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Elizabeth Brewster House, Homer, N. Y. |
Cortland Standard and Weekly Journal, Friday,
August 5, 1892.
Home for Aged Women.
Much to
be commended is the custom, now gaining ground, of disposing of either
accumulated or inherited wealth during the natural life of the proprietor. Much
unnecessary litigation is thereby prevented and when it is used for
philanthropic purposes its work commences sooner. The best interest to which money
can be put is bearing fruit for God. It was the recognition of this principle
that originated the Home for Aged Women
situated in Homer.
Elizabeth A. Brewster for the first
quarter of a century of
her life a resident of that town, a long-time resident of Rochester, returned
to Homer in 1886 from a sojourn in California whither she had gone some years
previous for the benefit of her son. She
purchased the estate known as the Lewis property, fronting on Main-st.
and running back to the river. Houses numbers 41 and 43 South Main-st. were then
standing upon it. Its area is about an acre.
Back from
the street is a pretty cottage built by her in 1887 for the accommodation of
herself and sisters. The room s are very nicely arranged, large south and east
windows invite the sun, which she utilizes in winter for the cultivation of
plants of which she has a great variety. Her rare cacti are her especial pride.
years show their traces upon her physical system, but the great heart still
plans and labors for the good of others. Such hearts are ever young. In spite,
however, of the weight of years which she bears, she spends much time amid the
fruits and flowers with which she has covered the best part of her grounds, and
whose products are more for others than herself. The location is central, being
opposite the village green, where are the churches and high-school building.
Street-cars from Homer to Cortland make transportation from one place to the
other very conveniently for those who occupy or wish to visit the Home.
In October, 1891, Mrs. Brewster
deeded to an association incorporated about that time, this property, reserving
for her own use the brown cottage so long as she shall need it. The association
known by the name given at the head of this article has for its president Mrs.
C. O. Newton; vice-president, Mrs. J. J. Murray; secretary, Miss Sara G.
Collins; treasurer, Mrs. Augustus H. Bennett.
buildings on Main-st. were occupied by tenants. They were allowed to remain for
a time. April, 1892, house No. 41 was vacated. It was then thoroughly renovated
and refitted internally and prepared for occupancy.
On April
27 the Home was informally opened with
Mrs. E. M. Gates as matron. On April
30 the first boarder, a lady from Cortland, arrived. It will be noticed that we
say boarder. This is necessary now, as there are not sufficient funds on
hand to enable the managers to
promise to see anybody through life,
the only charge now made being $2.50 per week. The trustees hope that people of the county, who are abundantly able, will hasten
to endow this association that they may be able to care for those who have
small means and no one to care for them. Will not the churches of the county
especially look to their duty in the matter, as well as in other philanthropic
If this
enterprise receives the assistance from people outside the county, it will be
after an effort has been made by the residents of the county, an effort too
crowned by success, in the securing of a fund whose size shall be a guarantee
of permanency. Let the people then realize the duties and privileges which are theirs
in this direction and contribute liberally toward the establishment of this
undenominational home, made such by especial provision of the founder.
Liberal donations of house-furnishing goods
have fitted this house as a home indeed, contributions of provisions have also
been frequent. More furnishings and bedding will soon be needed, as more rooms
must soon be opened. The work is yet in its infancy, but its opportunity is
large. Will not the people of the county help to its development?
Rev. Geo.
F. Clover, recently returned to Homer from St. Luke’s hospital, N. Y., kindly offered to visit the Home on Wednesday
of each week and conduct a short religious service. His coming is warmly
welcomed by the occupants. The hearts
of those who are waiting for the
boatman to carry them over the river, are always gladdened by kindly remembrances
from those who are in the midst
of life’s battle and the Christian minister often receives his best inspiration while ministering to their
spiritual needs.
Trustees Meeting.
Aug. 2.—A
regular meeting of the [Cortland] board of trustees was held last evening, all of the members
being present.
