The Foreigner Pays the Tariff Tax.
Page Four—Editorials.
>It is a little strange that Wm. McKinley has
thus far paid not the slightest attention to the letter which Mr. Michael Doran
wrote him several weeks since. While Mr.
McKinley was in the 51st Congress he stated in a speech on the tariff that
"the foreigner pays the tariff tax" and not the American consumer. Not
long ago Mr. Doran's mother sent him a dozen pairs of socks from Ireland worth
about 20 cents per pair. The New York Customs Officials made Mr. Doran pay a
duty of 25 cents per pair on them and he wrote a statement of the facts to Mr.
McKinley two months ago, asking him to what government he must apply for the return
of his three dollars. As yet Mr. McKinley has not answered and he is still as
dumb as an oyster on the subject. McKinley ought, in common decency, to answer
a civil letter of inquiry. It ought not to take long to give the necessary information.
>The workingman whose wages have been
increased by the McKinley bill is decidedly
slow about coming to the front and proclaiming the fact.
>[New York] Gov. Flower's prompt action in
purchasing Fire Island for quarantine [cholera] purposes is being commended everywhere.
He did not wait to see if the State would pay but promptly honored the draft
for the $50,000, the amount required to be paid down, and became responsible
for the payment of the $100,000 balance. It is fortunate for the State, in this
emergency, that it has a Governor who is both able and willing to put up the
cash that is necessary, at a moment's notice.
>The Hon. James H. Tripp [Marathon] made
a very good speech before the nominating convention on Wednesday. He forgot to say
however, that if elected he would vote for reducing the rate of interest
from six to five per cent. Last winter he voted against the bill. If he
had promised to vote for such a bill, the farmer, delegates, who are paying six
per cent on their farm mortgages, would undoubtedly have cheered him to the
Mr. Cleveland's term of office expired, he left $100,000,000 in the United
States treasury. When Mr. Harrison leaves office on the 4th of March next, he
will leave a deficit of about that amount. If he should be reelected and transact
business at the same rate another year, there would hardly be such a thing as a
treasury known in this country.
>The republican managers are running a
Janus-faced campaign. In the east they are talking honest money, while in the
far western states they assure the people that Harrison is in favor of free silver
coinage. This sort of a looking-both-ways campaign won in 1888, but will it win
in 1892? The party is either for free silver or against it. Which is it?
E. O. Beers, of Elmira, has written a letter wherein he gives several alleged
reasons why he cannot support Cleveland, and the Republican press seems to be
greatly pleased at his action. The only striking feature of the letter is the entire
absence of a valid reason for supporting Harrison. The alleged reasons savor
more of childishness than anything else. Let the little fellow join his
playmates and grow up with them.
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Tom Platt. |
The Republican campaign managers will not be
able to make enough noise to prevent the voters from remembering that it was a
Republican senate that passed a free silver bill and a Democratic house that defeated
it.—New York World.
As ANTICIPATED, Mr. Tom Platt says "protection
to labor" is the greatest issue of the campaign. As the largest employer
of convict labor in the United States, Mr. Platt ought to know.—Albany Argus.
Frank P. Bennett, a Republican member of the
Massachusetts legislature and editor of the Cotton
and Wool Reporter, says "there can be no doubt that there is a growing
revolt among the Republicans of Massachusetts against the extreme high tariff
views represented by the McKinley bill."
The Democrats and Independents of South
Dakota have agreed upon fusion. The Democrats will endorse the Independent
electoral ticket, the electors agreeing to vote for Weaver and Stevenson, the
Democrats taking only one State nomination and one congressman.
J. Sterling Morton, who the Democrats have
by acclamation nominated for governor of Nebraska, is undoubtedly one of the
most distinguished men of the west. He is able and brilliant, He is original and
cultured. He is an effective campaigner and he is a man possessing in the fullest
degree the courage of his convictions.—Omaha World-Herald.
It behooves Democratic district conventions
through the State to bear in mind that this year on the electoral ticket will
also be placed the names of the party candidates for congress, the assembly and
county offices. Strong, popular local nominations will thus strengthen the
national ticket more than usual, while weak and unfit candidates will handicap
the party's hopes of a general success. Good judgment in the selection of local
Democratic candidates all through the State will be worth thousands of votes in
New York to the Democracy of the nation.—Kingston Argus.
