Sunday, July 10, 2016


Floral Trout Park was located between East Ave. and Owen Ave (South Franklin Street). Two arched walking bridges separated the ponds, and a large building served as an assembly or dancing hall. The park is located at the upper right corner on the map. Left click on map for large image.
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, September 9, 1892.

Labor Day in Cortland.

   As was announced in the DEMOCRAT last week, Labor Day was celebrated in this place, and was quite generally observed by the inhabitants of this place. Most of the factories did not start up on Monday in order that their employes [sic] might have the day to themselves, and enjoy it as best they could. Some took occasion to go out of town, for the day, but the majority of the laboring class remained at home and in the afternoon joined with the Cortland Wagon Co. Mutual Aid and the City Band, in their celebration, parade and picnic at Floral Trout Park.
   These two organizations had planned for an afternoon's outing that could be enjoyed by all and everything augered well for the completion of the plans, until just before noon when dark clouds began to hover over Cortland, and their appearance threatened rain. At the noon hour, rain began to come down and for a few moments prospects for the entertainment at the park were somewhat dampened, but the rain cloud passed over and promptly at one o'clock, the hour appointed for the parade to start, the City Band of 21 pieces, left its quarters in Railroad street and proceeded to the soldiers' monument where the line was then forming. Soon the Mutual Aid Association, about 100 strong, came up from the Cortland Wagon Co.'s works, and marched up to the place of rendezvous bearing at their head the national colors, and in the center of the column a beautiful banner was lifted high, bearing in its folds the name of the organization.
   At the monument were already assembled the Cigar Makers' Union, No. 116, 40 strong, large representations from the Stove Moulders', and various other Unions, representatives from the many factories in this place. The line was formed and within a few minutes of the appointed time, the long column representing a large number of Cortland's honest toilers, was given the order to march under the command of Marshal C. H. Drake.
   The column proceeded to Port Watson street, to Main to Clinton avenue, to Greenbush, to Port Watson, thence to the Park, where the speaking and various amusements were to take place.
   Soon after arriving at the park the assembly was called to order by Mr. A. E. Hitchcock, who nominated J. C. Barry, Esq., as chairman. Mr. Barry was duly elected and upon taking the chair made some very interesting remarks, relative to the history and object of the C. W. Co. Mutual Aid Association, of which he was one of the charter members. He spoke of the substantial aid that the association had rendered to its members, who suffered from sickness and accident, and of the various channels through which it had done good, and been an honor to the community. Mr. N. C. Dean of Syracuse was then introduced, who gave some very interesting remarks, which were listened to very attentively. Then followed remarks by Hon. J. E. Eggleston, Mr. McGuire and Hon. A. P. Smith, which closed the exercises at the park for the afternoon.
   On account of the rain the various races that were advertised to take place, had to be omitted, but those who desired could and did enjoy dancing in the hall. The new City Band gave a fine concert in the afternoon and in the evening, which was listened to with marked interest.
   Although the crowd was not as large as it would have been had it not been for the inclement weather, yet the observance of labor day in Cortland was a genuine success. Business men in general showed their good will by closing their various places of business from one until three o'clock, while many closed at noon for the rest of the day.

Tioughnioga Club Election.
   The annual meeting for the election of officers and directors of the Tioughnioga club was held in the club rooms, on Wednesday evening. The following directors were chosen: J. E. Eggleston, Fitz Boynton, Chas. F. Brown, F. B. Nourse, G. L. Warren. The officers elected were
   President—Albert Allen.
   Vice President—F. Cy. Straat.
   Secretary—S. M. Ballard.
   Treasurer—Calvin P. Walrad.
   The retiring president, Mr. Wesley Hooker, read a statement of the financial affairs of the organization, which showed that the club was in excellent condition as far as means is concerned. He also thanked the members and directors for the uniform courtesy and respect that he had received from them during his term of office. According to the by-laws of the club, the president and directors are ineligible for reelection. There are 152 resident members of the dub, 10 from other towns of the county, and 28 non-resident members, making, all told, 190 members.

