Thursday, November 10, 2016


Cortland Corset Co. occupied this building on Miller Street, Cortland, N. Y.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 26, 1893.

The Corset Factory Closed.
   At 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon Sheriff Miller took possession of the Cortland Corset Company's establishment on the following executions: $1,054.14 and $2,077.54 in favor of the First National Bank of Homer; two in favor of the First National Bank of Cortland amounting to $982.91 and one in favor of Holden & Seager of this place for $121.86. The doors were closed and all work stopped. 
   It is understood that these judgments are all against the old company and we hear it rumored that some complications may arise out of the present proceedings in consequence. Two or three months since [ago] a new company was organized under the corporation laws of the State of New Jersey, two or three new members being taken into the organization. 
   The Standard of Wednesday says:
   "Last week B. T. Wright, Esq., acting as attorney for Messrs. S. E. Welch and Byron H. Bierce, went to New York and called at the office of the Cortland Corset Co. at 99 Springs-st., and requested the privilege of examining the books of the company. Inasmuch as Mr. Welch is president of the company and Mr. Welch and Mr. Bierce together hold the balance of stock of the company Mr. Wright might assume that his request would be granted, but it was refused. Mr. Wright found in the office Mr. P. V. Vermilia, who claimed to be a director and attorney of the company, Mr. Wm. S. Fiske, who claimed to be a director of the company, and Mr. H. E. Rheubottom, who claimed to be vice-president and manager of the company. All three of these gentlemen refused his request. But he did, however, copy certain records which he wanted. The gentlemen made a proposition to Mr. Wright for the adjustment of the difficulties of the company, but he did not entertain it."
   There are other creditors of the Corset company, who have not yet taken active proceedings to secure their claims, that propose to make a move as soon as they become satisfied as to the proper method of proceeding. We understand that Messrs. Welch and Bierce, the heaviest stockholders in the concern, will soon have some well defined plan to offer in settlement of the affairs of the company.



Burglars Make a Midnight Call on Rev. John J. McLoughlin—Frightened Away.

   Last Friday night burglars effected [sic] an entrance to the residence of Rev. John J. McLoughlin, pastor of St. Mary's Church, on No. Main-st., but were frightened away before they had secured much plunder. Rev. Father McLoughlin was suffering from a hard cold and retired soon after 10 o'clock. His sleeping room is in the rear of the library on second floor, south side, and the bath room adjoins the sleeping room, with a door opening into the latter, also into the hall. Directly opposite the bath room is the room occupied by Father John's niece, Miss Mary Gilhooley. The doors on the second floor are always left open.
   At about 12:30 Father John was awakened by a light shinning from the hall into the bathroom. It disappeared a moment later, and he supposed his niece was up. The gas in the bath room had been turned down and gave a feint light. Presently the figure of some person came from the bath room into his room and passed over to the opposite side and in a moment started back for the bath room. As it passed by his bed he said "Is that you Mary?" The answer came "Yes" but it was not his niece's voice and he jumped from the bed and taking a loaded revolver from his stand drawer went into the hall. He called to his niece who came into his room and opening an outside window he fired his revolver several times and shouted "police.'' Officer Goldsmith was at the corner of Lincoln-ave., and hearing the call went to the house. Father John dressed himself and the two made an examination of the premises.
   An attempt had evidently been made to enter through a rear door but after considerable whittling of the wood work had been abandoned. A window sash had been taken out of the south side of a piazza. Two doors enter the house from this piazza and both had been tried and abandoned. A cellar window was next tried and forced open with a jimmy. An outside hatchway, always fastened from the inside of the cellar, was open as were the two doors opening out from the first floor on the piazza. Miss Gilhooley thinks she heard some one moving about in the library at the time the fellow was in Father John's room, and it is believed that there were at least two of the rascals in the house at the same time.
   Father John's pantaloons were found on the ground back of the house. There was about $2.50 in small change in the pockets when he went to bed. This was gone and this was all that has been missed. Tracks were found in the garden in the morning where some one had passed and climbed the fence in the rear. Father John always keeps his cash and valuables in the bank and pays all bills with checks.

Mahan's Music Festival.

