Thursday, November 3, 2016


N. Y. S. Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women, Administration building, Newark, N. Y.

The Cortland Democrat, Friday, April 28, 1893.

Terrible Treatment of the Inmates of the New York Custodial Asylum At Newark, N. Y.
   ROCHESTER, April 24.—A reporter of the Morning Herald was sent to Newark, N. Y. today, to investigate rumors of alleged cruelty to the inmates of the New York State Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women. For more than two years the residents of Newark have been aware that inhuman practices were prevailing at the institution. The stories originate in former attendants at the asylum who would not, or could not, do the things required of them by their superiors. The disclosure about the asylum is the talk about the streets of Newark and the people are much excited. Some of the stories given full credence by the residents are almost beyond credulity in their pictures of fiendishness. No charges are made that criminal outrages have been made or attempted. The charges all have reference to punishments inflicted. The stories are many. On one occasion the matron is said to have locked two girls in a room, stripped their clothing off their bodies and played a stream of cold water upon them.
   Julia Littman, a girl in her thirteenth year, the daughter of a prominent man who has a place of business in New York city, is one of the victims. When she entered the asylum, a year and a half ago, she had a beautiful head of long, curly hair. For some infringement of the rules her hair wits cropped off close to the head. On another occasion the young girl was punished for some offense by the matron standing upon her prostrate body with one foot upon her throat and the other upon her stomach.
   At midnight, Friday, the 14th, being unable to stand the treatment any longer, she jumped from the second story, falling upon the pavement, receiving severe bruises and disfiguring her face. Before she was recaptured she found opportunity to write to her parents, setting forth what she had been through. Her mother is now in Newark and will take the girl home with her. When the asylum authorities received, this afternoon, a representative of the Herald, they refused to give any information regarding the testimony of witnesses taken before the members of the State board of charities, who have had several sittings in pursuing an investigation. They tried in every way to beat around the bush and avoid giving direct and unequivocal answers to the reporter's questions. This action on their part indicates that something is being covered up.
   A Newark gentleman, to-day, said that the charges against Mr. and Mrs. Willet, the superintendent and matron, are being pursued by the local board, because they realize that they are in a muss, and will take off the heads of others rather than lose their own. The president of the board, to-day, announced that the superintendent, matron and one of the assistant matrons had tendered their resignations, to take effect at the pleasure of the board, but he said he wanted it distinctly understood that this action on their part was not caused by their having heard any statements derogatory to their administration. "Their reason was because they deemed it for the best interests of the institution that their resignations be handed in at this time."
   The citizens of Newark say that as soon as a change is made in the management of the institution, twelve attendants who fear to do so now, in a public way, will be glad to testify to facts that will startle the community because of their heinousness.

The Slayer of Carl Brauer Pronounced Not Guilty of Murder.
   ROME, April 24.—Mary Houlihan, [age 55,] the Verona woman who killed Carl Brauer is a free woman. Her acquittal was a general surprise to all, even her attorneys, Messrs. Sayles, Searle & Sayles. It occupied all day Saturday to sum up the case and present it to the jury. After deliberating nearly five hours the jury brought in a verdict of not guilty. Joseph I. Sayles retains his reputation of freeing women charged with crime. He has defended all the women who have been indicted for murder in this part of the state, with the exception of Mrs. Druse, and has succeeded in getting an acquittal in each case.
   When asked what the verdict was, Foreman Allen answered "Not guilty." A loud shout went up. Mrs. Houlihan, with tears of joy in her eyes, sprang forward through the people in front of her to the jury. She raised her hands, and in a devotional attitude said "God bless you." When quietness was restored Mr. Sayles, in behalf of the prisoner, thanked the jury, the court and all connected with the case. Then a general rejoicing was had by Mrs. Houlihan and her family. She took great pains to thank each juror personally and they received congratulations from her and her husband and children. Mr. Houlihan was so pleased that he attempted to kiss Mr. Sayles.

