Sunday, July 17, 2016


Cortland Standard and Weekly Journal, Tuesday, September 27, 1892.

That Walker Tariff.
[Page Four—Editorials.]
   Mr. Franklin Pierce, in common with other free traders, has a great deal to say about the “Walker tariff,” which he and his associates call a “low tariff,”  as opposed to the McKinley law which they style “high tariff,” “robbery,”  “war taxes,”  etc., etc. In making these charges they show themselves either densely ignorant or maliciously wicked.
   The fact is that the average duties on all imports under the McKinley law are about the same as the average duties under the Walker revenue tariff from 1844 to 1853, which is alleged by all free traders, Democrats or Mugwumps, to have been the most prosperous period in the history of the United States. The pay of skilled labor is 150 per cent higher than it was during the Walker period, and the pay of unskilled labor is from 25 to 50 per cent higher. Mr. Pierce ought to know these facts, and if he doesn’t the best thing for him to do is to retire from the stump till he can learn something.
   The whole of Pierce’s recent speech at the Democratic club was based on assumption and false statements, of which his references to the Walker and McKinley tariffs are fair samples. When he used to write Republican articles, Mr. Pierce stated facts, but since he cut loose from the party he has seemed to cut loose from truth also, and has developed a recklessness of statement which is only equaled by his intemperate zeal and hot-headed and indiscriminating partisanship.

A Fair Basis.
   We venture the prediction that no fair-minded Republican who will read the resolution fixing the basis of representation in future congressional conventions in this district, published in another column, will deny its absolute fairness. It takes as the basis of representation in each convention during the existence of the district the last preceding presidential vote in each of the counties, and proves how groundless were the fears and assertions of those who claimed that the number of delegates assigned to each county for the convention just held was to be continued for the next ten years…after how much the Republican vote in the several counties might change. Such a proceeding would be monstrous [and] unheard of, and no politician, no matter how selfish, would dare propose it. Had we believed for a moment that such a scheme was on foot, the STANDARD would have been its most strenuous and outspoken opponent.
   On the contrary we predicted that the basis would be fixed just as it has been. It was stated in our recent county convention that 1888 was the only year in a long period when the Republican vote in the several counties would give Wayne and Cayuga a majority of the delegates, on the basis of representation which had been chosen for the convention of this year. This is true, and it follows just as truly that the presidential vote of this year may give Ontario, Yates and Cortland a majority of delegates over Wayne and Cayuga, though how this would help Cortland if Yates is to cast in her lot with Wayne and Cayuga as she has this year, remains to be explained.
   A change in representation is likely to occur every four years with the fluctuations of the presidential vote, but the broad principle that one Republican is just as much entitled to representation, and is entitled to just as much representation, whether he lives in Wayne, Cayuga, Ontario, Yates or Cortland, or whether he lives in Solon, Lapeer, Homer or Cortlandville, will never change, for it is founded on simple and absolute justice, and is also in the endhowever apparent local or personal interests may cloud the issuethe broadest political wisdom. The STANDARD committed itself to this view years ago and has consistently and persistently advocated it. It would have stultified itself and deserved general contempt had it refused to stand by the principle it had so often maintained simply because its application gave two larger counties a majority over three smaller ones in a single congressional convention, when the presidential vote of the year might completely reverse the situation.

The Name Smells Bad.
   Sing Sing, N. Y., Sept. 26.An agitation has been commenced here in favor of changing the name of the place, on account of its association in the general mind with the state prison. One of the principal arguments raised is that the name keeps factories from locating here, and has had largely to do with the removal of those that have been here. Many people in this place are ashamed when at hotels abroad to register as residents of Sing Sing.

