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Main Street, Cortland (north of Court Street). Photo credit Grip's Historical Souvenir of Cortland, 1899. |
The Secret of Good Roads.
The grand character of the old Romans as
road-builders is universally recognized by all who are familiar with historic
events and conditions.
Their manner of constructing strong, hard,
durable, and at the same time, comparatively elastic road-beds, which would shed
or drain off water in a way to leave the surface of the road unchanged and
thus insure the comfort and safety of those traveling over it, was not a secret
and yet to ride over the streets of some of our large villages, one would be
led to imagine that the formula for road-making had been kept the most profound
of secrets since the beginning.
But from the dull monotony of the hideous
thoroughfare, [it] is a relief to turn to a town where the reverse of these
conditions prevail and in this respect, as in many others, the city of Cortland
stands out in a kind of bold relief which is a source of pride to her citizens
and envy to all outside beholders.
Let us look into and discuss the methods of
road-making and by so doing perhaps we may give some hints which will be helpful
to our neighbors in surrounding towns and thus hasten the time when no more
such miserable highways can be found in the United States and especially not
within the corporation limits.
In the first place let us consider the marvelous
work of paving on Main street; this pavement is composed of a choice selection
of medium-sized cobble stones, set firmly in sand, so that no amount of storm
or running water could undermine any of them and cause them to become loosened
or displaced, but in its construction, the master mechanic was not unmindful of
expediences [sic] for the preservation of property, that is to say, he kept an eye
to the arrangement of the pavement so that vehicles passing over should not
rust out in the bolts and springs and to avoid this, at intervals of every few
feet a crevice of the width of a wagon wheel or a deep indentation with no
paving in the bottom was made, then too, the stones were not all placed on the
same level, one being a little above the other and the other a few inches below
the one and this system of alternation being kept up throughout the entire
surface of the road, produces a very artistic effect besides being of great
value to the wagon's passing over it, for without some ingenious device of this kind to keep the springs and bearings
in working order, it is easy to see that they would soon become rusted out and
drop apart.
Yet notwithstanding all of this painstaking
care and forethought, we have known some ill-natured critics to insinuate, with
elaborate expletives, that this pavement is rough enough to destroy all religious
sentiments. Imagine the ingratitude of such feelings and yet it is comforting to
think that these people are not critics in the true sense of the word, but
simply prejudiced and unrighteous fanatics setting their puny insignificance up
in denunciation of the towering intellects, which were the moving spirits in
the construction of this master-piece and also of those whose pleasurable duty
it is to keep it in repair.
Then, also, the street railway line is constructed
on an unquestionably excellent plan with reference to comfort of the traveling
public, which outshines any device of the kind which ever come [sic] under our
notice. Instead, as in most cities is the case, of the surface of the road
being graded up even with the surface of the rails, the rails are left elevated
a few inches above the surrounding road. Now the ingenuity of the arrangement
is not hard to discover, as if it were otherwise, in crossing the track, while
driving from one side of the track to the other, one would not realize that
anything out of the common were taking place, while under the present
prevailing circumstances, it is gently borne in upon ones sensibilities that he
is crossing the domains of a rich and thriving corporation, from a soft and gentle
swaying motion, likened by some to the sensations produced by flying; this is
caused by the successive rising of the wheels from the level of the road to the
top of the rails followed by an abrupt descent on the other side. It produces a
sensation which, if but once experienced will ever remain indelibly fixed upon
the memory. And this feature has, beside its many elevating qualities,
the added advantage of quantity since it extends not only the length of Main
street, but also the entire length of North and South Main street and a large
portion of Homer avenue, and throughout the whole distance you will invariably find
the rails elevated just sufficiently to make riding over them almost an earthly
In the face of all of this, instances have
come under our notice, where these irritable fanatics, previously mentioned, have
indulged their passion for profanity to an alarming degree and that to in
denouncing what to educated men is but a source of pleasure and edification.
Besides these interesting features on the main
streets of the city, there are in other parts, excellences [sic] equally worthy of
notice, but time and space only permit us to touch hastily upon the most important
of these.
In the first place there is the road from
Main street a short distance up Lincoln avenue; it is made of broken stones and
far excells any asphalt pavement. Take Elm and Railroad streets, Groton and
Clinton avenues and in rainy weather, more enchanting roads cannot be found; why
we have known times during the very rainiest seasons, when it might be expected
that the road would be in a horrible condition, that a wagon in passing over these streets would not sink into the
mud over half way to the axle.
Thus we see that our corporation abounds in
roadbeds which are equal to and many of them far excel the best.
Of course, Church street and a few others of
minor importance are too smooth to be classed as first-class roads, but on an
average they are arranged on a plan which allows the water to settle to the
middle of [the road and not] into the ruts in a way which…example to all who may
[use our roads.]
FON MIRCH. [pen name]
W. C. T.
U. Convention.
The eighth annual Convention of Cortland Co.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union, was held in Virgil September 6th and 7th.
At the first roll call, delegates from every
Union in the county, but two responded, some having driven twenty miles to do
A cordial welcome awaited us, abundant preparations
having been made for our pleasure and comfort. The pulpit and altar of the
church were nearly filled with bouquets and potted plants.