The following
bills were audited and ordered paid:
Street Commissioners’
James O’Neil, to repairs on sandbank house
E. Williams, labor............................................
Fred Ryan, work on stone-crusher………….. ..68.25
Police force,
salary............................................ 49.00
E. D. Parker, to taking prisoner to Syracuse........2.40
Hatch, clerk salary.......................... 25.00
F. M. Samson,
janitor salary……………25.00
L. R. Lewis, plumbing...............................3.20
G. O.
Gilbert, services to board of health ....75 cents
Homer & Electric Co.............468.93
bond of David C. Johnson in the sum of
$80,000 as collector of Cortland village,
with Messrs. Fitz Boynton, W.
B. Stoppard, D. F. Wallace, H.
F. Benton and James R. Schermerhorn as sureties, was approved and placed on
On motion
City Engineer Place was ordered to give a sidewalk grade from Monroe Heights to
A complaint
was laid before the board concerning the accumulation of surface water at
Barber-ave. and Homer-ave. On motion this was referred to Trustees Smith and
Why is This?
following communication from one of our leading citizens explains itself:
To the Editors of the STANDARD:
bought a stone crusher last spring, and it does good work. In the light of this,
why are our village trustees filling in Greenbush-st. with dirt and cobbles to
be carted off again next spring in mud?
Texas Flies in the Dairy.
new pest to dairymen has appeared this year in the form of an insect known as
the Texas fly. It is smaller than the ordinary fly and has more erect wings. It
multiplies with great rapidity. Last year but a few of them were seen, but this
season they appear in swarms and light upon everything of the cattle kind. One
peculiarity of the insect is that instead of sucking the blood as the ordinary
fly does it bites, with great apparent ferocity, driving cattle into a perfect
effect as manifested in a herd of dairy cows is a marked shrinkage in the milk.
One man who brings milk into Cortland estimates that his cows have shrunk about
one-third in the quantity of milk produced. It would naturally be expected
that at this season the cows would not he giving as much milk as in the first
flush of new feed, early in June, but the proportion should not be so great and
the gentleman above referred to claims that his cows should not be shrinking at
the present time, as he has just turned them into a meadow, where they have a
great abundance of fresh after-feed. Different dairymen have noticed the
shrinkage of milk, but have not been able to explain it, though they have all
noticed the swarms of flies that follow their cows.
Dr. Baker
informs us that the only apparent way to get rid of these at the present time
seems to be to sponge the cows with a fluid, the odor of which is so offensive
to the flies that they depart from the animal. The effect of a single sponging
will last about a week if the rain does not wash it off, in which case more
frequent applications are necessary. It will not do to use anything poisonous for
this purpose to destroy the flies, as it would be likely to also poison the
cow, either through the application of the poison to the skin, or because the
cow is so likely to lick herself off at times. But there is a preparation the
odor of which will drive away the flies for the time.
The Record Did Not Go.
2.—The scorch to Little York and return last night resulted in a very close
race, but the record of 53:10 was not touched by a minute. There were only two
starters, Will Jacquett and E. S. Dalton. Jacquett cut out the pace and led
nearly all the way, although Dalton passed him, going through Homer, both on
the trip up and on the return. At about 8 o’clock, when the time came for the
finish, there was a crowd of three or four hundred gathered at the Cortland
House crossing. It was almost dark when the cry went up, Here they come. Two
or three friends of the riders came on ahead as pace makers and cleared the way
through the crowd. Jacquett was leading by about ten yards and past [sic] the
cross-walk a winner. The times taken were various, but the best accredited is
put at 54:15.
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William McKinley. |
Another Great Speech by McKinley.
Governor McKinley addressed a great audience Tuesday at Beatrice, Neb. People came from four states, swelling the
concourse of thousands, and the speech to which they listened was one of the
most masterly presentations and vindications of protection which have ever been
made. At the close of his remarks Governor McKinley addressed himself
especially to the farmers, and his words appeal to every tiller of the soil in
New York as well as the great West. He said:
is a positive benefit to the farmers of this country. There is no class of our fellow
citizens more certainly advantaged by the protective tariff than the farmers of
the United Sates. It makes a home demand for his products, and home consumers
are always better than foreign consumers because they are nearer the field of
production. They enable the farmer to dispose of perishable products at a
profit, which it would be impracticable to ship abroad. It therefore increases
to that extent the demand for the products of agriculture, and widens the uses
of the farm. Millions of dollars annually of the products of the farm are sold
in our industrial towns which would not be raised at all but for the demand
which they make. What the farmers want are consumers, and the more consumers
and fewer competitor’s he has the better will be his profits, and he wants
these consumers steady and regular and at all times reliable. He has such in
the 65,000,000 consumers in this country, who are the best and most profitable
consumers to be found anywhere on the globe. He is sure of them, while his
foreign market is fitful, far removed, less certain, and dependent upon
agricultural conditions in the foreign countries, whether there is a short crop
or a long crop. There he has competition;
here he has practically the field, with little or no competition except with his
own fellow citizens.
