The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 15,
A Narrow Escape.
The Prompt Action off a Husband Saves the
Life off His Wife.
(From the Marathon Independent, May 13.)
For some
weeks past, Mrs. Charles W. Bowdish of Texas Valley, has been in poor health,
and for a portion of the time has been afflicted with melancholia, during which
time she has been filled with the hallucination that she was the cause of serious
troubles to her husband and son, and has expressed the idea that either they or
she must die.
five weeks ago her condition being no better, she was taken to Syracuse for
treatment, and seemed to improve, and last Friday she returned to her home, and
the hope was expressed that she was convalescent, and would soon regain her old-time
vigor both mental and physical.
From that
time until yesterday morning, she had seemed in good health and spirits, and
yet her husband had kept a careful watch lest there should be a return of her disorder.
Yesterday morning he went to the barn to attend to the milking, leaving her in
the house. Before he had finished milking he returned to the house, and found
his wife with a dipper in her hand, as we hear, drinking something and spitting
as though there was something unpleasant in her mouth. He asked her what she
had taken, and she informed him, some medicine. He asked her what medicine, and
she pointed to a bottle containing horse medicine.
He realized
at once that the dose was poisonous, and he promptly did everything in his
power to counteract the poison. He prepared an antidote which she took,
and then took her in a carriage, and brought her with all speed to this village,
and secured medical aid as quickly as he could get it.
mixture which she took contained among other things chloroform, ether and laudanum,
and the effect was to make her extremely drowsy, as opiates do. She was exercised
in the hopes of driving off the stupor, but she gradually became worse, until
hope was abandoned.
the afternoon she had several sinking spells, but gradually grew better, and
Dr. Trafford informs us that all danger from the effects of the medicine is over.
Police Court Notes.
genial May days are productive of much elation and consequent bringing to in
front of Police Justice Bull's bar, where the plea of guilty is awarded with an
impartial penalty.
four catches by Officers Sager, Miller and Duke Borthwick were put on record as
follows: John Doyle, drunk; $9 or fifteen days. "Chris" Sheridan, drunk;
$9 or thirty days. A. B. Auger, drunk; $11 or jail till paid, not to exceed fifteen
days. Hiram Baker, drunk; $11 or ten days.
Baker is
a gray-haired individual, occupation painter, who with tears and promises
endeavored to assure the Court he meant no harm; had been taking bitter
medicine for a supposed attack of grippe, and for flavoring, got outside of some
ale. Is under self-promise to hie to the country as soon as his time
The case
of Charles Ayers, the painter, charged with abduction, was to have come up
yesterday morning, but on consent of counsel an adjournment was taken until next
Monday. The Graham girl is still in [the] charge of a police officer.
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annual opening of Newark Valley Trout Ponds takes place Wednesday, May 20th.
statement of the condition of the 1st National Bank will be found in another column.
annual inspection and muster of the 45th Separate Company took place in the armory
last evening, at 8 o'clock.
Chautauqua Circle will meet with Mrs. R. H. Graves, 35 Madison street, next
Monday evening, May 18th.
Cortland Wagon Company's works are running eleven hours each day in order to
keep up with their orders.
funeral of Mr. John Colegrove is appointed to be held Friday, May 15th, at 11
A. M., at his late residence, 60 Hubbard street.
seventeenth annual Music Festival takes place June 1st to 5th inclusive. For
full particulars read his advertisement in another column.
were no Arbor Day exercises held at the select schools of the village last
Friday, as these schools are not included in the public jurisdiction.
Mr. A. H.
Platts, of Ithaca, was in town yesterday and astonished the boys by driving his
fine road team a half mile on the Driving Park track in 1:19.
referring to the price list on coal, to be found in another column, readers of
the DEMOCRAT will notice that there has been quite a substantial reduction.
The lilac
is the leading flower in metropolitan society this season, and the craze may
reasonably be expected to reach Cortland as soon as the blossoms appear.
National Express Company has extended its lines through the west so that it now
has a continuous line from Boston to the State of Washington with connections at
all intermediate points.
From the
vote of our local schools upon the State flower, it would appear that the heretofore
obnoxious weed may hereafter be cultivated with profit to the farmer, while the
rose must retire. [Goldenrod won a majority—CC editor.]
Beware of
the man who offers to paint your roof for $5. He will paint it for $5, but
after it is painted, the $5 and the price of the paint are distinct features of
the bargain.—Watkins Democrat.
Mr. Frank Bates has rearranged the interior of
the Commercial hotel on Church street, and the name has been changed to "Bates'
Hotel." Mr. James Krebb will have charge of the sample room.
