Saturday, November 26, 2016


76th Regiment Monument at Gettysburg.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 28, 1889.

Post Grover's Annual Picnic and Camp Fire.

   On Saturday afternoon and evening, 22nd inst., Post Grover No. 98 G. A. R., with Comrades from different Posts throughout the county and Grover Relief Corps [wives and daughters—CC editor], held their annual picnic and Camp Fire at the Floral Trout Park, this place. The day was cold and forbidding, and clouds threatened rain. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather quite a number of the Comrades and Relief Corps were present, and all endeavored to get out of the occasion all the enjoyment they could. Many familiar faces, however, were missed. 
   At about 3 o'clock the assembly was called to order by Commander S. L. Palmer and the Camp Fire opened by prayer by Rev. Dr. Edward Taylor, after which Commander Palmer called for volunteer speeches. Comrade H. T. Wright responded, announcing he had a commission, which would require him to speak of some of the saddest and darkest incidents of the late rebellion, the life, sufferings and death of thousands of our comrades in rebel prisons. The speaker then described Andersonville prison, its location and structure and the treatment of the brave men confined there, and their staunch loyalty to the old flag, and placed the responsibility for their sufferings and death where he thought it belonged, upon the rebel government, as represented by Jeff Davis, who responded to the protests of humane Southerners against the brutality practiced at Andersonville, by promoting Gen. Winder from that place to the superintendency of all rebel prisons; and expressed himself as being gratified that Davis was not hung, as he richly deserved; but, was allowed to live as an evidence of the mercy of the best government under the sun to the arch traitor, who merited and was justly receiving the contempt and execration of all right-minded, patriotic citizens of this country, without reference to loyalty.
   The speaker then referred in terms of highest respect and admiration of Hon. L. Coe Young, Past Department Commander of the G. A. R., New York, upon whose staff he had served as Inspector, and said he was commissioned by our loved Past Commander to present to Grover Post a Gavel made from the stockade of Andersonville prison, which he trusted the boys would receive not only as a token of the love of the donor, Comrade Young, but as a constant reminder of the sufferings, privations, death, loyalty and fidelity of our imprisoned Comrades.
   He then read the following address of Past Commander Young to the members of Grover Post.
   COMRADES:—I am too much hurried to attempt to write any speech in presenting this Gavel to dear old Grover Post 98. I will simply say I recall the close friendship that always existed between its members and myself. No Post of the G. A. R. was more beloved by me than theirs. Its members were among my dearest Comrades. I loved them and in return they stood by me and on many occasions that I remember they heaped honors on me that I feel were undeserved. In all my struggles in Department Encampments they were my true and tried friends, never wavering in their loyalty or devotion to me or the cause I represented; whether in victory or defeat they were the same kind, fraternal comrades ready at all times to lend a helping hand to those in distress.
   I have been with you on the topmost wave of victory, I have gone down with you deep into the valley of humiliation, of defeat, have gathered with you around the cheerful camp fires where song and stories revived the memories of many long and weary marches, hard fought battles, weary weeks and months of pain in the ever to be dreaded hospital and of the months of terrible anguish and sufferings in the horrible prison pens of the South; I have stood with you Memorial day as with loving hands and tender hearts you have gone forth in the sweet spring time to garland the graves of our dead Comrades with beautiful flowers.
   My tears have mingled with yours as we recalled their deeds of gallantry and heroism and thought tenderly of that noble band now awaiting our approach on the other side of the dark river. Comrades, years of absence will never dull my appreciation for, nor cloud my recollection of your friendship and fidelity toward me in the years that are gone; and although I may never be permitted to meet you again in encampment, around the camp fire, or on reunion day, or enjoy with you again our beautiful ceremonial services on Memorial day, yet I shall recall my association with you, my brave Comrades of Grover Post 98, as among the most cherished and precious of my life, and now allow me to present to you as a small token of my personal regard this Gavel. It is a relic of that terrible place "Andersonville Prison Pen."
   On last Memorial day I dug it, (with my own hands,) out of the ground from the north west side of the north slope of the prison. [It] is a piece of one of the stockade posts.
   Silent and dumb it had stood there as a witness to the awful sufferings and cruel indignities that were heaped on our poor brave comrades who rather than suffer dishonor, or see our country's cause fall, slowly and uncomplainingly yielded up their lives rather than take the oath of allegiance to the Southern confederacy which was offered them.
   Could this wood speak it would tell of the awful crimes there committed against humanity in the name of the lost cause; of brutal treatment, slow tedious starvation, and cruel death inflicted and caused by those in charge.
   Comrades, as you look upon this relic once the witness of such scenes of heart rending cruelty as never before, and I trust will never again disgrace our civilization; as you think of what our poor comrades suffered there to maintain their honor and uphold their manhood that they might stand true and firm for the sacred cause of the Union, I ask that one and all shall, with uplifted hand and faces turned toward Heaven, swear by the ever living God, that the cause for which they suffered and died, shall ever remain in our hearts most sacred and be defended by our lives if need be.
   That their memories shall never be allowed to be dimmed by time, that the sacrifice they made, suffering they endured, heroism they displayed, shall become a part of our national heritage and that in the years to come shall serve as an incentive to the youth of our land to preserve and maintain at whatever cost, the priceless legacy left them by their fathers who suffered and died at Andersonville.
   I am as ever, your Comrade,
   Past Dept. Com.