The Law Enforcement Association organized in this village last Sunday, started off as if those who were behind it meant to do business. If those interested stand by each other and there are no shirks among them, it will not be a very hard task to enforce the law. It is a little singular however, that any should show the white feather at the beginning. The constitution adopted provides for the appointment of a committee of fifteen persons by the president, and that none of the members of the organization except the president and secretary, shall know what members constitute the committee.
   Undoubtedly the committee that formulated the constitution had some object to be subserved by the appointment of a secret committee, but we think they have made a mistake. The association is formed for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of a law affecting the morals of this community. Men of character are engaged in the work, but if any of them are ashamed to have it known that they are members of this working committee, or if for any other reason they don't want their names to appear, we have little faith in the efficiency of their work. If the members of this committee have not "The courage of their convictions," they might as well disband at once. They have a perfect right to oppose the sale of liquor if they believe it to be wrong, and there is no reason why they should not be willing to let others know it. It is possible however, that the committee have other and better reasons for desiring to be in ambush, but they do not occur to us.
   They may as well understand from the beginning, that the present engagement is likely to be a fight to the finish and not a sparring match for points. The committee have the law on their side, and all they need to enforce it is energy, intelligence and genuine moral courage.
Though Onondaga and Cortland are no longer associated in a senatorial district, it is but justice to Senator Nichols to say that he has been an active, vigilant and interested in pushing every measure for the benefit of this county, both in the senate and with the assemblymen of his party, as if he were looking to Cortland for a renomination and reelection. In more than one instance, but for his prompt and efficient assistance, Mr. Tripp would have failed to accomplish desirable ends.—Cortland Standard.
   Senator Nichols has made an excellent record at Albany and deserves all the Standard is pleased to say of him. Senator Nichols possesses sound judgment and is quick to see the right and acts accordingly. He has become one of the most popular and respected members of the Senate and ought to be returned. [Senator Nichols was a Democrat, and Assemblyman Tripp was a Republican—CC editor.]
The case of Dr. Robert W. Buchanan, on trial in New York charged with poisoning his wife, came to a close on Wednesday evening. The jury found defendant guilty. The trial has excited much interest on account of its resemblance to the Harris case and because of the character of this expert testimony. As usual the doctors did not agree, although they were selected from the ablest men in the profession. If medicine or chemistry is a science there ought not to be any chance for argument. It must be an exact science or it is worthless and should not be introduced in evidence in a case where a human life is concerned. Dr. Buchanan was very ably defended. His lawyers will take an appeal.
The President and members of his cabinet are witnessing the Naval parade in New York.
The legislature adjourned last week. Thanks.

An Intelligent Critic.
   The Cortland Standard thinks "It is surprising how great minds sometimes run in the same direction, " and in support of its novel theory, calls attention to the fact that in its report of the abandonment of Mr. Willis by his wife, published last week, its reporter wrote that Willis was "an employee of the Cortland Cart and Carriage Co., when he should have said an employee of the Cortland Harness and Carriage Goods Co. and that he knew better, but with right intent wrote the wrong name. "
   The reporter of the DEMOCRAT fell into the same error not because he knew it was wrong, but because he was told that the man worked for the former company, and as the place where he worked was of no possible importance to any one, he did not take the trouble to go to either place to find out to the contrary. A reporter of the DEMOCRAT who, knowing one thing, deliberately sits down and writes another, will run up against a vacancy in his department with neatness and dispatch. It is a very unfortunate habit for reporters to observe but it seems to prevail to an alarming extent in the office of our neighbor. A reporter cannot and ought not to be blamed for following the methods that prevail in the office where he is employed.
   No longer ego than last Saturday, probably the same reporter wrote up an account of carpenter's falling down the elevator shaft at the Cortland Wagon company's shops. The reporter gave the man's name as N. W. Southwick, when it should have read N. W. Southworth. Doubtless the latter would be glad to have the intelligent reporter prove beyond question that it was Mr. Southwick who fell down the elevator shaft instead of Mr. Southworth, who is bearing all the pain of the accident. A bulging forehead is not always a sign of greatness.

Seven And a Half Years.
   ROCHESTER, April 24.—The Rev. Charles Flaherty, who was convicted in Geneseo on Friday of rape in having had connection with Mary Sweeney, a girl under sixteen years of age was this morning sentenced to seven and a half years in Auburn prison. When asked if he had anything to say as to why sentence should not be pronounced he said he was not guilty of the heinous crime and that he had been convicted on perjured testimony. His attorney asked for a stay, but the Judge said he had not power to grant it. He said, however, that he would instruct the clerk not to make out papers, so that the counsel might have time to make application for a stay.
   Counsel Peck, who defended Father Flaherty, is here trying to obtain a stay of execution of the sentence pronounced this morning from Judge Davy.

