Tuesday, July 26, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, October 21, 1892.


Homer Pratt Commits Suicide by Hanging—His Body Found in Randall's Woods.
   Last Sunday afternoon Mr. I. N. Lounsbury and son Irvin, residing at 41 No. Main-st. took a walk down So. Main-st. and entered Randall's woods south of the village. A few rods south of the old snake pond they saw a man apparently standing near a tree. A nearer approach showed that his feet did not reach the ground and that a rope about his neck was fastened to the limb of a tree.
   They were not long in getting out of the woods and in notifying Chief Sager, who with several others returned to the spot with them. An examination showed that the man had been dead some time and the officer notified Coroner Moore, who with undertaker Peck went to the place where the man was found. The body was placed in a rude coffin and taken to the rooms of Beard & Peck, where it was exhibited for identification. Shortly after 6:00 o'clock the body was identified by Fred Pratt, who said it was the body of his father, Homer Pratt, who resided on Washington-st. in this village. He had been missing from his home since Friday the 7th inst., but his family had not been greatly disturbed concerning his absence, as he frequently left home to visit friends at Pompey without notifying his family of his intention. His remaining away longer than was his custom caused some uneasiness and they wrote to relatives in regard to him, but could obtain no information concerning him.
   Pratt was small in stature and was 61 years old. A few years since while living the West, he received an injury to his spine and has been demented at times since then. He leaves four children, Charles of Pompey, Frank, who lives west and Fred and Nellie, who lived with him here.
   His body was taken to Pompey Monday for interment.

The Lamp Exploded.
   Last Thursday evening a lamp exploded in the hands of Miss Kate Moore of No. 54 Port Watson-st. She called to her nephew, Everett Hardy, who occupied an adjoining room, and fainted. Hardy came into the room and found his aunt lying on the floor and her hair aflame. Taking off his coat and wrapping it about her head he soon smothered the flames and throwing a quilt over the blazing carpet he controlled the situation which at first looked dubious. Miss Moore's hair was badly burned. His promptness and presence of mind undoubtedly prevented more serious results.
Fire at the Omnibus Shops.
   At 6 o'clock last Friday morning when Richard Turner, the engineer at the Cortland Omnibus and Cab Company works, arrived at the buildings, he found the engine room full of smoke. Finding no fire he opened the door into the blacksmith shop which was also full of smoke. He started the whistle, which attracted the attention of Thos. Leach who keeps the lunch counter at the D. L. & W. station.
Leach saw the smoke and turned in an alarm which brought the Emeralds on the scene inside of three minutes, the other companies soon following. The fire which was located in the floor of the blacksmith shop was soon put out and the damage was small. The origin of the fire is not known but it is supposed to have started either from a hot iron thrown upon the floor, or from a spark from one of the forges.

Cortland Opera House Filled to Overflowing—A Grand Speech—Immense Torch-Light Procession.
   Last Monday evening every seat in the Cortland Opera House was filled by voters who came to hear the Hon. Thos. F. Grady of New York, expound the issues presented in this campaign. The stage was filled with people and every available inch of standing room to the doors was occupied. Many hundreds of people were on the side-walks and in the streets leading from the doors of the Opera House to Sager's corner, unable to gain an entrance. Before the speech the several Democratic marching clubs gave a grand street parade headed by the Cortland City band. There were over 300 voters in line and the parade was nearly a half a mile in length.
   Hugh Duffey, Esq., chairman of the Democratic County Committee called the meeting to order and nominated Frank W. Collins, Esq., for chairman. The nomination being ratified, Mr. Collins delivered a neat little speech, and was frequently applauded, before introducing the speaker of the evening.
   The ovation which greeted Mr. Grady was one that any orator might be proud of and it was some lime before he was permitted to proceed. The speaker started off with a few witticisms, which put the audience in excellent humor for the arguments that were to follow. We very much regret that we were unable to secure a verbatim report of the address. Mr. Grady always speaks extemporaneously and in the absence of a stenographer no just report could be made. A synopsis would not do him justice. Suffice it to say, that his explanation of the provisions of the Force bill which John I. Davenport, the author of the bill, says is not dead but will be put through at the first opportunity, was very clear and many who have not heretofore understood what the Republicans intend to accomplish by the enactment of the measure, must have gone home fully posted on the subject.
   Mr. Grady's manner of illustrating the workings of the McKinley bill were convincing and simple, and showed that he fully understood the injustice which the bill works to the farmer and mechanic. The speaker held the audience for nearly two hours and closed with an eloquent appeal to his hearers to stand by their country no matter what became of party. The meeting was a grand success from every point of view and must result in great good.