The Cortland Union Bee-Keepers' Association will
hold their spring meeting at the residence of President J. H. Kennedy, No. 126
Groton Ave., in this village, Tuesday, May 26th. A special invitation is
extended to the ladies.
The Cortland String Sextette are to give a
concert in G. A. R. hall, Homer, on Saturday evening, for the benefit of the
new church building fund, under the auspices of the Y. P. S. C. E. of the
Baptist church of our sister village.
A prominent clergyman has the following rule
for anonymous communications: "Never
read unsigned letters of any kind:" Therefore such writers waste four
valuable things—strength, time, ink, brains, if they have any of the latter.
Publication houses long since adopted the same.
A writer, in an exchange in his chronicling of
every day happenings, finds time to remark: The idea of teaching hygiene to boys
with their pockets full of cigarettes, or girls with their waists distorted to
the form of an hour-glass, is one of the humbugs of our present common school
The semi-monthly mothers' meeting (west)
will be held at the residence of Mrs. George T.
Lester, 17 Rickard street, on Thursday, May 21st, at 3 P. M. Subject, "Bible
Children—the Lessons of their Lives for Modern Mothers." All ladies, old
or young, married or maiden, most cordially invited.
An exchange tells how a girl's taste differs
according to her age: "At sixteen she wants a dude with a toothpick shoe
and a microscopic mustache; at twenty-five, she'll be satisfied with a member
of Congress; at thirty, a country doctor or a preacher will do; at thirty-five,
anything that wears pants, from an editor down."
Health officer Moore made an official tour
of inspection about the village yesterday morning, finding cases of nuisances existing
in an open field where filth from vaults had been dumped and left uncovered. One
complaint from Crandall street stated that a similar nuisance existed upon the
side of said street. The officer will suppress the nuisance.
Have you visited Cortland Rural cemetery this
spring? If not, it will well repay the outlay of time for a stroll through the
clean walks, drives and handsomely arranged grounds, as they appear under superintendent
Moore house's management. Old winding walks have been straightened, and the
front fence handsomely painted, making a satisfactory effect.
Rev. H. W. Carr, recently called to the Universalist
church, will not begin his pastorate until the last of June. Until that time
the pulpit will be supplied by some of the leading Universalist ministers. Rev.
T. M. Atwood. D. D., President of the Canton Theological School, Rev. Dr. Hervey,
President of St. Lawrence University, Rev. W. P. Burnell, of Mass., and Rev. F.
W. Betts, of Syracuse, have been engaged.
As an expert with the rod and line Mr. George
Bewley, an employe of the iron department of the works of the Cortland Wagon
Co., has few superiors. Tuesday evening he celebrated the centennial of the embarkation
of civilisation at Port Watson by skillfully landing two trout, near Cooper Brothers
machine shops, which weighed 2 pounds 3 ounces, and 2 pounds 6 ounces, respectively.
Since then both the waters of Tioughnioga and the temper of fishermen have been
lashed into fury through endeavors to exhibit a like catch.
The Normals defeated the Syracuse High
School nine, last Saturday, by a score of 10 to 5.
Miss Nellie J. Pearne will be preceptress of
the Intermediate department of the Normal school.
The magnolia tree in Mr. J. R.
Schermerhorn's yard, Main street, is very full of blossoms this spring.
A. S. Gage and E. C. Johnson, administrator,
of Homer, have been granted letters patent on a band-saw veneer cutter.
If you have occasion to use a nice bit of steak
or a roast of pork, veal, lamb or mutton, just read H. C. Beebe's advertisement
in another column.
Mr. Alex Mahan is receiving compliments from
all quarters for the very handsome poster in three colors announcing the attractions
for his Music Festival, recently issued from the DEMOCRAT job rooms. It is a
neat job and no mistake.
A special meeting of union free school district
of the towns of Homer and Cortlandville, (Homer Academy) is called for 7:30 P.
M., 26th inst. A vote will be taken on the question of raising a special tax of
$1200 to enlarge the Primary department of said school.
The Board of Health of Homer village have
adopted and caused to be published the ordinances of that body as provided under
subdivision 3 of section 3 of chapter 324, laws
of 1850, amended 1881-82, and section 6 of said laws. Public nuisance is defined
under section 385 of the Penal code.
Mrs. John B. Finch and son, of Chicago [on Gracie
Road—CC editor], left New York, on the steamer City of New York,
Wednesday, the 13th inst. Mrs. Finch goes abroad to attend the International
body of Good Templars, which will convene in Edinburgh, Scotland, May 26th.
After the session the party will visit several of the foreign countries.
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