Saturday, October 1, 2016


1894 map of Cortland.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, March 17, 1893.

President's Report.

   As required by the village charter, as president of said village, I hereby submit as an annual report of the financial transactions of said village during the fiscal year ending March 1, 1893, the following statement of its receipts and disbursements together with its outstanding bonded indebtedness.
   The total amount of money collected by me during the year is the sum of $114.80, of which the sum of $75 was license fees collected during that time, and the balance of $80.80 was for dirt and gravel sold by the village. In addition to said sum of $114.80 there has been paid to the village treasurer through the clerk of the village, the sum of $195.94 for rent of gravel bank house, gravel sold, etc., which with the sum of $50 for rent of Fireman's Hall, as a polling place, aggregate the sum of $860.74, which is the total amount received by the village from all sources, except as collected by tax, and excepting also the sum of $1,656.80, the total receipts by and earnings of the police department for the year.
   For the total amount of the taxes of the village collected during the year, I would refer to the treasurer's report, which has been heretofore published.
   The items of expenditures for the current year ending March 1, 1893, are to be found in the published reports of the trustees and of the board of education. The estimates of the board of trustees for appropriations for the coming year are contained in the annual budget of appropriations already submitted.
   The bonded indebtedness of the village is the sum of $49,000, of which $20,000 consists of bonds issued in aid of the Cortland Normal school of which, $10,000 becomes due October 1, 1895, and bears interest at 3 5/8 per cent, per annum and the remaining $10,000 becomes due October 1, 1896, and bears interest at 3 3/5 per cent, per annum. The balance of said bonded indebtedness, to wit the sum of $29,000 was created May 4, 1892. Of this sum $9,000 bears interest at 3 7/10 per cent, and matures as follows: $3,000 October 1, 1893; $3,000 October 1, 1894; and $3,000 October 1, 1895; and the remaining sum of $20,000 consists of bonds bearing interest at 3 3/4 per cent, per annum, and mature by their terms not less than ten years nor more than 20 years after the date of their issue.
   Respectfully submitted,
   CHARLES H. PRICE, President.

Charter Election.
   The following is the report of charter election held on Tuesday:


Tuberculosis in Cortland Cattle.

   It came to the knowledge of the Standard last Saturday that Prof. Law of Cornell university had been in town the day before and found tuberculosis existing in at least two herds of cattle a few miles out of the village. As it was stated that Dr. W. L. Baker had been called to treat the cases and had reported them to the Cortlandville board of health who called in Prof. Law. We called on the doctor for particulars, but he was unwilling to give any for publication. He did say however, that no case have been found in the herds of dairymen selling milk in Cortland, and that the legal course for destroying any infected cattle would probably be under direction of the state board of health.—Cortland Standard.

Cortland County Medical Society.

   The Cortland County Medical society held its quarterly meeting at the county surrogate's office Thursday afternoon, the following members being present: Drs. Jewett, Reese, Bennett, Higgins, Dana and Edson of Cortland, Bradford and Greene of Homer, and Hendrick and Smith of McGrawville. In absence of the president and vice president Dr. Reese was chosen president pro tem. Matters pertaining to the code of ethics and county fee bill were discussed at some length by all of the members. Dr. Dana read an interesting case of hydramnia [hydramnios] which was discussed by Drs. Jewett, Edson and others.
   The name of Dr. Wm. Whitney of Homer was reported on favorably, for membership by the board of censors and Dr. Whitney was then unanimously elected a member of the society.
   A vote of thanks was extended to Judge Eggleston for his kindness in offering his office to the society in which to meet. The meeting then adjourned.

Health Report.

   Health Officer W. J. Moore gives the following report for the month of February: Total deaths 9, males 4, females 5; NativityUnited States 6, Ireland 2, England 1, social condition—married 3, single 6; ages—under 5 years 3, between 10 and 20 years 1, between 20 and 30 years 1, between 40 and 50 years 1, between 50 and 60 years 1, between 70 and 80 years 1, between 80 and 90 years 1; causes of death—apoplexy 1, obstruction of bowels 1, blood poisoning 1, cerebral tumor 1, membranous croup 1, diphtheria 1, cyanosis 1, pneumonia 1, consumption 1; births 4—males 1, females 3, marriages 6.

The Driving Rods Broke.