The Labor Question.
   EDITOR DEMOCRAT:— The right of labor to organize never has been disputed in this country. Every individual is free to join any labor union that will accept him. But freedom to join a labor union, implies equal freedom in refusing to join one.
   The law knows no distinction between organized and unorganized labor. One is entitled to precisely as mush protection as the other.
   When a body of men strike, it is usually charged, that it is a war on capital against labor, but much oftener the fact is, that those belonging to unions strike because non-union labor has also been employed.
   It seems unjust and un-American for an individual or a corporation to refuse employment to a man because he belongs to a labor union. It would seem equally unjust, and un-American, for an individual or a corporation to refuse employment to a man, simply because he did not belong to a union.
   Nevertheless, it is an undeniable fact, that many, if not most, of the strikes occur because non-union labor has been employed.
   If employers are wrong when they attempt to exclude union labor, it follows that the exclusion of non-union labor is equally illogical, and vicious, and it does not lessen the wrong if such exclusion is procured at the [insistence] of organized labor. Whenever and wherever a strike is ordered, public sympathy, in almost every instance, is with the striking workmen at the outset. If the striking workmen have a substantial grievance, and seek redress by peaceful means, public sympathy remains with them, and while such sympathy remains, they may reasonably hope for success. If the grievance is not of a substantial character, an intelligent public will soon discover it, and the result is public sympathy is at once withdrawn. But whether the grievance is substantial or otherwise, if the striking workmen interfere with, injure or destroy the property of the individual or corporation whose employ they have left, or use physical violence toward other workmen who have taken their places, public sympathy is no longer with them, and the strike is doomed to be a failure, whatever may have been its merit originally.
   Force and violence never yet won strike in this state, and never has benefited a single workman. Such has been the history of strikes heretofore where violence was used, and such will doubtless be the history in all future strikes, where other than peaceful means are attempted. The moment violence is used, it becomes the duty of both the civil and military authorities of the state, to maintain order, uphold the law and protect life and property.
   When it became known that property was being destroyed in the city of Buffalo, persons were being assaulted, and that the civil authorities were unable to quell such riotous and disorderly conduct, it became the duty of Governor Flower to furnish whatever assistance might be necessary to quell such riotous and disorderly conduct. Such assistance was due to the city of Buffalo, in order that person and property should be protected.
   The Governor acted promptly, and all necessary assistance was at once furnished. He met the emergency, as the executive of a great state should, manfully, unhesitatingly, and by so doing has won the confidence and esteem of all good citizens. The National Guard in responding so promptly to the call of the constituted authorities, have shown the people of this state, that they have a citizens soldiery of which they may well be proud. Grand Master Sweeney says, the striking switchmen at Buffalo did not use force, and did not commit any acts of violence, either to person or property; but Sweeney's statement, when he called the strike off, that "425 switchmen could not fight 8,000 militia, and twelve railroad companies," is somewhat at war with the statement first made, but probably somewhat nearer the truth.
   If the striking switchmen were peaceable and did not resort to violence, it is difficult to see where their fight with the militia came in.
   It is possible that the striking switchmen remained quietly at home, while their friends were destroying railroad property, assaulting railroad employes, and stoning the militia, but it does not seem quite probable, and no sane man will be credulous enough to believe it. At all events it is a significant fact, that when the strike was declared off, violence almost immediately ceased to exist, and the militia returned to their homes. If the strikers were not using violence, they had no reason to fear the militia, and have no grievance with them. If there is any one that blames Governor Flower, and our citizen soldiery for maintaining the law, let him consult his mirror, and while he may not see Herr Most, or Swab, he will if his mirror is correct, be pretty sure to see reflected the face of an anarchist, and not the face of an intelligent law-abiding citizen.
   The power of the state never has been and never will be used to put down a strike, but always has been used and always will be used firmly, and effectively to uphold the law, and maintain order. Good government demands that this should be so. Honest labor demands it quite as much as capital. The good sense of the American people will see that the majesty of the law is respected, and that all forcible opposition to it, is put down.
   JUSTICE. [pen name]

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