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Opera House and Cortland House side by side on Groton Avenue. This view shows intersection of Groton Avenue (west) and Main Street. |
The Cortland Democrat, Friday, May 15,
Death of Lyman P. Rogers.
Lyman P. Rogers, proprietor of the Cortland
House in this village, whose serious illness from a stroke of apoplexy was
mentioned in these columns last week, died at about 8:30 o'clock last Thursday evening.
Mr. Rogers was born near McGrawville in 1843, and was a son of David B. Rogers,
who kept the McGrawville Hotel for a few years before the war. Later the family
moved to Cincinnatus and from there to Norwich, where the subject of this
notice commenced his business career in the service of a grocery firm of that place.
A few years since he leased a hotel at Greene and conducted the same with marked
success. Seven or eight years ago, he leased a hotel in Rochester, and here too
prosperity attended him, until failing health admonished him to retire and seek
needed rest. Disposing of his interest in the hotel he retired for some months,
when having, as he thought, regained his usual health, he sought a business
opening and in 1889 leased the Cortland House, taking possession Oct. 1st of
that year.
In the conduct of this house his usual
prosperity attended him. His genial manner and sunny disposition attracted all
with whom he came in contact. He had a pleasant smile for everyone and was
never known to have an off day. He was a general favorite with the traveling
public as well as with the citizens of this village.
parents reside at South Otselic, and he has a brother Frank W. Rogers, residing
at Norwich, and a sister lives at Rochester. He also leaves a wife, but no
The funeral services were conducted by the
Rev. Edward Taylor, D. D., of the Congregational
Church, at the Cortland House at 3 P. M. Sunday, and there was a large
attendance of citizens of Cortland and adjoining towns. Though not a member of
the local Masonic order, Cortlandville Lodge No. 470 F. & A. M. attended
the funeral in a body, numbering ninety-eight brothers in line under the
command of George L. Warren, as Marshal. At the close of the pastor's remarks,
Mr. John W. Suggett, as master of the Lodge, pronounced the house funeral service
of the Masonic order over the remains of the departed brother Mason.
Burial was made at Norwich, Chenango county,
on the following morning, Cortland Commandery No. 50, K. T., acting as an
escort while conveying the body to the E. C. & N. depot at 6:45 A.
M. The following delegated comrades accompanied the funeral party to Norwich:
Commander George L. Warren; Comrades Dorr C. Smith, Albert Allen, Delos Bauder,
C. E. Ingalls, Dr. H. T. Dana, Aaron Sager, E. M. Seacord, A. B. Nelson, A. D.
Wallace, H. T. Hollister, Fitz Boynton, C. Fred Thompson, L. G. Davis, D. F.
Dunsmoor. At Norwich the burial rites were conducted at the grave by the
Masonic fraternity of that village.
The floral tributes surrounding the casket at
the funeral Sunday were: "Gates Ajar,"
from the boarders of the hotel; combined crown, star and wreath, from the
employes; pillow and wheel, from the Cortland Bicycle club; floral basket and bouquet
of lilies, from Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Totman, and a cross of lilies from J. L.
Lewis Lodge I. O. O. F., (deceased having made application for the degrees of that
fraternity.) The members of this order were also present in a body, as was also
the members of the Cortland Bicycle Club.
The following action was taken by Cortland Commandery
Templar escort at Rippleton Junction while awaiting the return train over the
E. C. & N. last Monday evening,
in acknowledgment of courtesies extended from the railroad authorities:
Resolved, That Cortland Commandery, No.
50, K. T., hereby tender its heartfelt thanks to Sir Knight Albert Allen, for
his courtesy and knightly action in tendering to the Templar escort the use of
his private car to convey said escort to Norwich from Cortland and return on
the occasion of the Masonic funeral of Sir Knight L. P. Rogers at Norwich May
11, 1891. Further,
Resolved, That a vote of thanks be forwarded to J. P. Bradfield of the S. O. & N. Y.
railroad, and C. W. Landpher of the N. Y. O. & W. railroad, for
permits granted to the funeral party and escort to convey said car over their
respective lines of road.
from a Fall.
Monday a telegram was received by Mr. G. F.
Beaudry from Erie, Pa., stating that his brother, Louis L. Beaudry, had met death
by falling from a third story window of a prominent hotel in that city on the evening
previous. Mr. Beaudry went to Erie and superintended the burial of his brother's
remains. Deceased was 31 years of age. An inquest was held and a verdict of
accidental death rendered. It appears that Beaudry, in company with a man named
Sullivan, claiming residence in Syracuse, was seen sitting in the hotel window a
few moments before the fall. Death resulted from concussion of the brain.
Besides a scalp wound the dead man's shoulder was dislocated. He lived but
about five minutes after the accident.
from a Peanut.