agriculturists of this country do not want more farmers. They want more people
who do not raise their own food, and whom they can supply. Every farmer would
rather have a factory for his neighbor than another farmer. Every factory that
is built up increases the farmer’s customers,
the value of his product and the value of his land.
Every factory that is broken down diminishes the farmer’s customers, the value
of his product and the value of his land, and increases his competitors. If the
workingmen of this country can not get employment in the factories, they must seek
it elsewhere. They can not find it in other mechanical pursuits, so they must
go to the land. There every man can go when he can not find work at his
accustomed occupation, and when he goes there he takes out of the ground a
living, and he is no longer/the consumer of your products, but produces for
himself and becomes a competitor of yours instead of a customer of yours, as he
is to-day. Every new industry increases the farmer’s home market, and furnishes
him what he most wants, profitable customers.
At the
great joint debate before 15,000 people at Monona Lake assembly, Wis., July 29, between Ex-Governor St. John of Kansas,
Governor McKinley of Ohio, and Mr. Warren of the New York Tariff Reform club,
Governor McKinley stated what is a fact known to all who give attention to the
affairs of the national government, that it now costs almost $400,000,000 to meet
its current expenses, or more than $1,000,000 daily. This amount increases
year by year.
This vast
sum of money has to be raised by taxation. It does not grow spontaneously anywhere,
but is taken from somebody by tax. How shall this enormous sum be levied? In
other words, who shall pay into the government treasury daily more than one
million of dollars! The Democratic party say it shall be levied by direct
taxation—that is by a tax upon farm
lands, houses, stores, factories
and every specie of property one
may have. The Republicans say it shall be paid by foreign countries through the
operation of the tariff laws. In November the people will decide through the
ballot box which of these two policies shall prevail.
following is a mere condensation of Governor McKinley's great speech, but it
contains everlasting truths which ought to be treasured up by every voter in
the United States:
He said
he was not present to represent the Republican party or to discuss the tariff in
a partisan way, but to present in plain language the great business questions of
the day. He knew of no subject so dull, he said, as taxation. Continuing he
If we had
power to do away with it altogether it would he the policy of the Republicans and
the Democrats alike, but so long as we have a government we must have revenue.
We can secure that revenue in only one way, and that is by the government
invoking the constitutional power of taxation upon its own people and the
taxation of other people seeking a market in the United States. It requires in
this country nearly $400,000,000 every year to pay the expenses of the federal government,
more than a million dollars every twenty-four hours. This is what makes the subject
under discussion of importance, and that is what the citizens of this and other
states are to determine, what system of taxation shall raise that million dollars
required every day to prevent the wheels of this government from being clogged.
You can do it in one of the ways of the constitution of the United States by direct taxation, or you can do it by
tariff taxation; you can do it by taxing yourself, your land, your property,
your goods, your investments, your labor, your property, real or personal, and you
can do it by taxing the product of every people of the world seeking a market
in the United States. How will you do it? The Democratic leaders of to-day seem to look to
direct taxation or the system of Henry George to put the single tax on lands to
raise the nearly $400,000,000 required annually for public purposes. The
trouble with the free trader is he never particularizes, for when he does he is
A month
of strike at Homestead has cost the state $320,000 for troops, the mill owners $150,000 for the loss of the use of
property and capital, and the Homestead workingmen
have lost $150,000 for idleness. About $200,000 more has been lost by sympathetic strikes, and there is
no telling how much business has lost by stagnation. The farm mortgages issue
sinks into insignificance when compared with losses by a big strike.—Binghamton Republican.
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