Thursday, July 28, 2016


Thomas Nast political cartoon.
Cortland Standard and Weekly Journal, Friday, October 21, 1892.

From Pierce Drunk to Pierce Sober.

   We desire to appeal from Franklin Pierce Esq., drunk with the lunacy and recklessness of a free trade reformer for revenue only, to Franklin Pierce Esq. in the possession of all his faculties, stating facts as they are and without any inducement to do otherwise, and consequently a thorough-going American protectionist.  Mr. Pierce, in 1888, contributed to the Homer Republican an article which that paper lately republished, and which contains the following:
   Abraham Lincoln said that “labor is the superior of capital and deserves much the higher consideration.” It was under the leadership of this champion of the poor, the humble and the slave, that the Republican party won immortal glory. Ours is a grand nation to-day, because that party has continued to care more for the welfare and steady employment and independence of laboring men and women than for the pennies that might be saved by buying our manufactured articles of England. It is true that college professors, professional men and those who live upon the income of accumulated capital, might perhaps save a few dollars more each year had we the system of free trade, but what is the loss of these few compared with the evil of inventive genius languishing, of our agricultural products enriching the soil of foreign lands, of the national weakness which would result from our dependence upon foreign manufacturers for our clothing and other necessaries of life, and finally of our mills closed and our poorer neighbors without work or bread, or honest, independent, self-respecting manhood. We can hardly have forgotten the story of the mounted policemen of London driving the poor starving wretches from Trafalgar square on a Sunday last winter. Thirty thousand of these poor, miserable creatures slept out in the squares and parks of London during the whole of the winter, and hundreds are said to have died from actual starvation. In the Manchester Guardian of two years ago, Mr. John Bright is quoted as having said in a speech at Rochdale as follows: “In the city of Glasgow alone 41,000 families out of 100,000 live in houses having only one room, and in Scotland alone nearly one-third of the whole people dwell in houses of only one room… The fact is, there passes before my eyes a vision of millions of families, not individuals, but families, fathers, mothers, children, passing ghastly, sorrow-stricken, in never-ending procession from the cradle to the grave.” We turn from this scene of horror, thanking God that we are Americans, and trusting that this curse of poverty will never blight our fair land.
   Homer, Oct. 3, 1888.
   When Mr. Pierce next addresses a Democratic audience he might read them this extract and take himself—if he can—out of the class of “professional men and those who live upon the income of accumulated capital,” who “might save a few dollars more each year had we the system of free trade.” He might also prove—if he can-that the condition of free trade England’s poor is any better to-day than it was four years ago. Has that “ghastly, sorrow-stricken never-ending procession” of pauper laborers, or laborers who cannot get work even at pauper wages because of free trade, with their wives and children, ceased its march “from the cradle to the grave?” And is Mr. Pierce praying to God that “this curse of poverty will never blight our fair land” while he is doing his best to bring about the very same conditions in this country which have pauperized the English laborer and made “fathers, mothers and children ghastly and sorrow-stricken?” Such a price would be a large one to pay for Pierce’s advancement in the Democratic city to which he has moved [Mr. Pierce practiced law in New York City--CC editor], and for “the increase of the income of his accumulated capital,” but judging from his recent speeches he is perfectly willing that the country should pay it.
   Pierce, rotund and rosy, hobnobbing with Tammany magnates and waxing fat on spoils, would make a fine background for a “ghastly and sorrow-stricken procession” of American laborers and their families, robbed of work and bread by the system which this new apostle of free trade would inaugurate in our land.

   The Cornell University students are Republican three to one. In Princeton College, a strong Republican club has been organized. At Yale the Republican club has a full thousand and the Democratic club a scant two hundred members. A good story is told in this connection. The Yale Republicans are disposed to have considerable fun at the expense of the weaker organization. A day or two ago they hired “Smokes,” the chimney sweep, to promenade the campus carrying a banner on which was inscribed, “For heaven’s sake, won’t somebody join the Democratic club.”  A similar exhortation, says the Boston Journal, is apparently needed in the Massachusetts colleges.
   At Yale college the high priest of the free trade teaches the beautiful theory of the British system. Educated free trade lunatics also occupy chairs of political economy in other institutions of learning, but American young men are not to be corrupted politically by fossils and dry-as-dusts. The facts of American prosperity are stronger with them than the theories of Englishmen and English worshipers.

A Political Crime Without a Parallel.
   EVANSVILLE, Ind. Oct. 20.—A dastardly attempt to wreck a passenger train on the Louisville, St, Louis and Texas R. R. was made Tuesday night. A special train load of colored Republicans went from Henderson to Owensboro to participate in a big ratification meeting there and on their way home the engineer discovered a fire ahead of him on the track and stopped. An investigation showed that the bridge over Green river had been fired in several places, while a number of cross ties had been placed on the track at each end of the bridge. A wreck at that point would have caused a frightful loss of life.

   — Mr. M. De Ver Westcott has moved from his studio in the Graham block to a temporary structure just south of Warren, Tanner & Co.’s new store. Mr. Westcott will occupy the whole of the second floor of the new Miller block, which part is designed according to his plans.
— Master Harry Bostwick of Cortland, the minor son of the late Warren J. Bostwick formerly of company I., 50th regiment of New York state engineers, has just been allowed a pension of ten dollars a month, payable to his guardian, which will continue until he becomes sixteen years of age. L. P. Hollenbeck of Cortland is his attorney.
   —Mrs. Conine of Port Watson-st. is suing her husband, Mr. Charles Conine, for alleged non-support. The case is being tried before Judge Bull this afternoon.
   —F. S. Dunham has rented the barber shop on South Main-st. lately occupied by Henry St. Peter and will continue the business there. All old customers or new made welcome. 
   —Deputy United States Marshal McIntosh of Ithaca is in possession of a satchel said to belong to Dietz and Kline, the men charged with robbing the Moravia postoffice, in which was found a rubber postoffice stamp, an opium smoking outfit and other articles.
   —All Republicans who can furnish horses and riders for the grand rally on Friday evening, Oct. 21, will please report on Court-st. at 7:30 sharp or to C. H. Spaulding or Webster Young of the committee. Those who can furnish horses without riders will also please report.
   —Matt Kinney was brought before Judge Bull this morning on a charge of public intoxication. On signing a pledge for a year, he was discharged.
   —Boys with blackened noses caused by their coming in contact with smoked glasses while looking at the eclipse of the sun were numerous on the streets today.



   As we sat by the window at the D., L. & W. R. R station we noticed “Congressman J. D.” Belden going by with a wheelbarrow.

   Giles Rood of Brewery Hill was given 25 days straight in the Cortland jail for the privilege of enjoying half as many hours drunk. He was taken there this morning.

   Ami Hoag of Hotel Windsor has just had a new photograph taken. He truly resembles George Washington.

   “General” Rosencrans, the famous silver-tongued orator of Homer, predicts the election of General Weaver.

   The dance at Widger’s hall last evening is said to have had many startling hairbreadth escapes in connection with it.

   John Doyle, the genial host of the Central Hotel, has made application to have a two-story addition put on his hotel. Rush of business is the cause.

   W. H. Brown, our well-known photographer, went to Preble this morning on business.

   Two attractions appear at Homer Opera House this week. Mallery & Richards “A Full Moon” company are billed for Friday evening and May Davenport’s Folly company for Saturday evening.

   List of advertised letters at Homer post office: Elias Briggs, George Goodell, Mrs. Maggie Hall, Harry Mukley, F. N. Porter, George Waldren, Mrs. Hattie Williams. Persons calling for same will please say “advertised.” Pembroke Pierce, P. M.

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