Things Seen and Heard in Villages and Hamlets About Us, and Items From All Over the County.
   McGrawville, Sept. 26.Mr. Charles Kinney died Saturday after months of patient suffering with internal cancer. Well might the Baptist church bell toll the sixty-four years, solemnly and slow, for one of the best supporters and workers in the church has gone to receive his great reward at the hands of the Master whom he has served so faithfully and well. The funeral will be held Tuesday at 2 P. M. at the Baptist church.
   That earnest Japanese Christian, Masayoshi Takaki, the “Oriental Yankee,” preached a very interesting sermon yesterday morning in the Methodist church. The lecture Saturday evening, by the same gentlemen, was one of the best we ever had the pleasure of listening to. The costumes which he donned with such subtle agility, were grotesque as well as beautiful. The songs sang in his national tongue and the many relics from far Nippon, will long be remembered.
   Rev. E. J. Brooker represented the Rev. U. S. Beebe at Freetown Sunday.
   Rev. U. S. Beebe attended the quarterly conference here Saturday evening.
   Mr. Charles Waters, Mr. Henry Phelps and Mrs. Galpin who attended the G. A. R. convention at Washington, D. C. report a very pleasant time. In one grand march there were 60,000 veterans in line.
   Rev. W. D. Fox of Homer was in town Sunday.
   Mrs. E. H. Hill and family attended the Price picnic in Virgil and spent two weeks visiting relatives there returning Friday.
   Mr. and Mrs. John Atkins and son returned Thursday from a pleasant trip with horse and carriage visiting Fairport, Rochester and Niagara Falls.
   Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kenfield of McGrawville attended the fair at Ithaca.
   Fred Sweetlove and family of South Cortland visited at A. R. Rowe's Saturday.
   Mrs. Gifford Rowe and daughter Florence of Syracuse are visiting relatives here.
   Hastily, NEMO. [pen name of local correspondent]

Blodgett Mills.
   Blodgett Mills, Sept. 23.Miss Lulu Reynolds of this place and Mr. Frank Gallagher of Virgil were married Tuesday afternoon at the residence of her father, Mr. Reuben Reynolds. The officiating clergyman was Rev. J. Barnes of Lisle. About sixty guests were present, mostly from out of town. They received many beautiful presents.
   Mr. Job Stafford’s new tenant house on Willard-ave. is nearly finished. We understand it is rented to Mr. E. C. Hillsinger.
   Mr. Sol Carr is building a residence on Cortland-st.
   Mr. and Mrs. James Stafford are very happy over their little grandson at Mr. John Griswold’s.
   Mrs. Dell June has been at Apulia for several days caring for Mrs. June’s mother, who is very ill.
   Mrs. Agnes Nason is thought to be a very little better again.
   Mrs. Charles Nelson and little son of Juneau, Wis., are guests of Mr. John Hubbard.
   Mrs. W. Hoffman and little son of Virgil visited friends here Friday.
   Mrs. R. D. Pierce and son lately visited friends in Marathon.
   Mrs. H. B. Greenman of Cortland and Mrs. F. M. Taylor and Lonnie Taylor of East Scott have been visiting at Mrs. A. Nason’s.
   Mr. Will Brown has gone to Buffalo to work on one of the new railroads and Mr. Charley Burke is employed on the New York Central. Mr. Frank Stanton, formerly of this place, goes to Chicago next week under the employment of Mr. Elmer Sperry.
   There is to be a harvest missionary concert at the M. E. church the first Sunday evening in October.
   A Japanese gentleman is expected to speak here next Sunday afternoon.
   Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wescott and daughter and Mrs. Frank Greenman are absent for a two weeks’ visit among friends in Pennsylvania.
   Miss Eva Spencer has been spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Emma Bloomer, in Virgil.
   Miss Mamie Palmer has been spending a week with Mrs. John Griswold of Homer.

Little York.
   Little York, Sept. 26.Veteran J. S. Lord attended the grand army encampment at Washington, returning on Friday.
   Mrs. Burgess of Pitcher, Chenango Co., visited her son, Samuel Burgess, last week.
   Mrs. A. B. Rust, who has been staying some months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Salisbury, returned recently with her son, who had nearly recovered from a severe illness, to her home in Weedsport, N. Y.
   Mrs. Emory Moore of Tully has been spending some time in this place, engaged in taking lessons in landscape pointing.
   Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Raymond of St. Cloud, Minn., made a flying visit to their brother, A. B. Raymond and other friends on their homeward trip from the G. A. R. encampment at Washington.
   The neighborhood picnic which was advertised to take place on the Raymond grounds last Saturday for some unknown reason failed to materialize.
   Mrs. Cordelia Spoore of Syracuse, who with her son was taking her annual outing among friends in Preble, called on her cousin, Mrs. D. A. Cushing, one day last week.
   C. P. Selover’s entertainment at Grange hall on Saturday evening, consisting of views, vocal and instrumental music, recitations, etc., was all that could have been expected or desired by the most fastidious. Unlike most exhibitions of this sort, it improves with age, as he is continually making valuable additions to his list of views. The hall was well filled by an appreciative audience.
South Solon.
   South Solon, Sept. 25.I. J. Walker went to Hamilton Sept. 19 to join his comrades in the reunion of the 157th N. Y. S. Vol’s.
   Harry Freeman of McGrawville was in this neighborhood last Friday and Saturday, the guest of Arthur Walker.
   Mrs. James Williams is in Cortland caring for her daughter, Mrs. Bert Dunbar, who is sick.
   The hop-pickers have all returned home hale and hearty.
   Mrs. Lora W. Greenman, whom we mentioned as being seriously injured by her horse running away one week ago last Friday, while she was on her way to McGrawville, has not improved as fast as desired. Her bodily injuries combined with the general shock to her nervous system have been a heavy tax on her strength. Dr.’s Hendrick and Forshee have attended her, and her sisters, Miss Emma Morey of Cortland and Mrs. E. Pike of McGrawville, have faithfully administered to her every want both day and night. If circumstances keep favorable it is thought she may recover.

