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United States Marines in Honolulu. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 19,
◘ Two or three weeks since, the American flag,
which was hoisted without authority by order of Minister Stevens at Honolulu,
was taken down by order of Mr. Blount, the special envoy sent to that country
by President Cleveland to investigate the situation. Some thickheaded
republican soldiers thought the occasion was a splendid one for airing their
individual patriotism and getting their names in print. The genuine fighting
soldier seldom brags of his bravery. He leaves all of this sort of bluster to
the camp followers and suttler's clerks, who are not at all slow to take advantage
of the opportunity. Some simple minded fellow from Newark Valley, who imagines
that he was a soldier, took the hauling down of the flag at Honolulu for a
text, and wrote the Owego Times a letter, charging President Cleveland
and his emissary with designs against the United States and the flag.
The DEMOCRAT is not surprised that the
simple fellow should write the letter, but it was surprised to see it in print,
not only in the Times but in the Cortland Standard. The
publication of such senseless twaddle is anything but creditable to the intelligence
of the proprietors of either journal. The American flag had no right to be
where it was and it was lowered. It would be a queer state of things if envoys
of one country could go about the world gobbling up other nations by simply
hoisting a flag.
◘ The running expenses of the World's Fair
amount to $45,000 per day. The receipts thus far have averaged only $10,000 per
day. This isn't money-making business for Chicago.
◘ The New York Central will put a train on
their road May 28 that will make the trip from New York to Chicago in 20 hours.
It will leave New York every day at 8 o'clock P. M., and leaves Chicago every
day at 2 P. M., arriving in New York in 20 hours.
◘ The powers that be have finally concluded
to keep the World's Fair open on Sundays. This will please the laboring people
who desire to attend while it will displease the liquor sellers of Chicago and
the religious element of the several states. The liquor sellers [of] the city
expected to profit greatly on Sunday by having the gates closed and the religious
element are opposed to it on high moral grounds. It isn't often that these two
widely differing elements are in perfect accord on any question.
◘ The Supreme Court of the United States
has decided that the Geary Chinese Exclusion
act is constitutional. The Chinese will be obliged to register.
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Daniel S. Lamont. |
Business Methods to War Department Routine.
Mr. Lamont is carrying sound business
methods into the war department, and besides obviously improving and strengthening
the service of his own department, he is demonstrating the practical advantage
of principles of administration which are of the very essence of civil service
reform, not only in the classified service under the rules, but throughout the
whole service. Under the rules, removals are not likely to be made arbitrarily,
because the vacancies cannot be arbitrarily filled. But outside the rules that
restraint does not exist, and it is necessary that some adequate substitute for
it should be applied. When Mr. Lamont came into the department he found that
there was a marked laxity of discipline and a low grade of efficiency in some of
the bureaus. He therefore directed the chief of one of the offices to appoint a
competent committee to inquire into the record of each employe [sic] and to
report such action as was deemed advisable, and the reasons for it. The result
was a recommendation that six persons be discharged, and that fifty others be
reduced in grade and pay, regard being had in each case to the war record of
the clerk.—[New York Times.]
Secretary Lamont has gone
about the business of bringing the working force of his department to a
condition of highest efficiency in the right way. A plain indication that it is
the right way is that there is no mystery or concealment about it. Every part
of the process of effecting changes is revealed. The persons who are discharged
or are assigned to a lower class of clerks know the reason and know that it is
not partisan. Their places are not given to outsiders, but are filled by promotions,
the persons being selected strictly for their efficiency as shown by their
record, which record was made under the previous administration.—[New York
Washington Letter.
(From our Regular Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, May 14, 1893. — The
leaders of the democratic party have, it is stated, agreed upon four things to
be pressed when Congress meets, and it is probable that President Cleveland's
message to Congress, and may be his proclamation calling the extra session,
will be largely devoted to arguments for speedy action thereon—the repeal of the
obnoxious Federal election laws; the levying of an income tax; the repeal of
the Sherman silver law and of the tax on the currency issued by state banks,
and a complete revision of the tariff, lowering the duties.
