Wednesday, July 6, 2016


The Cortland Democrat, Friday, Friday, September 2, 1892.

Cortland's Soldiers Welcomed Home.
   Word was received here last Saturday that the Cortland boys who were called to Buffalo to take part in protecting the lives and property of the people during the recent strike of the switchmen in that city, would be here at 8 o'clock P. M. Accordingly a very large crowd of people with two bands and a drum corps assembled at the D. L. & W. depot to welcome them. The train did not come, and all sorts of rumors were afloat in regard to the delay and time of their arrival.
   When the special train bearing them finally pulled into the depot at 10:15 many people had gone home, but there was still several hundred people on hand.
   A reception committee appointed at a citizens' meeting consisting of President Price and Messrs. Birdlebough, Sager and Ballard, welcomed the boys, and headed the parade which passed from the depot to Church-st., to Clinton-ave., to Main, and to the Armory. Many business places were illuminated and Main-st. was one glare of fire works as the parade consisting of the 45th Separate Company, G. A. R., Sons of Veterans with their drum corps and [their] Cortland band, and Cortland City band marched along.
   At the armory after a selection by the band, President Price called the meeting to order after arms were stacked and knapsacks thrown off. At the conclusion of a short address of welcome he introduced Mr. B. T. Wright. Mr. Wright spoke in terms of the highest commendation of the conduct of Cortland's soldiers in time of action, calling to mind how similar was their call to action to that of those who went to war in '61, also how unlike their duties and hardships, though not so long drawn out. He spoke of them as comrades now, of the veterans of the war. He threw much humor into his remarks which were short owing to the lateness of the hour.
   As Mr. Wright took his seat Major Aaron Sager proposed three cheers for the 45th which were given with a will, and returned by the company.
   President Price then asked to hear something of the experience from one of the company and called upon Captain Dickinson. The Captain thanked Cortland for the reception which was to them unexpected, for they went "from a sense of duty and not for glory." He had nothing but praise for the conduct of his men and after speaking of the difficulties of fighting an unknown enemy, as they had been doing and relating some camp hardships thought all would enjoy immediate rest better than speeches, for their sleep was all broken up while gone, and the night before had been four hours with their clothes on, he did not detain them.
   Out of a membership of 68, the 45th turned out 65 men, and the other three were out of town and not notified.
   As relics the boys brought home a Newfoundland pup to be called "strike" and kept in the armory, and a sheep. The latter is to be sold to buy a collar for the dog. When asked how they were obtained a knowing smile was the only reply. They were undoubtedly trophies of the war.

The Strike and the Authorities.
   EDITOR DEMOCRAT: --The 45th Separate Company of Cortland went to Buffalo in response to an order, issued by the constituted military authorities of the state, which order they were not at liberty to disregard. The company responded promptly to the call of duty, and so far as can be ascertained, have in the discharge of their delicate and important duty at Buffalo, commended themselves to the good will of the community in which they live, by the moderation and good judgment they displayed.
   Nevertheless there are, even in Cortland, individuals unwise enough to blame the constituted authorities for calling out the militia, and also those who criticise our citizen soldiery for responding to the call.  This feeling is not only unwise, but extremely unjust to the company. They simply did what their duty required them to do and which they had no option to refuse.
   This feeling as far as it exists has no doubt arisen from the mistaken notion that the military, were called out to put down the strike.
   The fact is the military were not called out for any such purpose, and neither the 45th Separate Company nor any other Company have labored to that end. Neither does Governor Flower nor any officer of the National Guard dispute the right of any man or body of men to strike.
   The right of labor to organize and the propriety of such organizations cannot be questioned.
   The value of such organizations to laboring men depends largely upon the judgment and discretion with which they are managed.  While right of labor to organize is sacred, it is not compulsory on any workman to do so, and the law affords equal protection to labor, whether organized or unorganized.
   Anarchists seek to accomplish their ends by force, but honest workmen have no sympathy with them, and do not even admit them to their unions.
   Grand Master Sweeney testifies that when he approved of the recent switchman's strike at Buffalo, he most emphatically urged the striking switchmen to abstain from all acts of force and violence, and after the strike was declared off, still insisted that the striking switchmen had not destroyed the property of any railroad company, or used any violence to its employes. Nevertheless certain persons in the city of Buffalo did destroy property, and did assault workingmen, to such an extent that the civil authorities of the city of Buffalo, and the county of Erie, were unable to quell the disturbance and preserve order. It is not asserted that these violations of law were committed by striking switchmen, but the fact remains that the law was trampled upon, and the local authorities were unable to uphold it. Such being the case it became the duty of the Governor and those under him to furnish all the force necessary to maintain the law and preserve the peace and good order.
   The duty of the Governor promptly recognized and faithfully discharged.
   It has been said "that government is best that best protects the life, liberty and property of its citizens."
   Such protection the constituted authorities have furnished through the National Guard, and for such prompt and timely effort to maintain the law the constituted authorities are entitled to and are receiving the commendation of all good citizens.
   Cortland , Aug. 30th, 1892.
   JUSTICE. [pen name]

Recommended—National Guard of New York by Capt. E. E. Hardin (1895):

Labor Day Parade and Picnic.
   The Cortland Wagon Co. Mutual Aid, and the Cortland City Band, never do anything by halves, consequently they propose to have the largest and best street parade on Labor Day that has ever been seen in this city.
   Let all working people in whatever field of activity they may be engaged, unify on that day, not for the purpose of a strike on a riot, but for sympathy and a day of mutual pleasure.
   Come out from your stores and your shops, from your work rooms and kitchens, leave the wearisome struggle for "food and raiment" which is using up the best of so many lives, and for one day in the year, enjoy your town, the society of your neighbors and friends and your own families.
   A most hearty invitation is extended to all preachers and teachers, to all presidents and officers of the factories and their employes, to all merchants and their clerks, to the bands of music, to the pupils of the schools, to all labor organizations, and all who toll with hand or brain, to join in the parade and enjoy the picnic at the Park. Come.
   Cortland, N. Y., Sept. 1, 1892.
   EDITOR DEMOCRAT:--The executive committee on Labor Day celebration and picnic, held a meeting last evening and appointed committees to visit at the factories and invite the officers and employes to organize with a marshal, and with suitable banners join the Cortland City Band and the C. W. C. M. A., in a monster parade on Labor Day. Another committee will invite the village Board to lead the parade. A committee was also appointed to invite the Board of Education with the teachers and all the pupils of all the schools to come out and with flags and banners show the people what an immense force the school system of the village is. We propose to make this one of the features of the celebration.
   All children under five years of age will be admitted to the Park free and from five to ten years five cents and all others ten cents.

[We copy articles as they were printed, past rules of grammar included—CC editor.]

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