Peoples' Party.
   A Peoples' Party County Convention was held at Cortland in Good Templars' Hall, Saturday, Oct. 15th, at 1 o'clock P. M. The convention was called to order by L. L. Schellinger of Truxton. S. D. Deyoe of Virgil was chosen chairman and G. H. Tillotson, secretary. The following candidates were nominated for County officers:
   For Member of Assembly—S. Dewitt Deyoe of Virgil.
   For Justice of Sessions—H. D. Lazell of Truxton.
   For Coroner—Edward P. Alexander.
   Resolutions were passed indorcing [sic] the Omaha platform.

Messenger House was located at the S. E. corner of Port Watson Street and Main Street, Cortland.

   The Opera House was filled last Friday evening to hear Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin Company. The performance was a very satisfactory one. 
   Be sure and attend the grand Firemen's Fair in the armory all next week.
   Don't fail to see that your name is put on the registry books to-morrow.
   If you are not registered you cannot vote. Be sure and see that your name goes on the registry books to-morrow.
   The ladies of Rebekah Lodge, I. O. O. F., will give a dime supper in John L. Lewis lodge rooms this evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
   H. C. Van Slyke, of Cortland, has rented the vacant store in A. H Platt's building on North Aurora street, and will open a candy kitchen.—Ithaca Democrat.
   Last week John Kane, residing three miles west of this village on the McLean road, harvested 400 bushels of ears of corn from 2 7/8 acres of ground. That is what the average farmer would call an immense yield.
   Mr. H. L. Carpenter, of East River, has commenced making cider at his mill and is turning out prime juice, as we can testify from actual test. Parties who have use for this beverage can be supplied either in large or small quantities at short notice.
   The many friends and patrons of Dr. W. J. Doyle, our veterinary surgeon, will regret to hear that he has decided to move to Cortland in the near future.— Cazenovia Republican.
   Millard Crandall of Haight's Gulf, who was arrested on the charge of carrying off a tub of butter, which he found on the street, and which had fallen off the National Express Company's wagon, was taken before Justice Bull last Monday, plead guilty, and was fined $15.00.
   Mr. P. Conway, leader of the City band, has opened a factory for the manufacture of fine Havana and domestic cigars at No. 5 Clinton-ave. Mr. Conway understands the wants of the smoking public, and he purposes to give them the very best goods for the least money. Try some of his new brands.
   Don't forget that the Hitchcock Hose and 45th Separate company's grand Firemen's Fair commences next Monday at the armory in this village, and lasts all the week. The City Band gives a street parade each evening and Daniels' orchestra furnishes music for dancing. Season tickets $1.00. For sale by members of the companies.
   Elmer E. Lakey has become one of the stockholders of the Cortland Desk Co. The company will also manufacture Mr. Lakey's goods. He has engaged to take an active part in the business operations of the company. We learn that he intends ere long to make Cortland his home. We are sorry to lose Mr. Lakey from our village. He is a live, pushing business man and the Desk Co. have done well in securing his services.—Groton Journal.
   Last Thursday evening, while David Jackson, the Messenger House mascot, was walking leisurely down Main-st., he met a "white pusson" in front of the old Squires block, who seemed to be suffering from an overdose of liquid dizziness, and who wanted to know if David wasn't the "cullud pusson" who fired a rock at him on a previous occasion. David denied the accusation, but the other would not have it and began to use language plain and not to the mascot's liking, whereupon the latter reached for one of the few paving stones that happened to be fastened down, when his eye discovered the hand of his tormentor reaching for his hip pocket [for a knife]. Dave says that Nancy Hanks [race horse] never made better time on a kite track than he made around the corner and down Port Watson street to Hill's blacksmith shop, through Randall's fields and into the kitchen door of the Messenger House, where he arrived in a distressed and badly frightened condition. The mascot says he didn't mind being bruised up a little with an ordinary rock, but when it comes to those perforating machines, he has no use for them in his business.

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