Secretary Carlisle defied the
high muck-a-mucks of mugwumpery who tried to bulldoze him into retaining the
republican chiefs of divisions in his department, and is proceeding to replace
them with democrats, just as he at first intended to do, and working democrats
admire him more than ever.
Reforms in keeping with
democratic ideas are being quietly introduced into all of the Government
departments as fast as their heads have an opportunity to investigate abuses
which have grown up under republican rule. Secretary Herbert's order that no
more naval officers should be granted leave of absence to enter private employ
was followed by Secretary Lamont's determination to stop similar abuses in the army,
and not only to refuse to allow it in future but to revoke the leaves of all
those officers now engaged in other occupations, except those granted by
special acts of Congress.
Sec. Lamont has also announced
his intention to make almost a reorganization in that important branch of the
War department known as the division of records and pension. This division is
closely associated with the Pension Bureau, as it has to verify the army record
of every applicant for a pension. Some forty or fifty changes have already been
made in this division.
It may be true that
Comptroller of Currency Eckels has had no experience in the actual details of
banking, but the promptness with which he has acted during the past few days,
when the suspension of national banks for a time were frequent enough to be
alarming, has convinced the Treasury officials and the banking world that he is
thoroughly posted upon the laws that govern banks and that as a cool-headed
business man he has never had a superior in that office. He has proven himself
to be a valuable assistant to Sec. Carlisle and his promptness in dealing with
suspended banks has had no little to do with restoring that public confidence
without which banks of no kind can long exist. Mr. Cleveland made no mistake in
selecting that young man for Comptroller.
Commissioner Lochren is
already finding his place a very hard one to fill, but he is not disappointed;
he did not suppose that he was selected to take charge of the Pension Bureau
merely to draw a salary. Already a series of frauds, all put through by one
pension attorney, located at Norfolk, Va., have been discovered and a force of
expert examiners are now engaged in investigating every case that this attorney
has had anything to do with, the Commissioner being determined to get to the bottom,
and to punish the guilty. The worst thing about the crooked work done by this attorney
is that it was called to Commissioner Raum's attention last year and he declined
to prosecute him, because it might injure the republican party. The amount of
money obtained by these fraudulent pensioners cannot be exactly stated until
the examiners have concluded their investigation, but it is already known that
it is more than $100,000. But there is one thing that can be positively stated,
and that is, that the frauds will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law
by Commissioner Lochren, just as fast as the necessary evidence can be
gathered, regardless of who or what may be injured thereby. Judge Lochren has
abrogated the notorious "completed files" rule, which was made by
Raum to please the pension attorney who indorsed his notes for twenty odd
thousand dollars soon after he took charge of the Pension Office.
The Wonderland Museum.
The "Wonderland
Museum" opened last night by Jas. H. Kellogg Camp No. 48, S. O. V., in G.
A. R. Hall is a success in every particular. The cosy [sic] hall is well filled
with interesting curiosities and ancient and historical relics loaned from
private collections in the vicinity of Cortland. The "wonderful living
freaks" are immense and must be seen to be appreciated. Those are on
exhibition nightly at 8 o'clock and a descriptive lecture is given at 8:15.
The entertainment is given in
the hall above and does not begin until 9 o'clock. The patriotic program last evening consisting of songs and choruses,
illustrated lecture by Mr. H. M. Kellogg and beautiful tableaux, was excellent.
To-night (Friday) the entertainment will be of an entirely different order. Two
very laughable comedies will be given, one of which bears directly on the
no-license law.
The museum will be open
Saturday afternoon from 1:30 to 5 o'clock, at which time the admission will be
only 10 cents. It will close on Saturday evening with an entirely different
change of program.
Smith Brothers shipped 275
fine calves to New York last Monday.
