Sunday, November 20, 2016


HMS Victoria.
HMS Victoria after collision.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 30, 1893.

The Sinking of the Victoria.
   The latest account by survivors of the scene when the British battleship, Victoria, sunk to the bottom of the sea, carrying all on board beneath the water, is horrible in every aspect. Here is a description of it:—
   "The untangling and the getting under full headway had taken some little time. About ten minutes after the blow the Victoria, having got something like two miles nearer shore from the scene of the collision, all at once leaned away over the starboard, and with a great roll and plunge buried her bow beneath the calm surface of the sea. It was almost instantaneous. There was only a chance for a few wild cries and the Victoria was almost half submerged, bow foremost, with her swiftly-revolving screws whirring clear of the water and high in the air. Those on deck were plunged immediately into the water. The men forward and below had no time to rush to the deck, but found themselves groping for doors of rooms filled with water and compressed air. There was a little more time for those in the officer's quarters. They heard the shouts and warning cries and rushed to the almost perpendicular deck.
   "The huge hull was drawing in the water as it went down and several hundred men hurled suddenly into the water, fully dressed, had to battle against the increasing suction. A moment more and a new peril more horrible descended upon them. The great engine deep in the heart of the hull and inclosed in water-tight compartments was still throbbing at full speed, and the great steel flanges of the twin screws were whirling round up in the air. As the vessel sank the screws came nearer and nearer to the water and descended into the midst of struggling human beings. The vessel sank slowly, and when the screws were low enough to begin to whirl in the water again the suction had increased until there was a deepening vortex like a maelstrom. At the bottom of this maelstrom the screws were revolving like circular knives. The poor creatures battled in vain against the suction. They were drawn down and thrown against the swift blades.
   "Then came a scene which made the officers on the decks of the other war ships of the fleet turn away, sick with horror. Screams and shrieks arose, and in the white foam appeared reddened arms and legs and wrenched and torn bodies. Headless trunks were tossed out of the vortex to linger a moment on the surface and sink out of sight.
   "All within reach of that vortex lost their presence of mind. Men who knew how to swim ceased swimming and fought with the waters. Men struck each other in frenzy and struck each other off. The deep cone of whirling water with the swift knives chopping human bodies at the bottom of it was a horror to daunt the bravest. One man who escaped said that he saw in this great vortex at least fifty of his fellows fighting with each other and with inevitable death. In a moment or so the knives disappeared and the vortex began to close up. The ship was beneath the surface just as the whirl was shallowed [sic] almost to the surface.
   "Then there was a muffled sound of thunder, the waters were tossed up and steam burst from them. Again the shrieks and screams burst from the swimmers. The boilers had exploded, the sea had rushed into the furnaces and the swimmers were beating waves of scalding water. Thus in less than ten minutes death in three awful forms attacked the officials and crew of the Victoria—death by drowning, death from the knife-like screws and death by scalding water.
   "With the first under plunge of the Victoria all the boats were called away from all the other ships and came straining over the calm sea to save the strugglers. These boats were soon picking up the fortunate ones who had got out of reach of the terrible vortex. So long as the vortex was there the boats dared not venture near, but they did lift from the waters several wretched sailors who were horribly burned. It is thought that more than half of those drowned got out of the ship, but were caught in the vortex or scalded to death by the boiling water.
   "Two hundred and ninety of the crew were saved. More than 700 were aboard."

Mr. E. O. Rickard's Experience with the Engine of a Fast Passenger Train.
   Last Monday morning, just as the south bound passenger train on the D., L. & W. was coming into the station, people on the platform of the depot saw Mr. E. O. Rickard coming up Railroad-st. from the east at a rapid pace. A box car hid the train from the north from his view and his attention was entirely taken up watching the 9:58 train coming from the south. Some of those who saw him as he was about to cross the track, shouted to him to stop, but he evidently did not hear them and came on. Just before he reached the platform, the cow-catcher struck him and tossed him high in the air. When he came down his head struck the edge of the platform putting a deep gash over his left eye. He fell in the narrow space between the rail and platform and the train passed on. He was lifted out by Mr. E. S. Burrowes in an insensible condition, but soon recovered and was taken to his home on Clinton-ave. in a carriage and Dr. C. E. Bennett called. An examination disclosed the fact that no bones were broken, but he was badly bruised about the legs and hips. Those who saw the accident thought he was surely killed as the train was running rapidly.
   Some months since [ago] the trustees of the village appointed a committee to take the proper measures to compel the railroad company to place gates at the crossings on Port Watson, Railroad, Elm-st., and Clinton-ave., but it cannot be learned that anything has yet been done in the premises. Those crossings are all very dangerous and every safeguard possible should be adopted to prevent accidents. The proceeding to compel the company to place gates at these crossings is by no means an intricate one, and the committee ought to take the proper steps at once before some more serious accident happens.

