion to Buffalo and Niagara Falls, to be found in another column.
   On Tuesday afternoon the thermometer ranged from 92 to 96 degrees in the shade in this village. In the sun it went up to 112 degrees.
   A large force of men are at work upon the fair ground lowering the water pipe running from the horse fountain to the grand stand.
   Mr. J. B. Pardee has purchased Mr. Beebe's interest In the Model Market, Cortland House block and will hereafter conduct the business alone.
   The Cortland Fire department has decided not to accept any invitations to attend 4th of July celebrations that includes joining in the parade. A wise conclusion.
   The supervisor, assessors and clerk in towns in this state meet the first Monday in July to prepare lists of trial jurors for the succeeding three years.
   Mr. F. C. Wilcox of McGrawville announces through the papers that he is a candidate for the Republican nomination for School Commissioner in the First district.
   It is announced that Mr. C. L. Wright is making arrangements to open a corset factory in the building formerly occupied by the Cortland Spring and Gear Co., on Homer-ave.
   Everyone come to the Presbyterian church next Monday evening, June 20, and have some chotta phnal and barf mola which will be served by the Hindoos on that occasion [sic omni.]
   Mr. Geo. L. Warren has the transportation passes to Gettysburg, for the 157th Reg't. Those entitled to them will please call at the store of Warren, Tanner & Co. in this village and get them.
   The examination of Geo. Chaffee, held for manslaughter in the second degree for causing the wreck on the D. L. & W. on the night of June 5, whereby the engineer and fireman were killed, was adjourned from Tuesday last to July 10 at 10 A. M.
   The personal property of the Cortland Corset company was sold Monday morning last to Mr. W. H. Crane, cashier of the First National bank of Homer for $515. The sale was made by virtue of two judgments amounting to $8,131.68 obtained by the bank.
   By a new law not less than sixty minutes can be allowed for the noon-day meals in any manufacturing establishment in this state, except by special permission of the factory inspector. Where employes [sic] are permitted or required to work over time, for a longer period than one hour, they shall be allowed at least twenty minutes after six to obtain a lunch.
   Mr. A. M. Schermerhorn attended the state shoot held at Rochester last week and won sixth place in the average on the four days shoot. He was one of the team of four that won the championship of the state in the target shoot, scoring 95 out of a possible 100 points. His associates were Messrs. Wagner of Fulton, Carr of Auburn, and Whiting of Phelps.

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