   Last Friday morning the 10 o'clock vestibule train going south was drawn by the Sam Sloan with Dick Youngs, engineer, and Frank Grennish, fireman. About a mile this side of Marathon, the drive rod on the left side of the engine broke and a moment later the other rod snapped off and the broken ends pounded the cab damaging it considerably. The air brake was broken and in consequence the brakes could not be applied and the end of the blow pipe and the valve, were also broken turning the steam into the cab and letting the water out of the boiler. The loss of steam brought the train to a halt and a brakeman was sent on to Marathon and the accident reported to headquarters in Syracuse. The engine of the local freight left its train on the siding at Blodgett Mills and pushed the disabled passenger train to Marathon, where after some delay it went on to Binghamton an hour or so behind time. A similar accident happened to the engine drawing the same train, at almost precisely the same spot some three or four weeks ago, a full account of which was given in the DEMOCRAT at the time.
   A similar accident happened to a train on the D. L. & W. near Scranton last Saturday afternoon. The broken end of the rod pierced the boiler, letting the steam into the cab and blowing the engineer and fireman and another employee of the road, who was sitting beside the latter, completely out of the cab. All three of the men wore seriously injured.

Soldiers' Monument in Marathon.

   The friends of Mr. A. C. Robacher, in Cortland, will be pleased to learn that the contract for furnishing the soldiers' monument for the village of Marathon, has been let to him. The committee met on the 6th to decide the matter. There were dealers there from Syracuse, Binghamton, Dryden, Newark Valley and Whitney's Point. Mr. Robacher had secured a granite soldiers' statue at parade rest, standing 7 feet and 4 inches. Had the job been let elsewhere, this statue was to be placed in another county. One of the bidders represented the same firm, but as the time was short, and dealers busy, it would have been impossible to have had another statute carved in time for Decoration day, this being the only 7 foot statue in Barre, and, consequently, just at present, was in great demand. Marathon people ought to be well pleased with this purchase. The monument is to cost one thousand dollars, which is very cheap.
   VIDE. [pen name for local correspondent.]
   MARATHON, March 7, 1893.

Normal School Notes.

   The Gamma Sigma Fraternity has arranged for a grand phonograph concert to be given in the opera house on Tuesday evening, March 28. They have also engaged the city band for the evening and pieces played by the band will be reproduced by the phonograph. [Where are these phonograph cylinders today?--CC editor.] 
   The entertainment given last Friday evening in Normal Hall by the primary department was a success in every way, and the interesting program was perfectly carried out by the little ones. The sixteen uniformed policemen under command of chief Webb Phelps deserve special mention for their neat appearance and precision in all the intricate moments.
   The exhibit of the Cortland Normal school at the World's fair will comprise work from every department in the school, and judging from the work submitted the exhibit will compare well with that sent by other similar schools.
   The mock trial given by the Gamma Sigma Fraternity will be repeated at Fabius, N. Y., on March 24, for the benefit of the school library, where Mr. C. R. Drum, a former student, is teaching; if Susan Singleheart is successful in this breach of promise case, she will at once go upon the stage, and probably poor Phil Domeup will go to the poor house.
   The regular classes in the "gym" are doing good work and the students take great interest in the exercises.
   A number of the students are wearing sweaters and think that the money saved on laundry will eventually pay for the sweater; one of the boys says the only thing that worries him is that he will have to wear a "bibed" shirt while he has the sweater washed.
   There are so many students who are required to appear each week for rhetorical work, that part of the rhetoricals are held Thursday afternoon in the literature room.

The Eclectics.

   SYRACUSE, March 9.—The twenty-fifth annual meeting of the Central New York Eclectic society was held at the Empire house today. Several peculiar cases were reported and discussed. Reports were read and routine business transacted. Dr. Boga was elected president; Dr. Taylor, of Scriba, vice-president; Dr. Ensign, of McGrawville, secretary, and Dr. J. H. Robinson, of Homer, treasurer. The next meeting will be held in this city the first Wednesday in September.

Wheelman with broken wheel.