Run on a Bank.
   Thursday morning soon after the opening of the Cortland Savings bank, somewhat of a crowd of more or less excited people from McGrawville, crowded to the counter of the bank and called for their deposits. They were promptly accommodated with the money. The rumor that there was a run on the bank soon spread and anxious depositors in this place swelled the throng and some of them withdrew their deposits, while many others, as soon as they learned the facts, went home con tented without calling for their money.
   Several of our wealthiest citizens offered to and did guarantee the deposits of those who were uneasy. In the afternoon perfect confidence was restored and the excitement entirely subsided. The entire trouble, it is understood, was started by a foolish remark made by a citizen of McGrawville in a public place. We repeat the Cortland Savings bank is one of the soundest institutions of the kind in the state.

Reunion of the 185th Regiment.
   As previously announced in the DEMOCRAT, the annual reunion of the 185th Regiment took place at Floral Trout Park in this village, last Friday. The regiment was mustered into service September 23, 1864, ten companies with one hundred men and was raised principally in Onondaga and Cortland counties. Company E, Capt. Robert P. Bush, was raised in Homer. Company F, Capt. John W. Strowbridge, was raised in Cortland and company G, Capt. A. H. Barber, was raised in Marathon. The other seven companies were raised in Onondaga county. The company [sic] left Syracuse, the same day they were mustered in, for City Point, Va., and soon saw active service. They participated in the battles of Burgees Forks, Hicksford Raid, Hatchs' Run, Watkin's Farm, Quaker Road, Gravelly Run, Five Forks, Fall of Petersburg and Appomatox. Col. E. S. Jenney of Syracuse commanded the regiment with the following officers Lieut. Col. Gustavus Sniper;  Major, John Lee; Adjutant, Byron Mudge; Quartermaster, William Gilbert; Surgeon, Chas. W. Crary; Assistant Surgeons, Gilbert C. Newcomb and William M. Bradford; Chaplain, Chester W. Hawley. A large delegation from Onondaga county attended the reunion.
   The business meeting was held at 2 o'clock, President O. C. Smith of this place, in the chair. A committee was appointed on nominations for the ensuing year. While the committee was out, letters were read from prominent officers, and Judge Eggleston being called for delivered a neat speech. The committee reported the following list of officers, who were elected and installed:
   President—William Hamilton, Syracuse.
   1st Vice-President—Thomas O'Brien, Baldwinsville.
   2d Vice-President—Henry M. Phillips, Cortland.
   3d Vice-President—Fred Colwell, Syracuse.
   Secretary—B. H. Smith. Syracuse.
   Treasurer—Theodore M. Barber, Syracuse.
   Corresponding Secretary—Thomas [McMapners,] Syracuse.
   Executive Committee—Augustus Rice, George W. Wilson, Joseph Snyder, Baldwinsville, J. R. Birdlebough, William Winters, Cortland.
   Addresses were made by several of the officers of the regiment and the thanks of the association were tendered to the ladies of Cortland who served dinner and to the press of both counties for giving them free advertising. It was voted to have a new history of the regiment printed, and $10 was voted the Secretary to pay for postage and stationery used in gathering statistics. Mr. O. C. Smith will have the matter in charge.
   On motion the meeting adjourned to meet in Baldwinsville one year from date.

Shall We Have Sewers?
   The citizens of this village will be called upon next Thursday to vote upon this important question. The particulars regarding the same have been furnished by competent engineers and may be found compiled in the notice of election which has been published in the DEMOCRAT for the past three weeks. The figures for the work are much less than we had supposed the work could be done for, but we understand from authentic sources, that there never was a time when the job could be done for so little money as the present. Some few have objected to raising the money by a general tax, but we think the criticism is not well founded. Most of the streets are included in the present estimate and when the few that are not included are to have sewers, the money to pay for them will be raised by general tax. A tax upon the neighboring property is always a hard tax to levy without doing an injustice to many, and the collection of the tax almost invariably produces litigation that can be avoided by a general tax.
   The health of the people of our handsome village is the most important proposition to be considered in connection with sewerage. A town of nearly 10,000 inhabitants ought certainly to be provided with some means of ridding itself of the filth and garbage that must be collected in its streets, out-houses and cess pools. The fact that Cortland has been tolerably free from malarial and other diseases caused by filth in the past, is no guarantee that this state of things will continue. An ounce of prevention at this time may save a pound of cure in the near future.
   The bonds of the village can be sold at a very low rate of interest, with a long time to mature, so that a late generation may have the privilege of helping to pay for some of the privilege we shall enjoy, if the system is adopted. The yearly interest on the bonds will amount to very little, if any more, than the sum spent every year in drawing dirt on the streets of the village and drawing it out the next year.
   Putting in sewers is a permanent improvement that is of incalculable benefit to the town. Every real estate owner will find his property greatly advanced in value while he will not realize that his taxes have been increased, the per cent is so small.
We hope to see a full expression of the people's will upon this subject next week, and we believe that there are enterprising people enough in this village to carry this important measure by a handsome majority.

