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Samuel J. Sornberger, M. D. Photo from Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, July 21,
Much Misinformation.
The following appeared in the personal items
of the Standard last Thursday:
"Dr. S. J. Sornberger, who has been for the past year a student in a medical college in
Chicago, is home for his vacation, having completed his two years' work in one
Where the writer of the above item obtained
his information is a mystery. The very skillful use of the personal pronoun his,
plainly conveys the idea that the doctor has been taking a two years'
course only, and it is stated that he has completed this course in one year.
The doctor informs us that the above is untrue, and that to do two years of
medical work in an accredited medical college in one year is [an] impossibility.
Inasmuch as the above item [is] misleading and tends to throw discredit upon the
thoroughness of medical course in Chicago, it to proper to state the following
The course of study at Chicago is four years
instead of three as in most eastern colleges, especially New York colleges. Also
we are informed that there is not a medical college in the east whose
pathological and bacteriological laboratories can compare with Chicago in
equipment and thoroughness of work. Clinical advantages at Chicago are
unsurpassed. Cook County Hospital with its army of sick and maimed furnishes
unlimited material for daily surgical clinics, while in the college free
dispensary more than twenty thousand persons are treated yearly. College life
at Chicago means practice not mere theory. Dr. Sornberger will return to
Chicago in September.
Powers of Many of the Species Surpasses Belief.
The reproductive powers of many species of
bacteria is so marvelous as to be entirely beyond belief. Prof. Lau says
that he has experimented with several different forms of these minute organisms
that were capable of doubling their number every hour.
When in good condition an average specimen
of bacterium will produce 16,777,900 individuals of his kind in the short space
of twenty-four hours. In forty-eight hours the offspring from a "germ"
measuring not more than one-fifteen thousandth of an inch, will have increased
until the bulk cannot be put into a half-pint measure, the total number of
individuals then exceeding 281,500,000,000. If these deductions are correct (and
scientists of ability have proven that they are as near as such figures can possibly
be approximated from the very nature of the experiment), is it any wonder that
"germ" or bacterial diseases are so difficult to control?
Dr. Adametz, the Swiss savant, says that
there may be more living, breathing creatures in a piece of cheese weighing a
pound than there are inhabitants on the entire globe.
The very mention of Judge Maynard's name
causes a cold chill to start on a voyage of discovery up and down the spinal
column of the editor of every Republican paper in the land. Undoubtedly it
calls to mind the rape of the Louisiana Returning Board of 1876-7 and causes
unpleasant dreams wherein John Sherman, "Bub" Foraker and other
illustrious Republicans appear as ghosts. The only difference between the drama
enacted in 1876 and the one attempted in 1891, was that the Republicans succeeded
in stealing the Presidency in 1876, but thanks to Judge Maynard and other
prominent Democrats, they were prevented from stealing the State Senate in 1891.
The man who prevents the rascal from committing larceny is the object of the
especial hatred of the thief, while the man who arrests him after the crime has
been perpetrated, is soon forgiven.
The managers of the World's Fair have
decided not to open the gates on Sunday hereafter. This conclusion was arrived at,
not because of the threat made by certain over-religious people to boycott the fair,
but because the attendance for the last few Sundays would not warrant them in
doing so.
our Regular Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 18, 1893.— War talk is
again heard in Washington and as usual, the naval officers are hoping that there
may be something in it. It is not complimentary to the British government, which
is pledged by formal treaty to abide by the decision of the arbitrators in the
Behring Sea dispute, that so many people should be willing to believe that the massing
of warships and troops in the
Pacific indicates
a disposition to dispute by force the decision of the arbitrators, should it be
against England, as it is generally believed it will be, but the British government
has upon more than one occasion in the past displayed some very queer ideas of
the meaning of international honor. It has been suggested here that the talk
about the English not accepting the decision to all originated by the English,
for the purpose of influencing the arbitrators in their decision. If so, it is a
very foolish proceeding, certainly as far the American arbitrators are
concerned. One of
them—Senator Morgan, of Alabama—has more than once expressed the belief that
another war between the United States and England was inevitable, and that the
sooner it came the better for this country.
Notwithstanding all the sentimental talk
about the increasing brotherly relations between the great English speaking nations,
no well-informed man will deny that there is greater rivalry between the United
States and Great Britain to-day than ever before, and it is the rivalry of commercial
traffic, which has drawn England into more wars than any other one thing. The
commercial supremacy of the world lies between the two nations, and that either
of them will surrender the field peacefully to the other is not probable. No
man can mingle with the prominent and representative men from all sections of
the country who come to Washington without becoming convinced that a war with
England would be very popular, particularly if England should be the aggressor.
Nothing would please the American people more than for England to refuse to
abide by the decision of the Behring Sea arbitration. Such a course would
justify war and the Americans would so accept it.
Secretary Herbert left Washington today on
the Dolphin, to make a visit of inspection to all of the Atlantic coast navy
yards. He expects to be gone about two weeks.
Business Directory.
(From the Cortland
Standard, July 15.)
The new business directory of Cortland, Homer,
McGrawville, Marathon and Truxton, compiled and published by John F. O'Brien of
Binghamton, has just been completed and is now being delivered. It is the
intention of the publisher to present with his compliments a copy of this to
every household in the places above mentioned. It is a very neat book of
seventy-two pages, is well printed upon good paper and comes from the presses
of the Cortland DEMOCRAT. It was the intention of the publisher to give a
complete directory of all the organizations in the town, of all business firms
and manufacturers, of time tables on railroads, of distances to surrounding
places, with the railroad fare, in fact everything a person wants to know about
the places. Nearly all of the business firms, companies and corporations within
the scope of the directory have advertised, and one has only to look the book
over to get a very good idea of the towns mentioned.