   Music Festivals have been common in Europe for many years, particularly in Germany and England, and are regarded as evidences of the highest type of refinement and culture, wherever fostered and carried to a high state of excellence. Some of the larger cities in this country, Boston, New York, Cincinnati, Worcester, etc., have maintained series of great Music Festivals, and they are immensely popular. 
   For a town of its size, Cortland stands alone in all this country, as the only one which has for the period of 18 years enjoyed each year a Music Festival of high grade. These great gatherings of musical people have each year grown more attractive and important, and have become almost indispensable to the musical public, for the instruction and entertainment afforded by them.
   The 19th Festival, which occurs June 5th to 9th, is in point of numbers, as well as eminence of the participants and in all its details, the most important of the entire series of these great events yet projected by Mr. Mahan. Such artists as Madam de Vere-Sapio, Miss Maude Powell, the greatest Woman Violinist in the world, Mr. Wm. H. Rieger, one of the greatest tenors, the [Misses] Keyes, and all the other excellent artists included this year, would be a credit to a Music Festival in any of the larger cities mentioned; in fact, there are no better artists obtainable.


The Sequel to the Simpson-Willis Elopement—Simpson in Jail.
   The following is from last Sunday's Elmira Telegram:
   "Charles Simpson, who hails from Cortland, was arrested by officer Wood last week, charged with intoxication and assault in the second degree. Simpson was flourishing a knife at the passersby at the corner of John and Sullivan-sts., and made a lunge at Charles Daly of 760 East Water-st. He cut Daly's coat the entire length of the back, but fortunately the blade did not touch the skin. Simpson is still in jail, awaiting examination."
   This is the same Simpson who ran away from this village with Orlando Willis' wife a few weeks since, a full account of which appeared in the DEMOCRAT at the time. Willis saw the notice printed above and went to Elmira on Monday. A dispatch dated at Elmira on Tuesday furnishes the sequel.
   "Orlando Willis, of Cortland, yesterday arrived in the city in search of his wife who, he claims, eloped with Charles Simpson. The latter is in jail, having been arrested for assault, awaiting trial. Willis says he saw the account of Simpson's arrest in a paper, and at once came here.
   "Willis claims that Simpson boarded with him and his wife in Cortland. He says Simpson eloped with his wife about two months ago, and he had not since heard from them. Willis is a young man and is employed in a factory at Cortland. He had his marriage certificate with him to prove that the woman now living with Simpson is his (Willis's) lawful wife. He was married to her in 1890.
   "Since Simpson's arrest, the runaway wife of Willis has called upon him at the jail several times, and has also been at Police headquarters on business connected with the affair. She is a rather good looking young woman and appears to be much attached to Simpson.
   "She said that she was married to him. Simpson has been held for the Grand jury."
   Willis and his wife finally left together.

