The Cortland Democrat, Friday, June 23,
Sunday evening Rev. E. C. Olney preached
a sermon before the graduating class
of '93. His text was "Without me ye can do nothing." The board of
education, faculty, graduating
class and academic department
attended the meeting in a body.
contents of the box which was placed
under the corner stone of the new academy
building was as follows:—
History of Cortland Co., Albany, New York and Cortland county papers of recent
date. Photographs of the present
board of education, board of instructors,
Tempest Hose Co. No. 8, clergymen,
physicians, officers and trustees of 1868. Catalogues of academy from 1888 to 1892. Copies of Cortland Co. Republican, published in Homer, issues of
June 4, 1868; May 19, 1868; April 25, 1887. Homer Republican, issues of Jan.
19, 1893; Jan. 26, 1893 and June 15, 1893. Cortland County Observer published at
Homer Aug. 27, 1829. Cortland Co. Standard May 19, 1868. Cortland Daily
Standard. issues of Jan. 18, 1893 and June 15, 1893. CORTLAND DEMOCRAT, 1868.
Gazette and Banner, 1868. Copy of scheme exhibition, Sept. 29, 1819. Catalogue
of Homer Academy library 1891. Copy of the Philologian Gazette. Memoir of Abel
Frank Kinney. Business directory and history of Cortland County from 1868 to 1869.
Sermon at jubilee meeting in 1866, at the semi-centennial anniversary of the Cortland
County Bible Society by Rev. J. C. Holbrook. D. D. Twenty-eighth annual report
of the superintendent of public instruction. Cortland County Jubilee book of 1846.
Forty-ninth anniversary of Cortland County, June 18, 1868. Statement of building
fund of the academy building 1868. Photographs of the old Presbyterian church, the
trustees and teachers of the Cortland academy and of Mr. E. C. Reed who was
secretary of the trustees from 1825 to 1870.
articles were placed in the same oblong iron box that went through the academy
fire and kept its contents from being harmed. After the box had been placed in
position the masons covered it with mortar and then the same old cornerstone,
only hewn in different shape, was put in place amid cheers and shouts from the
large assemblage. After the corner stone was laid Rev. D. D. Forward delivered
a short address. The audience then went near the platform which had been
erected in front of the new building, where the ceremonies were to take place.
It was opened by the quartette consisting of Kelsey Fowler, Fred Ford, William
Foster and R. J. McElheny, who sang Nearer My God to Thee. Dr. Edward Hitchcock
then delivered a very interesting historical address, after which Rev. Samuel
R. Calthrop, D. D., minister of the Unitarian Congregational church of
Syracuse, delivered an address; his subject was The American Idea. After he had
finished the quartette sang "Oh,
My America" and the exercises were closed with benediction by
Rev. E. C. Olney. The laying of the corner stone of the new academy will always
be remembered by all who attended.
Brown and his brother Jay have returned from Meriden N. H. where they have been
attending school. They both graduated this year and enter Dartmouth college in
the fall with the class of '97.
Mr. G. W.
Ripley, manager of the Grace Eldridge Concert company has returned home.
Welsh has a new organ bought of Mahan.
Maine has been on the sick list for a few days.
Brown and wife visited friends in Cuyler, Saturday.
Mr. Brown
Gilbert is sojourning in Gilbertsville for a while.
Geo. N.
Skinner is looking over the World's Fair at Chicago.
Mrs. Will
Edward is visiting her daughter in Syracuse for a while.
Mrs. Will
Potter, of Pitcher, visited her parents the first of the week.
W. P.
Henry and wife, of McGrawville, visited at H. Faints, Tuesday.
Garner and wife, of South Cuyler, visited their son, Frank, Sunday.
Elmer J.
Hull and wife of Cedarvale, called upon relatives here last week.
Elias Fisk and Mrs. Miner Wales with their brother were in Wlllet, Sunday.
Merchant and family, of Cuyler Hill, were the guests of Julius Halbert, a few days
Addison Bush
was unfortunate enough Friday to cut a deep gash in his foot with an axe.
Mattie LeRoy and children of Cortland are spending a short time with her parents.