Business Directory.
(From the Homer Republican.)
Mr. J. F. O'Brien was in town yesterday delivering
his business directory of Cortland, Homer, McGrawville, Marathon and Truxton.
The directories are placed in every house in the county free of charge, Mr.
O'Brien getting his money from the advertisers in the book. Fifty extra copies have
been left with Waters & Merrill so that if any are overlooked in the
distribution they can call there and be supplied.
O'Brien bas lived up to his word strictly in his work and the book which was
printed in the job rooms of the Cortland DEMOCRAT is a model of the printers
art and a credit to the office. No doubt the advertisers are well pleased with
the work and will be repaid for the money invested in advertising in it.
Collins Fights Officer Goldsmith When Arrested for Public
Officer Strongly Criticized by a Large Crowd of His
Last Thursday evening at about 7:30 officer
Goldsmith arrested one Malachi Collins, a mason by trade, on Church-st., for
public intoxication. The officer says that Collins walked past him two or three
times and leered at him as if inviting him to make the arrest. When Collins
passed the third time the officer asked him what he meant by staggering about
the streets and passing him so often. Collins replied that it was none of the
officer's business and that he had molested no one. Goldsmith told him he was an
officer and laying his hands on him told him that he arrested him for public intoxication.
The prisoner replied, "You can't do it,
you ain't man enough" and then he sailed into Goldsmith and began to fight
him. He fought all the way to the lockup.
At the corner of Main and Clinton-st., a
large crowd had assembled who were plainly in sympathy with the prisoner and he
fought as well as he could. Goldsmith called upon undertaker C. F. Blackman to
assist him but that gentleman declined on the ground that he was a stranger
here. The officer then called upon Dr. C. E. Ingalls who took a hand in and the
prisoner was thrown down in front of Miss Mary Keator's residence, where the
officer put one handcuff on him. He was put on his feet again and when in front
of the Garrison block he kicked the officer in the hip. Goldsmith says that
hurt and he threw him down and slapped him three or four times with the flat of
his hand and so hard that it made the prisoner cry. Chief Sager and officer
Jackson then arrived and he was taken to the lockup under Firemen's hall without
much further trouble. About 400 men and boys had gathered in front of Firemen's
hall and made all sorts of threats but injured no one. This is the substance of
Goldsmith's story.
Collins says he purchased a cigar in Bates'
hotel and then walked up Church-st. Goldsmith
followed. When he put his hand on me I told him to take it away. Did not think
he meant to arrest me. Did not strike him that I remember. Had been drinking
some, but don't think I was very drunk. Think Goldsmith had been drinking, as
he seldom goes without. Had a little rumpus on Clinton-ave. Might have struck
him by accident while trying to escape. When I was down on Main-st., after I had
the shackles on me, Goldsmith struck me four times with his club. Did not tell
him it was none of his business nor was I aching for a fight. When he said I was
arrested, I told him to let me alone and I would walk with him. He said "No,
you have got to come." I would not be dragged like a pig, but would have
walked along all right if he had let me alone. Don't think I kicked him in the
hip but might have done so in the scuffle unintentionally. This is
substantially Collins' version of the transaction.
A large crowd of men and boys assembled in
front of Firemen's hall, and occasionally a revolver was discharged and fire
crackers were exploding in every direction. The officers were hissed and hooted
at and some members of the crowd were calling for a rope with which to hang the
officer. Dr. Nash was called in as soon as Collin's was locked up to examine
him. He found a slight gash over the left eyebrow and a slight cut in the scalp
where his hair was parted. There was a swelling on the cheek near the left ear
and three more on the forehead.
When this was announced to the crowd they
refused to believe it and the story was freely circulated that his skull had
been fractured by a blow from the officers club. At about 9 o'clock some of his
friends bailed him out and he was released until 9 o'clock in the morning.
When he appeared before the Justice in the
morning, there was little evidence of his having received the severe clubbing
that he was reported to have met with the night before.
Dr. Nash saw most of the fight when it started
on Church-st., and his version of the affair is about as follows: Was going
down Church-st., and saw the men in a struggle in front of Col. Green's
residence. As they came up the street noticed that Goldsmith
was trying to pull the other man along. He held back. They were off the walk
when we passed them. After they turned the corner on Clinton-ave., saw Collins
haul off and strike the officer. They both struck back and forth and finally
the officer bent Collins over the fence, after which they went along apparently
all right to Main-st. Another reputable citizen, who saw the first part of the
transaction, agrees in almost every particular with Dr. Nash.
Other Officers say that Collins usually
shows fight when arrested. To sum the whole matter up the following would seem
to cover the ground:
Collins was arrested for public intoxication
and fought the officer, who used sufficient force to place him in the lockup. The
result of the physician's examination immediately thereafter failed to
corroborate the story that the officer had brutally clubbed the prisoner, and
his appearance next morning proves that the physician was correct in his
diagnosis. That there was no necessity for the improvised indignation meeting
held in the streets of Cortland on that occasion and that the excitement was
caused mainly by exaggerated reports of the affair.
When an officer makes an arrest he should
use sufficient force to take his man in and no more. If the man arrested fights
the officer and does him bodily injury, the officer will require better
judgment and a cooler head than one man in a thousand possesses, if he don't
use his club pretty freely and use more force than perhaps is actually
necessary. Ninety-nine Christians out of a possible hundred will ignore the scriptural
injunction under such circumstances and return kick for kick and blow for blow.
There seems to be a disposition on the part of many to criticize officer Goldsmith.
An officer who does his duty is not always popular and this may be the cause of
Goldsmith's unpopularity with some. Another charge is frequently made, and that
is, that he is often under the influence of liquor himself while on duty.
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