   Commander Palmer, in a few well chosen words received the gift, commended Comrade Young for his thoughtfulness and regard expressed by the present as well as by his touching and eloquent address; and promised in behalf of Grover Post to ever guard the treasure which had thus come into their possession, and to hold in loving remembrance the kind-hearted, loyal and generous giver.
   Comrade Sager being called on by the Commander replied in the same tone of appreciation of gift and giver, and on his motion it was resolved to place on the gavel a ferule properly inscribed.
   Dr. Taylor, being present, was also invited to speak. We cannot reproduce the Dr.'s speech, but it was tender and true, brimful of loyalty and devotion to the old flag and touched the boys in the right spot, as was evident from their frequent and hearty responses. He said he personally knew Mr. Young and spoke eulogistically of him. After Dr. Taylor came Dr. H. C. Hendrick of McGrawville who, after vividly portraying the effect of Andersonville diet and treatment on the rebels themselves, asked those present who were prisoners of war to rise.
   Col. Place and a comrade whose name we did not get, were present, the latter spent eleven months and 20 days at Andersonville, and corroborated all Comrade Wright said about their treatment there.
   Comrades Wright and Wheeler were then made a committee to draft resolutions thanking Comrade Young, &c.
   After singing "America" the camp fire broke up and the Post and Relief Corps were photographed by Comrade Burnham.

Annual Reunion of the 185th Regiment at the Armory in Syracuse.
(From the Syracuse Standard June 26.)
   One hundred and fifty "old vets," members of the 185th New York Volunteers, held their 28th annual reunion at the Armory yesterday afternoon. The Syracuse members, headed by Penn & Lee's band, marched to the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western depot and met Capt. John W. Strowbridge and a delegation of 35 from Cortland and Homer. After a short parade through the business center the old "vets" retired to the Armory, where the daughters and wives of members of the regiment had prepared a grand dinner. The chaplain, Chester W. Hawley, of Clinton, was master of ceremonies. The exercises of the day were opened at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, by prayer, offered by the chaplain.
   Capt. Jared T. Abbot talked entertainingly and related incidents in army life which recalled other incidents to his hearers. L. S. Merrick discussed the "Preservation of the Old Flag" and told the action that the Board of Supervisors had taken in regard to this matter. The Board had adopted a resolution requiring the construction of a cabinet in the County Clerk's office for their keeping. The cabinet will be finished in July. The veterans adopted a resolution placing the custody of their flags in the hands of Gen. Sniper, who has them now, until such time as he shall care to turn them over to the County Clerk.
   Lieut. Pembroke Pierce of Homer invited the veterans to hold their next meeting at Homer, and his invitation was accepted. The date of the next reunion was left to the executive committee.
   Rev. Jeremiah Zimmerman, who happened to be present, was called upon and responded with an eloquent speech in which he extolled the soldiers and their services to the country. A hearty vote of thanks was given the ladies who prepared the delightful dinner. Secretary Clarke presented copies of the published roster of the members of the One Hundred and Eighty fifth present and asked them to contribute to him anything they had of interest concerning the regiment which has not yet been published. He also read letters of regret at their inability to be present at the reunion, from Brig. Gen. J. L. Chamberlain, of New York; Gen. H. G. Sickel, of Philadelphia; Gen. A. L. Pearson, of Pittsburg; and the widow of Gen. G, K. Warren, corps commander.
   These officers were elected: President, Lieut. Joseph B. Birdlebough, of Cortland; first vice -president, Capt. Jared T. Abbot, of Iowa ; second vice-president, Capt. John Listman, of Syracuse; secretary, Major H. W. Clarke, of Syracuse; treasurer, Otis C. Smith, of Cortland; executive committee, Horton L. Bates, Capt. J. W. Strowbridge and Henry M. Phillips of Cortland, Luther S. Merrick and William B. Drake of Syracuse. These were elected honorary members: J. C. Atwater, C. O. Newton, Henry Harrington, O. A. Babcock, W. S. Stephenson, Ira Hotchkiss, Charles Stephens, Albertus Webb, all of Homer, and D. F. Dunsmoor, of Cortland, and Rev. Jeremiah Zimmerman of Syracuse.
   The secretary, Maj. H. W. Clarke, brought up the subject of marking the battlefield of Quaker Road with a monument similar to those placed by other Onondaga regiments upon the battlefield of Gettysburg. In the battle of Quaker Road the regiment lost in killed 35 and 21 were mortally wounded. Maj. H. W. Clarke, Gen. Gustavus Sniper and Maj. R. P. Bush were appointed a committee to present the subject to the Legislature and ask for a sufficient appropriation for a substantial monument to be placed upon the scene of this battle.