   Assemblyman Tripp's bill for dividing towns into election districts has been signed by the Governor.
   Winter seems not only inclined to linger in the lap of Spring, but from present appearances it looks as if he had come to stay.
   The Cortland Howe Stove Company shipped their exhibit and booth to Chicago, last Monday. The booth was made by L. H. Hopkins and it was handsomely decorated by Fred. I. Pike.
   Patrick Reagan, of Blodgett's Mills, has 20 fine ewe sheep. These 20 ewes have dropped 41 lambs this spring, and all of them are alive and hearty to-day. There were nineteen pairs of twins, and one ewe had triplets. It would be hard to find a more profitable flock of sheep anywhere.
   Sheriff Miller went to Syracuse last week and brought Dever Richer, who has been serving a sentence of seventy-five days in the Onondaga penitentiary, back with him. He was taken before Judge Bull on Thursday, who sentenced him to sixty days more in the same institution. For a Pennsylvania desperado, he had become quite mild.
   A pair of colts driven by Mr. Marlon Wetherell, were left standing a moment in front of Price's grocery store last Monday morning. When the driver came out and took hold of the lines, the horses started off up street on a run. Wetherell was dragged some distance in the mud. The team ran up Maln-st. to Homer-ave., to Maple-ave., where they turned into Mr. Wetherell's yard, and were caught. The horses were not injured.
   The contract for building the addition to the Union school building has been let to L. G. Viele of Cortland. We learn that he will commence work next week, and expects to have it completed in time for the opening of the fall term. The addition, which will be erected on the north side, will be 48x60 feet. We are informed that the entire expense of building, heating, ventilating and furnishing come within the appropriation nicely.—Groton Journal.
   One Ashley Johnson, who is believed to be the young man who robbed the cash register in W. B. Rood's billiard rooms, in this place, a few weeks since, was sentenced to hard labor in Auburn prison, last Monday, by Judge Northrup of Syracuse. He was indicted for larceny in stealing four silver goblets and a set of billiard balls, while a guest of the Century Cycling Club of Syracuse. He is a well dressed and very intelligent young man, and would hardly be taken for a common thief by anybody. He says he was born in Ithaca, had been a clerk, and was 25 years of age. He pretended to be penitent, and said he wanted to be a man.
   Mahan's music festival June 5 to 9, inclusive.
   Steve and Larry Dillon will travel with Al. Field's minstrel show this season.
   A Groton man is running a stage line from that place to Cortland every day. It will be quite a convenience.
   Thos. F. Grady has sold his interest in the liquor and cigar store on Railroad-st., to his partner, Mr. Hugh Corcoran.
   The Cortland Normals cross bats with the Razzle Dazzles of Lisle, on the fair grounds to-morrow at 3 P. M. Admission 25 cts.
   Geo. P. Yager, Esq., of the firm of Yager & Marshall, has purchased Mr. M. M. Maybury's handsome house and lot on Argyle Place.
   The E. C. & N. station, the Cortland Harness and Carriage Goods company's building and the Democrat building were the only places in Cortland that displayed the National colors yesterday.
   Lieut. F. L. McDowell, had the palm of his left hand badly burned while melting sugar in G. W. Bradford's store last Tuesday afternoon.
   The Dedicatory address on Memorial day dedicating the Soldiers' Monument, will be delivered by Col. E. S. Jenney, the well-known orator and lawyer of Syracuse. Col. Jenney was Col. of the 185th Regiment, one company of which was made up of men from this vicinity.—Marathon Independent.
   A soldier's monument is to be erected at Moravia.
   Good farms can be bought in Chautauqua county at prices varying from $10 to $15 per acre.
   The first passenger train run in the United States was in 1828.
   Lucy Larcom, the children's poet, is dead at Boston, aged 67 years. She was an early friend of John G. Whittier.
   Frank C. Almy, the murderer of Christie Warden, has confessed to his lawyer that he is George H. Abbott, the desperado.
   The [New York] Central will begin this coming fall the erection of a new passenger depot in Syracuse on the site of the old Leland hotel.

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