As the elder children of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight
Love, 150 Port Watson street, were starting for school yesterday morning, Miss Maude
shucked and gave her little brother Bruce, aged 2 years and 1 month, one of the
meats. The child immediately placed it in his mouth and ran to the outside door
ahead of her. It is assumed that in his glee the peanut was drawn into his
throat where it lodged. Medical aid was promptly at hand but the child died at
9 o'clock. There will be services at the house Saturday morning and the body
will be taken to Whitney's Point on the 8:52 train for burial.
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by a Locomotive.
While at work tamping ties on the D. L. &
W. railroad near the second bridge north of Cortland last Friday morning,
an Italian laborer stepped from the north bound track for the purpose of getting
out of the way of a passing coal train, apparently failing to notice the
approach of the south bound milk train, the engine of which struck and killed
him. Death must have been instantaneous since an examination of the body
disclosed the fracture of the cervical vertebra, and the left leg was broken in
two places.
The name of the dead man was learned to be
Michaelo Distestano, aged 37 years, and he had but recently been added to the
force of laborers at this station. The body was removed to Beard & Peck's
undertaking rooms, after Coroner Moore had been notified. A subsequent inquiry
as to cause of death and identification was held and the jury found in
accordance with the above facts, that death was caused by being struck by
engine No. 16 drawing train 12 due at Cortland at 8:52 A. M., of May 8, 1891,
and said death was accidental.
Thieving Again.
the office of Maxson & Starin closed for the week last Saturday night, everything
was in order and the fastenings secure. Between that period and Sunday noon
some one had effected [sic] an entrance through a rear office window, broken
into the till and appropriated about $1 in small coin, which was to be used in
purchasing postage stamps. A noticeable feature of the workings of the thief was
that a small opening had been broken in the window glass near the fastener, as
was done in the attempted entrance to Clark & Norton's grocery last fall,
but in the latter case the window was barred so that the sash could not be
raised. It is apparent that there is a sneak thief in town, and prompt measures
for his apprehension should be taken.
The red cross degree was conferred on three
candidates at a convocation of Cortland Commandery No. 50, K. T., last Friday
evening. After the ceremonies had been concluded the Commandery enjoyed a
banquet at Hotel Brunswick, where a most magnificent spread had been prepared. The
social which commingled with the supper was most enjoyable, and the newly acquired
felt that it was well to be there. James K.
Stockwell, D. D. G. M., has announced his staff of aides and among them appear
the name of John W. Suggett, Master of Cortlandville Lodge No. 470, F. & M.
The ceremonies attending the laying of the
corner stone of the Masonic Asylum at Utica, N. Y., will be observed on May 31,
1891. The following clipping from the Order of
the Day will be of interest to the fraternity in the XIX District. R. W.
The position assigned the XIX District in
the formation of the column is on Catherine street, right resting on Genessee. Precisely
at 12 M., the column will be put in motion, the head of which will be on Main
street right on Baggs' Square, and move through Genessee to Hopper street, to
Rutger, to Kossuth avenue, to Bleeeker, to Home grounds. All bodies, except the
escort and Knights Templar, will march eight abreast with intervals of two
yards between the sections; Masters and Wardens of each Lodge present as a body
will march three yards in front of their respective Lodges while the D. D. G. M.
will march four yards in advance of his respective district. The prescribed Master
Mason dress will be worn, viz: Dark clothing, black derby or silk hat, white
gloves and plain white aprons for officers and members alike.
General passenger agent C. W. Williams and
Superintendent Allen of the E. C. & N.
railroad have effected arrangements for the running of a special solid train
from Elmira
through to Utica without change on Thursday, May 21, leaving the former city at
5.30 A. M.; Ithaca 7:10; Freeville 7:30; Cortland 7:50; DeRuyter 8:30; arriving
at Canastota at 9:20 and Utica 10:15. Returning the train will leave Utica at 6
P. M., arriving at Elmira at 11:20 P. M.
Fare for the round trip will be $3.30 from
Elmira, $2.51 from Ithaca, $2.16 from Cortland, and $1.56 from DeRuyter. Tickets
will also be sold for all trains May 20th and 21st, good returning until May 22d,
Members of Cortlandville Lodge No. 470, who
are intending to be present at Utica May 21st, are requested to assemble at the
Lodge rooms at 7 A. M. sharp, on that date.
Board of Trade.
The annual meeting of the Cortland Board of
Trade was held in the office of Messrs.
Kellogg & Van Hoesen last Friday evening. A new constitution and by-laws was
submitted by a committee appointed to draft the same at a previous meeting. Action
on the adoption of the same was postponed to a subsequent meeting. The following
officers were elected for the ensuing year:
S. Maxson.
H. Cobb.
D. Smith.
W. Collins, F. B. Nourse, Duane Howard, E. F. Squires, A. Sager, C. F.
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