South Cortland.
   South Cortland, Sept. 26.Mr. S. Williams, who has been visiting in Chenango county, has returned home.
   Mrs. Helen Wilcox has moved to Cortland for the winter.
   Mrs. G. H. Hyde and son Willie, who have been visiting friends in Utica, returned home last week.
   There will be a children’s meeting at Chicago grange Thursday evening, Oct. 6. All are invited.
   The yield of potatoes seems to be small this year. Most of the farmers are through digging.
   Mrs. Lamont Calvert and two sons of Syracuse are visiting at Mr. G. H. Hyde’s.

Cold Brook.
   Cold Brook, Sept. 23.Mrs. Charles Kellogg, who has been spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Knapp, returned to her home in New York City last week.
   Mr. and Mrs. Charles Craig of Borodino recently visited their mother, Mrs. W. H. Craig.
   Mr. John Churchill and son of Longview, Ill., are visiting relatives in this place.
   Little Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Nodine, has been very sick with bronchial trouble, but at present writing is much better. Dr. Reynolds of Borodino attends her.
   Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Taft attended a surprise party at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Alexander in Cortland last Wednesday.
   Mrs. Sarah Hyatt of Fenner is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Knapp.
   The King’s Daughters meet with Miss Addie Underwood Friday afternoon.

Hunts Corners.
   Hunts Corners, Sept. 23.Mr. Seymour Hults’ brother and daughter of Long Island are spending some time with him.
   Our school commenced Monday of last week with Mr. E. E. Hults as teacher. Also the one at Hay district with Miss Mary Jennison as teacher.
   Rev. S. Galpin, assisted by Rev. Deloss Havens of Killawog, are holding meetings at the church every evening.
   Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pollard and son Harry of Killawog were guests at Mr. G. S. Mollet’s Wednesday.
   Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hopkins of Dryden are in town, called here by the severe illness of their son Walter, who was taken sick while visiting his grandmother, Mrs. Caroline Hopkins. He is improving at present writing.
   Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Homer and son Lester visited relatives in Berkshire on Sunday.
   Mr. Charles A. Huntley and bride of Binghamton spent several days at Mr. G. S. Mollett’s, leaving there for Afton on Monday. They were married at the bride’s parent’s, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. McDowell, on Sept. 8 in the presence of 150 guests. Their presents were many and valuable. Their future home will be at Binghamton.
   Mrs. O. W. Ensign and Mrs. D. D. Ensign of Killawog were in town on Wednesday, Mrs. O. W. Ensign remaining to visit relatives and neighbors.
   Mrs. W. W. Parker and Mrs. Blanch Dorenberg of Harford Mills were guests at Marvin Crane’s on Tuesday.
   Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wolsworth and son Floyd were in Cortland the forepart of the week, guests of their uncle, Mr. Nelson Wolsworth.
   Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Homer visited Thursday at Mr. F. Cook’s at Lapeer and on Friday at Mr. Bert Landphere’s near Marathon.
   Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Talbot and daughter Cecil of Syracuse are guests at Mr. Jacob L. Talbot’s.
   Born, Sept. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Knickerbocker, a daughter.

An Interesting Record.
   The Chicago Tribune has kept a minute record of homicides, legal hangings and lynchings for ten years, and shows us that the first and last have increased enormously, while the second have decreased. Last year there were 5,906 murders, 123 legal hangings and 195 lynchings in the United States.


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