John Lidell
and wife, of Georgetown, spent a few days with her parents in this place last
Potter and Miss Shaw were married last Wednesday evening, so says Charles
B. L.
Watson and wife, of Freetown, and Mrs. Willis Kettle, of Cortland, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Jordan, Tuesday.
from this place attended the funeral of Orin Barber at the residence of his
son, Albert Barber, Thursday. He died the 18th, aged about 75 years.
the 11th, the citizens of this usually quiet burgh were startled from their reverie
by the cry of fire. It did not take long to discover that the residence of Levi
Neal was on fire. The people went valiantly to work and with the help of others
summoned from Pitcher and Cincinnatus succeeded in removing most of the household
furniture of all kinds; but were too late to save the house, that being
entirely consumed. The house, while not one of the best, was a substantial
structure and was one of the best locations in town. Mr. and Mrs. Neal had
lived in this house for many years and to have it destroyed by fire is a hard
blow to them not only in a pecuniary but in other ways as well. There was no insurance
we understand. They will occupy the Rockwell house for the present.
[pen name of local correspondent.]
be lovely is to be loved." This was
never more beautifully demonstrated than in the life and
death of Mrs. James Kells nee Carrie
May who passed to the unseen city on Monday, 12 Inst. "My Beloved
has gone down into his garden to gather lilies," was
whispered among the angels, and surely no lily more stainless was ever transplanted to
the gardens celestial. Only eighteen summers had silvered the dewdrops
in the chalice of the rosebuds that had bloomed around her pathway.
One year
ago last March she gave her hand in marriage to James Kells. For more
than a year her friends have feared that the insidious destroyer,
consumption, was folding her in, the unnatural brilliancy of the eye,
the rose spot upon the cheek, the constant decline of strength told
too surely the story of her early doom. Through all the weary
waiting she never once lost hope or cheer, always saying, "Oh, I am
better," whenever asked how she was feeling. Wishing to cast
no gloom over the hearts that loved her, she bravely faced death's river,
smiling the smile of hope and patience as her feet dipped in the surging
and broken her parents watched the beautiful eyes of their only child
closing in their last sleep as their hushed hearts fell a breath from
the wing of the angel on whose breast her tired head was
pillowed, surely nothing that love could do had they left undone Even
furnishing her house with their very best, for Carrie, like all
young wifes [sic] was anxious to keep house, even this last wish was gratified
though too frail to attend home keeping, kind hands were provided and
her little cottage was fitted up with all the tasteful and comfortable
belongings so dear to a woman's heart.
Her funeral
was held on Wednesday, Rev. Mr. Mitchell, of Richford, officiating. No
handsomer display of flowers was ever seen within the church than on
this occasion, all who knew her gentle loving heart wishing to
lay some sweet floral token of love above its voiceless silence. Six
young ladies, pall bearers, dropped into her tomb a beautiful
bouquet of choicest blooms literally loaded with floral pieces, a fan of
orchids from Winnie Sexton, and a horseshoe of lilies-of-the-valley
from Ray Sexton, while various beautiful and tasteful designs
exhaled their sweetness, breathing the silent sympathy so grateful to
every mourner's heart.
Among the relatives of Mrs. May we noted Mr.
Lucian Maybury and wife of Solon, Mrs. Jane Stevens of McGrawville; those of
Mr. May, Fred Sweetlove and wife, Howard Reed and wife, Mrs. Dewitt Rose, Mr.
Shelden Curtis of Cortland, also the Misses Gerrard and brother from Cortland,
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Gardner, Mrs. Geo. Pear, Mrs. Randolph Price, Miss Etta Oaks, Mrs. Miner Oaks, Mr.
Sylvester Oaks, Mr. and Mrs. Mortie Elster, Mrs. H. H. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Gee, Mrs. Lee Saltsman of Virgil, Miss Stewart and Miss Hattie Lang of Dryden,
and Harry Thompson of Syracuse, also a large circle of the relatives of the
young husband, all of whom had learned to love the beautiful bride he had given
them as a daughter, a sister, a near friend.
Carrie, peaceful sleeper, only love could resign thee to thy flower strewn grave;
what mother looking upon thy tranquil repose when death had kissed down the
eyelids and folded the lips to a sacred suggestiveness, and say which is best, the
hushing of the glad song; the slipping of the shining feet into the lily-starred
meadows of Paradise; before a single shadow darkened; the exchanging of the ivory
keys that thrilled to sweetest melody beneath the skillful touch of trained fingers
for the golden strings of the harps celestial, or living to tread the thorn
strewn path of womanhood with heart and hope beaten upon the hard anvil of
torturing doubt and distrust, while every added blow rings out the requiem of
trust and faith in humanity, awakening the doleful echoes that shadow life,
ringing ever the discord of that saddest of all words, misunderstood.
Mrs. O.
[We copy articles as they were printed, past rules of grammar included--CC editor.]
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