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Political cartoon found on page six, Cortland Democrat, October 7, 1892. |
To the
Editor of the Democrat:
The Marathon correspondent of
the Cortland Standard and Journal, in speaking of my address at Marathon
on the evening of September 19th, says:
''His remarks were confined
mostly to the tariff, and the remark was made by many in the audience that it was
nearly the same as the one delivered by him four years ago, when he had just
returned from Europe. Only then he was speaking in a Republican meeting, and
the picture lessons drawn from the effects of the tariff were vice versa to
those last night. The time was principally taken in discussing steel rails, in which
the farmers of this vicinity are very much interested. During his remarks he told
the audience that he could have told them all he had said in the two hours’ speech
in ten minutes, which was acknowledged by nearly all present.''
The editor of the Standard not
content with circulating this falsehood through his paper, on Wednesday evening,
Sept. 21, sent the wild-eyed and long-haired "devil" of his office,
to the meeting addressed by me in Cortland, to report my words, and upon the
following day there appeared in that paper what purported to be my speech. Not
a sentence that I uttered was reported correctly. Scarcely a figure of
statistics given as it was stated by me. My address was written and carefully
committed and was delivered as it was written [and published in full on page
one of the Cortland Democrat on October 7—CC editor], and I herewith
send it to you for publication. The portion of it which discusses the effects
of the tariff upon the farmer was not given at Cortland, but was at Marathon.
Respectfully Yours,
Watch the Registry in Northern and Central
New York.
Last winter thousands of negroes
from Tennessee and other southern States were imported to northern New York to
work on the Adirondack railroad. They overflowed into all the counties of northern
and central New York. Poormasters, and charity boards were constantly providing
for these deluded, half-starved, thinly clad negroes, who found themselves in
this severe climate in the middle of winter and who were disinclined to work.
Hundreds of Hungarians and Polanders and immigrants of various nationalities
were taken at Ellis Island and shipped to the Adirondacks for the same purpose.
When the work was finished those importations became distributed over the whole
region of northern New York.
The eyes of the Republican
machine are upon these men. They are the material which such staunch defenders of
"honest elections" as Charley Hackett, Dave Martin and John I. Davenport
can utilize to swell the Republican vote. The Democrats should be vigilant in seeing
that their names are kept off the registry list. The Democratic State committee
will send to the various county committees lists from the census returns made
last winter, which will guide them in the scrutiny of the registry lists. Keep
the unqualified voters off the lists. Thwart the Hacketts, the Davenports and
the Martins.— Utica Observer.
>In order to give Mr. Pierce's
excellent speech in full this week, our editorial and local columns had to be
curtailed. We shall endeavor to make up the deficiency in this respect next
>In 1872 Whitelaw Reid
declared in the New York Tribune that Grant wanted the presidency to
provide places for his family and friends. Although only an obscure brigadier,
Harrison has surpassed Grant in billeting his poor kin on the taxpayers, but Mr.
Reid has now no objection to offer.
>Ex-Judge Thos. M. Cooley,
recently president of the U. S. Inter-State Commerce Commission and a lifelong
republican, told some friends recently that he should vote for Cleveland and
Stevenson. Judge Cooley is a very able man and has many friends in Michigan,
who will doubtless follow his example.
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Philip D. Armour. |
Mr. Armour Bolts Harrison.
CHICAGO, Ill., Sept.30.—Phil D. Armour, the big packer, announces to-day that he will not support Harrison and
Reid, neither will he contribute a cent to the campaign fund. Yet, for all
that, he will vote the Republican State and Congressional ticket. Mr. Armour
said that the President was a snob and a mighty mean little man.
In former Presidential
campaigns, Mr. Armour has made large contributions to Republican funds. The
loss of his assistance will be deeply fell by the Harrison managers.
See call for Democratic
Congressional Convention, first column, on fourth page.
Burgess & Bingham, the
hustling clothiers, talk to our readers on the last page of the DEMOCRAT.
The Cortland Band, under the under
the leadership of Mr. Fred. Osborne, are furnishing music for the Trumansburg
fair this week.
G. H. Paddock, the Homer
furniture dealer, has a new advertisement in another column. He quotes prices
that are well worth the attention of readers of the DEMOCRAT.
P. C. Kingsbury, the old
and reliable dealer in dry goods of Homer, has something to say to our readers
in the advertising columns of the DEMOCRAT. Ladies will be especially
interested in his announcement.
A party of young men known as
the Clover Club, have rented the upper floor of G. F. Beaudry's building for
their club rooms. They have furnished the rooms in elegant style, and are to
give parties every two weeks.
Thirty-three members of the 45th
Separate company qualified for marksmen and two for sharpshooters, at their two
days' target practice last week. The sharpshooters were Lieut. F. L. McDowell
and Geo. W. Cleveland.
Messrs. D. F. Wallace and F.
D. Smith were re-elected trustees of the Presbyterian church for 3 years, at
the annual meeting held last Monday. The time for holding the annual meeting was changed from the first
Monday to the first Tuesday in October, at 7 P. M.