   The County Clerk's office is being painted and repaired.
   The Barnum & Bailey show will exhibit in Cortland, this season.
   Col. D. T. Ensign of this place has taken out letters patent on a vehicle spring.
   A cement walk is to be laid on the grounds of the new Central school building.
   The Cortland City band will soon commence giving open air concerts. They are practicing on some very fine new music.
   Messrs. G. J. Mager & Co. have a new advertisement in this issue of the DEMOCRAT that will prove interesting to our readers.
   Go to the strawberry festival at the Universalist church this evening. Admission free, strawberries and cream 10 cents, ice cream and cake ditto.
   The essays at the Music Teachers' convention at Rochester will be largely illustrated by appropriate music and the Wagner lecture by the stereoptican.
   Hon. L. J. Fitzgerald has sold his trotting mare Wilkie Wonder, sired by George Wilkes, to Mr. George Stengel, of Newark, N. J. Consideration $1,500.
   Geo. Goddard gives an opening party at his hotel, the Empire House in Tully, on the evening of May 30, 1893. He extends a cordial invitation to all his friends.
   Gorman's minstrels will appear in the Opera House next Monday evening. They have always been prime favorites here, and we understand the company has been greatly improved.
   An exchange remarks that the home-grown, hand-spanked, ragged, barefooted country boy makes a better fight in the battle of life than does the pampered, well-clothed, dainty-fed city boy, the seat of whose pants is dusted with a golden slipper.
   Mr. Arthur Stevens, for a long lime in the employ of Jacob Grassman, has purchased the barber shop in the Grand Central block of Mr. W. H. Clavell. Mr. Stevens will spare no pains to please his customers and hopes to see his many friends at his new location. Mr. Clavell will remain with him for some weeks.
   Within the next thirty days Chief N. J. Peck will ring a false alarm at 7 o'clock in the evening for testing the speed of the several fire companies. He offers a prize of $5 to the company that gets water first. They will be required to lay 150 feet of hose and throw water. The Hook & Ladder Co. must erect ladders in the street and send a man over the top, while the Protectives stick stakes and string rope along both sides of the hose.
   Mr. G. I. Pruden has sold his photograph business to Mr. Geo. I. Butler of
Syracuse and the new proprietor has taken possession. Mr. Pruden is an excellent artist and had built up a lucrative business but was compelled to make a change owing to ill health. He has not yet decided what he will do in the future. Mr. Butler has had several years experience in the best galleries in Syracuse and enjoys an excellent reputation for fine work.
   Last Saturday as C. E. Dillenbeck was driving northward on the highway between this place and Killawog, on the west side of the river with some cattle in front, he stopped and got out of his wagon at a point in the road south of the railroad crossing, below Melvin Diver's to get one of the cattle headed right. While he was doing this his team became frightened, and ran down the hill north of the crossing, and instead of keeping in the road, jumped into the river. It took a number of men and some hard work to get the team out again, and the wagon was quite badly demoralized—Marathon Independent.
   There will be a social party at the North Cortland House next Monday evening. Daniel's orchestra will furnish music. Full bill 75 cts.
   The Raymond House in Little York will be open for the summer season next Sunday. This is a popular resort and all who have been entertained there once are pretty sure to go again. The table is always first-class.
   Mr. C. A. Russell of Michigan is in town looking for a location to establish a wagon factory for the manufacture of a steel body vehicle. A sample of the wagon can be seen at the Cortland Steam Mills on Port Watson-st.
   Last Monday afternoon, while Mrs. Patrick Lane, residing about three miles north of Homer, was driving home from the village she met with quite an accident. Her thirteen year-old daughter was with her and was leading a horse behind. They met two young men riding bicycles and Mrs. Lane called to them to stop but for some reason they failed to do so. The horse that was being led was frightened and jumped on the carriage, throwing the occupants to the ground. One of Mrs. Lane's arms was broken but the daughter was uninjured. Dr. Whitney reduced the fracture.
A Lively Runaway.
   Yesterday afternoon Mr. Frank Hackett of Virgil put his horse in the Central
House stables. At about 5 o'clock he had the horse hitched up and as he was about to get in the horse started and he pulled up on him. The holdback straps had not been hitched and the wagon struck the animals heels. He ran out of the yard dragging Mr. Hackett for some distance, and crossing Court-st., ran down Earnest M. Hulbert's driveway to the barn, passed over into L. D. Garrison's yard and ran out on Court-st., down Main to the road on the north side of the E. C. & N. tracks which he followed to Pendleton-st., and the last seen of him he was going over the hill past the Lyman farm in the direction of Virgil.


A Great Barber-Cue in Scott or Quick Returns and Small Profits.
   On the 11th of May Judge G. F. Barber issued a summons in favor of Mr. Burt Johnson of the Central hotel, against Isaac Darling to answer in a civil action returnable the 19th inst. The summons was duly served by deputy sheriff I. J. Barber, a brother of the above named judge. At the appointed time the case was called. C. F Cobb appearing as counsel for defendant, the plaintiff appearing in his own behalf, assisted by Volney Barber, Esq. an own cousin of the judge and sheriff.
   The court was called in the kitchen of Susan Barber, the mother of the judge and sheriff. Landlord Johnson the plaintiff was asked to make his complaint. He stated that defendant was indebted to him in the sum $7.20. He was asked by opposing counsel to state in what the debt consisted and he answered for goods sold the defendant. Counsel then asked him to state in complaint what kind of goods. He replied "Its none of your business." The judge was then asked to set an answer to the question or a bill of particulars, but he made no effort. Then the defendant made answer by a general denial which the judge refused to recognize.
   The defendant asked for an adjournment but this was refused and the judge and his co-workers proceeded to try the case without even giving an adjournment or the privilege of calling a jury. The Counsel thereby refused to have anything to do in the matter only to protest against the whole proceedings as illegal and arbitrary.
   Plaintiff did not prove his case in any definite way only it was evident that a portion at least was for wet goods, whether damaged or not was not stated; but we venture the opinion that if they [illegal fish nets?—CC editor] were not damaged that they damaged the one who bought or used them. The judge took three days to decide what he might just as well have decided three days previous.

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