   Marathon holds its charter election next Tuesday.
   A total eclipse of the sun will occur April 16th.
   Ed. Richardson, the wheelman, has sold 18 wheels so far this season.
   A bill has been introduced in the Assembly authorizing women to vote for commissioners of excise in towns.
   Henry Corcoran, of this village, will open a branch of his bottling works in Homer between this and the 1st of May next.
   D. R. Thornton will give a St. Patrick's day party at the Valley House, in Solon this Friday evening. Music by Landers & Horton's orchestra. Bill, $1.25.
   High water visited many cellars in Marathon, last Saturday, and remained until Tuesday. At one time there was fourteen inches of water in the press room of the Independent. 
   We are under obligations to the authorities of the Elmira Reformatory for their "Seventeenth Year Book," it being the annual report to the legislature. It is a fine piece of work.
   Wm. K. Ames, for several years employed on the DeRuyter Gleaner, has purchased the Broome County Herald, published at Chenango Forks. We wish Mr. Ames abundant success in his venture.
   A floor in the Cortland Top & Rail shops, upon which about thirty tons of steel had been piled, fell with a crash last Wednesday afternoon. A large quantity of the goods landed in the cistern, and is covered with eight feet of water.
   The following rule of the employment bureau in connection with the Loyal Circle of King's Daughters, of Cortland, N. Y., has been adopted: Parties wishing to hire help through this agency will be required to pay the sum of 50 cents to the superintendent at the time of hiring.
   One of the gang of young toughs, always found about the entrance to the opera house when there is an entertainment inside, was arrested last Thursday evening by special officers Peters and Hodges, and lodged in jail for the night. In the morning he was severely reprimanded by Judge Bull and discharged. These young hoodlums have become a great nuisance, and ought to be arrested and fined as often as they put in an appearance.
   One of Cortland's mashers suggests that registers be placed in the vestibules of the several churches in this village, and that all unmarried ladies be required to register their names on entering. Such a course he believes would be appreciated by the boys, for the reason that they could look over the list and if the particular young lady's name was not found, the young fellow could go about his business instead of being obliged to cool his heels on the walk throughout the services, only to be disappointed when the services close.
   Oscar Courtney, of this village, reports most excellent results from his hen dairy of Plymouth Rock fowls. He has wintered 62 pullets, but only 60 of that number have been layers. From them he received during the month of December 477 eggs; in January 771, and in February 643, making a total of 1,891 eggs for the three months. Besides using what eggs were necessary for his family use, he sold during this time over $43 worth of them. This shows that the right kind of fowls, properly cared for, are profitable. He now has two or three broods of chickens about a week old, which he will be able to market when "broilers" bring a good price.—Marathon Independent.


   TOMPKINS.—The Board of Trustees of Dryden are planning to enlarge and repair the village hall.
   F. F. Morse of Trumansburg has been awarded two patents on a two-wheeled vehicle.
   Mr. Benjamin Pringle has been appointed assistant in agriculture in Cornell, to take the place during the spring term of James E. Rice, resigned.
   The baccalaureate sermon at Cornell's next commencement, will be preached by the Rev. David H. Greer, D. D., of St. Bartholomew's (Episcopal) church, New York city.
   The Ithaca Philharmonic Orchestra club, composed of ten members, M. M. Gutstadt, leader, is now an established organization. It is composed of the best musicians in town and among the students.
   The death of Mr. Asabel Clapp, publisher of the Ithacan, occurred Wednesday, March 8th, after a long illness. Mr. Clapp was for many years a resident of Drydcn, during which time he was publisher of the Dryden Weekly News. In 1871 he removed to Ithaca, where he continued the paper under the name of the Weekly Ithacan and Dryden News. The veteran publisher died at the age of 71 years, after a useful life.


   ◘ Police Justice Bull will continue to do business at the same old stand, three years more.

   ◘ The Standard is seriously disturbed over the political situation in this village, and predicts that unless something is speedily done to prevent it, the Republican majority in Cortland will be wiped out. We must confess that it looks very much as if our neighbor would prove to be a good prophet. Let us hope that the prophecy may prove true.

   ◘ The Democrats had to fight both the Republican and Prohibition parties at the charter election, the latter party having endorsed the most of the ticket nominated by the Republicans. Had the Prohibitionists nominated a separate ticket, the Democrats would undoubtedly have elected their entire ticket. As it is they elected the Police Justice and the Collector by good round majorities.

  ◘ Arthur B. Nelson Esq., the Democratic candidate for President of the village, was nominated without his knowledge and while he was out of town. When he returned he notified the village committee that his business would not permit him to accept, and he positively declined to run. The nominations had been filed, however, and it was too late to make a change. Mr. Nelson would undoubtedly have been elected had it not been generally understood that he would not accept the office.

   ◘ The expenses of some of the candidates on the Republican ticket for town meeting have been published in the Standard. It is interesting to note that Mr. DeVille M. Fuller, the candidate for collector, paid to the town committee $25 and $4.50 for [ballot] pasters. It would be still more interesting to know what became of the money. Will the Standard enlighten the public on this quite important subject? As a collector of the daily happenings of this community, it can hardly afford to refuse to furnish this important news to its readers. Mr. Fuller is supposed to be a very poor man, and yet his assessment was the highest of any of the candidates thus far published.

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