Order of King's Daughters.
   The Order has begun its summer work in the Flower and Fruit Department by sending boxes of fresh flowers to New York for distribution in the hospitals. Daisies are especially acceptable on account of their keeping fresh so long. Those interested may pack boxes themselves, putting a layer of wet cotton at the bottom and top, and direct "New York Flower and Fruit Mission," 104 East 30th St., New York City. (From King's Daughters, Cortland.) Send to Mr. Bushby's Express office before 5:30 P. M. each Wednesday, and the boxes will be forwarded free of charge.
   The following ladies will also receive and forward any flowers sent to them: Mrs. A. E. Buck, 27 Union St., Mrs. Webster Young, 13 Greenbush St., Miss Maggie Fowler, 6 Graham Ave., Mrs. Kate Greenman, 52 Port Watson St.. Jellies and fruits either fresh or dried are solicited for the sick and convalescing poor in tenement houses.
   Our citizens have reason to be congratulated upon the prompt and generous response made to the call for clothing and other necessaries for the flood sufferers. The quantity of supplies donated exceeded the most sanguine expectations. It was impossible to obtain a complete list of donors and articles contributed, but as correct a list as could he obtained is kept in the permanent records of the Order. 
Barrels were packed at the houses of the ladies as follows: Mrs. Susie Holden's, one barrel; Mrs. R. T. Peck's, two barrels; Mrs. Bliss's, one barrel and one box; Mrs. James Kellogg's, eight barrels and two boxes; Miss Adams's, four boxes; Mrs. Thompson's, one barrel and one box; Mrs. W. W. Brown's, four barrels and one box; Mrs. F. O. Hyatt's, two barrels, making a total of nineteen barrels and nine boxes.
   These were sent, except four barrels, to the address, Col. J. L. Spangler, Ass't. Quarter Master General, Johnstown. Unless official notice is received that no more supplies are needed the remaining four barrels will be sent to the same address.
   The Order has decided to take the initiatory steps toward the establishment of a hospital in Cortland, an institution much needed in our town. To this end it has set apart twenty-five dollars, and appointed Miss Venette Stephens, Treasurer of a Hospital Fund. Miss Stephens will gladly receive contributions of any amount from ten cents to any number of dollars.

Syracuse Millionaire Dead.
   SYRACUSE, N. Y., June 25—John Crouse, the millionaire grocer of this city, died to-night at 9:30 o'clock, aged 87 years. Mr. Crouse's wealth is estimated at ten millions, and was made by his own tact and industry.

   Complete anarchy prevails in Crete.
   Illinois has a new compulsory education law.
   Florida is not afraid of yellow fever this year.
   Over five thousand hard-working women in New York and Brooklyn support sick or lazy husbands.
   Since its opening forty-six years ago, 17,294 patients have been admitted to the Utica insane asylum.
   Governor Hill has signed the bill providing for the removal of the State prison from Sing Sing, A commission will be appointed to select a new site.
   The State Board of Health has received notice of a case of small pox occurring in Starkey, Yates county, contracted at Geneva. There have been 15 exposures. The case was ordered quarantined and the exposed vaccinated.
   Mrs. Whiteling was hanged Tuesday at Philadelphia, for the deliberate poisoning of her husband and two children about a year ago. The murders were actuated by the desire of getting money on the life insurance policies.
   Michael Risello. alias"Red Nosed Mike," one of the three Italian murderers of J. Brainard McCure, paymaster, and Hugh Flanagan, was hanged at Wilkes Barre Tuesday morning. The execution was without sensational incident.
   A "knot" is 6,086 feet; a mile is 5,280 feet. The usual course sailed by Cunard streamers is 2,840 knots, and the speed is given in knots, not miles. When the City of Paris averaged 21 1/4 it was equal to nearly 25 miles per hour, or faster than ordinary railroad travel.
   The tunnel replacing the main line of the New York, Ontario & Western railroad, near Walton, will be completed by the 5th of June, 1890, if the work is done according to contract. Two boarding houses, one at either end of the tunnel, will be built and about 240 men employed.


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