The regular monthly mothers
meeting (central) will be hold at the residence of Mrs. P. H. Patterson, 13
Charles street, on Tuesday, Oct. 11th, at 8 P. M. Subject, "The influence
of consecration and reading upon the character." All ladies are most
cordially invited.
Chas. E. Green, who skipped
out last spring with Bert Carpenter's bride of one day, and who was arrested in
Fulton last week on the charge of bigamy, and brought to this place, gave bail
Monday, for his appearance at court on the 17th inst., and was released from
Last Monday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. B. Powers celebrated their fiftieth anniversary at their home on North
Main street. Several of their friends and relatives were present, and the
occasion proved a pleasant one to all. Mr. and Mrs. Powers came to Cortland
from Groton in 1852, and have resided here since that time.
Last Tuesday was the sixtieth
anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winters, of Tompkins-st. During
all of that time they have lived in Cortland except five years spent in Homer
and Canada. Mr. Winters was 81 last September, and Mrs. Winters was 70 last
August. This old couple have many interesting stories to relate connected with
the history of Cortland in their long married life.
On Monday evening last, Mr. Wm.
B. Landreth of Schenectady, N. Y., Chief Engineer of the Board of Sewer Commissioners, exhibited to the Board
his plan, nearly completed, for the sewerage of the village of Cortland. From
the data furnished by the village engineer, the Board were well pleased with it
and requested, that when complete, it be referred to the State Board of Health
for their consideration and action.
An unknown man was run over by
the work train on the D. L. & W. yesterday morning, just above
Little York. The head was completely severed from the shoulders and both feet
were cut off. It is believed that he was run down by one of the coal trains that
passed that station going north at about 3:45 in the morning. The man was about
50 years of age, and was fairly well dressed. Coroner Bradford was notified and
went to the scene on the train.
One Mary Mills, from Homer,
came to Cortland last Saturday evening, with the evident intention of painting
the town red. She must have brought her painting materials with her, for the
bars of Cortland were closed to her, but she succeeded in shouldering a load,
and late at night was delivering a temperance lecture to a crowd of unbelievers
of the masculine persuasion in front of Masonic Hall block. A little later she
brought up at the jail and asked Sheriff Miller for a room. She was
accommodated with a good strong one, and the next morning plead guilty before
the Police Justice to the charge of public intoxication, and was let off with a
CHENANGO.— Oxford has a lady
Charles H. Southard, of
Preston, has patented a milk can washer.
A Norwich woman caught her
husband kissing the hired girl one day recently, but she didn't make a fuss
about it, nor scratch her eyes out. Instead, she went down street and purchased
$407 worth of silk dresses and bonnets, and then sent her husband the bill,
telling him that was the price of kissing the girl. The fair domestic is doing
all her kissing outside of the family now.
MADISON.—A DeRuyter farm of
100 acres was recently sold for $500.
A brass band with fifteen
members has been organized at Leonardsville
The night watchman on the Low
Down Wagon works at Earlvllle, discovered a man trying to get away with the company's
horses, one night last week.
Alfred Plum, of Hubbardsville,
is in the Utica jail for bigamy, having married a Miss Knapp of Norwich, while
having a wife from whom he has not been divorced.
Mrs. [Diable], of West Eaton,
broke a hip by a fall from a wagon, Monday.
Fred Converse, who stole a
horse at Oneida Castle, was captured at Waverly and is now in jail. The horse
and carriage were in his possession and have been returned to the owner.
TOMPKINS.— The Ithaca High
School has 319 pupils
The football season has opened
at Percy Field, Ithaca.
Teachers' Institute opens at
Ithaca, Mon day, Oct, 10th.
It is said that dredging the
Ithaca Inlet will begin soon.
The Glass Works at Freeville
will soon resume operations.
There are fifty pupils at the
Ithaca Conservatory of Music.
Typhoid fever is said to be quite prevalent at
the county seat.
A piano has recently been
secured for the Academic department of the Groton Union School.
A three-year old colt
belonging to Frank Conlon, who resides west of Groton village, weighs 1425 pounds.
Active operations have begun
on the Dryden waterworks system. The contractors have a year to complete the
work in.
A murderous melee occurred in
Ithaca about midnight last Saturday, in which Austin Bagley was stabbed many
times. The knife penetrated his cheek, neck and back. The base of his skull was
also crushed in with a stone. He is still alive, but in a precarious condition.
His assailant is still at large.
A gloom was thrown over the
people of North Lansing on Saturday, Sept. 24, by an accident which occurred
east of the school house district No. 10. It was the accidental shooting and
death of Abram Cook of Groton. Mr. Cook and his little son were driving, when
he saw a squirrel and standing in his carriage, fired. The discharge of the gun
frightened the horse which jumped, throwing Mr. Cook from the carriage, when
the second barrel of the gun was fired, striking Mr. Cook in his hip. He told
his boy he was shot, and asked him to go for help. The boy tied the horse and
ran for Chas. Steinburg, who returned with him at once, and found him alive, but
dying. He only spoke a word or two after Mr. Steinburg arrived. The remains
were taken to his home near Groton, where the funeral services were held on
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