A party of nine wheelmen took a ride to
Little York and return, last Friday evening.
The annual reunion of the 157th regiment
will be held at Hamilton, September 19th.
The contract for building the addition to
Firemen's Hall has been let to Mr. L. G. Viele, of this place, for $2,825.
Mr. T. Evarts has purchased the stock and
fixtures in Al. Newton's saloon and restaurant on Port Watson-st., where he will
be glad to see his many friends. The rooms have been redecorated and repainted.
Last week Wednesday evening Messrs. Grady &
Corcoran had the bulletins from the Sullivan-Corbett fight read at
their store on Railroad-st. The result came just before 12 o'clock. A large
crowd of people were present.
A bay mare, top buggy and harness were
stolen from the stable of John Caughey, in Tully, Monday night. The buggy has
the Cortland Wagon Company's plate on back. The owner offers a suitable reward.
Michael Comfort, who has been laid by for
several months with rheumatism, has leased the store, No. 22, on the north side
of Railroad-st. His friends will find him there with a fine stock of cigars,
tobacco and confectionery. He solicits a call.
Last Friday Mr. James M. Randall, of this
place, representing Brown Brothers' Co. nurseries of Rochester, brought to our
office samples of Moore's early grape, that were very large and delicious to
the taste. Mr. Randall is selling this grape at a very reasonable price.
Last Thursday night, John White, of Lisle
fell under the cars between that village and Whitney's Point, and had one of
his legs cut off, from the effects of which he died soon after. It is supposed
that he was running to get on or off the train when the accident happened. He
was about 24 years of age.
Franklin Pierce, Esq., of New York, formerly
of Homer, who recently shook the republican dust from his feet, will make his
first speech of the campaign in Hulbert's
Opera House, Marathon, next Monday evening. Mr. Pierce is a thorough student, a
careful observer, and an able and convincing speaker, and ought to have a large
Last Monday Mr. J. H. Ryan exhibited in his
office a stalk of Champion grapes, grown on his premises in this village, that were
ripe Sept. 1st. They are a very handsome grape, and are said to be of extra
fine flavor. Two of these vines can be seen on his lot with handsome clusters
of fruit growing on them. Readers of the DEMOCRAT, who
are fond of this fruit, will do well to see Mr. Ryan before purchasing vines.
Miss Rosabel Morrison, supported by an excellent
company, will soon appear in the Opera House, in "The Danger Signal,"
written expressly for her by Mr. Henry C. DeMille. Miss Morrison is the
daughter of Mr. Lewis Morrison, who appeared here two or three years since in
the spectacular play entitled "Faust." In that play Miss Morrison
took the part of Marguerite and made hosts of friends. Watch for the day and
When Mr. J. J. Larrison of Blodgett's Mills went
for his cows last Saturday morning, he found one of them dead and several
others sick. He drove the rest to the barn and by 11 A. M two more had died.
Mr. Larrison went to the field to investigate. Last year potatoes were raised on
the field and last spring it was seeded down. During the potato bug season last
year he mixed Paris green with plaster, and carried the same to the field in
barrels. The barrels have stood there since, and fell apart some time ago. The
cows were only recently turned into the lot and it is supposed that they licked
the staves of the barrels, and that a sufficient quantity of the poison
remained on the staves to bring about the result above stated. Too much care
cannot be taken to prevent serious results in the use of Paris green.
While Will Pritchard of Polkville was unloading
some empty boxes at the shipping room of the McGrawville corset factory, last
week Thursday, he stepped on the forward end of the dump boards of the wagon.
The boards tipped up and threw him on the tongue of the vehicle and one of the
boxes fell on the mules and they ran around the building, overturning the wagon.
Pritchard was taken home and Drs. Hendricks and Forshee called. Three ribs were
broken and his chest was badly bruised. It is thought that he will recover
soon. The mules were caught after running a few rods.
Allen's Great Eastern Show and Prof. Van Vranken's
Equine Paradox of educated horses, ponies and donkeys is billed to appear in
Cincinnatus, Thursday, September 22nd.
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