Coal has dropped 55 cents per
ton on all grades but pea. See Maxson & Starin and Holden & Sager's
price-list in our advertising columns.
Jas. D. Green, Esq., the south
Main-st. grocer, has put two neat delivery wagons on the road and is now
prepared to deliver goods promptly and in good order.
The Ancient Order of United
Workmen have their regular meeting on Friday evening next, May 19th. Special
business will come before the order and a full attendance is desired.
The Actives, None-Such's,
Never Sweat's, Seek-no-farthers, Baldwins and probably several other ball nines
are out for the scalps of the Lawyers nine, and offer big odds for a match
Farmers are cautioned to avoid
the sharp fellow with a patent plough share. He does business on the note
scheme, and tricks the farmers whenever and wherever he deals with them. Look
out for him.—Seneca Falls Reveille.
The Orris hose wheel club had
their first run on Sunday last, when they turned out in full and made a run to
Truxton and return. The boys claim a good time and fair run for their first
The regular semi-monthly
mothers meeting (west) will be held at the residence of Mrs. W. L. Southworth,
146 Tompkins-st., Thursday, May 25 at 3 P. M. Subject, Temperance. All
ladies are invited.
Fitz Boynton & Co., the popular
druggists, have just put in a new soda fountain. It is an elegant piece of
furniture and the clerks were kept busy Saturday evening, disbursing the
delicious beverage to thirsty individuals.
George Dickinson of Homer, and
Fred M. Tenney of Cortland, indulged in a foot race from Homer to Cortland last
Saturday afternoon for a purse of $10. Dickinson won easily making the three
miles in 16 1/2 minutes.
Mr. E. Dodge has moved his
wholesale liquor store to Homer, where he occupies a large store on Main
street. The store has been refitted for his use, and those in need can always
find a fine line of goods at prices that will satisfy all.
Messrs. Kellogg & Curtis
have been obliged to fit up two handsome rooms over their store, being pressed
for space. These rooms will be used for exhibiting cloaks, jackets, curtains,
etc. The rooms are in charge of Mrs. Frank Brown.
Mr. C. Fred Thompson, the
Grand Central grocer, has put three new and handsome delivery wagons on the
road. They are a great improvement on the old style cumbersome vehicles. A rack
tor carrying kerosene cans and jugs is attached to the rear end of the
vehicles. They were made by the Cortland Wagon Co. A fourth and lighter wagon
will soon be turned out for Mr. Thompson's use.
Mr. Henry Corcoran has moved
his bottling works to Homer, next door to the Mansion House, and is now
prepared to deliver all kinds of goods to private families. Parties desiring
goods sent to their residences can have them delivered by writing to the Homer
Bottling Works, and the goods will be delivered the same day free of charge.
Postal cards for ordering can be found at the old place en R. R. street, Cortland,
N. Y.
Assemblyman Tripp's bill
providing that streams which have been stocked from a state hatchery shall not
be considered private, has been vetoed by the Governor. The Governor says: "I fear that this would be an unwise
interference with the rights of owners of private property. The mere fact that
private ponds or streams have been stocked from the fish hatcheries of the
stale at public expense does not justify the state in depriving the owners of
the control over their property in the matter of trespassing for fishing or
shooting purposes." The Governor is right about it. The bill was in the interest
of the fish poachers and ought not to have been passed.
Judge G. A. Forbes has
appointed Hon. W. D. Tisdale receiver for the Cortland Top & Rail
The 45th Separate company of this
place has partly promised to attend the unveiling of the Soldiers' monument in
Marathon, May 30.
On Tuesday afternoon a washout
a short distance west of Breeseport stopped the trains on the E. C. & N.
roads. Passengers had to be transferred. Repairs have been made and trains are
running regularly again.
A Decoration day party will be
given at the Truxton House in Truxton village on Tuesday evening, May 30, 1893.
Butterfield's full orchestra will furnish the music. Bill, $1.25.
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