He Took Three-Fourths of an Ounce of Opium.
   Ed. Phillips, who resides on the King farm in Preble, (called the Fanning farm) has for some time back acted strange. He got the idea in his mind that his wife did not have the affection for him that he wished she had, and left home once saying he would not return, but he soon returned.
   Last Friday he told his wife if she would say she loved him he would go to work and everything would be all right, but if she did not say so, he had some opium and he would take it and kill himself and he wanted her to kiss him, but she refused, and after some time talking on the subject, and she refusing to say what he requested her to say, he took three-fourths of an ounce of opium.
   Dr. Hunt of Preble and Dr. Dwinelle of Tully were called and by administering belladonna and outside friction on the surface of the body, with an all night labor, his life was saved for the present. His wife at first was going to put a stop to the outside treatment, but the doctors told her they knew what was proper to do, and they were going to do as they judged was right and she might as well keep still for they had the responsibility and not her. Through their skill and hard labor be was brought through, although he was near death many times during the night.
   Saturday afternoon he ran away through the lots and claimed some one was after him (the hired man, Noah Aldrich) and brought up at Chester Aldrich's, and in the evening Noah and Dave Foltz came after him and brought him home. Sunday he escaped again, running by John Curries. Jude tried to stop him, but he ran like a wild man; Jude got on a horse, but lost sight of him and thought he must have ran into the woods. [sic.]

   T. V. Powderly is to deliver the address on the Inter-State Fair grounds [Elmira] on Labor Day.
   W. S. Freer gives an Independence party at his hall in Higginsville next Monday evening.
   The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick will picnic at Tully Lake Park, July 12. Round trip 80 cents.
   The "Loyal Circle" of Kings Daughter's will meet in their rooms, Saturday, July 1st, at 2:30 P. M.
   Workmen have commenced excavating for the new Baptist chapel on the corner of Tompkins and Duane-sts.
   Col. Daniel Boon and his trained lions will appear upon the open track, as one of the attractions at the Inter-State Fair.
   The working dairy of the Inter-State Fair will occupy a building 50x86 feet. It will be one of the most complete exhibits of the kind ever made.
   Any young couple, desirous of a balloon wedding trip, can reap considerable pecuniary advantage by addressing the Inter-State Fair Management at Elmira.
   A new fountain has been placed on the corner of Clinton-ave., and Main-st. The party that broke the old one pays $50 towards the purchase of the new one.
   An Independence party will be given at the Scott hotel in Scott, on Tuesday evening, July 4. Music by Clark's full orchestra. Bill $1.25. Bert Johnson, proprietor.
   The sum of $200 is still due on the purchase of the new instruments for the Cortland City band. It ought not to take long to raise this amount and those of our citizens who can should at once forward and donate as much as they can severally spare.
   During the storm on Thursday afternoon last lightning struck a new barn at 233 Tompkins st., belonging to Ezra Hough, tearing off the roof boards and throwing them some distance away. Some men were standing in the open door of a barn adjoining and one of them who stood under a heavy log chain was knocked down and did not recover for an hour.
   The Cortland County Grangers held their annual picnic at Floral Trout Park, last Thursday afternoon. There were at least 600 present. The McGrawville band furnished music. After dinner addresses were delivered by Mr. C. B. Bean of McGrawville and Rev. C. E. Hamilton of Cortland. Hon. W. C. Gilford of Jamestown, master of the state grange, delivered the principal address.
   The seventh annual temperance picnic will be held at Floral Trout Park, July 4. Annual address to be given by Mrs. Carrie Lane Chapman, who is justly styled the "Gattling Gun of the west." Her arguments are commingled with story, anecdote and humor. No one should fail to hear her. Appropriate and patriotic music will be furnished for the occasion. Every temperance person is invited and expected to be present.
Cholera Remedies.
   The best formula for cholera, and all looseness of the bowels, sanctioned by the New York Board of Health, and used in the New York Hospital for many years, is the following which is sometimes termed the "Sundfixture:"
1 oz. tinct. African cayenne.
1 oz. opium tinct.
1 oz. tinct. rhubarb.
1 oz. essence peppermint.
1 oz. spirits camphor.
   Dose for adults, every 20 minutes until relieved, 15 to 30 drops in water.
   The following has been adapted by the London Board of Health, and been used all over Europe as the best remedy for Asiatic cholera, cholera morbus, etc.:
3 drs. aromatic powder.
1 dr. tinct. opium.
10 drs. tinct. catecba.
6 drs. comp. tinct. cardomon.
   Chalk mixture sufficient to make up 20 ounces in all.
   Dose for an adult, 1 oz.; for a child 12 years, 1/2 oz.; for a 7 years old, 1/4 oz., after each liquid motion. One of these remedies
should be constantly kept in the house in glass-stoppered bottles.

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