The first devotionals were conducted by Mrs.
Smith, wife of the pastor of the church in which the convention was held. The convention was then called to order by
the Pres. Miss Sara E. Collins.
Committees on credentials resolutions and
courtesies appointed, after which the address of welcome was given by Mrs.
Jennie Ballou, President of the Virgil Union. This was responded to by impromptu
speeches from several delegates.
The noontide hour having arrived, Mrs. Miner
Merrick of Blodgett's Mills led in prayer. This is the hour set apart by white
ribbons, for prayers for the work and workers—and so it is always noon somewhere.
So prayers are always ascending, until not only are their "bands of ribbon
white around the world," but the prayers of white ribbon women girdle the world
The president's address which came in the
early part of the afternoon was full of beautiful thoughts and excellent
suggestions, but contained one announcement which brought sorrow to all, that
she should be unable to serve in the capacity of President another year. The
women of Cortland county have been justly proud of the executive ability of their
leader, have admired her strong character and fully trusted in her wisdom, and
as one said "intended to make her President for life," but, alas!
A very interesting program was given by the
Loyal Temperance Legion of Virgil consisting of singing and recitation. The music
of the convention was in charge of Miss Eva Doud. Mrs. Muncey and Miss Ballou
sang a duet, and in the evening the church choir were present and sang. On the
evening of September 6th, Mrs. Anna E. Rice of Batavia, State Supt. of the
Dept. of Mothers Meetings, in her quiet earnest way, gave one of the most impressive
and forceful addresses to which we have ever listened. The subject was "We
shall reap as we sow."
Encouraging reports from Supt.'s of Dept.'s
were given during the convention. A paper upon Temperance hospitals was read by
Mrs. Minnie Starr of Homer. Mrs. Julia Tanner of Blodgett's Mills, gave a
review of the work of the W. C. T. U., which might have been listened to with
profit by the gentleman who said some time ago, "The Women's Christian
Temperance Union has no record."
At the election of officers, Mrs. J. W. Keese
was elected president; Miss Sara E. Collins, vice-president; Mrs. Julia Tanner,
corresponding sec; Libbie Robertson, recording sec.; Mrs. Jennie Boynton,
W. C. T.
U. Notes.
Dr. Nivison, of Dryden Springs, and Miss Selma
Borg, of Finland, Russia, will on Saturday, the 17th inst., at 5 P. M., speak in
the rooms of the W. C. T. U. in relation to the nature and scope of Dr.
Nivison's cure for chronic alcoholism and kindred phases of intemperance.
Miss Borg, as a Keely patient, has spent some
time in the Dryden Springs sanitarium, and will personally witness to Dr.
Nivison's prayerfully, scientific, and moral success in the treatment of every
case of alcoholic and tobacco slavery within that period. All are invited—gentlemen
as well as ladies—to be present on this occasion.
The congregation of St. Mary's church met
Wednesday night at the church for the purpose of taking action towards the reception
of Rev. Father McLoghlin on his return from Europe. Hugh Duffey, Esq., was made
chairman of the general committee and Jas. P. Maher vice-chairman and Chas.
Corcoran secretary. The following general committee was appointed to take
charge of the matter with power to add to their members if necessary:
Hugh Duffey, Jas. P. Maher, J. T. Courtney,
Jr., Wm. Martin, L. J. Fitzgerald, J. F. Dowd, J. H. O'Leary, J. T. Keenan,
Peter Cowley, M. F. Cleary, Peter Nodecker, J. B. Quigley, F. D. Dowd, T. F.
Grady and Chas. Corcoran.
The ladies of the committee are as follows:
Miss Minnie Cleary, Mrs. J. B. Quigley, Mrs.
Jas. Schermerhorn, Mrs. Jas. P. Maher, Mrs. C. N. Hardy, Mrs. Chas. Corcoran,
Mrs. J. H. O'Leary, Mrs. Anna Corcoran and Misses Nelly Shea, Grace Duffey,
Anna Hayes, Mary Dowd, Mate Dowd, Mary Morris, Anna Courtney and Mayme Grady.
The general committee of ladies and
gentlemen met at the C. M. B. A. rooms Thursday afternoon when fuller
arrangements were made. Father McLoghlin sailed from Ireland on the 7th inst.
on the Bothnia, Cunard line and with good weather should arrive in New York
this week. If he is not detained in quarantine over 24 hours, he should be with
his beloved people again this week, or early next week. Rev. Father McLoghlin
of Rome, [N. Y.] who has officiated here and taken charge of the Parish in the
absence of his cousin, has endeared himself to the people of Cortland by his goodness
of heart and his unassuming attention to the onerous and numerous wants, not
only of this parish, but also of the large parish and congregation of Truxton. He
well deserves the hearty good wishes of the Catholic people of this vicinity,
and we trust that the Right Rev. Bishop may send him to Cortland permanently as
assistant to his cousin, Father John.
The Catholic people have grown so in numbers
that where a few years ago one priest was enough to cover this immediate
territory there are now four, and we trust soon that Cortland will have another
in the person of Father McLoghlin of Rome.
M. [contributor's initial or mark.]
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